I know you've been wondering what hole swallowed me up. Contrary to speculation that I've been on a drunk or in WIT SEC, the truth is more prosaic. I've been hammering down the final details on the long-awaited book. Here's what the cover will look like. Look for it in bookstores around mid-July. If you absolutely can't wait, you can pre-order online at the usual places. But you'll still have to wait until July to have it in hand.
The worst of the pre-pub drama is over so I'm hoping I'll have more time to post.
As with most books, there was more manuscript than there was room between the covers. So a lot of stuff had to be pruned away. But I've been assured that if the book sells well, future editions will provide more room for expansion and elaboration. Here's hoping.
If it doesn't do well, it's back to sweeping floors and selling oranges at the off-ramps.
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Hey Wally,
Very Revolutionary looking cover truly reminds me of the 60s and 70s era. I can only guess based on your blog that there will be "very few rocks unturned" and this will be the closest true story of Mexican Mafia. I stay captivated by this blog and its content, but the machismo/hatter stuff people write about here only takes away from the underlying subject matter Gangs, crime, cops and politics in Los Angeles
On The Fence
Congratulations, Wally.
is the cd no longer available,, how bout a sneak peak at some of the flicks in it
Nice cover. There's that flag again! The cuete looks like a Beretta. At least it's an Italian gun..D
Don't count on a real good orange crop this yr. Bet on the book, and don't wear a George Bush mask when you do the book "signings". It would be shame to lose you at this point.. Congrats. GJ..
Congrats, Wally.
Check out this article "The Gangs of Iraq."
He was groggy, thirsty, and in terrible pain. His bowels and kidneys felt like they were about to explode. Faint bruises, some the size of a soldier's fist, others the size of a military-issue combat boot, were already forming on Sergeant Juwan Johnson's skin. A trickle of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.
It was almost a miracle he was able to stand, some of the soldiers who were with him that night would later recall. They were amazed he still had the blue bandanna clutched tightly in his fist. Things had gotten out of hand.
A ghost army of gangbangers presents a terrifying challenge for the military. It is "setting the stage for a disaster," says one longtime military advisorOnly a few guys were supposed to be beating him—maybe three or four, definitely no more than six. They were men Johnson knew and trusted, soldiers he had fought with in Iraq. The beating was only supposed to go on for a minute or so. After all, they weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to make him one of their own.
All he had to do was hold onto the blue rag and silently suffer through the slaps and kicks and punches. When it was over, he would become an official member of the Gangster Disciples, a man with connections all over the United States. Hell, all over the world...
Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough.
Like the cover Wally, looking forward to the read. The last "underworld" book I read was the "Alone and Undercover" about Mongols which was a good read but this should be very interesting.
That gun is sorry.
Why a gun?
Why not a Mexican slingshot?
(with marbles)
ATC said ..............
Check out this article "The Gangs of Iraq."
All he had to do was hold onto the blue rag and silently suffer through the slaps and kicks and punches. When it was over, he would become an official member of the Gangster Disciples, a man with connections all over the United States. Hell, all over the world...
Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough.
That's a lot of bullshit we know the mayates are not esmart like the EME carnales ese can never be to the level of EME carnales, the changos are to busy fixing their hair and litenting to loud music.
Another B.S. article below.
Old Sureno
atc said...
''Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough''
I sure hope it's a better read than Mundo's book.
U.S. minority population tops 100 million
Hispanics largest and fastest-growing ethnic group, Census Bureau reports
ATLANTA - The number of people in the United States from ethnic or racial minorities has risen to more than 100 million, or around one third of the population, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released Thursday.
The minorities figure stood at 100.7 million, up from 98.3 million a year earlier. Within that, the Hispanic population was the fastest growing at a rate of 3.4 percent between July 2005 and July 2006.
Hispanics were also the largest minority group, accounting for 44.3 million people on July 1, 2006, or 14.8 percent of the overall U.S. population which, according to census data released in October 2006, stood at more than 300 million.
The United States prides itself as a country built on successive waves of immigration, with the Statue of Liberty in New York a powerful symbol of the welcome to immigrants. But the country remains divided over the subject.
President Bush supports a comprehensive approach to immigration reform but an attempt to pass legislation failed last year.
Struggle over legislation
Members of a bipartisan group of senators are pushing to reach agreement on immigration reform that would offer some illegal immigrants a chance to become citizens.
Lawmakers have been struggling to come up with a formula providing tougher border and workplace enforcement while addressing the status of some 11 million illegal immigrants who live and work in the shadows.
“About one in three U.S. residents is a minority,” said Census Bureau Director Louis Kincannon.
“There are more minorities in this country today than there were people in the United States in 1910. In fact, the minority population in the U.S. is larger than the total population of all but 11 countries.”
Population changes through the decades
The black population grew 1.3 percent, to 40.2 million, from July 2005 to 2006, the census said, while the number of native Hawaiians and members of other Pacific islander groups reached 1 million.
Asians were the second fastest-growing minority group at a rate of 3.2 percent, with their numbers standing at 14.9 million.
The population of non-Hispanic whites who indicated no other race grew 0.3 percent during the one-year period.
New York state had the largest black population with 3.5 million people, followed by Florida at 3 million and Texas at 2.9 million. The median age of African Americans was 30.1 years, lower than the 36.4 for the whole population.
Four states and the District of Columbia now have more minorities than members of the majority white population.
Hawaii has a population that was 75 percent minority in 2006. The District of Columbia stood at 68 percent, with New Mexico at 57 percent, California at 57 percent and Texas at 52.
Orale WallyFay, ya era tiempo, cant wait to get my paws on your libro. I hope its well worth the wait. Lets see some current pedo on this blog now. Whats all the hullaballoo about the ES13 gang and the bloods?
El Montero
A good article in Los Angeles times about using the Mexican army against the drug cartels in Mexico below is great quote from Mexican cop who once lived in the San Gabriel Valley.
“Armando Bustos, the city police officer in charge of guarding the crime scene, said he had lived for seven years in Southern California's San Gabriel Valley, working at a car wash and living with an uncle, before returning home to Mexico."Am I scared? The whole world is scared," Bustos, 28, said in English. "I went to Alhambra High School and I'd go back there in a minute if I could. I think I will. This is too freaking dangerous."
Who was the crazy loco liberal who said the Drug cartels in Mexico and President Bush and the oil cartels in the USA are same when it comes to controlling cities and corruption of politics?
Anybody here want a drug cartel controlling their small town?
Que Locuras
We mourn the passing of our beloved crooner Don Ho who sang Tiny Bubbles. I will play that disc while reading Mexican Mafia. Very nice cover Wally, I really like it and it was a real surprise. Love to all Carnales on the mainland.
Deal Struck on Immigration Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - Key senators in both parties announced agreement with the White House Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant "quick legal status" to "millions" of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.
So sorry anon-mouse.
Edith where's my anti-acids?
Santa Fe Police Department looking into hiring Mexican nationals (10 a.m.)
By The Associated Press
Article Launched: 05/16/2007 09:56:10 AM MDT
SANTA FE (AP) — The Santa Fe Police Department is considering the possibility of recruiting Mexican nationals to fill vacant police jobs.
Sgts. Gillian Alessio and Marvin Paulk, who are in charge of the department's recruiting and training, said Tuesday they are considering alternative approaches to fill 20 vacancies on the city's 155-person police force.
But Police Chief Eric Johnson said New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy regulations prohibit non-citizens from serving as police officers.
Alessio said the Santa Fe police force, like others around the country, is vying to recruit the same 21- to 30-year-olds as the U.S. military, whose need for recruits is taking a toll on the police department.
"Every day, we get approached by young men and women from Mexico who are in the country legally but are not naturalized," Alessio said.
"There is a huge pool of people who are dedicated, hardworking and trying to become citizens of this country. They would like nothing better than to devote their time to protecting the communities that they live in," she said.
The United States speeds up naturalization for foreigners who enlist in the U.S. military, and Alessio asked, "Why can't we do that with law enforcement?"
..eez up Arch.
Edith I just shit in my pants...
New Demographic Racial Gap Emerges
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Published: May 17, 2007
With the number of nonwhite Americans above 100 million for the first time, demographers are identifying an emerging racial generation gap.
America’s Changing Ethnic Profile That development may portend a nation split between an older, whiter electorate and a younger overall population that is more Hispanic, black and Asian and that presses sometimes competing agendas and priorities.
“The new demographic divide has broader implications for social programs and education spending for youth,” said Mark Mather, deputy director of domestic programs for the Population Reference Bureau, a nonpartisan research group.
“There’s a fairly large homogenous population 60 and older that may not be sympathetic to the needs of a diverse youthful population,” Dr. Mather said.
The Census Bureau estimated yesterday that from July 1, 2005, to July 1, 2006, the nation’s minority population grew to 100.7 million from 98.3 million; that is about one in three of all Americans. The new figures also suggest that many states are growing more diverse as minorities disperse.
As a result of immigration and higher birthrates among many newcomers, the number of Hispanics grew by 3.4 percent nationwide and Asians by 3.2 percent. Meanwhile, the black population rose by 1.3 percent, and that of non-Hispanic whites by 0.3 percent. (The number of American Indians and Alaska Natives increased by 1 percent, and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders by 1.7 percent.)
More than 20 percent of children in the United States either are foreign-born or have a parent who was born abroad. Nearly half the children under age 5 are Hispanic, black or Asian.
Over all, the median age of Americans reached 36.6 years, another record high. It ranged from 27.4 among Hispanics to 40.5 among non-Hispanic whites.
The census counted more than 73,000 centenarians (about 14,000 men and 59,000 women) and also 78 million baby boomers (those born from 1946 to 1964), who, as they turn 60, are helping to drive the racial generation gap.
While growth rates fluctuated, many states are becoming more racially and ethnically diverse.
“Hispanics are dispersing, especially from California,” said William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution. “Texas is gaining from all racial groups, a true multicultural magnet.”
The changes have potential implications for national politics. In Nevada, where the share of whites has declined to 59 percent from 66 percent since 2000, the voting-age population has soared 25 percent, with minorities accounting for 63 percent of that increase. Arkansas, Georgia and Tennessee have recorded the greatest percentage gains in their Hispanic population since 2000, with the biggest numerical gains, predictably, registered by California, Texas and Florida.
The biggest percentage increases in black residents were registered by Maine, South Dakota, New Hampshire and Idaho, and in Asian residents by Nevada, Arizona and New Hampshire.
In New York and Maryland, the departure of non-Hispanic whites has accelerated since 2005. (California has lost nearly 100,000, more than any other state). In the same period, New York and Michigan have recorded a loss in black residents. (Louisiana, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, recorded losses across the board.)
The racial generation gap, Dr. Mather said, emerged relatively recently and may turn out to be temporary as the growing proportion of Hispanics, blacks and Asians gets older.
As recently as 1980, he said, the share of minorities in each generation varied by only five percentage points or less.
According to the latest figures, 80 percent of Americans over age 60 are non-Hispanic whites, compared with only 60 percent among those in their 20s and 30s, and 58 percent among people younger than 20.
Dr. Mather said the widest racial generation gaps were found in California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas. In Arizona, minorities account for more than half the people under the age of 20, but only one in six who are 60 and older.
The smallest gaps were found in Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and West Virginia.
Dr. Mather said the three most homogeneous states — Maine, Vermont and West Virginia — spent the highest proportion of their gross state product on public education.
“There does seem to be a correlation,” he said.
John B. Diamond, a professor of education at Harvard, said that “there are patterns of school funding that suggest that may be a problem down the line.” But he also said the impact might be mitigated by two factors. Because of persistent residential segregation, he said, elderly white voters do not necessarily live in the same school districts as young members of minorities. And, altruism aside, older voters may be persuaded that their pensions and other benefits depend on the income and taxes generated by a better-educated work force.
The census found that fully 21 percent of the nation’s minority population lives in California, and 12 percent in Texas.
Hispanic Americans, the largest minority, accounted for nearly half the nation’s population growth in the year ended last July 1.
The nation’s black population surpassed 40 million for the first time, the Census Bureau said, and the number of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders topped one million.
Minorities constitute a majority in four states: Hawaii (75 percent), New Mexico (57 percent), California (57 percent) and Texas (52 percent).
Anonymous said...
Deal Struck on Immigration Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - Key senators in both parties announced agreement with the White House Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant "quick legal status" to "millions" of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.
So sorry anon-mouse.
This is just an "agreement" and nothing more. Now a bill has to be written and voted into law. this agreement is not even close to a "done deal". There have been hundred of agreements before which were never passed into a law.
The Real Archie Bunker
"WASHINGTON (AP) - Key senators in both parties announced agreement with the White House Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant "quick legal status" to "millions" of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.
So sorry anon-mouse."
I've been listening to talk radio about this and it's not some quick road to legal status. It takes at least 8 years to become a legal citizen of the U.S. The new bill is sure to piss off the right wingers as they'll see it as amnisty. But let's be logical for one minute, what could possibly be done with the "12 million, illegals" in this country. First you'd have to find them all and who's going to pay all the cost to send them back to their original country?
Onto a subject that this board started to be about Gangs etc. Caught a show last night called Lockup (not on MSNBC though) and it was all about gangs at Pelican Bay. It was interesting but most of it was about guys who are PC now, they talked to a former NLR and N.F member but no South Siders or Eme. One of the guards in the story said the "Southern Mexican's are the most organized and most ready to go to war".
Lots of luck Wally! Hope you really make some serious lana but still have time to keep your blog going gangbusters (sorry).
One little critizism from me that probably doesn't warrant any action on your part, but the title "The Mexican Mafia" with the Mexican flag could be slightly misleading if one doesn't know where the Brothers are from.
I would think that the US flag should be crossed in an X type display along with the Mexican Flag.
Otherwise potential readers could be mislead into thinking the book is about a foreign criminal organization instead of a home grown enterprize that is as American as apple pie.
Hope this is taken as constructive critisizm and as a more effective marketing ploy.
ps; Is there any chance you might preview some of the book like TJ Jailer did for us Wallista's?
Read the article, the GDs have become the dominant gang in the military.
So the book is about the mafia in Mexico, because it has the Mexican flag? I am so confused I am going to do some research about this mafia down in Mexico. I wonder if they are allies or enimies of the drug cartel.
A video with one bad ass police dog, he gets tosssed around by a big mayate but stays in the mix throwing chingasos the whole time.
Cool, let us know where we can buy it, maybe an amazon link. Lots of us love to read true crime, especially from L.A. gang culture!
didn't these guys start from LADS?
HEY! I already pre-ordered this freakin' libro, this tome to EME. So now you're going to give out "free tastes"? Bullshit DQ! Put up your feria like the rest of us, ese.. This poor vato's liable to be sweeping suenos if this book don't sell.. Granted his life won't be worht a popcorn fart if he irritates the wrong people, but I suppose that's what the "vetting" process was for. He must have sat down with an attorney and picked through the content of his book and if the sales are good (and he survives the "reviews" out of the Bay) we'll get more juicy chunks in the stew we call this "phenomenon".. It's delightful, it's delovely, it's da livin end. It's for you, it's for me, it's Da Mafi--A........
PS. Naw. You don't get no free tastes. Put up the bread and you get honest weight, and good quality. But be careful, it's habit-forming.........
Tony Rafael’s chronicle of the insidious spread of the tribal and violent Mexican Mafia from beyond the prison into the general culture of the American Southwest is frightening. Illegal immigration, the loss of confidence in assimilation, and the failure of the public to recognize the lethal nature of gang life have all led to entire enclaves under the Mexican Mafia’s control. A chilling warning of a terrible crisis on the horizon for us all.
Victor Davis Hanson
Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, author of Mexifornia
For the first time in its history, the Mexican Mafia is now getting the attention it has been striving to avoid. In this briskly written and thoroughly researched book, Tony Rafael looks at the birth and the blood-soaked growth of this criminal enterprise through the eyes of the victims, the dropouts, the cops and DAs on the front lines of the war against the Mexican Mafia. Remember, you read the scope here first.
Saw this on Lou Pinella's web site Wally, what gives?
The first book ever published on the subject, Southern Soldiers is a pioneering work that unveils the operations of this California prison gang and describes how it grew from a small clique of inmates into a transnational criminal organization. As the first prison gang ever to project its power beyond prison walls, the Mexican Mafia controls virtually every Hispanic neighborhood in Southern California and is rapidly expanding its influence into the entire Southwest, across the East Coast, and even into Canada. Riding a wave of unchecked immigration and seemingly beyond the reach of law enforcement, the Mexican Mafia is poised to become the Cosa Nostra of twenty-first-century America.
I motion you send a free copy of da book to DQ.
Hey Montero, I'm right with you carnal. Anyone that's in the "Shootin Newton" division of the LAPD knows that ES 13 vs. Blood Stone Piru's/Rolling 30's has a very nasty war going on off of Central Ave. I posted that link a few back that showed some clips of them shooting up bang bang each other. Here's a little linkage of thier history. Enjoy...
Does anyone know what knots in the head are? This poor gentleman has them.
LAS VEGAS - Another in a long list of alleged beatings of patrons of the Crazy Horse Too topless bar occurred on the morning of April 30. Las Vegas electrician Jermaine Malcolm Simieou said club personnel beat him up after he was told to leave the bar for engaging in an argument with another patron.
The Police Report stated, "Victim states as soon as they got outside, victim was struck while his arms were being held by a bouncer, another person was hitting victim in his head." The Report goes on to say, "Victim states his arms were held by someone while he was being hit. Victim states he has a black eye, two chipped teeth, a possible broken nose, knots in his head and his shoulder is bruised."
Congrats Wally, nice cover. I do agree that regular civilians will think that the book refers to Mexican Nationals. But I'm sure that they will buy it none the less and that your book will be a success. I have pre~ordered mine. One question, is the CDC going to ban the book or are they going to allow it inside?
atc said...''Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough'' & "Read the article, the GDs have become the dominant gang in the military."
The military is one thing but that doesn't show what is happening in the calles or in the inside. I'm sure that nobody is bumping heads in the military, so them having big numbers there doesn't mean shit. Those mayates have not been able to keep the SUR from taking over large parts of Chicago. Yet there are no fucking GDs in LOS or the Southland, so how is it that they are kicking the SUR's ass?
didn't these guys start from LADS?"
No, later on a few S.S LADS may have gone into PEN1. LADS i.e L.A Death Squad started in Hollywood in the early 80's as a punk gang that fought with Suicidals from Venice etc. Then a few years down the road a guy called Gangster started the South Side LADS which were Lakewood, Long Beach, O.C area guys. Eventually they became pretty much a full fledge gang selling drugs, home invasion the whole nine yards. They were mixed white and Mexican. Some of the white guys I hear went into PEN1 others stayed and S.S LADS became E.S Lakewood (LADS) X3. If you look at some of the old post on this site there's some info on PEN1 and Scott Miller and LADS etc. A few of the punk rock gangs became full on varrio gangs and a lot of the white boys became A.B, NLR or PEN1 and some were in Mexican gangs. Some of the punk gangs were the Family, FFF, Suicidals, the League, LMP, Burbank Punks, PEN1, South Bay Skins and others. Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach was like a weekly UFC fight in the 80's the gangs would all gather some cliqued together others beat the shit out of each other. Towards the end SOS got involved and people were getting stabbed and shot and the place got closed down.
Gingrich on Immigration deal: 'A sellout of every conservative principle'...
Homeland Security Sec. Chertoff on Kennedy: 'He's awesome'...
McCain: 'Important step in moving forward'...
Sen. Graham: 'Last, best chance to pass immigration reform on our terms as a nation'...
Tancredo: 'President so desperate for legacy,s willing to sell out American people'...
...Adversaries praise a relentless Kennedy. As clock ticked, senator pressed sides for a pact.
Yes, nothing is in writing yet but this took place in a back room with locked doors, and the writing is on the wall. Entiendes Mendez - O te explico Federico?
Goober Republicans, try and have a nice weekend.
The census found that fully 21 percent of the nation’s minority population lives in California, and 12 percent in Texas.
Hispanic Americans, the largest minority, accounted for nearly half the nation’s population growth in the year ended last July 1.
The nation’s black population surpassed 40 million for the first time, the Census Bureau said, and the number of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders topped one million.
Minorities constitute a majority in four states: Hawaii (75 percent), New Mexico (57 percent), California (57 percent) and Texas (52 percent).
***********************************These demographics are evident in every part of the Los Angeles work force from school teachers to police officers. For the last 10 years the majority of police officers hired by the LAPD and LA County Sheriff have been Hispanic.
DQ and SNS need to find something else to cry about concerning LA's law enforcement being white racists.
That masa doesn't hold water any longer.
I'm shocked! shocked, and dismayed that anyone would accuse me of being "codo", and of trying to glean some kind of freebee from our esteemed, professorial, soon to be rich,
(but as previously mentioned, paranoia runs deep, pay the tax up front TOny!),
sought after screenwriter by the movie industry, author of the highest order, possibly a Pulitzer Prize winner, knighted by the Queen herself, "Sons of Italy, Garibaldi medal winner", and all around bon vivant, Wally/Tony himself!
I wouldn't stoop so low as to become not only a lambe culo but one who would shamelessly cull favor for a free book or a preview of said journal to save a paltry sum (how much again Wally? ANy discounts for Wallista's?),
these accusations are an outrage!
I got enough jando to buy my own books cabron's, I don't need no stinking badges, and I don't need no titles or sensationalism to make my point like a previous blogger,
"A chilling warning of a terrible crisis on the horizon for us all.
Victor Davis Hanson
Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, author of Mexifornia "
Hide the white women!
They want to take back the ALamo from the lying Texans!
ANyway back to my point about being accused of trying to scam a freebee out Wally/Tony, it's an abomination, how could anyone sink so low,
(so how about it Wally/T? I gave you the marketing ploy about the two flags, isn't that worth something?)
Ignore the man behind the curain! and Wally just a reminder, I'm the old cholo veterano from the neighborhood who still has a little juice with persons not to be mentioned here, but in your libro.
So again I plead my innocence to pandering a regalo but will leave you with a verse written by another famous writer, who wrote about the Mexican experience as you have and lived to tell the tale (no actually he didn't),
Ambrose Bierce who disapeared into Chihuahua with Pancho Villa and was never heard from again.
"Goodbye-- if you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and being shot to rags,
please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life.
It beats old age, disease, or falling down the cellar stairs.
To be a Gringo in Mexico--ah, that is euthanasia. "
SO how about it Wally/Tony? Traiemos una "pun~a" no mas!
Wallistas, after poking around and shaking the bushes, little Marty and I managed to get a hold of some incriminating evidence of some under the table going on's between the big fish and number one son, yea - our very own Tony & DQ!!!!
>Hi Don Quixote,
>You're very welcome.
>The first box of books that comes >in will have a copy reserved for you.
>Stay in touch and all the best.
>>Don Quixote@msn.com wrote:
>>Wally, thank you for the >>freebie that I won, it was >>really a nice surprise and I >>appreciate the generosity.
Hey Wally,
no favoritism please, if Gava Joe is going to have to divey up, I'm sorry but DQ is going to have to pay full price. Pongase buso Wally, Don Quixote is skillfully ingenious in the art of psychological maneuvering. It's not too late to nix his frebbie!
When are we Latinos going to do something about so many young people killing each other? I was reading the Los Angeles Times Homicide report and I am wondering why more of our raza does not notice all the murders by the cholos in Los Angeles.
We made a big escandalo about the LAPD at McArthur Park, but the police were using rubber bullets and billy clubs. The cholos are using real bullets and shooting and killing so many damn people why is nobody screaming about this ????
I wonder what the hell is wrong with the chavalitos these days? Where are the parents, teachers and the rest of the community they are running wild on the streets and nobody seems to care. Orale now is the time to make a big escandalo about all the shooting and killings by our own jente!!!!
April 27, 2007.
Ultra-violent MS-13 gangs now present in 3,500 U.S. cities
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador – The ultra-violent street gang MS-13, causing mayhem in cities and suburbs across the United States, is the focus of an international conference here co-sponsored by the FBI and the national police force in this Central American nation that served as the birthplace of the urban marauders.
In the opening session of the Gang Enforcement Conference (Tercera Conferencia Antipandillas), El Salvador President Antonio Saca said the problem is one that should concern many nations.
"Gangs like MS-13 have evolved into coordinated and well-financed criminal organizations," he said, making them an international problem.
"The immigration that we have experienced in the region, into Mexico and the United States is a theme we have to understand," Saca explained. "The same activity of the criminal gangs we experience here in this region is now being experienced in the United States. The territorial expansion of these criminal organizations is the principle menace we are facing from gangs like MS-13."
Apr 24, 2007
Jerome Corsi
Topics: Illegal Immigration, gangs, MS-13, international conference, criminal organizations, criminal gangs, FBI, law enforcement officers, Mara Salvatrucha, smuggling, al-Qaida, terrorists, Mexican Mafia, 18th Street Gang, drugs, LAPD officers, El Salvador, Los Angeles, Gang Enforcement Conference
The conference, which started yesterday, is sponsored by the Policia National Civil (National Civil Police) in El Salvador and co-sponsored by the FBI's MS-13 Task Force, headed by Brian Truchon in Washington.
A select group of U.S. and international law enforcement officers, including representatives from Mexico and Latin America, is working on how to respond to the El Salvador-grown MS-13 gang (Mara Salvatrucha Gang), the tattooed drug-dealing criminals haunting the nightmares of FBI agents across the U.S.
WND reported as early as 1995 the gang reportedly was meeting with representatives of al-Qaida and smuggling operatives into the United States from Mexico.
Attorney James Trusty recently told a court in a case reported by the Washington Post that three leaders participated in or planned four murders over a span of only two years. Trusty told the court MS-13 gang members follow the "rape, kill and control" philosophy," using guns, knives and machetes.
Robert Loosle, FBI special agent in charge in Los Angeles, told WND that a key focus of the conference is to make sure "everybody is on the same page" both within the U.S. and internationally in dealing with the growing problem of Hispanic gangs in the United States.
"With Hispanic gangs, we are facing an international law enforcement challenge," Loosle explained. "Gangs like MS-13 may cause a problem locally in the U.S. communities where the gang operates. But the gang has ties and connections back to El Salvador, as well as to other Latin American countries."
Frank Flores of the Los Angeles Police Department told the convention that MS-13 today is recruiting members not just from El Salvador, but from the Hispanic community at large and even from Los Angeles' African-American community.
Flores told the group that the Mexican Mafia controls the Hispanic groups in California from within the state prisons.
"Gangs like MS-13 or the 18th Street Gang have a history that goes back into the 1980s," Flores explained. "The Mexican Mafia is organized as a crime hierarchy, along the model of the Sicilian Mafia. The big money business for the Hispanic gangs still is drugs. All through Los Angeles any gang or gang member who wants to deal drugs is going to have to pay 'rent' to EME [the Mexican Mafia], or else they are out of business and most likely dead."
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is planning to visit President Saca during his nine-day swing through El Salvador and Mexico planned in early May, and Loosle told WND that he was planning to remain in El Salvador after the conference in order to prepare for Villaraigosa’s meeting with Saca.
"Los Angeles and San Salvador are sister cities," Loosle said. "We want to make sure our FBI gang task force and Mexico's Policia National Civil exchange information and work together on a continuing basis."
"We also want to set up an officer exchange program," Loosle continued, "where LAPD officers can be assigned to work in El Salvador to gain experience and at the same time we can invite officers from El Salvador's national police to work with us in LA."
An important theme in the first day of the conference was that "if it's happening in LA, it's probably also happening here in El Salvador."
"In the world of Hispanic gangs," Jose Chavez of the LAPD told the conference, "all roads lead to LA. We are trying to exchange information with law enforcement throughout the U.S. and throughout Latin America. LA is becoming a 'fusion center' for information on Hispanic gangs."
El Salvadoran law enforcement authorities echoed that theme.
Jerome Corsi was in El Salvador attending the Third Gang Enforcement Conference for WND, at the invitation of the FBI’s MS-13 Task Force.
Drug gang kills rivals at Mexican death cult shrine
Saturday, May 12
MONTERREY, Mexico, May 11 (Reuters) - Hit men from Mexico's Gulf Cartel drug gang handcuffed three men and shot them dead at a death cult altar on Friday, leaving lit candles, flowers and a taunting message for rivals in a worsening drug war.
Police near the northern city of Nuevo Laredo found the corpses at a shrine to Santa Muerte, a religious figure worshiped by criminals and many of Mexico's poor.
"This is for everyone who messes with the Gulf Cartel. Welcome to Nuevo Laredo, bunch of assholes," read the message, written on orange paper and taped to a wall near the altar, set up below a highway bridge.
Based just south of Texas, the Gulf Cartel is at war over lucrative territory and smuggling routes with an alliance of traffickers from Sinaloa state, led by Mexico's most-wanted man, Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman. At least 800 people have been killed this year.
Altars to Santa Muerte, often depicted as a cloaked figure similar to the Grim Reaper or as a skeleton wearing a white dress, are common in some Mexican neighborhoods.
Congrat's Wally!
The Nogales corridor
In Tubac, AR an unwelcome set of neighbors is briskly encroaching on this Southern Arizona community known more for its artisans and pancake houses than its proximity to the border... armed drug smugglers and violent bandits.
The presence of more than 500 Border Patrol agents and dozens of National Guard observation posts has congested the Nogales corridor, pinching off routes and forcing drug smugglers into the rugged mountains east and west of Interstate 19 in the greater Tubac area from Tumacacori to Amado.
A November decision to station a semi-permanent checkpoint north of Tubac at kilometer 42 on Interstate 19 has created smuggling routes flanking the area as drug runners transport their loads north of the inspection spot.
The drug runners, or burreros, aren't alone on the trails, either. Armed ripoff teams, or bajadores, have become increasingly brazen in the past two years in their attempts to steal loads of drugs and people from smugglers.
Writing from the front lines of pancake heaven I file this report.
Were you go we go, so if your in saddle again, so are we. This is real corny so I don't know if you'll have the chaps to print it...
We're back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed
Back in the saddle again
Ridin' the range once more
Totin' our old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again
Back in the saddle again
"Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed"..
"gypsum" is drywall, my tuneful friend. I think the song said jimson weed, but that in itself is laughable to ranchers because the stuff has a low-grade toxicity to cattle, but is also used in Native American ceremonies, and is purdy damned hallucinegenic. An overdose can kill I'm told: Reminds me of an Indian brother at conservation camp above Fresno '72. The bulls found him in the latrine in the morning, had eaten jimson weed seeds and gone ahead and "huffed" some type of fuel solvent (petro chemical).. He was hunched over the shitter with the sock sucked halfway dwon his throat. Word come back that either the jimson weed had killed him or the fact that he had a sock stuffed past his larynx, and he was blue. I'm still goin with the latter opinion.
but anyway your ref to "gypsum" weed gave me a quick lol moment and then I thought of my frustrated friend.. This was an old school indio. wore his hair Apache style and only spoke in the present tense like they did then. Example: Hey Chief you seen Chino? Response: "Ya he go Canteen".. No it'd never be "he went to the Canteen".. It was like he LIVED in the present. Like it was some kind of altered universe that placed him in the custody of the CDC. That there was a place on the planet where he lived constant. That it smelled of wood smoke and squaw pussy.. He could throw rocks like nothing you ever seen. Fuckin rock would go into orbit. Had one of those whole-body styles of delivery. We did a lot of road work, threw a lot of rocks.. This was one of them that did'nt belong in that time frame. He was ancient and only remained "confined" to portray some lesson to the rest of us vatos.
His departure was grotesque. I'm sure white men performed an autopsy and some clerk stamped "deceased" on his jacket,and two weeks later we only spoke his name in hushed tones. But we all knew this was a man who would'nt be caged..Ride In Peace Hollybear............
Of topic - sorry. Forgive the Senior moment..
This is a sacriledge and desecration of the old singing cowboy Gene Autry.
"We're back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly "gypsum weed"
Back in the saddle again"
What the hell is a "Gypsum weed"?
It's "JImson weed" the kind of hallucinogen that "Don Juan" got Carlos Casteneda hooked on in Casteneda's great book "The teachings of Don Juan, a Yaqui way of knowledge" Those books kept me occupied and busy while doing time once in the early 70's, great books!
Maybe the old singing cowboy had a thing for the jimson weed too.
I used to know some old time "stunt men" and they told me that Gene Autry used to get so pedo on gin and juice that they would tie him on his horse so he wouldn't fall off.
I don't know about that but I stayed at the old "Gene Autry Hotel" in Palm Springs one time and I asked for a 6am wake up call.
At 6am the phone rang and when I answered it there speaking to me was the old singing cowboy who said in that great voice of his
"Howdy Pardner! this is the old singing cowboy Gene Autry and I'd like to invite you to get out of bed, get up, and get back in the saddle again!"
Greatest wake up call I ever got, the esposa wasn't so thrilled though when I woke her up just to listen to the singing cowboy. SHe called me every kind of cabron and went back to sleep.
Hey I guess we all can't be fans.
Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough.
The Diciples are Crips.
At It Again said,
Oh my face is flush, I am going to faint on the sidewalk and poop in my hat...I wonder what the hell is wrong with the chavalitos these days? Where are the parents, teachers, U.N. and the rest of the world they are running wild on the streets and nobody seems to care. Orale now is the time to make a big escandalo about all the shooting and killings by our own jente!!!!!
His tale of doom and gloom would fit into the “Code Red” category according to Chicken Little.
I have nothing to apologize for.
Please see to it neither gentleman, Don Quixote nor Gava Joe receive a free copy of the book. Whoopi-ty-aye-oh Whoopi-ty-aye-yay!
Datura stramonium, also called Jimson Weed, Gypsum Weed, Loco Weed.
Autry, Gene Lyrics - Back in the Saddle Again Lyrics
OK OK Big Betty, if you want to call it "Gypsum Weed" go ahead, although I don't know why anyone would call it that. Maybe the censor's of AMerica called the shots then and didn't know what to use instead of Jimson Weed, but gypsum?
Yea GJ is right it's drywall material, I have a cantone in NM where they mine this shit and make drywall for the world.
BUt also around my chante I planted a shit load of Jimson weed also know as "sacred datura" and it's a beautiful plant with huge white flowers (with a purple tinge) that blooms at night, so a lot of the gavachos call it moon flower.
I never say shit about it's powers of hallucination and I don't partake either cause the "Yaqui Wise Man and Brujo" Don Juan said that it was a lightweight trip that hooked a lot of people with it's pleasant high and seeming esp powers that were misleading.
Casteneda's book tells of the Yaqui Indio Don Juan preferring the more intense and beneficial "Peyote" that they referred to as the "Jefe" after they would partake of 25 to 40 buttons! Ai Chijuajua!
So I continue to water and nurture my "jimson weed" plants and laugh to myself about the old "singing cowboy" Gene Autry and what insight he might have had.
Yippie tie ay!
"DQ and SNS need to find something else to cry about concerning LA's law enforcement being white racists.
That masa doesn't hold water any longer."
So, it's Mexicans who ultimately make the decisions as to which crimes the LAPD prioritizes and the overall direction of the department?
"We made a big escandalo about the LAPD at McArthur Park, but the police were using rubber bullets and billy clubs. The cholos are using real bullets and shooting and killing so many damn people why is nobody screaming about this ????"
^^^ Note his call for Latinos to stop attacking other Latinos, yet his accepting attitude toward Latinos getting their asses kicked by the cops. Sound non violent to you? Me neither.
Anonymous said:
The Diciples are Crips.
Wrong. Assuming you meant "Disciples," the Gangster Disciples were started on the wild wild westside of Chicago by Larry Hoover. The Crips, you'll note, were not.
Welcome back Wally I see at least you still have your most dedicated reader and poster
(Biff, Jim, Mustang Sally, On The Fence, Big Betty, Marty, Related to the sur, K mule team, Wallista and etc)., I hope your book is a HIT!
I wonder if your most dedicated reader and poster still enjoys the Sopranos, I personally think the last episodes of the Sopranos SUCK big time,
but I do like the Entourage show that show is well written and funny !
Is there any single firme vatos on Wally's blog, I am single again.
If you like a big hayna I am available, lol !
Big Betty
StillNoScript said...
"DQ and SNS need to find something else to cry about concerning LA's law enforcement being white racists.
That masa doesn't hold water any longer."
So, it's Mexicans who ultimately make the decisions as to which crimes the LAPD prioritizes and the overall direction of the department?
Nope. It was mostly Hispanic cops who were in the park that day. Stick to the point. Your masa about it being due to racism is the point.
By the way, any cops in jail? Any cops fired? Any changes in LAPD policy? It sure has been quiet recently, hasn't it? Seen anything in the LA Times or on the local news over the weekend? Think you'll see anything today?
It was what it was. And, as predicted by some of our more logical Wallista's, it has quickly faded away now that the evidence is coming out.
Sorry SNS, but your hatred for the LAPD made you look like a fool once again. You posted a bunch of masa as soon as you got the chance. Hate is an emotion,
and you argue from an emotional position. Your hatred for the LAPD
makes you post some foolish things, and your wit, sarcasm, and
inane posts can't hide it.
To whom it may concern:
Here is an update on the ESx13st vs. Blood Stone Pirus/Rollin 30 Bloods gang war off of Central Ave. This was posted on Saturday and has some interesting comments. 12 DEAD since June of 2006!!! And that's not including the ones that have been shot and lived, stabbed, jumped, etc. Crazy stuff here. I love how Bratton and Villarosa claim this is not a race war. Fucken morons, hang out one night and see if you don't hear the word "nigger" or "wetback" coming out of some of these characters mouths.
I think that the authors of this book are Rafael Nariman and Tony Faivre.Just my smartness working today.That is why the authors name is Tony Rafael.Have a good day...
Thanks Wally for not putting my coment out there are u scared that the eme is going to find out who Tony and Rafael are..
Good Sopranos episode last night!
T's kid AJ is great and his weird attempt (?) at suicide with the rope, cement block, and plastic bag over his head was kind of a message (if you read between the lines). The kid may not be nuts but the only lucid member of the family.
WIth apologies to our Italian Wallista's, wasn't the scene with Meadow and Carmela in the kitchen talking about Phillies strongarm dude insulting Meadow at the restraunt, then saying to each other that they shouldn't tell Tony, and then telling him in detail knowing he's going to put the hurt on the motherfucker, and then the second he leaves they go back to talking about some mindless shopping bullshit.
Wasn't that a classic example of IAP's (Italian American Princess's) working it to the max?
But I was right with Tony when he caught up to the same big mouth Goomba and Phillies other little loudmouth hitter, right out in public
I was yelling out "kill both the motherfucker's", and it felt physically good to me when Tony kicked the goons teeth out.
Maybe I should see Dr MElfi too!
And I'm not a "told you so" kind of person but it looks like my prediction of TOny becoming isolated from his own carnals and being put in the hat by the NY fellas, rolling over and giving it up to the Feds (he's already working with them by ratting out the Arabs).
After Tony's epiphany in the desert and "peyote" clarity he is already disillusioned with the whole Mafia shit, he said as much to Dr. Melfi, and with her assistance will get down first with the Feds.and enter the witness protection program, making Joe Valachi seem like a deaf mute.
He'll end up working with Carmine to produce the blockbuster movie hit "Cleaver" .
Us Wallista's aren't naive, look at the timing, release of our own Wally/Tony's book "The MExican Mafia" huh?
The "Two Tony's" and Carmine will all end up on the beach in Malibu working on the sequel to "Cleaver"
"Armageddon!The Mexican and Italian Mafia take over the world"
first reviews of the movie are tremendous!
"A chilling warning of a terrible crisis on the horizon for us all.
Victor Davis Hanson
Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, author of Mexifornia "
"I don't know nuthin about nuthin! I'm just the head Fed, my Garote pulls the strings! Pero como mi gusta esta pelicula!
Alberto Gonzales, former US Attorney General"
Orale! Is it life imitates art? Or art imitates life?
pass the peyote ese!
Mexico Goes to War
Calderon's drug crusade is winning fans, but can he win the fight?
May 28, 2007 - Felipe Calderon is on a roll these days. Mexico's young president has an approval rating of between 57 percent and 68 percent, according to various polls: twice his score in last year's election. The reason is his war on drugs, which has convinced most of his countrymen and the "commentocracy" that he means business. It's a fight that, according to the media, "had to be waged" and was "too long postponed" against a drug trade that almost "tore the country apart."
So why are so many doubts being voiced in private? Current and former government officials, experts and pundits are quietly questioning the campaign: its name (why call it a "war"?), the wisdom of using the military, the absence of an exit strategy, the budgetary implications and the threat to human rights. Many wonder whether Calderón's new team has really thought the project through and if the entire "war" is more media ploy than strategy.
There's no question Mexico's drug problem is bad and getting worse. Last year about 2,000 drug-related murders took place, and there have already been over 1,000 so far this year. But Ricardo Clemente Vega, the Defense secretary of Calderón's predecessor, Vicente Fox, refused to throw his troops into the fray. Though his military did an outstanding job at intelligence gathering, interdiction and crop eradication, the secretary rejected Fox's entreaties to engage the Army in police-work like interrogations, manning checkpoints, conducting searches and disarmament.
The reasons for refusing were basic: the Mexican military is not trained, equipped or enthusiastic about such chores. And it is much easier to bring the Army out of its barracks than it is to send it back in. Third, Mexicans refused to let the Army become an excuse for postponing a more lasting solution, namely, the creation of an effective, well-trained, well-equipped and well-paid national civilian police force. Critics also recognized that drug work would inevitably discredit the armed forces, as soldiers became abusive after months of being stationed in impoverished areas under high degrees of stress and boredom.
These fears are now being proved right. The controversial president of Mexico's National Human Rights Commission issued a frightening report this week on human-rights violations in the state of Michoacán, where Calderón sent in troops last December. More than 50 serious complaints of abuse by the military were lodged last month, including rapes, beatings and thefts. Calderón has said he will investigate and punish whoever is responsible, but the problem will likely get worse before it gets better.
Does this mean he should have refrained from waging this expensive, dangerous and open-ended war? No. But many critics, including this one, believe that several questions have not been adequately addressed. Mexicans have never been told what we're fighting for. Do we want to defeat and banish the cartels, or just force them back into their lairs? Do we want to spare Mexico (but not the United States) by sealing off Mexico's southern border, thereby rerouting drug shipments from South America to the United States via detours in the Caribbean and the gulf?
Our strategy needs to keep up with the changing nature of the drug problem. In past years the country was only a production and transshipment base; today it has become a drug-consuming society, and most of the violence is now due to gangsters' duking it out over the Mexican (as opposed to U.S.) market. Calderón hasn't publicly addressed any of these issues, so the country can't know if he has resolved them for himself.
The president deserves the benefit of the doubt—but not forever. In the early '70s, President Luis Echeverría unleashed his own drug war in the Pacific coast state of Sinaloa. It lasted a couple of years, was brutal and costly, destroyed entire towns, involved egregious human-rights violations and was extremely effective ... in driving the drug lords south to the state of Jalisco. Mexicans will not stand for another pyrrhic victory like that one, opinion polls notwithstanding. Fox governed with his eyes on the polls, for which he has been roundly and justifiably criticized. Calderón is beginning to do the same thing: his war on drugs is popular, but that is not the best way to gauge its wisdom or effectiveness.
Mr. escargot said...
Fellow Americano gangsta bros, we are still laying low because of the doggie food scandal but in June we will start again on Bulgaria
tour adventures for those wanting to visit our land. In Bulgaria, tinned and frozen fruit and vegetables are foods for the wealthy, who are the only ones able to afford them.
Bulgarian hospitality is much hard to beat. Guests are given the largest portions and hosts continually ask if you wants more. The most unusual dish is turbot, enjoy it and dont ask what it is. When dinning on our trout be sure to pick all the stones out of the fish before eating it!
The Bulgarian diet is almost Mediterranean, lots of fish and in summer fresh salads. If you order a tomato salad, that is exactly what you will get, a plate of tomatoes! The food can seem greasy, however, as it is not prepared with olive oil, but processed sunflower or rapeseed oil. The wines are excellent. The home produced vodka and gin is a little harsh for western palates, attention Wally an Gava Joe.
After first course and sometimes before it, you will be offered an aperitif. These are strong but warming. Chillies are also often eaten in between courses; be warned, these are very hot! My male relatives have competition to see who could eat most chillis or largest chilli before reaching for a gun to calm their throats.
For breakfast we have Bulgarian donuts or a version of macaroni cheese, both traditional Bulgarian breakfast dishes. The milk come from
the live family cow. It is unpasteurised, which is the norm here. After all, this milk is free.
With my american gangster guests we went to what is now known as White Lagoon, a small, seaside resort. We had coffee in a revolving restaurant at the top of one of the five-star hotels there. It cost 95¢ per person.
For a Westerner, holidaying in Bulgaria is cheap. A five course meal with wine and aperitifs in good restaurants costs around $20 a head. If you were to order American food, such as hamburger and French fries, this would be more expensive and require the slaying of a cow. Wally, after book tour, I send for you and Don Quixote for time of your life over here.
"It was mostly Hispanic cops who were in the park that day."
I'll ask you again; Is it mostly Hispanics who call the shots for the LAPD?
Of all ethnicities in L.A., would you say that the Hispanic community has the most influence in regards to the direction of the Los Angeles Police Department, the same Hispanic community in which the majority of criticized the LAPD for their actions on May 1?
Would you say that the LAPD's higher ranking members put the needs and wants of the hispanic community on a higher priority than any other ethnicity in L.A?
If the answers to these questions are "no", and you know damned well they are, does it make a bit of difference that the majority of cops at McArthur were Hispanic? It's like saying the Mexican farmers control the agricultural industry because they make up for the majority of workers. Not exactly a genius logic there, bud. But, what should we expect from an uneducated right wing nut who only has one comeback for people that criticize the illegal actions of a police department: "cop hater"?
Grow up.
Would you say that the LAPD's higher ranking members put the needs and wants of the hispanic community on a higher priority than any other ethnicity in L.A?
Let's see now, Bratton answers to Villaraigosa. I guess Tony V. is just another "sellout" and will let Bratton and the LAPD do what they want. NOT HARDLY. That would be political suicide for him.
With Villaraigosa as the Mayor, and the vast majority of residents being Hispanic, you bet your cajones they put the highest priority on Hispanic issues. That's why they allowed the rally in the first place Mr. Educated Genious. You're living in the past. The days of Hispanics not having a voice in the moving and shaking of Los Angeles politics are long gone. You can still use that lame argument when then the cops do something you don't like, but it doesn't make it reality.
If the answers to these questions are "no", and you know damned well they are, does it make a bit of difference that the majority of cops at McArthur were Hispanic? It's like saying the Mexican farmers control the agricultural industry because they make up for the majority of workers. Not exactly a genius logic there, bud. But, what should we expect from an uneducated right wing nut who only has one comeback for people that criticize the illegal actions of a police department: "cop hater"?
Once again, are the Mayor and the Hispanic politicians "sellouts"?
Are they going to let the LAPD run roughshod over the Hispanic community? If the answer to that question is no, and you know damn well it is, then you need to re-examine your position and argument.
Labeling me an uneducated right wing nut, in order to attempt to validate your argument is a red herring aimed at distracting others who read the blog from the points of our debate.
My point is that it was not racism that motivated the cops to do what they did in the park that day.
Why is Tony V. so quiet on this issue? Why has it faded from the front page of the paper and the lead story of the local TV news?
Racism sells. If that argument could be fortified by any evidence,
it would still be the lead story for both mediums.
It won't hold water, they know it won't, so they don't want to continue to look foolish.
But you go ahead and use the argument of race being the leading factor. When that's ALL you've got,
I guess it's ALL you can use.
It makes you look simple minded.
Not a very good strategical tactic for a person who labels others as uneducated.
I grew up a long time ago and quit considering myself and all those with the color of my skin as victims of the white bogeyman. perhaps if you would do the same, it would change your paradigm on the world around you, and you wouldn't make you present the same simple argument to every problem that arises with our raza.
That masa doesn't hold water in LA.
Anonymous said...
I think that the authors of this book are Rafael Nariman and Tony Faivre.Just my smartness working today.That is why the authors name is Tony Rafael.Have a good day...
Gava Joe is mixed in there too somehow. I have said for a long time that Gava Joe IS Wally. When will you all wake up to this?
Comments have said...
I think that the authors of this book are Rafael Nariman and Tony Faivre.Just my smartness working today.That is why the authors name is Tony Rafael.Have a good day...
Gava Joe is mixed in there too somehow. I have said for a long time that Gava Joe IS Wally. When will you all wake up to this?...
Why are donkey jote's and jim's (aka kim) comments right next to each other lately? Coinsidence? Why are donkey jote and kim the most trashed on this blog? Simple, "they" are Rafael Nariman and Tony Faivre, owners of the blog manipulating reverse psycology to throw all off the scent. This way "they" stir the pot and allow "their trashing" as a ruse, it's that simple. "They" allow just enough controversy from the other side (cops) to keep the pot boiling and adjust only when "they" think they start angering "their" base (book buyers) too much. The idiot that said he thinks Slava Joe is Wally, is wrong. Like I said, who's ever going to entertain the thought of "Don Quixote and Jim" of being "Wally" if the they let themselves get trashed on their own blog. All it is, is a handy way to market "their" book. Class is over.
Who said gang mambers do NOT recruit new young gang members. That there was some code of honor among gang members to not actively recruit new young members.
Me DQ? We Rafael & Tony?
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Mister City P'liceman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying. I'm cry------------ing,
I'm crying. I'm cry------------ing.
Boy, you been a naughty boy, and let your face grow long.
I am the T-man, they are the bookmen, You are the fool,
goo goo g'joob.
I just had to chime in and clear the air.
PS. Slava Joe...??
Do you drink that
or eat it?
Some inside information about East Side 13 gang.
The mexican gangster rappers sounding like the maytes they hate.
Somebody need to tell the Brownside (East-Side 13 street) rapper a real veterano does not say
Barrio but Varrio check ot his mayate sounding rap.
The ES-13 gangster does not like "papas fritas", he better not go to McDonalds they have lots of
"papa fritas" there.
And I think Donkey Jote, Jim, Wallista, Bulgarian Bozo, Big Babosa Betty, Marty Mocoso, Rejected from the Sur, K-Mule Team, Anony-Mouse, Jethro, White Bread are really all the same bored blogger who has a multiple personality disorder and argues with him-self. You will see more on this same subject on the last episodes of the Sopranos.
What happened to the BarfInTheHat blog ????
Simi Valley Sam
The Moronic Wanna-be Professor said:
"Like I said, who's ever going to entertain the thought of "Don Quixote and Jim" of being "Wally" if the they let themselves get trashed on their own blog. All it is, is a handy way to market "their" book. Class is over."
Good Class is over. Now board that "short bus" and go home. Your analogies ring of Dick, Jane, and Spot novels..
I personally wish I had a book deal goin on, and even would want to be Wally at that specific time. But not for longer than the payoff because he probably looks like a troll, but all that aside I do kind of envy all the Guadalajaran lap dances I could buy with my book revenue.. But then my dago luck would probably put me in his persona about the time some irate shot-caller sends the wila down from the Bay and I get axed..
Bottom line: I aint Wally you aint Wally, only Wally is Wally - - - or Tony or Ralph or Carmine - who the fug knows? I WOULD like to know when they're going to induct Joe Morgan into Cooperstown though?
"With Villaraigosa as the Mayor, and the vast majority of residents being Hispanic, you bet your cajones they put the highest priority on Hispanic issues."
...Yeh. We could see that in the way Hispanics were treated on May 1. Try again.
The anonomous cop apologist spouts more erroneous misinformation
"With Villaraigosa as the Mayor, and the vast majority of residents being Hispanic, you bet your cajones they put the highest priority on Hispanic issues. That's why they allowed the rally in the first place"
Vast majority Hispanic? We may be a majority but vast majority? Check your facts and you'll find that the percent of the Hispanic population in the city of Los Angeles is 46.5% The percent of the population claiming white is 46.9%. This according to the US Census Bureau numbers. Granted that a number of Hispanics claim not Hispanic but White but as for your claim of a "vast Majority" pure bs. And even with a majority the Hispanic community doesn't yet hold the keys to the car, thats still with the old "White Man" money cartels in LA., so if you have any sense of who's who in LA you'd quickly understand where the "highest priority" movidas our passed out.
Also your statement,
"thats why they allowed the rally in in the first place", huh?
Who's "they" kimosabee?
You think it might just be the power structure (vast majority white males) that you seem to deny exists?
And if you knew anything about the "Bill of Rights" you might then realize that according to the "First Amendment"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
"They Allow"!, wtf,
Does any of this kind of make sense to you yet?
Probably not, because you go on to make another ridiculous claim.
"Are they going to let the LAPD run roughshod over the Hispanic community? If the answer to that question is no, and you know damn well it is, then you need to re-examine your position and argument."
Uh uh, matter of fact it's still too soon to say whether "they" will let the LAPD get away with running roughshod on the peaceful immigration march and rally, but "they" are between a rock and a hard place.
"They" all condemned what the racist goon squad of the LAPD did to the people May 1st, contrary to what you claim as nothing of consequence happening to the LAPD goon squad.
The two LAPD commanders at the police riot got their tits in a ringer and were replaced and "re-assigned. In charge now is Commander Diaz a "Hispanic" who stated publicly that the McArthur Park melt down by the LAPD was a disaster and poorly handled, he also says that the quasi military training of the old school LAPD is going to change immediately and be more people oriented.
I understand that he will place visible numbers on the helmets of the LAPD for better identification of future LAPD cowboy misfits.
Also there are about 60 lawsuits pending against the City of LA and this will probably cost us Millions again.
ANd the Federal GOv't has an ongoing investigation of the fiasco and will probably prosecute the perps for civil rights abuse's and or have the culprits removed from the city payroll.
All this and more is taking place to insure that this kind of neanderthal LAPD action against peaceful marchers won't happen again.
(By the way where is the evidence of the "plastic bottle throwers" I haven't seen shit yet and I know that the LAPD always has infiltrators and cameras running at any demonstration or protest march, where's the beef?)
ANd to your hollow statement that there was no racist motivation on the part of the LAPD goon squad, let's paint a slightly different scenario and you tell me that the same thing would have happened.
JUly 4, march to celebrate Independence Day and to protest the new immigration law proposed by Congress.
50,000 mainly white middle class people listening to speech's given at the Woodland Hills parklike commons in the "Warner Center". All the major news networks are on the scene including Katy Couric, Diane Sawyer, Rush Limbaugh, Brian Williams.
There is some celebrating and beer drinking by the Minuteman and Veterans for Secure Borders, who are there with there familys,
and some of thier kids who are on skateboards start to get a little frisky, the LAPD Metro Squad is providing "Security" and after they warn some of the skateboarders about drinking and skateing in the empty fountains a couple of the kids throw some plastic bottles at the cops.
The LAPD immediately calls for the crowd and the rally to disperse, unfortunately the Cop with the loudspeaker in the helicopter high above is of Korean background and his orders aren't understood by the people in the park.
The LAPD Metro Squad goes into immediate action and as trained moves on the crowd in a couple of flying V formations with a liberal use of batons and hobnail boot kicks.
The crowd doesn't understand whats happening and panics when the cops start firing rubber bullets at anyone in the line of fire.
As the crowds panic to get away Kattie Couric and Diane Sawyer try to film and interview people, they are knocked to the ground and Kattie's cameraman is beaten about the head and thrown to the ground and kicked. Kattie Couric starts her crying routine but is grabbed by the hair and roughed up until she get's her ass in gear.
In the aftermath 15 members of the press are taken away in ambulances including Brian WIlliams who sports a Homeland Security Hat to cover his lumps from the LAPD baton work.
100 white people are injured and Chief Bratton says an investigation will insue.
A likely scenario? I don't think it would happen in Woodland Hills with white people throwing plastic bottles, that's a horse of a different color!
But to an immigrant and Latino crowd in McArthur Park? Seguro que si! Racism is alive and well!
Gava Joe said...
(To me Moronic Wanna-be Professor)
Bottom line: I aint Wally you aint Wally, only Wally is Wally - - - or Tony or Ralph or Carmine - who the fug knows?
Something that drives me absolutely insane is when I am treated as a fool. You see, I have a brain, quite a good one as it happens, and I like to use it. When someone tells me something that is so obviously a lie, so clearly absurd and counter to everything that reason and logic would otherwise suggest, it absolutely infuriates me—more so that they demonstrably think I am an idiot, than because of the underlying lie. So I return the bad Karma back to you. Hope your sitting down Joe because I have word that Wally is black. I will not buy a Mexican Mafia book written by a black man. Will you? Well, I’m neither gullible, nor uninformed, nor a fan of your Machiavellian ends-justify-the-means strategies, and I’m tired of being treated as a fool. It’s time to get real Joe.
Overboard with 'em whinning coppers! Overboard with 'em Wally! We'll have a clean ship soon. I once had the misfortune to asked a little kid dressed as a pirate who was at me door on halloween, where his bucaneers were? He shot back "under my fucking hat mister". Still hate little kids Wally.
archie bunker said...
Overboard with 'em whinning coppers! Overboard with 'em Wally! We'll have a clean ship soon.
Archie Bunker,
You are starting to sound like the old Don Cholo who has a paranoia about the police.
You should know tht we the LAPD are warriors and are not going anywhere, si se puede !!!!!
This is a great week for televsion viewers, last night we finally saw the winner of "Dancing with the Stars". I really wanted Leilah Ali to win, I am so sad this morning.
:( :( :(
And tonight we will find out who is the big winner of American Idol.
Randy is my dog, he is the best judge and has worked with lots of big name artists.
I will bet the gang crime rate drops drastically tonight as all the cholos wait for tonights grand finale results on American Idol!!!!!!
Who cares about fat make beleive Italian mafiosos on the sopranos show whne we have real life drama like American Idol. Much love to my girl Paula Abdul who broke her nose.
:( :( :(
Don Quixote said:
Also your statement,
"thats why they allowed the rally in in the first place", huh?
Quite articulate in your response.
Ni modo estas lleno de mierda
como un pato de Navidad.
"They" is the City Council and the Mayor.
"They" allowed the march, knowing before hand that it would close down several streets in LA.
"They" knew there would be thousands of "undocumented immigrants" in the march.
"They" could have denied a parade permit.
"They" allowed the parade.
And, as you so eloquently stated, "They" ALL condemned the cops afterwards. Sound like Hispanics have no voice in LA politics to you? You can't have it both ways ese.
Get it now?
As far as the census goes, go ahead and quote the numbers that bolster your argument. Nice try.
That 46.5 percent is the percentage that are here legally and answer the census. How many "undocumented workers" are there in the city? They don't show up on the census. Now, take that into account and the number who are counted as "white" on the census, and there you have the reason for the numbers being skewed.
In past posts, you have stated how our raza is taking over LA. Which is it payaso? Are we powerless when it fits your argument, and then our raza is taking over when it fits your argument? Is it when you need to use race baiting as a way to bad mouth cops that our raza is powerless in LA?
Would the mayors and city councils
of Salt Lake City or Philadelphia allow this march to take place? Would they issue a parade permit for it? Not a chance in hell, and you know it. Again ese, you can't have it both ways. "They" allowed it in LA because "They" have considerable political power and are sympathetic to our raza. To debate that you have to be a pure ignoramous.
Uh uh, matter of fact it's still too soon to say whether "they" will let the LAPD get away with running roughshod on the peaceful immigration march and rally, but "they" are between a rock and a hard place.
You are right, "They" are between a rock and a hard place. That's why "They" are being so quiet now, three weeks after this "police riot" as you call it took place. There is evidence out there. Check out the YouTube Videos. Unless of course you don't want to, because it might not bolster your argument.
All but three of the cops who were
placed on leave have been re-instated. You think "They" would stand for that if there was any evidence of the cops using excessive force?
That's why "They" are between a rock and a hard place.
Chief Bratton in the LA Times today:
As chief, he said, he has to consider not only the concerns of his officers but also outside interests, such as the mayor, the Police Commission, the media and the public.
Sound like a "cowboy" that isn't taking "Them" into account?
Hell no. And you know it. It would be crazy for him to ignore the power "They" have over him. he would be out of a job tomorrow.
Get your mierda straight. Quit seeing everything from a victim's point of view because of the color of your skin.
As far as your little fantasy story
about a white protest with Katie Couric or whoever, and your "what if" scenario, weak ese, weak.
"What if" the dog hadn't stopped to shit, he would have caught the rabbit. "What if" my tia had cajones, she'd be my tio.
The bottom line is, for you to deny that Hispanics have considerable power in LA politics is assinine. Puro pedo. You know it. Hell, you've said it. I know it, and the readers of this blog know it. So quit your crying cause you don't like jura. They'll fuck up soon enough on the righteous, and then we can all call it as we see it.
You're seeing this thru the eyes of an old veterano who has a beef with cops from jump street, and it's obvious for all to see. Combine that with your resentment of the gringos, and you get foolish arguments like yours.
Grow up vato.
LAPD: Bratton Announced Cmdr. Sergio Diaz (Cuban American) to replace Deputy Chief Cayler Lee "Yahoo" Carter.
"Bratton earlier in the week ignored the "wait and investigate" harrumphing of the police union"..
May 12, 2007
FOR MOST OF this week, the May Day revelations got worse and worse. After alarming videos surfaced one after the other on YouTube, Police Chief William J. Bratton announced Tuesday that 24 civilians had been hit, slammed to the ground or shot with nonlethal "bullets," more than twice as many victims as originally thought. Then late Wednesday, a group of civil rights lawyers calling themselves "the May Day litigation team" filed a hefty class-action suit against the Los Angeles Police Department and the city, alleging a new litany of costly sounding cop abuses.
It helped somewhat that Bratton earlier in the week ignored the "wait and investigate" harrumphing of the police union and used common sense by publicly disciplining and reassigning the head of the Operations Central Bureau, Deputy Chief Cayler "Lee" Carter, and Cmdr. Louis Gray, the two highest-ranking officers in the park that day. The move signaled in a way that no rhetoric could that the chief is serious about addressing the gunslinger-warrior mentality (as civil rights lawyer Connie Rice calls it) that still runs through far too much of the LAPD.
But it was the chief's subsequent announcement naming Cmdr. Sergio Diaz to replace Carter that may have been the best news of the week. Many LAPD watchers likely missed the significance though, because, until Tuesday, few people outside the department had heard of Diaz.
"Sergio is extremely highly educated, well respected and has a command presence," Bratton said when I asked him Tuesday evening why he promoted Diaz to deputy chief. "But he isn't the first guy in the class to raise his hand just to draw attention to himself."
More to the point: "He has a very thoughtful and deliberative demeanor" and isn't prone "to making rash decisions." (In other words, he's not the type to send his troops chasing after reporters and immigrant mothers.)
It didn't hurt that Diaz, a Cuban American, is the highest-ranking Spanish speaker in the department, or that he has held various high-level jobs since he joined the LAPD in 1977, including head of the training division.
"His academy background is particularly helpful," Bratton said, "because we're going to be involved in a lot of retraining throughout the department in terms of the issues that got identified at MacArthur Park. Those things aren't going away anytime soon."
I first met Diaz in the summer of 2002, when he was head of the Police Academy, the Rampart scandal was fresh and the department had to prove itself capable of meeting the demands of the federal consent decree. I'd reported on gangs for a dozen years by then, and that experience convinced me that the LAPD didn't understand its own problems, much less how to fix them.
I was surprised when Diaz didn't fit the mold. He was refreshingly candid and possessed a clearer view of the department's failings than most of the LAPD's most adamant critics.
"We're built on a military model, but we're not the military," he told me then. "We treat the recruits in a rigid way in our training, and yet we expect them to be humanistic and innovative. So we're giving them a mixed message."
Society gives cops a similar mixed message, he said. "It's 'do something about crime, but don't tell us how you do it; be ethical and be Dirty Harry.' "
So how does one snap somebody out of a Dirty Harry attitude? "There needs to be an interest in listening. It sounds overly simple. Yet, we say in our platitudes and our management principles that we work for the public, but we haven't always behaved as if we mean it.
"The wise thing," he said, "is to act as if everyone else is an important human being with real complications in their lives, real temptations, real desires to do the right thing. But if the attitude is 'only me and the guys like me are the ones worth worrying about,' that's going to come through in the way we police.
"Of course, training all by itself isn't going to solve everything," Diaz added. "It has to be part of a bigger system. The hope is that there would be an alignment throughout the department, where everyone understood what's important."
Well, yes. And yet here we are half a decade later, and despite the progress made, it's precisely that "alignment" that was sorely lacking on May Day. The default position for those black-clad officers in MacArthur Park was over the top, hard-charging — not humanistic — and not by the rules.
So how can the department reset that "default" to avoid future May Days, I asked Diaz on Thursday. "That's the million-dollar question," he said. "Sometimes we think we've overcome an issue and we find we need to go back to basics. We need to concentrate on the 'when to shoot,' instead of the 'how to shoot.' "
This past week, Bratton has seemed more grimly serious about psychological reform than he has since his first few months on the job. He has admitted the need to overcome LAPD's culture of "isolation" — his word — from the people it polices. In truth, there's probably no one better than Sergio Diaz to take on that task as the new head of the embattled Central Bureau.
One man's promotion can't cancel the bad news of the last 11 days. Yet as we wait to see if the LAPD can ever truly put 60 years of "command and control" behind it, we take whatever hopeful signs we can get.
Look what I found Wally
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Starbucks Corp. will be adding books to its burgeoning media empire this July, when it starts selling Tony Rafael's upcoming book "The Mexican Mafia."
Starbucks has moved beyond just selling coffee in recent years. It has sold Cranium board games and offers CDs by artists such as Ray Charles and even compilations by the musical artists. Earlier this year it helped to promote the movie "Akeelah and the Bee."
The company said it will sell other books as well, but would not comment on possible titles.
Book publishers are grappling with ways to generate more sales and are looking for new venues for their books, and Starbucks (SBUX : Starbucks Corp.
ps. To the weenie using my name, stop lifting others names. I don't date. Wally I'm gonna stretch your ears for not noticing!
So a Hispanic replaces a white boy in a high ranking position after the "police riot"
I guess DQ is right, doesn't sound to me like Bratton gives a shit what anybody thinks. WRONG. He's placating the Mayor, City Council members, and public.
Sound like a "cowboy" to you DQ???
Sound like "They" have no power?
What a mencil.
Don Quixote said...
But to an immigrant and Latino crowd in McArthur Park? Seguro que si! Racism is alive and well!
Que paso.
If anybody would know about racism being alive and well it would definitely be you ese.
Would it be different if the people in the park that day were "a bunch of low down mayates"
or "changos" or "chanates".
You need to shut your mouth. The more you talk, the more you show your hypocrisy.
I guess a racist thinks everybody else is racist also. You've been put in check about this before, but for some reason you just can't refrain from labeling others as racists. I assume you rely on the hope that the readers of this blog will forget your past blatantly racist posts.
What a pendejo.
Be quiet or post up about something other than racism. You sound like a Latino version of Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton.
"Grown up vato",
I got your "pato de Navidad"
Stick a dart up your nose.
You won't print this Wally. If you do I'm making a pilgrimage to Lourdes in the footsteps of Bernadette. I'll even leave you my Nash if ya promise not to race it.
Hey mr. cop apologist,
Talk about weak, your all over the place menso.
You make a pendejada statement like,
"With Villaraigosa as the Mayor, and the vast majority of residents being Hispanic, you bet your cajones they put the highest priority on Hispanic issues. That's why they allowed the rally in the first place".
Would the mayors and city councils
of Salt Lake City or Philadelphia allow this march to take place? Would they issue a parade permit for it? Not a chance in hell, and you know it"
Do I have to post the First Amendment from the Bill of Rights to you again tonto?
OK one more time so you will maybe understand that unless the people wanting to demonstrate and speak their peace were threatening to bomb the city it doesn't matter what the race or ethnicity of the people is, or where in this country it takes place.
"They" (as you so eloquently describe?) didn't "allow, or not allow", the May 1 assembly to take place due to the fact that the people asking were Hispanic, or White, or Armenians, or CHinese or any ethnic group for that matter.
No, "They" had to allow the assembly due to the Constitution of the United States and our 1st amendment right to free speech and assembly. Here it is again for you, try reading it and understanding the meaning, unlike the LAPD goon squad.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Get it!
ANd as to your lame ass reply to my providing proof of the ethnic makeup of LA, get real and state your facts lloron, you made the false statement based on nothing but your incorrect opinion.
and the "vast majority" of residents being Hispanic, you bet your cajones "they" put the highest priority on Hispanic issues."
(there's that "they" word again?)
I gave you the US Census figures which show the percent of "Hispanic" residents compared to "White" as being almost equal.
But cabesudo that you are, you pull out the "illegal alien" card to try and make some lame point.
Hey "chicano sellout" all people are counted in the Census even "illegal aliens", as you put it, and yea some "aliens" hide and aren't counted but that still doesn't bolster your pendejadas about a
"vast majority!"
ANd although the "Latino's" are gaining some power in government we are still a long way from calling the shots in LA and anyone with any brains knows it.
So your argument about the powers that be (mainly old rich white men) not having the huevos to pull rank and exclude Latino's or any other minority from sharing the power is so naive that it is almost embarrasing in it's childlike simplicity of thought.
Brings to mind a quote Jack Nicolson made in the movie "As good as it gets",
Hey chicano sellout, "Get White or get Real!"
Take off your blinders and try and see the real world, yes we "Latinos" are gaining power and are a fact of life in US politics and economic policy but the McArthur Park meltdown and attack on the people by the LAPD goon squads is proof that old habits and perceptions die hard.
We're not there yet.
And I'm not surprised you wouldn't address my analogy to the McArthur Park police riot, with a similar assembly of "white folks" in Woodland Hills, because you know it wouldn't happen, there still is a racist perception towards different ethnic groups,and the reaction to them by the powers that be.
Those kind of realities would shake your fantasy world of misperception to the core.
And if you have no valid arguement or any factual statements to back up your hysterical statements then don't keep putting words in other peoples mouths cause it makes you seem like an idiot.
I have my beefs and disagreements with others including the LAPD attitudes of the past which I hope are changing. But your the sinverguensa who continues to use falsehoods and hysterical statements if you disagree with someone who calls you out on your weak ass points, so get it together and quit embarrasing yourself.
And try hard to understand the US Constitution, not knowing about the "Bill of Rights" makes you seem like one of the LAPD goon squad in McArthur Park May 1.
Agent DQ: Okay, all you got to do is get him to talk about the Jenkins hit. Then this guy is going down. Gotta watch yourself. This is a dangerous man.
Wally: For the last year I've been studying these guys. I know the way to move, I know the way to walk, I know the way they talk. I'm gonna... I'm gonna get him.
Agent DQ: All right, Wallace, get your coat on and let's do this.
Agent Big Betty: Think he can do it?
Agent DQ: Yeah, he's the best in the biz.
(Cut to the inside of a club filled with wiseguys playing cards, and an old wiseguy making coffee)
Mr. Gava Joe: So this guy is a real computer whiz. He's one of the first to get with this Internet gambling stuff.
Old Wiseguy Jim: Yeah, there's a lot of money in that.
Marty: Who is this guy? I never heard of him before.
Mr. Gava Joe: Don't worry, he comes recommended. We're gonna get in a whole ground floor wave with Internet casinos. (Knock on the door) Gino.
Wally: (With a very exaggerated Italian accent) Hey! How you guys doin'? Let me just put down this meatball sub here with extra mozzarella. (Throws paper bag with sandwich at wiseguy)
Mr. Gava Joe: All right. Have a seat.
Wally: OWW! Fuggitaboutit.
Marty: Forget about what?
Wally: Sorry I'm late, I was at my goombah's place. We were just finishing dinner. We had some raviolis, some rigatonis and some rice-aroni. Fuggitaboutit!
Wiseguy Biff: Why you keep saying Forget about it?
Mr. Gava Joe: Never mind that. I heard you were a man of business which is why I agreed to meet with you. But I like to know who I'm getting into business with. Where you from?
Wally: Hey! It's me, Tony Lasagna, from the neighborhood.
Mr. Gava Joe: What neighborhood?
Wally: You know, Little Italy.
Mr. Gava Joe: I grew up in Little Italy, I didn't see you around too much.
Wally: C'mon, we used to play stickball together behind the Olive Garden, with, you know, Paulie Walnuts, Rocky Balboa, the Mario Brothers, they were all there. (getting nervous) Donkey Kong, Vinnie Testaverde, Madonna!
Mr. Gava Joe: All right already, Let's get back to this internet casino business.
Old Wiseguy Jim: Yeah, there's a lot of money in that.
Wally: Exactly, let's talk business. Fuggitaboutit!
Mr. Gava Joe: Forget about what?
Wally: I'm bustin' beans over here. (Sings) "Volare, oh oh oh oh, Cantare, yo yo yo yo!" (Agents in the other room listen and grimace)
Mr. Gava Joe: Quit fooling around, and tell me more about this internet casino business.
Old Wiseguy Jim: Yeah there's a lot of money in that.
Wally: That there is. But first I wanna tell you a little story. (Godfather music plays) When I was young, I had to hide out in Sicily. I married a beatiful farmgirl named Apollonia. I taught her to speak English Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. She takes her top off and she had perfectly round Yabbos. And they blew her up in a car. So I came to America and married a girl named Diane Keaton. (Music stops and agents in the other room shake their heads in disbelief)
Mr. Gava Joe: I don't know about you.
Wally: Fuggitaboutit! I'm bustin' beans!
Mr. Gava Joe: Stop saying "bustin' beans!"
Wally: Fuggitaboutit!
Mr. Gava Joe: Stop saying that, too!
Wiseguy Biff: You know something's not right here.
Mr. Gava Joe: Don't get too nervous. If you don't relax, we're gonna have to put you in a pair of Depends. (Everyone at the club laughs) I'm funny.
Wally: He's a funny guy.
Mr. Gava Joe: What? I'm funny? How am I funny?
Wally: Funny, you know.
Mr. Gava Joe: I don't know, you said it. Funny, how? Like, I'm clowning over here? To amuse you, or what? Tell me what the hell is so funny about me? (Dead serious and there's a tense silence) I'm just bustin' beans! Fuggitaboutit! (Everyone laughs)
Marty: I still think this guy is working for the feds.
Wally: Oh yeah, I'm working for the FBI. My real name is agent Tony Rafael.
Mr. Gava Joe: Tony Rafael, that's hilarious!
Wally: You know what? I'm trying to record you through this wire. (Opens his shirt revealing a microphone wire) I'm trying to get you, Mr. Gava Joe, to admit you killed Ezekiel Jenkins.
Mr. Gava Joe: (Playing along) Yeah! And I suppose I'm just gonna pick up this microphone from your shirt right here, and tell the FBI how I killed Carlo two months ago and had him buried under the Seacaucus ramp on the New Jersey turnpike, and I suppo-- (Knock on the door) I suppose that the FBI is here to take me away. (Agents storm right into the club) Oh! it is them!
Agent DQ: Mr. Gava Joei, you're under arrest for the murder of Ezekiel Jenkins.
Mr. Gava Joe: I can't believe you tricked me, you rat piece of garbage! I trusted you like a son, I let you in and you betrayed me! I bet you ain't even married to Diane Keaton.
Wally: Take him out of here.
Agent DQ: I don't agree with your methods, but you got the job done.
Wally: Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. We have to move on to our next mission. (Cracks up) Infiltrating the Bulgarian mafia.
There, did you see that - Don Quixote and Jim posting up one right after the other again? You want to tell me it's coincidence? Well I'm not having any of it, Wally, Don Quixote, and Jim are all one, you can take that to the bank, as for me,I am out of here. This place is driven me nuts. You cant manipulate the posting order unless it's your blog!
Agent DQ interjects:
Good job "old wise guy Jim" but all the credit goes to agent Wally/Tony who while wearing a wire caught this conversation between Mr. Gava Joe and his imported hitman from Califas, OC Halfbreed over the bullet ridden body of arch enemy "Retired Joker" slumped over the steering wheel of the Packard.
OC Halfbreed: should I take the keys?
Mr. Gava Joe: No! and leave the gun!(LA hitman special, 22 Colt Woodsman with interchangable barrels) Bring the cannoli!
Nel blu de pinto de blu!
May 23, 2007
Boehner: Immigration Bill Is "Piece Of Shit"
House Minority Leader John Boehner, speaking to a private gathering of Republican activists last night, called the Senate's immigration compromise bill a "piece of shit" but said that he had promised President Bush earlier in the day that he would let his teeth be a barrier to such thoughts in public. Oh well.
There, did you see that - Don Quixote and Jim posting up one right after the other again? You want to tell me it's coincidence? Well I'm not having any of it, Wally, Don Quixote, and Jim are all one.
"One is the lonliest number you can ever do"..
But if you think that's strange, I had a perfect profile of Don Knotts in my Corn Flakes this morning.
Methinks someone got into the brown acid.. Attention: "Don't take the brown acid".. GJ
Anonymous said...
There, did you see that - Don Quixote and Jim posting up one right after the other again? You want to tell me it's coincidence?
Anybody that reads this blog already knows Don Q uses many names (big betty, jim, k mule team, marty, mustang sally, and etc).
But I don't think Wally is Don Q. because Wally had to work with the police in investigating gangs for his book. There is no way the cop paranoid Don Q. could be around cops to do his book. And remember Wally was writing about the killing of blacks by the Avenues gang a few years back, again no way Don Q would be defending any mayates or changos.
But yes Don Q writes and answers his own comments, but that does not make him Wally.
I will be doing the same thing shortly because I will be retiring and have too much free time on my hands. It will just be me and Don Q answering our own posts on this blog very shortly.
Don Quixote said...
And I'm not surprised you wouldn't address my analogy to the McArthur Park police riot, with a similar assembly of "white folks" in Woodland Hills, because you know it wouldn't happen, there still is a racist perception towards different ethnic groups,and the reaction to them by the powers that be.
Those kind of realities would shake your fantasy world of misperception to the core.
You mean like the Democratic National Convention a few years ago, when all those white college kids got fucked up by the jura?
Once again, you're full of shit. It HAS happened here. And it happened before your Mayday fiasco.
As for you needing to explain the Bill Of Rights to me pendejo, you obviously think that the right to freedom of assembly means you can gather anywhere you want, and do whatever you want. Once again, you're in way over your head. A crowd cannot gather and block traffic WITHOUT a parade permit being issued by the municipality, or it is a crime. You make it sound like people can walk down the
middle of a street if they choose to. Or refuse a lawful order to disperse in a paek. If LAPD broke the law by giving the order to disperse, don't you think lawyers would be jumping all over it?
Of course they would.
You should weite a book about what you DON'T know about the law. You're funny ese. You're just like the people in the park. You THINK
you know the law and your rights, but you only know part of it. That's the kind of pedo that gets people in trouble in the first place.
How far did you get in law school?
You sound like a bitter old foolish
cholo. Get over yourself already.
Chi Chi Christ....this blog is turning into a christian rigth wing child molesting anti-immigration site. Dont you white parents of a burglary tweaker son and daugther have something better to do than be on this blog?
I believe there are more than enough blogs on anti-immigration issues where you guys can go spent your worthless lives on ....que no?
AMNESTY POLL: Who's got the worst human rights record? Darth Vader, Hobgoblin or Cheney?
Vote for Darth Vader
Torture, enslavement of Wookiees, decimation of the Alderaanian civilization.
Vote for Hobgoblin
Attacks on Spiderman, gassing civilian populations, using innocents as human shields.
Vote for Dick Cheney
Torture, black sites, "disappearances," kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and more!
Make your Vote Count!
"You mean like the Democratic National Convention a few years ago, when all those white college kids got fucked up by the jura?"
White college kids? Try aging hipsters and college dropouts. Believe me, the day you see the LAPD try to pull a McArthur on the preppy middle class whities in the hills is the day you'll see the LAPD get turned inside out via a riddling of lawsuits. And I mean real lawsuits, with real power lawyers, not that ACLU pro bono shit.
Let's give it the old college try. We know that this weekend somewhere in the hills or the east valley there'll be a "rager", where all the little dudes and dudettes will refuse to disperse when the police arrive. Go ahead, shoot rubber bullets and swing your batons at them. You can tell me all about it a year from now when I'm on my way out of the Ralph's store, where you'll be working as a security guard.
Who is the anony-mouse falso pretending to be raza. I smell another gabacho posing as raza.
I think he has a last word complex that only his mother can understand. He most be in love with the jura or something, checka his silly comments about the barrio oops varrio. He is a silly angry bear, maybe a bafoon que no.
Why are so many mexicans drug dealers?? It look like the Mexicans are even more criminal than the mayates. The DEA is looking for hundreds of Mexican drug dealers all over the United States. Who would want more of these Mexicans in the United States. Just say no ti immigration !!!
Try and get it right for once tonto.
Here's more of your babosada's again, you embarassed yourself as usual, try and think before you post,or we're going to have to put a big ? or 0 on your new helmet instead of a number.
"Mr. Anonymouse;
" Would the mayors and city councils
of Salt Lake City or Philadelphia allow this march to take place? Would they issue a parade permit for it? Not a chance in hell, and you know it"
Hey menso I'm getting tired of trying to make a dent in your fascist cabezon but the powers that be in any city in the USA could not deny a permit for a march or demonstration on a Saturday in a Park unless there was a damn good reason, and if there wasn't there would be a lawsuit de voladas against the municipality for infringement of "First Amendment Rights, Freedom of Speech".
And even if the people are Mexicans, Mr. CHicano Sellout, they are intitled to the protection of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, even against LAPD goon squad brutallity. ONe more time just for you Cabezudo:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
(I know the Bill of Rights really piss's you Totalitarian Fascists off! Tough!)
Typical anti democratic and self loathing statements from another in a long line of fascist leaning control freaks. Here's an example from our own totalatarian.
"You're just like the people in the park. You THINK
you know the law and your rights, but you only know part of it. That's the kind of pedo that gets people in trouble in the first place.
How far did you get in law school?
Evidently Mr. Menso the "people" in the park knew all about their right to free speech and assembly, because after the LAPD goon squad, "cowboys vs indians?" posse attacked the people excercising their First Amendment Rights, the shit hit the fan and these knuckleheads are now catching all kinds of hell, (contrary to your bullshit about "nothing's going to happen",)
and it's not over yet because when the FEDs get through with their investigation there will be some prosecutions for civil rights violations and then unfortunately us taxpayers will foot the bill for a dozen or more lawsuits filed against the LAPD and the City.
Mayor V and CHief Bratton (and new Commander Diaz) seem determined to eliminate the old stone age, racist LAPD image and it's about time.
Power to the People!
May 24, 2007
JENA, United States (AFP) - The racial demons of the Old South have resurfaced in a rural Louisiana town where black students who tried to sit on the white side of the school yard were met by three hangmen's nooses dangling from a tree.
Months of inter-racial violence followed the decision by a white school superintendent to over-rule the principal's recommendation to expel three white students found to have hung the nooses.
The community became even more divided after a white prosecutor imposed significantly harsher charges on the black youths caught up in the violence.
The head of the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union described Jena, Louisiana, as a "racial powder keg" primed to ignite, but some white leaders disagree.
"Race is not a major local issue," said Mayor Murphy McMillan. "It's not a factor in the local people's lives."
Mark Potok, director of the intelligence project for the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama which tracks hate groups, said these types of incidents are still far too common in southern American states where racism is ingrained in the social fabric.
"Race is just below the surface in almost every aspect of southern life," Potok told AFP.
"There are a lot of places in the Deep South where (almost) nothing has changed aside from the fact that segregation isn't legal."
Jena's troubles started in September when a few black students tried to challenge the accepted state of things by crossing an invisible color line in the school yard.
They arrived the next morning to see three nooses hanging from the tree they sat under. And the students who hung them were suspended for just three days.
"Adolescents play pranks," said superintendent Roy Breithaupt. "I don't think it was a threat against anybody."
Inter-racial fights broke out at the school and then spilled out into the small lumber and oil town of 3,000, which is 85 percent white and 12 percent black.
Someone set fire to the central wing of the high school in November. Then a black student was beaten for showing up at an all-white party. And a white youth pulled a shotgun on three black teens at a convenience store.
Finally, on December 4, a group of black students jumped a white student as he was coming out of the school gym.
Even though the teen wasn't seriously hurt, six black students were expelled and were charged with attempted second-degree murder and other offenses for which they face up to 100 years in jail.
The white teen who beat a black party crasher was charged with simple battery. The white youth who pulled a shotgun was not charged at all.
In the convenience store incident, the three black teens were arrested and accused of aggravated battery and theft after grabbing the shotgun -- in what they call self-defense.
"There's no doubt about it -- whites and blacks are treated differently here," said Melvin Worthington, the lone black member of the school board.
"The white kids should have gotten more punishment for hanging those nooses. If they had, all the stuff that followed could have been avoided."
Uneven delivery of punishment is common across the country, according to a recent report by the New York-based Urban League.
Black men are three times more likely than white men to face jail once they have been arrested: 24.4 percent of blacks arrested in the United States in 2005 ended up in jail compared with 8.3 percent of white men.
They also receive jail sentences that are on average 15 percent longer than whites convicted of the same crime.
The biggest disparity is among men convicted of aggravated assault: black men were sentenced to an average of 48 months in jail, which is 33 percent longer than the average sentence of 36 months received by white men, according to the Urban League's annual State of Black America report.
all those white kids got smashed in Seattle during the WTO riots ...Don Culo...time to evolve ese
he's right about one thing...every society has two groups...those that are in power and wish to maintain it (have to suppress the rest) and those that seek to not be oppressed...where Don Culo misses it...is that those that seek to not be oppressed aren't olny mexican; there white, black, chinese, philipino, etc. etc., and those that oppress to maintain their power aren't always white. I think Don Culo would love to see the blacks oppressed-he's a wannabe oppressor
Don en El Valle
The Valle so low
They call for his head now
The ancient cholo
He still holds the high ground
And time may soon tell
If he can stay focused
Or send them to Hell
Cherish your past boys
And keep your eyes true
Do unto your Brother
Before he does unto you. GJ
Wally/Tony, before your book "The Mexican Mafia" is released you may want to investigate the newest prison gang being organized in the Calif Prison System.
As you know all the big prison gangs originated in the Calif Pinta's, EME, AB, NF, Texas Syndicate, BGF, Crips, Bloods, PEN1,NLR, ect, now theres a new cliqua forming in the joints.
Talked to my Tio who;s son (my first cousin) is doing 8 years and is presently at Delano (KVSP).
He went up for a visit a week or two ago and there was a lockdown due to a prison riot.
Get this, the riot was over some new shot callers pressuring pinto's to become recruits in this new growing prison gang that is forming on PC yards.
These cheese eating rat's got a new thing going in the numerous Protective custody yards by the name of "NEW FLOWERS"!
New Flower's "The snitch crew", a new threat to national security! Que la fregada! Whats the world coming too?
Hey still time to include these dedo's in your new libro.
SV VBS said...
atc said...''Looks like the Sur is getting their asses kicked in the military. Those Chicago boys are tough'' & "Read the article, the GDs have become the dominant gang in the military."
The military is one thing but that doesn't show what is happening in the calles or in the inside. I'm sure that nobody is bumping heads in the military, so them having big numbers there doesn't mean shit. Those mayates have not been able to keep the SUR from taking over large parts of Chicago. Yet there are no fucking GDs in LOS or the Southland, so how is it that they are kicking the SUR's ass?
In the military. Like I said. And like YOU all but said at the beginning of your screed (look it up).
And no, I'm sure having a network of guys with access to weapons, training, and battle experience won't have any effect on the gang dynamic when these guys get home.
...Wait, does that sound condescending? You see, when you use racist language people tend to speak down to you. Because it makes you look like you're not very bright.
Use whatever words you want, but expect to be judged by them.
Here are some facts for you prolific loving Black American ghetto Al Sharpton cocaine weekend nightclub cheap cognoc hennessy drinking chicken bb-q rib lovers.
After a long day in court.....I drove over to the Rite-Aid store on Compton Blvd & Long Beach Blvd in the lovely city of CPT and what do I encounter. Typical dirty ass negro-crack head stealing merchandise in plain view. This reject Bust-a-Rhyme crack head had no shame on picking out and choosing everything he wanted to steal. Unpackaged all the contents in open plain view of shoppers, walked around the store incognito, and stocked up on all the merchandise he could carry out the store.
Here is the primary reason why Compton and the mojority of Southeast cities do not have malls or any major department stores like Sears or Target. This area learned its lessons with ghetto black economics- back in the 1970s. Its reputation has only improved when Latinos moved into the areas.
This is typical LA ghetto behavior from the black communities that ruins everything you touch or neighborhood you live in. Then you have the nerve to cry that your neglected as a community. BULLSHIT! At least Mexicans, illegal or not, are not so dirty, ghetto, or disrespectful to the people around them.
The JUDGE has Redered!
atc said..."Use whatever words you want, but expect to be judged by them."
Judge me however you like, I could care less. But please just don't come here with these pendejadas.
Don't you think that with all of the military trained people that they have they should be controlling all of the criminal activity in the midwest and eastcoast? But they don't, and why is that? It's because that military shit don't mean nothing in the calles. What you're putting up here is all theory, and all in your head.
I've been to Chicago many times and it seems to me like it's the SUR that's kicking ass. These changos are having trouble holding down their turf.
As for the inside, well I would say that these fools are being treated like any other mayate. Crips, Bloods, 405's, DC's , Disciples, Muslims, Jamacians, it's all the same shit and so far none of them has been able to fulfill your dream of kicking the SUR's ass. I guess that it's time for you to find another gang to root for cause these fools aren't getting it done.
just my luck when I'm on the prowl.
I met an older woman at a bar last night.
>She wasn't bad for 57, we drank and bullsh*t a bit, then she asked if I'd
>ever had the 'sportsman's double', a mother and daughter 3 some? I said no.
>We drank a bit more, then she says that tonight was my lucky night.
>I went back to her place.
>She put the hall light on and shouted upstairs: "Mom you still awake?"
Despensa cop apologist anony~mouse it might be that you have some kind of evidence on what started that cop riot that no one has seen. But until that evidence is presented it seems pretty clear that the cops had no reason to do what they did to the people at that MayDay march.
LA Independent Media Center recently released their conclusion check it out,
"hi Chi Christ....this blog is turning into a christian rigth wing child molesting anti-immigration site. Dont you white parents of a burglary tweaker son and daugther have something better to do than be on this blog?
I believe there are more than enough blogs on anti-immigration issues where you guys can go spent your worthless lives on ....que no?"
Now that's some funny shit, true, true!!
We need to steer this thing back to the main topics.
If TJ or anyone who may have gotten out of CDC recently I'm curious as to what's happened to NLR. I hear they're in the "hat", that the car has left the building and that PEN1 is doing the "work" for AB and PEN1 shot caller Rozzo got "promoted" to AB recently.
A good friend of mine just got P'd from Tehachapi. He informed me of most yardas (Donovan is a 3 of 4 PC Yard Prison now,3 out of 4 ratio) turning into PC Yards. He also told me about the switch off from time on yards going more to the PC's than to the Mainline. As we talked the usual talk, he also dished out info on those yards, about Pecetas and how alot of those "New Flowers" were sporting big Quarter tattoos on the back of their heads. They do have shot callers as I was told, so your story does corraborate with his, especially him just getting off the 3 yard. I'll hit you up when we get to talking again. All he wants to do right now is eat, find some pan, and a jale. Just dropping mine in. Much Respect to all. -Jose619
Sad state of affairs when the rats call the shots. Nope nothing is sacred. It's all turnabout. The righteous cons get buried deeper in the abyss, the custody maelstrom. The technology gets more efficient. The pintas get tighter. The separation between them that pee and them that hold it is widening. Human nature hints that the weasel survives longer than the upright larger target. As the planet population gains the trend will lean further towards expedient solutions to conflict. Give up your Brother for another shower this wk. Bow to the image of the great Deceiver Fear.....Where's SNS? We need his rational wisdom..
Can't the GOvt.do anything right?
Shit why don't they just give these condemned the old Chiva OD method.
The victim gets fixed up by his supposed homeboy, but it is only a skin pop. Then he's told,
"this shit's been stepped on more times than Donna the whores doormat", here let me fix you up again.
Now he gets the carga right in a good vein, rolls his eyes, leans back in his chair dreaming of paradise and in very short while thats where he is.
What's up with all this chemical coctail shit they use on these poor fucks, Heroin is a proven finisher, could it be that maybe there's a religious or moral reason? SHit thats a laugh, this idea of the "Integrity of the Death Penalty Process".
Or maybe they don't want these condemned going out feeling no pain?
Execution Takes Two Hours, Ten Tries
By Jeralyn, Section Death Penalty
Posted on Sat May 26, 2007 at 01:19:00 AM EST
Tags: lethal injection (all tags)
Christopher Newton was put to death like a dog in Ohio yesterday. The execution took two hours and ten attempts.
The execution team stuck Christopher Newton at least 10 times with needles Thursday to insert the shunts where the chemicals are injected.
He died at 11:53 a.m., nearly two hours after the scheduled start of his execution at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. The process typically takes about 20 minutes.
"What is clear from today's botched execution is that the state doesn't know how to execute people without torturing them to death," American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio attorney Carrie Davis said Thursday.
On the other hand, you wouldn't do a dog this way.
don quixote said...
Talked to my Tio who;s son (my first cousin) is doing 8 years and is presently at Delano (KVSP).
He went up for a visit a week or two ago and there was a lockdown due to a prison riot.
Well I guess the criminal "gene" must be part of Don Q. familia. I wonder if Don Q. blames the white racist anglo facist goverment for all his family members in jail?
Does anybody in jail ever take responsibilty for their own fuck ups in life? I have yet to hear anything close to personal responsibilty fro the old cholo spokesman.
Bush Is Right—On Immigration, Anyway.
Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the population and now live in nearly every corner of the country. The greatest growth has been in Georgia and North Carolina, which have been Republican strongholds in recent years...
Eleanor Clift
May 25, 2007 - The immigration deal worked out between Senate leaders and the White House is an unwieldy compromise nobody much likes. Democrats will mostly support it because the liberal lion, Ted Kennedy, is leading the charge. And the fact that right-wing Republicans are worked up into such a lather about the bill may give some Democrats enough reason to back it.
President Bush is at war with his own party, tearing it apart over an issue that was supposed to be the GOP’s ticket to an enduring governing majority. In his Rose Garden press conference Thursday, he pleaded with lawmakers to recognize that the way they deal with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants is about “the heart and soul of America,” a country founded by immigrants. “I would rather they come here legally than stuffed in the back of an 18-wheeler,” Bush said.
Bush has the right instincts when it comes to immigration policy. He was elected governor four years after Pete Wilson took the statehouse in California and made national headlines with his punitive approach to the state’s burgeoning immigrant population. Wilson was consigned to the dustbin of history while Bush rode the politics of compassionate conservatism and Hispanic outreach to the White House. Between 2000 and 2004, Bush doubled his share of the Hispanic vote from 21 percent to 40 percent, and Karl Rove’s dream of a Republican realignment for the 21st century that would rival FDR’s long run for the Democrats seemed within reach.
Instead we’re looking at what could be called the Wilsonization of America. Just as Wilson’s anti-immigrant policies turned California into the bluest of Blue States, the angry, racist and xenophobic rhetoric emanating from the Republican right is turning the fastest-growing voting bloc in America against the GOP. The Republican brand has taken a hit with all voters, but the strategic consequences of the disaffection among Hispanics could turn enough states Blue to shift them into the Democratic column. “The way the Republicans are handling the immigration issue is handing the Democrats the presidential election in ’08,” says Simon Rosenberg of the New Democrat Network.
Immigration is a case study in what’s gone wrong with the Republican Party's attempts at becoming a permanent majority. Rosenberg was a college freshman in 1981, the beginning of the era of conservative ascendancy. Ronald Reagan was the defining political figure of his coming of age, and his age cohort—he’s in his early 40s—is the most Republican group. Now the Republican coalition is coming apart, conservative is almost as unpopular a word as liberal, and Rosenberg, a progressive, says, “There is more wind at our back than in my entire adult lifetime.”
The collapse on immigration is remarkable, considering the issue never came up in the 2004 presidential election. Even Hispanics, when asked to list the issues most important to them, ranked immigration reform as No. 8, according to post-election exit polling. Then, in the spring of ’05, with the war effort foundering and Bush’s push for Social Security privatization flopping on Capitol Hill, talk radio didn’t have a happy story to tell. Enter the Minutemen. They showed up at the border with their cell phones and filled the void with interviews about how illegal immigrants were taking over America. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was sidetracked by scandal, and Bush was in a war-weakened state—and so this message began to take hold on the conservative end of the dial.
Seeing a way to rally the base and respond to the growing anti-immigrant sentiment, House Republicans pushed and passed legislation that was racially divisive and punitive, cracking down on those who aided illegal immigrants—even church groups. The bill sparked massive rallies across the country against the Republican Congress. Rosenberg’s New Democrat Network monitored ads in 25 states picturing a Mexican immigrant side by side with an Islamist terrorist. Very little attention was paid by the mainstream media, but Spanish-language stations and newspapers everywhere made sure their audience knew what was being said and by which party.
Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the population and now live in nearly every corner of the country. The greatest growth has been in Georgia and North Carolina, which have been Republican strongholds in recent years. For a political party to be on the wrong side of such a major demographic trend is a strategic mistake of the first order. Bush and Rove understood this and tried to orient their party to the new reality. Nothing in politics is irredeemable, of course, but thanks to Republican blunders, the Democrats have a historic opportunity to regain the kind of sustained power they enjoyed before the Reagan Revolution. They could blow it, but with these demographics, it will be hard.
Don Quixote said...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Yeah dumbass. Congress shall make no law. It doesn't say a municipality HAS to allow them a parade permit.
What a fucking idiot. You think the KKK or any other fucked up racist group could have a march in LA? Think Tony V and the city fathers would allow that?
Fuck no. Those guys can meet anywhere they want, and say anything they want (except for language that causes panic ensuing in injury ), but the city does not HAVE to allow them to march in the middle of the street. GET IT YET GENIOUS? You're so full of shit with respect to what freedom of assembly and free speech mean it's hilarious.
Tell you what. Why don't you round both of your friends up and walk down the middle of the street in LA, and when the jura tells you to get out of the street you tell them to fuck off, you're exercising your right to freedom of assembly and free speech.
Then when you get to court you tell the judge you were just exercising your right to freedom of assembly and free speech.
Maybe he'll explain it to you in a way you can understand it.
What a payaso.
What do you expect me to make of it?
I'd refer to Kurt Vonnegut.
Or, perhaps, George Carlin:
"We're going down a sewer, and the closer we get to the bottom, the faster we swirl. The faster we go, down the drain."
also, from George:
"The real cynics are the ones who believe it can all be fixed."
...Cops, Gangsters, politicians, authors and pundits with a political agenda (including entertainers with a political agenda), "vigilant" citizens...all part of the same train wreck. All have an agenda involved with fixing something that can never be fixed, and perhaps wasn't intended to be fixed. Worst is, many of the above forementioned are trying to fix it with the same thing that ruined it, RELIGION. The others? Just naive to the fact that the problem is irreversable.
The dinosaurs had their time, we've had ours. It's time to, and, I quote Carlin again, it's time for the earth to "shake us off like flees", self cleanse with a couple of thousand years of rain, and then create a new intelligent species, and basically try again. We had our crack at it.
Anyhow. Utah finally pulled one off, but I wouldn't call it a series, yet. Jazz vs. Detroit, Detroit in 6.
And, Silvio will end up being the ultimate rat on the Sopranos. Tony will finally get brought in on Rico charges. The series will end with him sitting in a cell looking at a brick wall. ...And the world will be a better place!
Doughnuts to blame for this battle of the bulge?
LAPD tightens body fat standards after complaints of pudgy recruits.
May 26, 2007 Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - The Police Department is returning to leaner standards after complaints that it was stuffing its ranks with pudgy recruits.
The city’s Personnel Department is reinstating rules that LAPD male recruits carry no more than 22 percent body fat and women no more than 30 percent.
Two years ago, the Personnel Department raised the standards to 24 and 32 percent, respectively, at a time when the city was trying to add 1,000 officers to the force.
On Friday, the Personnel Department’s medical administrator resigned after six nurses who screen recruits signed a letter of protest. The nurses said the more lenient body fat standards didn’t take into account the risk of more trainee injuries and lawsuits.
The city police academy requested the change back to the tougher standards, according to the Personnel Department.
Do Cops Really Like Donuts?
You always hear stories about seeing cops at the donut shop and it is a typical stereotype about police officers. I think the stories about cops and donuts comes from the fact that police officers work odd hours when most restaurants and stores are closed. In past years, the donut shops were all that were open at night. When an officer wanted to stop for a break, coffee and donuts were convenient. Since we are available for calls at all times, we may have to run off in a moment's notice. If you have several squads working an area and only one place is open, you are bound to see several officers there throughout the night. The donut shops are almost all gone now.
Wally is it true Police computers clash with Dunkin' Donuts system?
I have heard that Police using the drive-through window have to disconnect their computer modems to avoid clashing with the restaurants' system.
A concerned citizen
L.A. gang members go union
Monday 21 of May, 2007
A rising number of gangbangers are moving into well-paid futures as members of the region's building trade unions. By Sam Quinones, Times Staff Writer
Shortly after his release from prison four years ago, Julio Silva entered the apprenticeship program in the Ironworkers Union Local 433 in La Palma.
To his alarm, he learned that ironworkers called all first-year apprentices "punk."
He had been an East Los Angeles gang member, a drug user, and a car burglar in and out of jail. In that world, a "punk" was someone's prison sex slave.
But Silva tried not to let it bother him. The more he worked at his new job, the more his skills improved. Ironwork became the one legal thing he had done well. It also paid $29 an hour, plus benefits.
Glimpsing a future, Silva's desire to do drugs was replaced by his determination to master the use of sleever bars and spud crescents.
After Silva's first year on the job, the ironworkers simply called him Julio.
"I never thought my history would allow me to have something more than $7 an hour," said Silva, 37. "I don't see this happening nowhere else but in the union. It's given me the best opportunity of my life."
Silva is among a large and growing number of Southern California gang members who have joined building-trade unions over the last decade as construction work has boomed. These good-paying jobs were once reserved for those with family connections, as fathers recruited sons.
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in our churches. Church security identifies these as Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Osama Bin Lucifer, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy the pastors and the churches.
"Does anybody in jail ever take responsibilty for their own fuck ups in life?"
Nope. From embezzlers to money launderers to unethical brokers to unlawful war architects and profiteers (stay tuned) to corporate scam artists to corrupted police officers to and finally to...yes, common street criminals, very few people take responsibility for their own fuck ups in life. They all have someone to blame.
There's a good movie on HBO right now about illegal immigration and those vigilantly trying to fight it. It's called "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".
SOme things change, yet some, they never change.
24-hour vigil for veterans held in L.A.
Boyle Heights tribute to fallen troops also marks the 60th anniversary of the Mexican American All Wars Memorial.
By Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer
May 28, 2007 For the memorial's 60th anniversary, Eastside veterans organized a 24-hour vigil with law enforcement officers, veterans, active-duty soldiers, youths and community members standing guard at the site. The vigil is set to end at 10 a.m. today with a 21-gun salute and a display of wreaths.
Held at Cinco Puntos, where Cesar Chavez Avenue meets Indiana and Lorena streets, the event is particularly relevant to some attendees because of the controversy over Latino soldiers initially being excluded from filmmaker Ken Burns' upcoming seven-part PBS documentary series on World War II.
"We won't forget what our men and women have done," said Arturo Herrera, 70, an Air Force veteran who served in Libya after World War II and whose brother was killed in Korea.
State Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) said she was outraged that the 14-hour series did not at first include the stories of Latinos, who enlisted by the thousands and represented a higher percentage of the armed forces than they did as American civilians.
"We were part of American history and we will not be left out," Romero said.
Burns agreed to reedit the series to include Latino soldiers after Latino advocacy groups protested. The documentary is set to premiere in September.
Volunteers at the vigil "stood guard" for 30-minute shifts as families of deceased service members pinned photos of their loved ones on a bulletin board and paused to remember them.
In a big white hat and sunglasses, Stella Beltran, 82, brought a photo of her late husband, Peter, as a 17-year-old sailor. He died in March of pulmonary fibrosis that she says was caused by being exposed to asbestos in ship ducts long ago.
They had known each other since the third grade at Euclid Avenue Elementary School, just down the street. She said she had a crush on him as they grew older but didn't say anything.
He enlisted at 17 and traveled the world as a signalman. They started dating when he got back in 1946 and were married the next year. Beltran remembers walking by the memorial on her way to buy food as it was being erected in 1947.
Beltran recalled how, in his final months in the hospice at the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Center, he would tell her to bring extra food and coffee for the homeless veterans who spent time there.
"He was always looking out for his servicemen," she said.
Fucking Ken Burns and his "revisionist history"! Since the Civil War the Mexican Americans always put thier ass's on the line for the USA and have more "Congressional Medals of HOnor" percentage than anyone.
But that's all right, when you just work hard and raise your family , try to do the right thing, your going to be alright without the limelight
Keep on underestimating us Mexican Americans and soon enough we will have passed your ass's by.
As the real "Don Quixote" tells Sancho Panza about doing the right thing,
"If you follow these rules and precepts Sancho, your days will be long, your fame eternal, your rewards overflowing, your joy undescribable, you will marry your children as you wish, and your grandchildren will have titles, you will live in peace and harmony with all people, and in the final moments of your life, in a gentle and ripe old age, the moment of your death will come and the tender, delicate hands of your great-great-grandchildren will close your eyes."
Unfortunately many of those veterans, mainly young vatos, (we lost 13 youngsters in my old Lincoln Hts. neighborhood in a 9 month period during Vietnam) didn't get the chance to enjoy life fully.
An elderly lady was well-known for her faith in God and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch daily and shout; "PRAISE THE LORD!" Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!"
Hard times set in on the elderly lady and she prayed for GOD to send her some assistance. Once again, she stood on her porch and shouted; "PRAISE THE LORD... GOD I NEED FOOD!! I AM HAVING A HARD TIME. PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!"
The next morning the lady went out on her porch and found a large bag of groceries and shouted; "Praise the Lord." The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Ha Ha. I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries. God didn't!"
The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and saying, "Praise the Lord, He not only sent me groceries but HE made the devil pay for them. Praise the Lord!"
And since today is a holiday and I have a little more time I'd like to tell "Still No Script" one of our fellow Wallista's to, Straighten up motherfucker and quit feeling sorry for yourself!
SNS says;
I'd refer to Kurt Vonnegut.
Or, perhaps, George Carlin:
"We're going down a sewer, and the closer we get to the bottom, the faster we swirl. The faster we go, down the drain."
also, from George:
"The real cynics are the ones who believe it can all be fixed."
...Cops, Gangsters, politicians, authors and pundits with a political agenda (including entertainers with a political agenda), "vigilant" citizens...all part of the same train wreck. All have an agenda involved with fixing something that can never be fixed, and perhaps wasn't intended to be fixed. Worst is, many of the above forementioned are trying to fix it with the same thing that ruined it, RELIGION. The others? Just naive to the fact that the problem is irreversable.
The dinosaurs had their time, we've had ours. It's time to, and, I quote Carlin again, it's time for the earth to "shake us off like flees", self cleanse with a couple of thousand years of rain, and then create a new intelligent species, and basically try again. We had our crack at it. "
Hey SNS! What kind of maudlin, chicken little, throw in the towel, crap is this?
I'm personally disapointed with this drivel coming from someone like you.
Hey, you quote George Carlin, and Kurt Vonnegut, both great cynics, but both were true cynic's, cynic's with a "sense of humor"!
If a person just whines and throws up his hands in surrender then he's not a cynic but just a pissed off pessimist.
HEy it's a holiday, have a cold one, enjoy life, you do the right thing and everything else will take care of itself.
My advice, act more like a Mexican and in fact I'm going to quote a famous Mexican just to help you get out of the funk you seem to be in, "William Shakespeare" from East LA,
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts"
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool"
Now I sentence you SNS, to tonight watch another famous East Side Chicano do his thing, Anthony Quinn, who shows the futility yet joie de vivre, of a life lived to it's fullest, in the Oscar winning performence of "Zorba the Greek"
Now straighten up and fly right!
By Lydia Avila-Hernandez
The Boyle Heights Landscape: The Pressures of Gentrification and the Need for Grassroots
Community Action and Accountable Development. Occidental College
Urban Environmental Policy
The Mexican community in Los Angeles originated in the city-center. In the 1820s, while still part of Mexico, construction of the Plaza began as a result of the increase in population and economic activity in the city (Romo 21). It was not until 1835 that Los Angeles was officially declared a Mexican city after having been a Spanish pueblo and a Gabrielino village (Romo 20). During and after the U.S. Invasion of Mexico, Los Angeles began to be taken over by Anglos, including occupation by the American Military from 1846-1850 (Romo 21). In 1848, California became part of the United States with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty promised citizenship and equal rights to all Mexicans but it turned out to be merely the beginning of our second class citizenship. In A Community Under Seige, Rodolfo Acuña describes that “After 1848, Mexicans lived in the area just south of First Street. However, as the poor increased in number, they spread to the plaza area. By the 1860’s this area was a slum, occupied mainly
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by Mexicans and Chinese” (6). The Mexicanos/as and Chinese occupied this area because they provided the labor force for industry and the railroads as well as the brickyards.
Although Mexicanos/as began their history living in the city center, it wasn’t long before Anglo emigrants from the east coast and the Midwest began to buy homes and land in the city-center, forcing the Mexicanos/as to move just outside the city center. The first step in revamping the city center for the Anglos was to demolish the Mexican adobe homes and replace them with brick buildings that were considered a symbol for progress. An observer describes, “‘the roomy old houses are fast being pulled down to make way for more profitable brick tenements,’…Businesses wanted to be near the railroads for supply and distribution, and their acquisition of land drove Mexicans out and prices even higher in Sonoratown” (Monroy 18). The coming of the railroads in the 1880’s furthered the process of evicting Mexicanos/as from the Plaza area. As Mexicanos/as found it more and more difficult to live in the city-center, they began to move to the communities of Boyle Heights, Chavez Ravine and Lincoln Heights. (Acuña 10). At this point, Boyle Heights was not yet the desirable suburb that would become home to the Jewish and Molokan community before World War II. It was simply an area located near the industrial zone west of the Los Angeles River that allowed people to live close to their jobs (Boyle Heights Community Plan I-1).
Boyle Heights and the New Barrios
Mexicans came into the multicultural community of Boyle Heights for many reasons. According to Rodolfo Acuña,
In 1868, George Hansen and William Moore surveyed Paredon Blanco, which became Boyle Heights in the 1870’s. It was renamed after Andrew Boyle, the first Anglo-American to reside on the Eastside…In 1876, 35 acres were subdivided. By
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the 1880s, the area was a suburb of Los Angeles, with 300-400 businessmen and their families living there (6).
It is important to note that “businessmen” were not in fact the only inhabitants of Boyle Heights at that time. Many Mexicanos/as had for several years lived along the Los Angeles River, which currently serves as a border between Boyle Heights and Downtown. In Whitewashed Adobe, William Deverell observes, “The riverbed itself, for at least much of the year, had also been claimed as Mexican space, home to poor communities or colonias forged from scrap wood or abandoned rail boxcars” (130). Deverell’s observation contrasts with the assumption that Boyle Heights was settled by Anglo frontiersmen, since in fact Mexicanos/as had already settled in or near the area.
Mexicanos/as moved in to Boyle Heights as a result of racist policies and high rents in the city-center. Mexicanos/as moved to the new barrios because “Restrictive racial covenants typically excluded the Spanish-speaking from desirable suburbs. The new barrios were established in sections of town that other, more affluent groups refused to inhabit” (Bustamante and Castillo 127). Mexicanos/as were then and have continued to be segregated into particular neighborhoods like Boyle Heights due to the dominant Anglo policies and practices that reinforce segregation patterns.
Boyle Heights Before the Blight
The number of employers in Boyle Heights has diminished significantly. Before the 1950’s and 60’s, Boyle Heights was an active industrial zone. Industrialization in Los Angeles and more specifically in Boyle Heights began with the arrival of the railroads in the 1880’s. Most of the industry that located in Boyle Heights was connected to the railroads and also included light manufacturing and the brickyards. The working class, composed of multi-ethnic immigrants and residents, began to establish their homes east of the immediate
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industrial area which was east of downtown and west of the river. Mexican labor was intensely recruited by businesses as well as the railroads. This caused the dramatic increase of the Mexican population in Boyle Heights. (BH Community Plan I-1).
Between 1900 and World War II, Boyle Heights was inhabited by Mexicans, Japanese, Jews, Russian Molokans and Blacks. The section where most Black community members lived was a “neighborhood bounded on the north by Brooklyn Avenue, on the east by the Evergreen Cemetery, on the south by Michigan Avenue, and on the west by Mott Street (Romo 62). The Jewish community lived near Brooklyn Avenue. Ricardo Romo notes that “Boyle Heights, which had counted 3 Jewish families in 1908, grew to an estimated 1,842 Jewish households in 1920 and nearly 10,000 by 1930” (65). During this time, Boyle Heights businesses and residents were mostly Jewish. Russian Molokans arrived in Boyle Heights around 1905 fleeing the war in Russia (Romo 66). They settled in the flats of Boyle Heights, the area closest to the central Plaza district and very close to Downtown (Romo 66). Most of the Molokans were employed near Downtown in the lumberyards and later the shipbuilding industry (Romo 66). Molokans had a very high homeownership rate, 26 out of 50 families owned a home, and rented extra rooms in their homes to Mexicans (Romo 67). As the neighborhood became more industrialized, the Russians began to move out of Boyle Heights. Boyle Heights also had a large Japanese population prior to World War II and the relocation policies that were established during the war. The demographic changes are described by Rodolfo Acuna, “In the mid 1940’s, the Jewish exodus from Boyle Heights to the Fairfax area accelerated. Blacks moved in to public housing in the flats and the once large Japanese population was now small, having been removed during World War II” (Acuña 14). After WWII, people and industry began to
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leave Boyle Heights. It was during the 1950’s that Boyle Heights started to become blighted and populated mostly by Mexicans.
The Mexican population in Boyle Heights and Los Angeles had steadily been increasing. Acuña notes, “During the 1910’s, large numbers of Mexicans arrived in Los Angeles, escaping the bitter fighting and violence of the Mexican Revolution”(9). The Mexican population in Los Angeles went from 5% in 1900 to 20% in 1930 (Romo 11). The population changes from 1910 to 1930 had an effect on the urban landscape. According to Raul Villa in “Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos: Place Struggle in Latino Los Angeles”, the expansion of “single-family resident home ownership in areas such as Maravilla and Belvedere during the 1920s and 1930s marked the birth of the East L.A. superbarrio to come” (Leclerc, Villa and Dear 10). Besides the construction of new housing in the Eastside, during the 1920’s when the land in Boyle Heights had been almost totally subdivided, some of Los Angeles’ first public institutions and public buildings were built along with many private schools, sanitariums, religious facilities and other institutions (BH Community Plan I-1).
Chavez Ravine and the Freeways
“Two of the most spectacular instances of spatial violation against Mexicans and other poor people in the central city were the displacement of barrios in Chavez Ravine to the north for the construction of Dodger Stadium and the vivisection of Boyle Heights and the greater Eastside barrios to make way for the East L.A. freeway interchange and the several highways that radiated out from it”
-Rodolfo Acuña
Chavez Ravine
Mexicans had already been displaced from the Plaza Area when the City once again decided it needed to expand the city center. Chavez Ravine, now home to Dodger Stadium, symbolizes how Mexicanos/as and their barrios have become dispensable in the eyes of
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dominant elites in Los Angeles. Chavez Ravine is an excellent example of the City’s broken promises to the poor. Through the “Battle of Chavez Ravine” we see the importance to the city of economic interests over the support and sustainability of communities of color.
Chavez Ravine was located on a “315-acre parcel of hilly, wooded, and picturesquely ‘rural’ land very near the center of downtown Los Angeles” (Hines 123). Chavez Ravine was home to mostly Mexicanos/as but also African Americans, Chinese and White men (Leclerc, Villa and Dear 14). . It was surrounded by the hills of Elysian Park, the Pasadena Freeway and the Hollywood Freeway. The community had a Catholic church and an elementary school (Hines130). After World War II, plans were developed to demolish existing homes in Chavez Ravine for the development of public housing. When the National Housing Act was passed in 1949, Chavez Ravine was identified by the city as one of the 11 areas where 10,000 units of public housing were going to be built at a cost of $110 million dollars (Hines 130). The federal government purchased the land around Chavez Ravine from the City of Los Angeles for $5.3 million (Hines 140).
Public housing was never built in Chavez Ravine because the new Mayor, Norris Poulson labeled housing for the poor as a subversive communist project (Villa 14). This proposed public housing project was never realized because “the United States was entering the McCarthy era, a period of bitter anticommunism when anything that could be viewed as social criticism was seen as un patriotic and dangerous” (Leclerc, Villa and Dear 21). Public housing was therefore viewed as social criticism. After canceling the project, the federal government sold Chavez Ravine back to the City for less money than it had bought it, amounting to a $4 million loss (Hines 140). Once having taken ownership of the land, the Mayor felt the best capitalist use for the land would be to bring in an all American baseball
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team, the Brooklyn Dodgers. By labeling the public housing project as communist, the Mayor was eventually able to give 315-acre Chavez Ravine to Walter O’Malley, the owner of the Dodgers, for an old 9 acre stadium (Hines 140-41). There was resistance to the sale, but ultimately the community was demolished in May of 1959 along with the social networks that had been established in the area (Acuña 75). Similar to what developed in Boyle Heights, residents of Chavez Ravine helped each other with child care, job leads, herbal medicines, money loans and other community which helped compensate for the lack of capital among the residents (Villa 14). By first abandoning the public housing program, which at least offered the potential of maintaining an intact community, Chavez Ravine became an example of how redevelopment became embedded in economic favoritism and racist outcomes.
The 5,10,101 and the 60
In the 1950’s and 60’s the City of Los Angeles began its approach to urban renewal projects. Urban Renewal consisted of the demolition of certain “bad” neighborhoods for the construction of a more modern city infrastructure. Rodolfo Acuña observes that in the Eastside,
the most significant factor to alter the environment) [was when] the construction of four major freeways took place. Two freeways were built in the 1940’s and two more in the early 1960’s. As a result, Boyle Heights was segmented into four smaller areas and one large area. This segmentation has resulted in inadequate services to some of the neighborhoods in Boyle Heights (13).
Acuña attributes the construction of the freeways to a shift from public trasit systems such as the electric interurbans to an auto-dominated transportation system, which some analysts have attributed to the manipulation of the transportation system by companies like General Motors. He also argues that this capitalist endeavor “had grave consequences on land use
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east of the Los Angeles River. Freeways ultimately displaced ten percent of the area’s inhabitants” (Acuña 12).
A lesson we can learn from the development of the freeway system is the intimate connection between elected officials and private corporate interests. Elected officials are willing to subsidize corporations but are not providing essential services to their residents. At the time the freeways were being built through Boyle Heights, many people lived in substandard housing and were unemployed, yet the city ignored their needs. Construction that destroys inner-city neighborhoods can be prevented by looking at that history and developing alternative scenarios.
StillNoScript said...
There's a good movie on HBO right now about illegal immigration and those vigilantly trying to fight it. It's called "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".
Very clever.
You believe those Native Americans were valiant for fighting
illegal immigration. I agree.
Are the Minutemen valiant for fighting illegal immigration today?
Or is that different?
What about the Mexican reconquistas like Don Quixote who believe this land belongs to Mexico? Oops. The raza took it from the indios.
The Lakota DID in fact take the Black Hills from other tribes by force. All tribes consider themselves sovereign "nations".
So let's see now. You consider the Lakota valiant for fighting to keep what they took by force from another nation. By that same logic, you would have to consider what the Minutemen are doing now to be valiant.
If you don't consider what the Minutemen are doing to be valiant, you've got a problem. That would be your statement is hypocritical.
The Lakota fought to keep the land they took from others by force.
The Minutemen are fighting to keep the land the U.S. took from others by force.
How can one be valiant and one not?
Unless of course, you hate the white-eyes.
Learn your history and drop your agenda while discussing it if you don't want to look like a fool to the readers of this blog who are educated.
Continued - http://departments.oxy.edu/uepi/uep/studentwork/05comps/avila-hernandez.pdf
A lesson we can learn from the development of the freeway system is the intimate connection between elected officials and private corporate interests. Elected officials are willing to subsidize corporations but are not providing essential services to their residents. At the time the freeways were being built through Boyle Heights, many people lived in substandard housing and were unemployed, yet the city ignored their needs. Construction that destroys inner-city neighborhoods can be prevented by looking at that history and developing alternative scenarios.
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What Boyle Heights Looks Like to Me:
To me, Boyle Heights is made up of poor immigrants and first generation Xicanas/os and many other Latinos. There are paisas, roqueras, punkers, cholos y cholas, un monton de chamaquero, lesbianas, babies, las doñas, las sra’s, los senores, Christians, Catholics, Budhhists. Mexicas, taggers, hip hoppers, viejitos, artists, singers, mariachis, danzantes, athletes, nerds, druggies, dancers, writers, actors, students, activists, Goths, and even some profesionales. But above all, the largest group of people in Boyle Heights are the trabajadores, workers whose biggest worry is paying the rent and providing food for their family just like everyone else. Workers that want their children to go to college regardless if they are a gay cholo or a mowhawked ponketa.
Boyle Heights is the place where you can go and eat some peeled granadas (pomegranate seeds) with lemon, salt and chili powder at the mercadito for a couple of bucks. It is where you can always buy tamales by the dozen at La Mascota or Liliana’s to enjoy on a Sunday morning. Or if it’s late at night, you can go eat some King Taco on our most famous corner Cesar Chavez and Soto. Wait, if you need your mom to make you a special dress, you can walk a little past the King Taco to Las Tres Ninas and buy some material. Boyle Heights is made up of different people with different personalities painting different experiences with the common goal of making it through life. Our bonds are more than expressions of love, they are a form of survival.
"The only place (direction) we can go (build) is east (Los Anngeles)..."
Chapter 3: Downtown Development and its Eastside Revitalization Efforts
In the early 1990’s amidst a blighted downtown, the City of Los Angeles created the Downtown Strategic Plan. The goal of the plan was to invigorate the Downtown area by creating housing for 100,000 people through the renovation of historic areas (Schoenberg, Karl “Bringing Life Back to City’s Heart” 2). The downtown revitalization plan, promoted by key economic and political elites, gave L.A. its new Central Library, numerous lofts, the Staples Center, the Disney Music Hall and the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Note that the Disney Music Hall did not receive the anticipated public subsidies and instead set up a $250 million fundraising drive (Hayden 1). Furthermore, there are many “huge public works projects-such as the $1.8 billion Alameda Corridor to the ports and the $137 billion Metro Rail/Metrolink public transit system-[that may help the plan by drawing] hordes of workers and consumers Downtown” (Schoenberg 5). The revitalization of downtown will ultimately impact Boyle Heights because of the low value of homes and it’s location. City officials hoped to increase the tax base of the city by manufacturing a consumerist downtown culture.
Many people doubted that anyone would want to come live in abandoned Downtown. But according to the Downtown Center Business Improvement District, the plan seems to be working. In 2003, the Center reported “19 new market-rate residential developments under construction downtown and 30 more in various stages of receiving building permits or being reviewed by city officials-big numbers, big money and big expectations to match” (Johnson, Reed 2). One would agree that changes are visible in Downtown simply by walking around. There are fresh coats of brown paint, trash cans,
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street cleaners, Downtown security officers and most noticeably, new residents are visible, walking their dogs. The amount of homeless people in the historic district has decreased somewhat and the retail sector is beginning to change. One of my favorite places to grab lunch while working on 7th and Spring was Doreen’s, now replaced by a more upscale café and “juice bar”. But who was this development created for? We have a right to know because after all, the downtown urban lifestyle is a promotional package that requires a significant amount of public money.
Historically, the City of Los Angeles’ definition of revitalization has been to destroy in order to create. Developers and the city planned to accomplish the revitalization of the Downtown Business District by bringing back the same professionals that were induced to move to the suburbs in the 1950’s and 60’s. City officials seem to believe profit equals progress. Traditional revitalization tries to bring life back to a community by tapping into a new market, through the promotion of a lifestyle that revolves around exclusivity, consumption and the culture of the white urban professional. Cities across the nation attributed blight to “white flight” from the city-center. Politicians, planners and developers identify progress with the White, professional, middle and upper-class locating in particular neighborhoods. Revitalization is an example of the perceived dependency of progress on the middle class.
This is still the main goal of revitalization in Los Angeles, to bring the people with the money back into the city’s central area, which includes Boyle Heights. Boyle Heights is even more attractive for “revitalization” and as a tool to bring in people from outside of the community because it is an established community that provides many opportunities for homeownership for people that can afford to buy relatively inexpensive homes. Also,
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Boyle Heights borders downtown and will soon have the Metro Gold Line running through it.
It is important to maintain a critical perspective regarding the changes occurring in the city-center and remember that the new aesthetic improvements do not equal long-term change. The homeless are very slowly disappearing from the revitalized areas, but not because they found homes. Downtown revitalization efforts have merely shifted the “dead” part of downtown; the drugs, crime and homeless, a couple of blocks away. Even if all the homeless had been ticketed and arrested to the point that they disappeared, it does not mean that the city succeeded in eliminating homelessness. If the city wanted to eliminate homelessness, it would fund programs and non-profit organizations that have succeeded in providing job training and placement assistance, mental health care, shelters, substance-abuse rehabilitation and counseling. The true elimination of slum conditions means providing affordable housing, equal access to education and quality jobs that pay a living wage and for employers to respect the dignity of their workers.
One lesson we can learn from Downtown is that people will not be considered a priority unless we demand it. The City reinforced the vicious cycle of poverty by permitting Developers to profit from its prevalence. The continuing process of giving welfare to the rich, because they quickly produce the aesthetic image of blight alleviation, undermines community and human needs while simultaneously converting politicians into city champions. A Downtown Strategic Plan committed to community revitalization would analyze the major social and economic problems and develop strategies that would produce long term solutions.
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It is especially important for people in Boyle Heights to learn from the revitalization that occurred in Downtown because it will have a direct effect on the future of our community. In an LA Times article by Reed Johnson, Adolfo Sauya, one of the owners of a planned hotel, asian-theme restaurant, bar and nightclub observed, “‘We can’t go west anymore because we have the ocean…We can’t go in the middle [of L.A.] because you can’t buy a piece of dirt for less than $3 million. The only place we can go is east” (Reed, Johnson. “Downtown Like Never Before” Oct 16, 2003).
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Chapter 4: Redevelopment in Boyle Heights
The Boyle Heights community is currently undergoing a facelift. Our skin is being sliced, pulled and tightened in various directions in order to make our community aesthetically pleasing for others. The ultimate goal of the redevelopment process in Boyle Heights is to make our community accessible to businesses and other residents in the larger city of Los Angeles. In this chapter I will discuss five major development projects that are being proposed or are under construction in Boyle Heights to analyze the implications of these redevelopment projects in an inner-city community of low-income Latinos.
The Gold Line
Construction is currently proceeding for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Gold Line Eastside Light Rail Extension. The contractor for the project is Washington Group International. The light rail will have a six mile long route with a total of eight stations, mostly at street level, from Union Station in Downtown L.A. to Pomona and Atlantic Boulevard in Unincorporated East L.A. 1.8 miles of the Light Rail will run underground through twin tunnels in Boyle Heights. The metro will be underground from 1st and Gless Street to 1st and Lorena and above ground from there to Pomona and Atlantic. 4 of the 8 metro stations will be located in Boyle Heights. They will be located on 1st and Utah, 1st and Boyle (Mariachi Plaza), 1st and Soto, and 3rd and Indiana. The budget for this project is $898.8 million. The rail line is expected to be in operation in the year 2009 (MTA).
The MTA has been planning for the Gold Line since 1991 but was not able to start construction until 2004. One of the biggest obstacles to the construction start was an objection by Congressman Ernest J. Isotook, a Republican from Oakland, to the allocation
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of federal funds. Finally in May of 2004, the Congresman approved the $490 million grant agreement (Chong, Jia-Riu L.A. Times May 27,2004 B4). Another obstacle faced by the MTA was community opposition. The Bus Riders Union opposed the project because they felt it was neglecting bus riders across the county. Manuel Criollo, a Bus Riders Union spokesman, believed that the MTA was failing to improve bus service like they had promised in a 1996 consent decree stemming from a Title VI court suit, as well as shortchanging about 1.5 to 2 million bus riders county wide (Chong B3). In Boyle Heights there were some people opposed to the project because it meant the demolition of at least 17 housing units (not including the ones purchased during the initial round of plans and local businesses). The community also criticized the long term construction process that they felt would disrupt business and the community and create traffic congestion. The housing units have not yet been replaced but there are plans to develop the current staging areas.
The Gold Line was supported by Latino elected officials in the eastside and by organizations like Mothers of East L.A. and Barrio Planners. It is seen as an important investment in transportation infrastructure for the eastside. It would be sad 30 years from now, for the West, North and South to have had basic access to fast, effective and environmentally friendly light rail travel while the Eastsiders sat at the bus stop, waiting. In reference to the building demolition caused by the Gold Line, the MTA should have been required to not only offer relocation assistance, but to monitor the new living conditions of the displaced residents. Businesses should also be offered relocation assistance and subsidized retail space. Some of the families have not been able to find comparably priced housing. The MTA should have also been required to replace the lost
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housing and commercial space within five years. A safety campaign should be initiated prior to the completion of the Gold Line so that East L.A. residents, especially children, become familiar with the safety precautions that are necessary near the Gold Line whether it is underground or above. A possible ripple effect of the Gold Line will be to increase the value of land and homes in the Eastside, making the land more desirable for outsiders and ultimately raising rents around the area. The secondary effects of the Gold Line should be carefully monitored so that mechanisms are employed that will help maintain, not exploit, the culture of the community and its residents.
Hollenbeck Police Station Expansion
In Boyle Heights the best solution to crime, according to the majority of residents and politicians, is more police. In an effort to combat crime, the City of Los Angeles is expanding the headquarters of the Hollenbeck Police Station Division. The expansion is being funded with money from Proposition Q that was approved in 2002 for physical improvements of public safety facilities (Daniel Hernandez, “Evictions Questioned in Boyle Heights” Mar 12, 2005). The project site consists of thirteen (13) rectangular parcels of land located on 1st Street, between St. Louis Street and Chicago Street (CEQA Initial Study May 20, 2004 1). The Project involves the demolition of the existing Hollenbeck Police Station and residential structures to the north for the construction of a new police station, with an additional 20,000 square feet of space. The new building will include a 2-story office building; have holding cells, a car wash, a parking structure, underground fueling tanks, a communication tower as well as a maintenance facility for police vehicles (CEQA 2). Construction is estimated to last about 2 years and will include the demolition of 57 residential housing units. The residential units that will be eliminated
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include 12 single-family homes and 5 apartment buildings. A church and its parking lot will also be demolished. As of now, only one family resides in the homes now owned by the City. They have not left, because they have not been able to find a comparably priced home. The church, Templo Ebenezer Asambleas De Dios, qualifies as a Historic-Cultural Monument of the City of Los Angles for its historic significance (CEQA 5). Because the project involves the demolition of this historic building, it was required that the City perform an Environmental Impact Report possibly before the project could be approved.
The required process, however, was circumvented during the acquisition of the properties according to community residents, since the City bought the homes for the police station before conducting the Environmental Impact Report. At an emergency community meeting called to address this issue, resident Miguel Flores said, “It seems here, this law is just a formality” (Hernandez B3). The community meeting was not called because the community wanted to stop the project, but because they felt somebody had to stand up and demand that the community be given their place in the development process. The issue raised by the residents was not whether there is a need for a police station; the issue was the role of the community in defining the principles and the process that would guide the development.
Olympic and Soto
The Developer
The East Los Angeles community of Boyle Heights will soon be the home of the second largest development in the City’s history, the Sears Town Center. The developer is Los Angeles born and raised Mark J. Weinstein of MJW Investments. MJW Investments was formed in 1983 by Mark Weinstein and is based in Santa Monica (ULI). MJW is also
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the developer for Santee Court in Downtown, the largest adaptive reuse project in the City of Los Angeles (ULI). MJW has a staff of 70 and currently owns and manages 4,800,000 square feet of commercial and industrial space with one thousand apartment units valued at $400 million (MJW 3). The firm offers asset management, development, property management, and construction services. They specialize in the development of luxury condos and apartments.
The Sears building was one of nine mail-order fulfillment centers that Sears built in 1910. It was closed in 1992 although the retail store on the first floor is still in operation (Vincent). After the catalog center closed in 1992, the 23.5-acre property was sold to Univest Investments of Arizona. After some proposals that did not get pursued, Univest sold the property to MJW. The 14 story building is located between Olympic Boulevard, Soto Street, and the Los Angeles River and is 1.8 million-square-feet. The Sears Town Center redevelopment proposal includes “772 residential units, 650,000 square feet of retail space and 85,000 square feet of office space and 3,700 parking spaces” on the 22 acre site (MJW Letter Mar. 2005). The residential units will be for-sale condominiums and apartments. In a meeting with Dominique Mendez and Maria Cabildo of the non-profit affordable housing developer East L.A. Community Corporation, Tim Weier, the Project Manager, stated that 20%, [approximately 155] of the housing units in the development will be workforce affordable. The developer has not yet specified the level of affordability that defines “workforce affordable”. Up to this date, the project proposal has not been submitted to the city but according to a letter sent to community stakeholders there will be a year long process of public comment and review.
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Another promise made to the community by MJW was a Project Labor Agreement (PLA). A PLA is a contract between the developer and a union which guarantees union labor for the construction of a project. In contrast, a Local Hire Agreement is an agreement made by the developer to hire a certain percentage of workers or have a certain percentage of hours worked by residents from a selected area surrounding the development. A Project Labor Agreement is an important tool that can inadvertently create a loophole for developer accountability. When a PLA goes hand in hand with a local-hire agreement, developers and unions can toss responsibility back and forth with respect to the responsible party for the local hire. A union may not have enough members from a certain area and may fail to meet the percentage of workers or hours worked established in a Local Hire Agreement. When this is this case and the union is questioned why they are not up to standards, they may argue it was the developer’s job to find the workforce. The developer may in turn answer that the Project Labor Agreement designates the union as the responsible party for the local hire quotas. In order to minimize this confusion, specific clauses should be implemented into Project Labor Agreements so that if local hire is required, the developer and the union will work together to develop apprenticeship programs that will increase the potential pool for the necessary local workforce.
A core criticism of the Sears project is that the people of Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles will once again be underserved by development. According to a study conducted by ULI Advisory Services;
Despite a strong population base, 322,000 within a three-mile radius, 1.1 million within a five-mile bradius, and 3.6 million within a 10-mile radius - the East Los Angeles community has been long underserved by commercial, retail, and housing development and community services (2).
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MJW will be receiving approximately 50 million dollars in public funds that are marked for community redevelopment in Boyle Heights. The tax breaks are given for building in that specific zone as an incentive for developers who are willing to take the chance and build in disinvested communities. However, MJW staff have indicated that the condos planned for Olympic and Soto are also designed to attract people on the waiting lists for developments in downtown. On a television interview for the PBS program Life and Times, Weinstein pointed out, “The building over here, 315 A Street, is being built as condos right now. The demo is underway. There are sixty-four for sale condos. The waiting list is 720 people, so that's why we're building more condos”. Another member of the MJW team argued that they are now “giving back” to the community by elevating the importance of the total number of units that are planned. Based on the proportion of condos in the development, it is reasonable to assume that the Sears Town Center is catered for middle income residents who would like to live in downtown but are priced-out of the downtown market instead of Boyle Heights residents.
Hey StillNoScript,
If you are ever in Hardin Montana anywhere near the Crow indian reservation, tell one of them how the Sioux valiantly fought the government of the United States to stop the illegal immigration of the whites.
Or ask any Chippewa or Arikara if they think it was valiant.
To the victors go the spoils.
Quit hating your ancestors and be proud of what your people have done. It isn't all good. It isn't all bad. No human beings on the mother earth are without flaw. We have all had a bad heart at different times throughout history.
To dwell on the time of the bad heart, and forgetting the time of the good heart, is not fruitful or good for anyone. It causes everyone to have a bad heart.
Boyle Heights and Harlem
Boyle Heights and Harlem are similar communities in that they offer their residents a hybrid community. These ethnic enclaves are contradictory spaces that were created through exclusion which ultimately protected and invigorated the values of the culture. Harlem and Boyle Heights are places were although particular battles are fought, people struggle until victory is achieved. These two communities have served as the womb of Black and Xicano/a culture. As the number of professionals coming from these communities’ increases, a new gentrification process is forming which is based more on class.
As the need increases to bring middle-class people back into low-income communities, more and more of the responsibility falls on the backs of the Black and
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Xicano/a middle-class. Because much of the communities’ opposition to gentrification has been framed around whites, little attention has been paid to gentrification by middle and upper-class members of the neighborhood’s predominant ethnicity. Gentrification will still bring whites into the neighborhood, but in Boyle Heights, like in Harlem, the process will also include middle-class members of the predominant ethnicity. Revitalization efforts in Harlem have concentrated on getting upper-income Blacks back into the community. These efforts have been successful in Harlem because Harlem is a symbol of Black culture for the entire Black community in the U.S. In Harlem: Between Heaven and Hell, Monique M. Taylor interviews a member of the Black gentry as to why he feels Black professionals are coming in to Harlem. He says,
‘They ran away from their culture. Well they’re going to be running back. There’s guilt that comes from the re-awareness of people saying, ‘Hey, I ran off and did all of these things, but I’m still the last hired and first fired…” (73). In this comment, Carver argues that the tenuous position of the black middle class, coupled with the lingering racism they experience, fuels this longing for a ‘return’ to something of deeper significance (Taylor 73).
According to this statement, Harlem offers a social safety-net for the black middle-class that could not be acquired outside of the community even after having completed the necessary acculturation rituals. Racism leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of professional Blacks and Xicanas/os which make “coming home”, even if they never lived here before, a soothing experience. This type of marketing is also the case with the Sears Town Center in Boyle Heights. The developer is looking to build for Latino professionals. This rhetoric is used to minimize the perception of ensuing gentrification. In terms of White gentrification, “Many blacks in Harlem see an inherent racism in hearing their community viewed as a place to be ‘discovered’ by white pioneers” (50). This view could encourage members of the Black and Xicano/a middle-class to move into Harlem and Boyle Heights
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in order to serve as buffers for the destruction/transformation of the community. This, in turn, can prevent middle-class people of color from seeing their class-associated privilege. Only looking at gentrification by whites, masks the possibility that gentrification by people of the same ethnic background could also be taking place. In Boyle Heights, gentrification by the Xicano/a middle-class will restore class divisions and may trigger conflicts in the development of plans for the future. As with White gentrification, gentrification by the Xicano/a bourgeoisie will increase displacement and eliminate services needed by the community, like clinics and local business. Gentrification is not an issue that is only affecting Blacks and Latinos, it is an issue that applies to everyone because it is a process that singles out certain groups like people of color and the working class in order to maximize profit.
The Xicano/a bourgeoisie is seen as living outside of the Boyle Heights community. In the article Renaissance in the Barrio by Gloria Ohland, Frank Villalobos observes that “our kids grow up and leave East L.A. They move to the East or the West, following economic growth”. (Ohland). Mr. Villalobos’ observation that middle-class Latinos move out of Boyle Heights misrepresents the actual amount of professional Latinos that come out of Boyle Heights. Mr. Villalobos makes it seem as if there is a large number of Latino professionals fleeing Boyle Heights which is not the case. His comment could be interpreted as propaganda for the approval of Latino-middle class marketed amenities in Boyle Heights. Every year at Roosevelt High School, hundreds of students drop out, entering society as members of the working class. Boyle Heights does not currently have the mixed-income community people are currently designing because youth do not have equal access to a quality education. If youth had access to a quality education 56
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there would be more members of the Latino middle-class.
Keep on underestimating us Mexican Americans and soon enough we will have passed your ass's by.
Somehow, I get the impression that when that happens you will find something to bitch about concerning the gringos. Get over it ese. We are taking it back without firing a shot. Start up an old veteranos chapter of the Brown Berets. Or better yet, move to your beloved Mexico. Don't want to do that eh? That's what I thought.
You don't want to live in a country
that's ruled by Mexicans, but want to stay here where the gringos rule and bitch about it. Maybe when the raza passes their ass by, and we rule here, you will go to Canada and bitch about the gringos who rule up there. Because it's obvious you don't REALLY want to be in a country where the raza rules, or you would be in Mexico.
You just want to bitch.
Actions speak louder than words my friend.
Politicians think they have us figured out. They act as if we really believe the solution to crime is more police...
When talking to one of my friends in Boyle Heights about the changes, he said he thought it was good that White people are going to start coming into the neighborhood because that means 57
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things are going to get better. This replicates the current institutionalized social hierarchies as well as the veneration of a consumerist culture by low-income people.
Politicians think they have us figured out. They act as if we really believe the solution to crime is more police. Having luxury condominiums and a trendy chain restaurant is not going to end homelessness and poverty in Boyle Heights, it is just going to make us look more like the White middle class communities everyone assumes we wished we lived in. The issue at hand is not necessarily about whether it is good or bad to have a Starbucks or a Target in the community but about the hegemonic acceptance of a Starbucks or a Target as revitalization. The real issue is that the community is entitled to revitalize their neighborhood through quality jobs that allow working people to live out of poverty, quality housing that is affordable, a college education, a clean neighborhood as well as access to medical care. These are things the community can demand that will modify the new developments, like a supermarket and new housing, to assure they will bring long-term benefits that address these established needs. The current revitalization efforts occurring in Boyle Heights are based on the trickle-down theory that says if you subsidize the rich it will eventually benefit the poor. This is an unjust assumption which will only change when the people affected by it work together and devise long-term solutions. Because most landlords in Boyle Heights are absentee, the renter community is the one that is going to have to organize to preserve the community and its culture. Gentrification is great for the few homeowners that there are, but catastrophic for renters. The community fought for redevelopment, not for displacement. The revitalization efforts are supposed to service the people that demanded the changes, not a new more affluent constituency.
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In Boyle Heights, as in any other poor community, changes are not going to benefit the most marginalized members of the community unless it is demanded. Although there are processes that have been created by the city, state and federal government that are designed to get the “community’s input”, these processes are a failure. Community input and environmental impact periods are mandatory steps in development but very few individuals in the community know about the meetings or are able to participate at the many different hours that these meetings are held. Furthermore, people are discouraged from participating in the general community input process because when they ask how the development is going to benefit their life and their neighborhood, residents are given ambiguous answers that attempt to disengage people from participating in formal politics. In addition, the community input process can be used by developers and politicians as a defense mechanism when their development is criticized by people who were not involved in these exclusive community meetings. There is a reason that youth and renters were excluded from the Sears community meeting. Grassroots organizing should be the first step in redefining redevelopment principles because it tries to be inclusive and participatory. Once people analyze developments, including why and by whom they were created, people will be able to set a minimum standard for true neighborhood revitalization. Legal avenues must be incorporated in the organizing process but the focus should be on implementing new and alternative solutions. Representative politics create and maintain the gentrification process. Changing this process would therefore include the participation of more residents in community input sessions with developers who will demand respect for the
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community and its people, and will say no when a development will negatively impact the community. People in Boyle Heights understand that these changes are not for them.
As we saw in the National Models section, institutions and their practices have to be challenged and presented with alternatives in order for the needs in the community to be integrated into redevelopment and community processes. Although many other communities may have failed in preventing displacement and gentrification, these communities found a voice through participatory community planning and decision making. Boyle Heights should be seen as a museum. Places like the Mariachi Plaza, should be preserved as if it was a museum, no one would try to improve a museum by throwing all the art pieces away to make room for commercial art pieces. That is the value that I place on Boyle Heights. We have been able to live happy lives amidst the murders, blight and crime because we have close relationships with our neighbors and our families. We want redevelopment in Boyle Heights but we want residents to direct it, directly benefit from it while affirming why we want to live there.
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In Boyle Heights, as in any other poor community, changes are not going to benefit the most marginalized members of the community unless it is demanded. Although there are processes that have been created by the city, state and federal government that are designed to get the “community’s input”, these processes are a failure. Community input and environmental impact periods are mandatory steps in development but very few individuals in the community know about the meetings or are able to participate at the many different hours that these meetings are held. Furthermore, people are discouraged from participating in the general community input process because when they ask how the development is going to benefit their life and their neighborhood, residents are given ambiguous answers that attempt to disengage people from participating in formal politics. In addition, the community input process can be used by developers and politicians as a defense mechanism when their development is criticized by people who were not involved in these exclusive community meetings. There is a reason that youth and renters were excluded from the Sears community meeting. Grassroots organizing should be the first step in redefining redevelopment principles because it tries to be inclusive and participatory. Once people analyze developments, including why and by whom they were created, people will be able to set a minimum standard for true neighborhood revitalization. Legal avenues must be incorporated in the organizing process but the focus should be on implementing new and alternative solutions. Representative politics create and maintain the gentrification process. Changing this process would therefore include the participation of more residents in community input sessions with developers who will demand respect for the
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community and its people, and will say no when a development will negatively impact the community. People in Boyle Heights understand that these changes are not for them.
As we saw in the National Models section, institutions and their practices have to be challenged and presented with alternatives in order for the needs in the community to be integrated into redevelopment and community processes. Although many other communities may have failed in preventing displacement and gentrification, these communities found a voice through participatory community planning and decision making. Boyle Heights should be seen as a museum. Places like the Mariachi Plaza, should be preserved as if it was a museum, no one would try to improve a museum by throwing all the art pieces away to make room for commercial art pieces. That is the value that I place on Boyle Heights. We have been able to live happy lives amidst the murders, blight and crime because we have close relationships with our neighbors and our families. We want redevelopment in Boyle Heights but we want residents to direct it, directly benefit from it while affirming why we want to live there.
And all this time I thought StillNoScript was an advocate for peace. Now he describes a "warrior society" that considered battle the only way for a man to prove himself honorable as valiant.
I myself do believe that the Lakota's battles were valiant. I just find it hard to believe that the anti-war StillNoScript would describe a past warrior nation that way. I don't have to skin a dog to see he has fleas.
The Best of Unsolved Mysteries
ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS – Four men camping in the Allagash Wilderness are some of the hundreds who believe they were abducted by aliens. While boating on a wilderness lake all four - Jethro, Homer, Anonymous, an' Goober saw an immense blue-white light about them. Their next memory is being back on shore, several hours later, with no idea what had happened. Elaborate hoax? They swear it’s true, and all four passed polygraph exams.
Recommended reading about Mexican Americans who fought in WWII and Korea & VietNam (two books):
300 Pages of great reading!!!
East L.A. Vato
Geez, your not talking gay here are you? (not that there's anything wrong with it).
This is a double entendre if I ever read one.
We will leave Mr. LA alone with his QUIET MOMENT.
To dwell on the time of the bad heart, and forgetting the time of the good heart, is not fruitful or good for anyone. It causes everyone to have a bad heart.////
Well put. I think stillnoscript is still pissed off about his ancestors being detained during WWII. Or, meybe he didn't get any funds from the Japanese Apology Fund to buy ink for his Still No Script!
don quixote said...
And since today is a holiday and I have a little more time I'd like to tell "Still No Script" one of our fellow Wallista's to, Straighten up motherfucker and quit feeling sorry for yourself!
SNS says;
I'd refer to Kurt Vonnegut.
Or, perhaps, George Carlin:
"We're going down a sewer, and the closer we get to the bottom, the faster we swirl. The faster we go, down the drain."
Hey SNS! What kind of maudlin, chicken little, throw in the towel, crap is this?
I'm personally disapointed with this drivel coming from someone like you.
If a person just whines and throws up his hands in surrender then he's not a cynic but just a pissed off pessimist.
I think Don Q. is a better payaso than George Carlin, I get a good laugh when he posts his whinning about the racist whites, but quicky criticizes some else when they complain. I guess I now know what "supreme hypocite" means, that old fool is one funny payaso.
Don q. aka wallist tribute can you please post a whole book next time.
I also like how Don Q says he has "more" time to post comments because of the holiday, well I wonder does he actually ever work or is arguing on this blog his true jale.
Saludos a todos los veteranos (the real veterans of war, not the low life veteranos cholos.
I dont see the point on taking up so much space with posting a brief history of Los Angeles and the life expericences of the Mexicano in East LA.
During my undergraduate studies, I sat in class repeately correcting my professors, including Acuna at the State wide writer's conferences, on errors of their adept research. Professors would admire my knowledge of Mexico's history and the Chicano experience in Los Angeles. My response was that no one should be teaching us our history and I strongly disapprove of a Chicano Studies Department at the university level.
If your a Mexican-American, no one needs to be telling you or teaching you a history that you should already know like the back of your nuts. Within the first two years of my university studies, I think I averaged 3 books a week just on Mexico and Chicano history. In 4 years of undergraduate studies, I only took one class in Chicano studies being taught by a so called renounced author and researcher - and sat there bored as hell. I knew more than that vato and I was more than half his age.
Also, I dont see the point of a Chicano attending a university or a college majoring in Chicano Studies. What the hell is that all about? At my university, you were seen as an idiot reject that couldn't handle a real major and show the white boys how a Mexicano from ghetto ass LA was on top of the game.
While the Chicano Studies idiotas would kiss the professors asses for a A+, we would be busting our asses in Economics, Public Policy, and Poli Sci..ect.
Point Blank - no one should be telling me how NOT a Chicano I am or about my own history - especially from an idiot white boy writing non-sense on this blog or any other.
On the day I was born in a Los Angeles Hospital as a US citizen-was the day I became a Chicano.
If any of you here have attended a real university of higher prestige and not your local second hand Cal State then you know about the real competition and cut-throating that goes on. People only want to know a brown face Mexicano when you are outscoring the entire class on that bell curve.
I lose my place reading those long Wallista Tribune posts, if I take my eyes off for a quick second to rub my red eye's I can't find my spot again. The killer is when I begin losing my patience and getting all anxious n' start fidlin' with the scroll...then I'm a gone'r fer sure Wally, a form of vertigo sets in and feel a funny swimming in my head.
StillNoScript said...
There's a good movie on HBO right now about illegal immigration and those vigilantly trying to fight it. It's called "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".
SNS making an anti-white comment?
Say it isn't so!!!
Only this time, he got in too deep with some vato who obviously knows the history of the Sioux indians.
GINGRICH: Bush Admin. has become Republican version of Jimmy Carter Presidency...
The Republican implosion.
Gee whiz what a resume, I'm impressed!
Of course everyone isn't as brilliant as this, and that may be why history is taught in schools and at home.
"I dont see the point on taking up so much space with posting a brief history of Los Angeles and the life expericences of the Mexicano in East LA.
During my undergraduate studies, I sat in class repeately correcting my professors, including Acuna at the State wide writer's conferences, on errors of their adept research. Professors would admire my knowledge of Mexico's history and the Chicano experience in Los Angeles. My response was that no one should be teaching us our history and I strongly disapprove of a Chicano Studies Department at the university level.
Smiley face is truly a legend, in his own mind!
My scroll wheel got to spinning so fast trying to get through that Boyle Heights post that my finger got stuck in my mouse. Had to call the EMT's (ejection mouse team)...
The downside is that if perchance someone asks me, here in the middle of the country, to give a running synopsis of Boyle Heights I can only shrug..
Just got word from a friend locked up North. The NEW FLOWERS are a group of homosexual inmates that banded together and have their own car now. No joke. -Jose619
:)smiley said..."During my undergraduate studies, I sat in class repeately correcting my professors, including Acuna at the State wide writer's conferences, on errors of their adept research."
Despensa smiley but you should chill out and not be so fucking arrogant. But still, please enlighten us as to what it was that you corrected Prof. Acuna on. And can you also let us know the names of the books you read about Chicano history that were not written by any of the professors that you seem to dislike.
I never went to any prestigious university and would have considered attending a Cal State a real previlege. But I disagree with your take about there being no need to have Chicano Studies or any other ethnic studies in college. These classes are probably the only time that youngsters get to really learn their history, and I believe that that's really important.
I do agree that students shouldn't limit themselves to just majoring in ethnic studies. But unlike you I don't see nothing wrong with it if that's their choice. I wish that my son would take business and economy classes when he enters college, but it will be his choice. As long as he is not out there doing the shit that I was doing I have no problem with any subject he dicides to major in.
LAPD commanders at fault on May Day, Bratton says.
The "Slick 50's" a California based prison gang comprised of protective custody inmates has given California Department Of Corrections a reason to be concerned. Unlike traditional prison gangs the "Slick Fifty’s or 5-0's" have emerged as a vanguard for inmates in fear for their life. It has been reported that in multiple prisons Slick 50's have initiated attacks against mainline inmates. Mike Poulos current warden at CIM stated "This institution has had a really strong transition into a whole new way of doing things,". It looks like a new day is among us said one released inmate. After doing a short stint on a parole violation another inmate released from Chino State Prison said his biggest concern was eating chow. It appears the Slick 50's have control of the kitchen and mainline inmates have been victims of food poison.
The Slick 50's coined the name due to being slick informants, who in their opinion are proud to have snitched on their friends and enemies for preferential treatment from prison officials. One Slick 50 member said " we make our own rules, we don't have the politics and racial bullshit over here".
The protective custody cliques or loose gangs is not uncommon, the Duce Five prison gang has now been validated by prison officials as an official prison gang.
Thank you for justifying what the Minutemen are doing by comparing them to uncivilized warriors. I'll keep that in mind whenever they give a p.r. speech. NoScript obviously doesn't know Indian history for shit, and tried to use Wounded Knee as a prop for his tired liberal drivel, but I'm glad to see some of you played right into his hand by drawing the parallel between today's right wing agenda on immigration and the barbaric ways of the 19th century. That's what keeps this blog entertaining.
Jose619 said...
New Flowers" were sporting big Quarter tattoos on the back of their heads.
What do you mean by quarter? 25 cents? Like 25 to life? I'm just trying to understand what the quarter represents.
LAPD commanders at fault on May Day, Bratton says.
Well what the fuck do you know. The Chief says the Commanders are at fault. You know, the two guys he already "reassigned".
Will any cops be fired? Nope. Will any cops have charges filed on them? Nope. They will go to "training". That is simply a way to pacify the critics who demand something be done because the media and activists don't like what the cops did.
The trouble is, the cops followed orders and did what they were trained to do, and didn't break the law. You might not like it, but that's the way it shakes out.
It was posted up before, and all the cop haters said heads were going to roll and cops were going to be in jail. Not hardly. Live with it. Get over it. You jumped on a bandwagon that was headed for a dead end.
Once again, you responded emotionally and it caused you haters to predict some things that were never going to happen.
Now go ahead and post up all your mierda.
Looks like a solid book, man, ill pick it up in the library.
:) Smiley Face said ................
Also, I dont see the point of a Chicano attending a university or a college majoring in Chicano Studies. What the hell is that all about? At my university, you were seen as an idiot reject that couldn't handle a real major and show the white boys how a Mexicano from ghetto ass LA was on top of the game.
There are many things to learn in a Chicano Studies class by a poor latino from Los Angeles. He can learn about all the opression and racism he and his family suffered at the hands of the gabachos.
He can then use that knowledge to fill this blog with endless stories about his miserable and poor life due to the gabachos.
The Latino youth can use this knowledge to be angry and bitter for his entire life.
Then when he is arrested for drug dealing or gang banging he can blame the gabachos for his incarceration.
So you see we need to eduate our youth so they can articulate the reason they are in jail.
I will be posting a 10,000 word story about black history month to provide a balance with the history of freeways in East L.A. I wonder what effect the Metro subway will have on East L.A. Maybe we will find dead bodies in under-ground subway stations
For all those who are constantly screaming about the LAPD rubber bullets, Don't forget the gang-banging fools of Los Angeles use real bullets. All these people were killed in the last few days.
1) Just In: Officers Kill 18-year-old with Handgun South Los Angeles: Jamar Witherspoon, 18, a black young man, was shot by LAPD Southeast Division officers near the intersection of 89th and Main Streets just east of the Harbor Freeway south of Manchester Boulevard at about 11:15 p.m. According to police, the officers had been called to a shooting at 94th and Main streets. While they were investigating, a second shooting call came from near 89th and Main. The officers went there and spotted a Witherspoon riding on the handlebars of a bicycle pedaled by another man. Police said Witherspoon ran when he saw the officers. They chased him. He pointed a .45 caliber handgun at them, and they shot him. He was transported to California Hospital where he died, they said. The handgun was recovered.
2) Pico-Union: An 18-year-old Latino man was shot in a drive-by shooting near the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Western Avenue in Los Angeles at about 6:15 p.m. Monday, May 28.
3) Santa Fe Springs: Michael Rosas, 25, a Latino man, was found dead in the street of multiple gunshot wounds in the 11400 block of Maxine Avenue in Santa Fe Springs on Sunday, May 27, at about 10:30 p.m.
4) South Los Angeles: A black man in his 30s was found shot in the mouth in an alley and died at about 1:23 a.m. on Monday, May 29th.
5-6) South-Central Los Angeles: LAPD's Newton Division south of downtown Los Angeles had two homicides over the weekend, a Latino man, 19, and Latina woman, 27, dead in separate incidents.
7) Paramount: Jeremy Howard, 19, a young black man, was shot and killed at a pre-graduation party in the 6600 block of Myrrh Street in Paramount Saturday evening at about 8 p.m. Howard had quarreled with some people at the party, and opted to walk away. He was leaving when the suspects, described as 18- to 20-year-old black young men, fired multiple shots after him. He was struck and killed. They fled in what may have been an older-style Honda. Anyone with any tips or information is asked to call investigators at (323)890-5500.
8) Compton: Quanisha Pitts, 18, a young black woman, was shot in the 1200 block of South Wadsworth Avenue in Compton early Saturday, May 26, just after 12 a.m. and transported to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.
She had gone a movie that night in Lakewood with a young man, 21. The pair had stopped by his parents' house in Compton before they got back in the car so he could take her home. She had to be home by midnight, and they were a little late. The young man was in a hurry to get her home as soon as possible. They pulled into the street, began driving, and passed some young men standing on the street. Gang members, said Los Angeles Sheriff's Det. Todd Anderson. As they passed the group, the back windshield shattered. One of the people on the street had fired into the SUV--a bullet out of the dark. It struck the young woman, leaving her severely wounded. He kept driving, speeding away to safety with his date bleeding in the passenger seat. He took two turns, pulled into the front yard of her parents' home nearby, and frantically leaned on the horn. Her family came running out to see, "A really good girl. A hard-working guy," Anderson said of the couple. "He is just completely torn up by this."
Deported immigrants return to demand back pay
Some who worked in O.C. and L.A. mount a case against a company they say cheated them.
By Jennifer Delson, Times Staff Writer May 30, 2007
A handful of workers caught in an immigration sweep across California and 16 other states and forced from the country earlier this year are now stepping forward to claim back wages they say their former employer owes them.
The raids netted 23 workers from Orange County who were asked to leave the country. At least four of them have reentered the United States illegally and have since written to the federal Department of Labor to claim back wages.
"We didn't come back for a gift," said one of the Orange County workers, who like the others asked not to be identified because he feared deportation. "We came back for what we worked for. Independent of how we came into this country, we were working hard, and we just want to be paid for what we did."
In February, about 200 workers were nabbed in raids on 60 work sites, including ESPN Zone in Anaheim and the House of Blues in Anaheim and West Hollywood. The workers were employed by Florida-based janitorial firm Rosenbaum-Cunningham International, which contracted with national chains.
The four Orange County workers plan to join a federal lawsuit filed by 18 RCI workers in Pennsylvania who say their former company owes them overtime pay.
The four said they were arrested just hours before they were to be paid their biweekly wage, which ranged from $650 to $800 in cash.
For Mr Smiley Face ;)
Thes is wat i learnded in mi Chicano studys klass, in collage.
Just got word from a friend locked up North. The NEW FLOWERS are a group of homosexual inmates that banded together and have their own car now. No joke. -Jose619 "
Thanks Jose 619, this info is funny and weird at the same time.
These "boy's" must have given a lot of thought about their new handle, "New Flower's" (ai tu!!) and now that we hear they are pressuring "new recruits" to hook up with the new "NF", I wonder what their movida's and regla's are?
could be:
"No stealing each others garotes".
"No heterosexual advances will be tolerated, immediate retaliation required or your name will be butch".
"ANyone caught doing imitations of famous women entertainers, without first paying tax to the big homo's will have thier makeup kits confiscated, this incluces everyone from Barbara Streisand, Diana Ross, to Madonna".
MExican Mafia aka "Emero's",
Aryan Brotherhood aka "Brand",
All Blacks aka "Mayates",
Nuestra Familia aka "Farmers",
now what?
New Flowers? aka "The Queen Bees" ?
WHat's the world coming to?
Many of the officers were unable to identify their incident commander, while the order to fire foam-rubber bullets came from a commander stationed several blocks away, LAPD Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell told the Police Commission.
Authorities say 146 such projectiles were fired during the melee, which left a number of people -- including journalists -- injured. More than 500 officers were deployed in and around the park.
Park surveillance cameras showed Deputy Chief Cayler "Lee" Carter walking through MacArthur Park at 6:09 p.m. donutless, about 12 minutes before officers received orders to fire "less than lethal" rounds.
The order, however, came from another commander -- Capt. Tom McDonald -- stationed at an LAPD command post at Commonwealth Avenue and Sixth Street, according to McDonnell.
Carter, McDonald, Cmdr. Louis Gray and Capt. John Egan, commanding officer of the Rampart Division, comprised the command staff charged with overseeing the event from the command post.
Los Angeles Police Department Chief William Bratton will go before the City Council Wednesday to discuss the department's report into the outbreak of violence at a May Day immigration rights rally.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa praised the preliminary findings released Tuesday as "a good start" and says he hopes the investigation continues to be "open and transparent."
Los Angeles police Cmdr. Sergio G. Diaz will take over the LAPD's Central Bureau, replacing a deputy chief who was demoted for his role in the May Day melee at MacArthur Park.
The report cited a lack of command and control of Los Angeles police officers contending with a small group of "agitators" that escalated into the violence that marred a May Day immigration rights rally at MacArthur Park, according to the preliminary police report.
To: Pedro Rodriguez De Jesus:
That was a very good one .....
This guy had a one-track mind
("Go back to Europe!")
East L.A. Vato
What do you mean by quarter? 25 cents? Like 25 to life? I'm just trying to understand what the quarter represents.
A quarter, pronounced in Spanish is "peceta";
An inmate in protective custody (or, PC) is similarly called in criminal slang, a "peceta";
Hence the quarter, or peceta, is equal to or symbolic for, a protective housing inmate.
East L.A. Vato
There’s nothing like a big pizza pie to inspire amore—and impassioned debate about Wally's Mexican Mafia book. What big picture will it reveal, his informed conjecture on whats trending inside "La Organización", Will there be a more comimg together of sorts with a certain Mexican cartel? Can these two shake down everyone else in the U.S. drug trade? Thin crust or thick. Deep dish or stuffed. New York or Chicago? Do you eat yours with a knife and fork or with your fingers? And for crying out loud, why did pineapple become a topping? If you crave tropical fruit, order a piña colada. No pizza for you.
DQ wrote: "No heterosexual advances will be tolerated, immediate retaliation required or your name will be butch".
Golden bathtub stolen from Japanese hotel
May 30, 2007
TOKYO - A glittering bathtub made of gold worth nearly $1 million has been stolen from a resort hotel, an official said Wednesday.
A worker at Kominato Hotel Mikazuki in Kamogawa, south of Tokyo, notified police that the fancy tub was missing from the hotel’s guest bathroom on the 10th floor, according to a local police official who only gave his surname, Takito.
The round tub, worth $987,000, is made of 18-karat gold and weighs 176 pounds.
The tub, flanked by crane statues, has been a main feature of the hotel’s shared bathroom. Visitors can take a dip in the tub, but it is only available a few hours a day “for security reasons,” the hotel said.
Someone apparently cut the chain attached to the door of a small section of the bathroom where the bathtub was placed and made off with the damn tub, Takito said.
The return of George Orwells '1984'and the "Big Lie" propaganda machine.
"The Outing Of Lou Dobbs"
Talk Left
Posted on Wed May 30, 2007 at 03:34:37 PM EST
Tags: (all tags)
Bob Stein, who saw many a scoundrel in his long distinguished career as a magazine editor, revels in the outing of Lou Dobbs:
Finally, finally the MSM, and the New York Times at that, has done for the CNN anchor what this blog has been apoplectically attempting to do for more than six months.
Starting with dismantling the leprosy hoax, David Leonhardt goes on to a litany of Dobbs’ offenses against journalistic truth that led to my naming him “the world’s worst journalist” earlier this month. Leonhardt’s conclusion:
“The most common complaint about him, at least from other journalists, is that his program combines factual reporting with editorializing. But I think this misses the point. Americans, as a rule, are smart enough to handle a program that mixes opinion and facts.
The problem with Mr. Dobbs is that he mixes opinion and untruths. He is the heir to the nativist tradition that has long used fiction and conspiracy theories as a weapon against the Irish, the Italians, the Chinese, the Jews and, now, the Mexicans.”
For one thing, Mr. Dobbs has a somewhat flexible relationship with reality.
He has said, for example, that one-third of the inmates in the federal prison system are illegal immigrants. That’s wrong, too. According to the Justice Department, 6 percent of prisoners in this country are noncitizens (compared with 7 percent of the population). For a variety of reasons, the crime rate is actually lower among immigrants than natives.
Second, Mr. Dobbs really does give airtime to white supremacy sympathizers. Ms. Cosman, who is now deceased, was a lawyer and Renaissance studies scholar, never a medical doctor or a leprosy expert. She gave speeches in which she said that Mexican immigrants had a habit of molesting children. Back in their home villages, she would explain, rape was not as serious a crime as cow stealing. The Southern Poverty Law Center keeps a list of other such guests from “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”
“The invasion of illegal aliens is threatening the health of many Americans,” Mr. Dobbs said on his April 14, 2005, program. From there, he introduced his original report that mentioned leprosy, the flesh-destroying disease — technically known as Hansen’s disease — that has inspired fear for centuries.
According to a woman CNN identified as a medical lawyer named Dr. Madeleine Cosman, leprosy was on the march. As Ms. Romans, the CNN correspondent, relayed: “There were about 900 cases of leprosy for 40 years. There have been 7,000 in the past three years.”
“Incredible,” Mr. Dobbs replied.
Mr. Dobbs and Ms. Romans engaged in a nearly identical conversation a few weeks ago, when he was defending himself the night after the “60 Minutes” segment.
“Suddenly, in the past three years, America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy,” she said, again attributing the number to Ms. Cosman.
To sort through all this, I called James L. Krahenbuhl, the director of the National Hansen’s Disease Program, an arm of the federal government. Leprosy in the United States is indeed largely a disease of immigrants who have come from Asia and Latin America. And the official leprosy statistics do show about 7,000 diagnosed cases — but that’s over the last 30 years, not the last three."
Seems Lou Dobbs, the mouthpiece for the anti immigrant right wing hystericals like the “Minutemen” and “Veterans for secure borders" is playing fast and loose with the truth.
Some journalist! I wonder what his real story is.
Maybe he's related to our own Homer and Jethro?
Damn! What's the world coming to?Rats are tatooing the fact on theirselves. It's proven that weakness prevails when there's no code to live by, that the human animal will seek the simplest escape when in danger/ threatened.
These pissants may have been hooked-up vatos on the streets, but once the predators jump their shit and the gates clang shut they pee down their legs..
Hug your kids bothers and sisters, and thank God you are'nt in that drama.
Does anyone else find it comical and just, in a perverse way, that large numbers of prey have identified tribally or as a group as a direct result of the kind of pressure the shot-callers apply?
It's like La Eme has created a new species of convict as a by-product of the way they operate. In the 60's thru the 90's you had the aspiring soldier ready to do whatever dirty deed was assigned them in order to get a leg up. Not now. Now is easier..
Human nature never fails to entertain. It's all too funny anymore. I'm not waxing nostalgic about the good old days when a con was a con and a bull was a bull and a snitch was a target. Frankly I could give a shit, and only see the whole phenom as another drain on our tax base because it just means the powers will need to house these putos..
I got an old 20oz Vaughn framing hammer with a waffle head that will remove those "peceta placas" purdy good.
Wally for your eyes only:
Roswell- 1947, Rancher Mac Brazel claimed to have found a crashed UFO on his land. The wreckage had Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
Roswell/Area 51 Connection= Experimental aircrafts are tested here but Unsolved Mysteries talked to a former employee there who says an alien spacecraft is stored there next to the cafeteria, measuring 53 feet in diameter.
Falcon Lake UFO- Former Skeptic, Stepehn Michalak says an otherwordly aircraft visited him, leaving a bizarre pattern of scars on his torso and surgically connecting the man's mother in-law to his side.
SV VBS said...
I guess that it's time for you to find another gang to root for cause these fools aren't getting it done.
Swing...and a miss. You still haven't read the article, have you?
:) Smiley Face said ................
Also, I dont see the point of a Chicano attending a university or a college majoring in Chicano Studies. What the hell is that all about? At my university, you were seen as an idiot reject that couldn't handle a real major and show the white boys how a Mexicano from ghetto ass LA was on top of the game.
well shit, for those who can't afford a college chicano studies education program check the free videos below
Does anyone know a good blog or website where readers actually discuss GANGS instead of politics and immigration?
I guess the mexican mayor of Los Angels does not support the mexican governor (Mr. Anony-Mouse). No mexican president anytime soon.
L.A. mayor endorses Clinton presidential bid
Villaraigosa, now a national campaign chair, says N.Y. senator offers nation a new path.
By Duke Helfand and Steve Hymon, Times Staff Writers
6:30 PM PDT, May 30, 2007
Villaraigosa will also serve as one of the four national chairs of Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination for president, it was announced.
At a televised news conference from the UCLA campus in Westwood, Villaraigosa praised Clinton's approach to domestic issues, particularly education, and her pledge to help end the war in Iraq. The pair earlier toured the preschool at UCLA's Krieger Center.
The 2008 election represents an important opportunity for the country to change direction from the years of President Bush, the mayor said.
"We will choose whether to perpetuate the disastrous policies of the last six years that brought us war and division, debt and diminished expectations," he said. Or voters can choose "a new course and a brighter path."
The mayor's announcement had been expected, but it could help Clinton in her race for the Democratic nomination. Polls show her running ahead of her chief challenger, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), nationally and in California.
Running against the Iraq war, Democrats wrested control of Congress from the Republicans and are expected to continue that strategy in 2008. Villaraigosa praised Clinton's current stand against the war. As a senator, she had voted to authorize the invasion.
"Hillary Clinton has a plan to end the war in Iraq," Villaraigosa said. "No candidate in the race for president" is better positioned "to accomplish this mission and restore American prestige around the world."
Villaraigosa cited Hillary Clinton's eight years as a key advisor in the administration of her embattled husband, President Bill Clinton.
"We should not lose sight of the fact that there's only one candidate for the presidency of the United States that has literally been there," the mayor said.
Clinton said she was honored to accept the endorsement of Villaraigosa, whom she called "an honest optimist and a practical visionary."
Villaraigosa is the second high-ranking Latino leader to endorse Clinton in California. Six weeks ago, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angles) backed the New Yorker. The mayor's support is also expected to help with the union vote.
The announcement followed months of political courtship on both coasts. Clinton has met with Villaraigosa several times in Los Angeles and Washington.
Villaraigosa is California's most recognizable Latino political figure and is considered a rising Democratic star who is expected by some to run for governor.
Experts said one obvious plus for Clinton is Villaraigosa's role as the Mexican American leader of a major American city. Several states with large Latino populations were heavily contested in the 2004 presidential election.
"He is someone who could bring in a Latino vote without having to campaign too heavily in Latino communities," said Jaime Regalado, director of the Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs at Cal State Los Angeles. "He has the surname and the face of Latino America."
MacArthur Park
[The other side of the story]
Although I am not Metro, I was involved in clearing the park... Here's some of the things I observed. I stood around with the rest of my unit for 7 hours as the crowd grew. I observed many families, food vendors,reporters, etc., inside the park. I also observed several people with bandanas around their faces. A sure sign that there were people who wanted to start trouble. The rally was peaceful most of the day. There were a couple of incidents I heard over the radio involving small groups of people causing problems. Officers took care of it without force.
Toward the end, I heard several radio broadcasts stating officers were getting bottles, bricks, etc thrown at them. Thankfully, this time, it only took a few minutes for the commanding officers at scene (whom I support) to make the call that this was now an unlawful assembly. Of course we all knew that most of the crowd was peaceful. Of course we knew there were families in the crowd. We also knew there were approx 75 - 100 suspects involved with throwing dangerous items at officers. (For all of you who think we should have just dealt with that group of 75 - 100 people, you try grabbing 100 people at a time, sealing them off from the rest of the crowd. Add into the equation that they are already combative and aggressive. You can't capture those people. They will run back into the crowd like the cowards they are. It doesn't work.
I was there and I clearly heard several warnings for everyone to clear the park. Don't tell me there was no warning, I was there... I also heard several warnings in Spanish. We waited a good 25 - 30 minutes before we even started clearing the park after the warnings were given. That's a long time to be pelted with rocks and bottles. But we're professionals, we will take that abuse to give families time to leave. I personally stood at the end of a skirmish line with no less than five people with cameras pointed at me. They yelled insults at me, called me a pig, told me I was a racist, told me they could find out where I lived, would advance toward me then suddenly stop, remind me that Bratton's election was coming up and that I better not because then Bratton wouldn't get re-elected. (It was hard not to grin at that last comment when they yelled that.) All the time they sat there with their cameras in my face hoping I would lose my cool and do something stupid they could catch on tape. These were just the five people in front of me making an attack on one officer who wasn't saying or doing anything other than standing in a skirmish line that wasn't moving. Countless other officers had to deal with the same thing and gave no reaction just like me. These people weren't even the agitators who were throwing rocks and bottles.
After several more warnings and 25 - 30 minutes we started clearing the park. There was plenty of time for people to leave the area. We were ordered to move forward and start a coordinated advance to move people west out of the park. We didn't run, we didn't chase after people. We walked slow. Tactics and training do not allow us to let ANYONE through our lines. This includes the media. If one person who isn't a police officer gets through, then the line is compromised. There are no exceptions, unless you can't physically move. If that is the case then we will request an ambulance for you.
As I moved forward in my skirmish line, I was continuously taunted by the same people daring me to hit them or act out. They at least had the common sense not to get too close to me. Make no mistake ... I would have struck them with my PR-24 if it had been warranted. Luckily, for my agitators, they kept walking. They decided not to just stand there as the line got closer. They moved and kept their distance. In the end the park was cleared and no one was seriously hurt. If you look at the video shown over and over again by the media of the metro officers and the camera man, you will notice that out of the estimated 50,000 people attending this event, there are only a handful in the picture. I see a good 20 feet of space between the officers skirmish line and the left side of the picture. That tells me that 99.9% of the crowd had the common sense to move out of the way of the skirmish line. Again, we do not let anyone through our lines. If he got hit with a baton, pushed, or kicked a couple of times to get him to move then he should consider himself lucky. We don't have time to slow down and let him get his act together. If he isn't already moving he is wrong. Media or not, if I see a wall of blue in riot gear moving towards me I'm going to think it's time to leave. Shame on you if your dumb enough to stand there.
As for the 37mm's and the foam projectiles. They did exactly what they were designed for. People move when we use those. If the people who remained in the park after the warnings were given had just left, they wouldn't have been struck with the foam. Too bad. The media is completely irresponsible in this, just like in Rodney King. They choose to edit and saturate the channels with videos that get them ratings. Except for May 1st and 2nd, I have yet to see anymore video of the rocks and bottles being thrown at officers. Hmmmm ... I wonder why not. Try showing the other side.
I thought I heard Bratton say he was going to wait until the investigation is over, yet in one week there have been two high ranking officers (who had the guts to make the right call) reassigned, one who was also demoted. 60 metro officers are now assigned to their homes pending the investigation. (By the way, Bratton was bragging two weeks ago how the LAPD now has just over 9,500 officers deployed. The first time above that mark in years. With 60 metro officers at home we’re back below that, (fyi). The mayor and chief have already stated on national TV that the LAPD was wrong. Bratton may have chosen his words carefully, but most of us can see through them. Chief, this department was GREAT before you got here, it's GREAT while you’re here, and it will continue to be GREAT after you are gone. It's GREAT because of the hard working men and women of this department. It's GREAT because there are still some supervisors in all sorts of positions that still care about the troops. Since your re-election is the least of your concerns, maybe you should think about how you could support this department instead of throwing your troops to the wolves. Good Luck!
Maybe you should investigate this... Toward the end of the "melee" officers requested back up for 2 ADW on PO's with suspects running. The airship was assisting those officers, flying low to the ground as they always do in a tactical situation like this. Someone actually had the nerve to get on the air and tell the airship something close to this... "Airship, once again I'm going to request you gain some altitude because it's too noisy down here." The pilot replied that he was in the middle of a tactical situation and could not fly higher at the time. The same person stated "we need you to fly higher because we are having a MEDIA INTERVIEW." The airship repeated that officers were in foot pursuit and he could not comply with that request. Instead of staying off the air for the emergency, the same jerk-off told the pilot "isn't there a code-4? We are doing this interview". The pilot responded by saying there is one in custody but they are chasing a second suspect. You are going to have to stand by on the interview sir, officer safety first. I hope there is an investigation into that. This is unacceptable. Let me be the first to say that we line officers are sorry that your interview was interrupted. All I know is that tomorrow I will be back at work, chasing suspects with guns, arresting people for beating their wives, fixing the problems between you and your neighbors, and all the other endless things we do for the citizens of L A.
To all of you citizens who support the L A P D, thank you ... it means more than you know. To blogger "midwestgal" America is spelled A-M-E-R-I-C-A, not AMERIKA ... welcome to the USA if you are not actually from here. B-platoon, enjoy your vacation and keep your heads up ... the rest of us know what happened. To Bratton and Mayor V, if I happen to die in the line of duty protecting the citizens of L A, my wife knows you two are not welcome at my funeral. My brothers and sisters in blue you are still my heroes, stay safe. LT. De La Torre thanks for keeping this blog going and posting all of these comments that are controversial. Citizens of L A, no matter how you feel about us, we are still going to respond to your cries for help, assist you every way that we can, and be there when you need us. We have too much honor and pride to let the real criminals take over this city.
watched the picture of the police crowd control techniques...I know it is hard to be a cop and I am sure there are 2 sides to this story, but I also know that the police seem to lose their professionalism during this demonstration. What I saw maybe explained blow by blow like the Rodney King beating but this certainly appeared as brutality without restraint. How are these officers being trained? What violations were being committed that could not be dealt with differently? Where does this anger come from? Times are pretty rough these days. I fear that we will be more polarized than in the 60's if we do not figure out how to let people address their government peacefully. These scenes just make people on both sides so angry and bitter.
Thank you for listening.
L.A.'s finest is better than this moment reflects. My one question (and criticism) is why does the LAPD continue, in the heat of the moment, to abuse people holding or manning cameras? It never works. Going back to the Brown Power/Chicano movement of the 1960's, the LAPD has been bashing in the skulls of both media and those protesters/participants in events who had no chance to disperse. I really thought that the LAPD had matured past this point, even going to the extreme of being non-confrontational in instances where somebody's skull really should have been whacked with a police baton!
What happen was sickening to watch, reminds me of the 1930-40s when LAPD did this almost daliy to Mexican/Americans.
I do not approve of the L.A.P.D. beating reporters. Metro did not do a good job. It was just plain stupid to knock a reporter down and toss his camera for the whole world to see. Is that ok with you boomer and Megan ? huh? huh?
The chief is not happy with the way they things were carried out nor are the city leaders. The way metro acted was just plain wrong and now its going to cost the city a lot of money. Watch the news and listen you might learn something.
The MacArthur Park "story" is posted up at,
What was left out...
Illegal Protest
American Citizens who are tired of the illegal alien invasionThe Truth about May Day in MacArthur Park
May 29th, 2007
For those of you who don’t know the lingo here are some definitions———-ADW—assault with a deadly weapon; PO—police officer; PR 24—Baton with a handle; 37MM— large barreled device that fires foam or plastic, less lethal, projectiles; Code-4notification that the situation is OK
END. Posted May 29th, 2007
Other interesting morsels on the blog...
By Frosty Wooldridge
May 28, 2007
The left wing is a Communist movement - when are we going to wake up?
May 26th, 2007
Links posted on the blog include,
American Freedom Riders
Antelope Valley Independent Minutemen
Border Agents
Contact Congress Here
Digger's Realm
Freedom Folks
Illegal Aliens Gotta Go
Immigration Watchdog
People's Patriot Blog
Save Our State
Stop The Invasion
Support Hazleton
USA Invaded
Mayor Tony V replies:
Yeah yeah yeah!
Anonymous Cop:{The other side of the story:{
"I was there, you can trust me to tell the truth, cops don't lie! thats why I'm anonymous.
Everyone else is lying, the press, the TV media, thousands of eyewitness's, the Mayor, the Police chief, FBI, all out to get us!
I don't know what happened to the film showing the supposed 100 missle thrower's, it's just like Rodney King times! There's a media conspiracy editing the film to make us look bad!
Everybody is lying except the infamous, I mean famous Metro Squad.
Mayor V interjects;
hey wasn't the Rodney King video taken by a private citizen? Another example of everyone out to make the LAPD look bad huh? Mentidas! And the Chief and I have viewed video from 50 different sources and it is all the same, pointing the finger at a brutal overreaction on the part of the LAPD Metro Squad in the park that day.
And what kind of cop are you supposed to be? whadda you mean since Chief Bratton's election? Chief Bratton was appointed and you should know that!
Hmmm are you a cop or some kind of station house groupie?
Anonymous Cop;
"To Bratton and Mayor V, if I happen to die in the line of duty protecting the citizens of L A, my wife knows you two are not welcome at my funeral."
Mayor V;
Hey whoever you are, cut the sophomoric, saccharine, boy scout crap, if you don't like the new way of doing things then get another job, Chief Bratton and I won't stand for any more brutal racist actions on the part of the LAPD. Read the slogan on the side of your squad car, "To Protect and Serve", and that means all the citizens of Los Angeles.
Now where's the vomitorium?
Mayor Tony V
I have a gang related question. Does anyone know why EME has been unable to unite Surenos, or, rather or not they've really given an effort? They can collect money with little resistance, yet they can't just demand a cease fire across the board, threatening street gangs with the same consequences as they have for tax resisters?
"If he got hit with a baton, pushed, or kicked a couple of times to get him to move then he should consider himself lucky. We don't have time to slow down and let him get his act together. If he isn't already moving he is wrong. MEDIA OR NOT, if I see a wall of blue in riot gear moving towards me I'm going to think it's time to leave. Shame on you if your dumb enough to stand there."
Said the Cop. Or self proclaim hero.
Media or not moron? Get real idiot. Cops always pride themselves in being close and like brothers, well so does the media genius, or are you too dumb to understand that. Well what do you think they are going to do when their colleagues and friends get hit with a baton, pushed, or kicked a couple of times? They are going to make those cops pay for that. Shame on you if your too stupid to hit them and expect nothing to happen.
I also observed several people with bandanas around their faces. A sure sign that there were people who wanted to start trouble.
We also knew there were approx 75 - 100 suspects involved with throwing dangerous items at officers.
Yes we all know about the little annoying Che freaks that wanted to hijack this protest and make it into their personal Communist revolution, or socialist if some of you Che lovers are offended by the term Communist, you morons. If you would of beat the shit out of them no one would of gave a fuck. Hell I would of laughed at that. Yes I know that they are little bitch ass cowards.
But so are cops that know that there are little kids in the crowd with their families and start firing 37mm's and foam projectiles at them, even though they know very well that that could kill a child, well to me those cops are even bigger cowards than the pathetic Che lovers. That to me that was sick, no regard for the safety of those kids. Those people throwing bottles at you did not endanger your life, and especially not with all that protective gear you guys had on. You know as well as I do that you can’t aim those projectiles accurately.
If the people who remained in the park after the warnings were given had just left, they wouldn't have been struck with the foam. Too bad
If you retards would of hit a youngster in the head and killed him, but your fucking badge wearing life you would of never said too bad. I know it did not happed that time, thank God. So I person like you can just brush that argument aside, but you know it was possible and like true cowards you and those cops around fired any way. A person like that is a piece of shit not a hero.
It’s a shame that the real reason for the pressure being put on the LAPD is what they did to the reporters. If it was up to me every idiot cop that put the life of children at risk by firing those projectiles, should be fired and never be allowed to be even be a security guard in there entire life time, not mention put in jail
I thought I heard Bratton say he was going to wait until the investigation is over, yet in one week there have been two high ranking officers (who had the guts to make the right call) reassigned, one who was also demoted. 60 metro officers are now assigned to their homes pending the investigation. (By the way, Bratton was bragging two weeks ago how the LAPD now has just over 9,500 officers deployed. The first time above that mark in years. With 60 metro officers at home we’re back below that, (fyi).
So what. Real cops, and I call them that because unlike riot control they actually put their life on the line, that work in the fucked up ghettos in South Los Angeles is where cops are needed. So FYI those 60 can go and fuck themselves they are not really needed. Cops in the bad neighborhoods actually have to work for their living. The ones in the good neighborhoods are glorified nannies for teenagers, oh and they pass out traffic tickets also too. The cops in the bad neighborhoods are not going to pulled out and if they are they will be replaced.
EL.A Vato said...
Hence the quarter, or peceta, is equal to or symbolic for, a protective housing inmate.
East L.A. Vato
Thanks for the lesson homie.
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know a good blog or website where readers actually discuss GANGS instead of politics and immigration?
Visit the sites below if you want to discuss gangs. Included are samples of the gang converstions among many with well educated and articulate mexican gang members. There are many other similar web-sites where you can enjoy and discuss gangs and latino pride.
fuck yea south side til tha day i die 2 fool south side surx3 fuck tha rest who cant hang wit the best dat sur side bithes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
horale esa hyna,, sigue asi simpre con nuestro stylo,, ya lo saben los perros mas chingones somos estos sureños y nadie nos detiene,, x la verga esos nortputos...
H3Y W@Z uP To @Ll Th3 L@tInOs OuT ThErE W@nN@ gIv3 @ BiG sHoUt OuT To 3V3RyOnE OuT tH3r3 iN -------R3nO-7-7-5----------
Founder of anti-gang group arrested
By Sam Quinones, Times Staff Writer
June 1, 2007
The founder of an anti-gang organization known as No Guns, once funded by the city of Los Angeles, was arrested Thursday and charged with selling firearms to federal undercover officers.
Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin, 51, was arrested at his home in the 8000 block of 6th Street in Downey, said Susan Raichel, a spokeswoman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
He was charged with the sale of an assault rifle, a machine gun, two pistols and two silencers, Raichel said.
As part of the same investigation, Sylvia Arrellano, 25, was also arrested at a home on Elizabeth Street in Cudahy, and faces the same charges, Raichel said.
Agents raided a junkyard Marroquin owns in the 4000 block of Mason Street in South Gate, and his restaurant, Marroking Seafood and Bar, in the 7000 block of Atlantic Avenue in Cudahy, Raichel said.
At each location, agents found gang photos and writings, she said.
Raichel said the arrests came as part of a nine-month investigation into weapons sales by the 18th Street gang, believed to be the largest in California.
A onetime member of the gang, Marroquin founded the group No Guns in 1996, which purported to work against gang and gun violence in inner-city communities.
Marroquin claimed to have helped more than 60 gang members find jobs in labor unions.
The city eventually added No Guns to its L.A. Bridges anti-gang program. No Guns received $1.5 million from the city before its subcontract was canceled last year.
The action came after revelations that Marroquin hired many of his relatives at No Guns — including his son, Hector "Little Weasel" Marroquin — followed by his arrest last year in Hawthorne on weapons charges.
That case is still pending.
In a 2005 interview with The Times, Marroquin said he turned away from a life of crime after the shooting of his son and the gang peacemaking effort that followed.
In 1998, Marroquin was tried and acquitted of weapons charges.
LA Times Homicide Report, typical Mayate anti Mexican murder, the two cowards taking it out on a Mexican American woman alone with her kids. I'm surprised they didn't shoot the kids too, I guess they didn't see them.
Power's that be will probably say it wasn't racially motivated but "a turf thing" or just a robbery gone wrong, oh yea!
"Killed in Front of Her Children"
Karina Michel, 31, a Latina woman, was the victim killed May 29 at about 10:20 p.m. at 62nd and Main Street in LAPD's Newton Division while having dinner with her family.
Michel, her commmon-law husband, and her two children, an 11-year-old daughter and a 5-year -old son, had stopped at a taco stand. But the children didn't want to eat tacos. So Michel had taken them to McDonalds nearby and returned. Her husband remained behind to order tacos for the couple, according to her ex-mother-in-law, grandmother of the girl. The family sat and ate at the taco tand briefly, but then, the little boy grew cold and went to wait in the car with his sister. Karina Michel was carrying dinner back to the car. She had set the family's sodas on the hood of the car, and was reaching in her purse for the keys.
Her daughter saw this, and was reaching to unlock the door for her when two black men or youths walked up, possibly with the intent of robbing Michel.
The daughter later described to her grandmother what happened next: There was an eruption of gunfire. The daughter saw her mother bloodied, and falling. The daughter ducked in the back of the car, pressing her little brother's head down in the back seat for cover. Michel died at the scene. Afterward, Michel's husband told the children to exit the car on the street side so that they would not see their mother's body, which was near the curb, but the daughter saw anyway. Michel was a legal secretary from South Gate, "a beautiful girl," the grandmother said, with auburn hair and freckles. Her husband was so distraught after the shooting that he required medical treatment.
This is a little off topic here, but I'm sure that everyone of you will agree with me that we are all tired of people preying on children. As we are all obviously internet users & also people concerned with a little more than just what is going on in our personal lives I believer that the fact that people use the internet to prey on children makes us all sick to our stomachs. Please go to the site www.respectourkids.com
it is a new site dedicated to educating parents about the warning signs & dangers of internet predators to their children. Please feel free to register (you can do so anonymously, and your info will not be used against you or for any type of marketing purpose in any way shape or form) and post comments on the this serious topic. Wally, please post this comment & link--it's for a good cause--Thanks. I look forward to your book.
"StillNoScript said...
I have a gang related question. Does anyone know why EME has been unable to unite Surenos, or, rather or not they've really given an effort? They can collect money with little resistance, yet they can't just demand a cease fire across the board, threatening street gangs with the same consequences as they have for tax resisters?"
I really have no idea to your answer, but I know there was a period that they called for no drive by's and it was mellower. Maybe part of it is business and part of it is tradition, do they really care? Like you said it doesn't effect EME's bottom line and that's collecting taxes.
Mr. ANonymous Metro sqad apologist says:
"Again, we do not let anyone through our lines. If he got hit with a baton, pushed, or kicked a couple of times to get him to move then he should consider himself lucky. We don't have time to slow down and let him get his act together. If he isn't already moving he is wrong. Media or not, if I see a wall of blue in riot gear moving towards me I'm going to think it's time to leave. Shame on you if your dumb enough to stand there."
Yea bonehead, it doesn't matter if they are media reps with ID, old ladys with grandchildren, cripples or mental deficients,people who don't speak the language or have experience with the LAPD policy of "get your ass's moving assholes", whatever, just kick the shit out of them for not moving or respecting the "blue line" of force, they must be stupid!
One of the scenes I saw in the videos that really turned my stomach was the sight of these big Metro Sqad commando's snatching up a little "winito" about 70 yrs old and about 5' tall, who had no shirt or socks on and was obviously fucked up on pisto.
Poor little wino was standing by a wall in the park with his old bicycle when the LAPD goons gave him the baton treatment for not moving fast enough and having the nerve to hang on to his old bicycle. Then after they wack his ass loose they throw his bicycle over a wall.
Real hero's!
In lieu of any real authority to speak on EME's motives my take is simple, Script: The Carnales have absolutely NO interest in peace, bud. Money is the only thing that runs their operation. If what I've read is correct the old fuckers in the Bay are calling ALL the shots, and why should they care who gets smoked? These guys live by the sword. Their morbid, encarcerated, pitiful lives are all about violence. They are so completely removed from decent society and all its interplay and diversions that in truth (my take) is that they're more "alien" than any paisa that just set foot in this country.. So they "play" their manacled hands from the depths of the joint. I'm betting that reports that their orders have been carried out, and someone has died by their decree is as pleasing to them as a letter from home used to be to an average convict doing his time legitimately.I have no admiration for these meglomaniacs. They are unique in their penchant for power, and they catch my personal interest because they're so goddam abnormal.. What a great day it would be if their underlings would just cease to acknowledge their existance. That these psycho manipulators would have to do real hard time without the operation that keeps them entertained is a sweet notion..
Don Quixote, it never surprises me how you try to skew the racially motivated violence going on in LA as only black on brown, when most of the readers of this blog and the blog writer himself know that it's far more brown-on-black killings. If you want to play that game, we can.
I read the same LA Times Homicide Report Blog you do, religiously! The following story is horrific enough that it involves an innocent non-gangmember black man being killed by racist Mexican Cholo gangsters and some of his relatives and friends being shot and injured, but the messed up part was that there was a 3 month-old baby present on the porch that was almost shot. A 3 month old! According to you Mr. racist Cholo, only big bad black gangsters do that! Well apparently Cholos shoot at innocent black children as much as black gangsters shoot at innocent Mexican children. Why didn't you post this story, seeing that it happened 3 to 4 weeks before the other homicide did and is posted on the same LA Times Homicide blog (I'm sure you saw it, you are just a racist hypocrite!).
The first article is the initial listing of the homicide, talking about the victim Carl Dixon, the 3-month old and the Latino suspects, the second story mentions the Latino suspects and the baby again, and the third story talks about one of the other victims injured and again mentions the dead man!
Carl Dixon, 34
Carl Dixon, 34, a black man, was shot multiple times at 1516 E. 81st St. in Florence and died at 6:08 p.m. Wednesday, May 9.
Two other black men and a black woman were wounded in this shooting, in which attackers on foot rained bullets on a group of people sitting outside. Dixon died. One of the other men was left in critical condition. The group had a 3-month-old baby sitting with them when the firing started. The baby was not hit. The suspects are believed to be Latino and to have driven away in a small, dark, compact car. Anyone with information is asked to call Det. Patrick Tapia at (323) 890-5500
LA Times Homicide Report Blog, typical Mexican Cholo anti-black murder, the cowards taking it out on unarmed blacks just enjoying a South Los Angeles sunny day, one of whom was with his 3-month baby boy P.S. DQ These Mexican gangsters did see the baby, since they took many shots at McFarland the guy who was holding the baby, so they were obviously trying to kill the baby too.
"What it's like to be shot, Part II"
(34-year-old Carl Dixon was killed in the May 9 Florence shooting that also left three other people wounded. Last week, The Homicide Report told this story from the perspective one survivor, Sidney McFarland.
Today, the story is told from the perspective of a second victim, Bernard McGee, 37, McFarland's cousin, who suffered serious wounds to the back and both thighs. The Latino suspects in this case are still at large. Above, McGee looks away as neighbor Latisha Thomas changes the dressing on a wound. Photo by Brian VanderBrug/LAT)
It was still light when Bernard McGee greeted Carl Dixon in front of a house in the 1600 block of East 81st Street.
Dixon, a friend of McGee's, had stopped by to drop off his aunt after taking her to a funeral in Moreno Valley for a young relative. McGee was sitting on the porch. With him was his common-law wife, their 3-month-old baby boy Ejuan, and McGee's cousin, Sidney McFarland.
McGee barely had time to exchange greetings with Dixon. As soon as Dixon sat, there was an explosion of gunfire. "Boom, pac, pac, pac, boom, boom, boom!" McGee said, recalling the sound. A group of people were shooting from behind a wall. McGee looked at Dixon. He saw the red fabric of Dixon's shirt whip, as if a strong breeze were yanking it. Dixon was being shot in the torso.
Then McGee felt two little sharp jabs in his legs. Quick piercings. One in each thigh. He felt no pain. But he had a clear sensation of two tiny objects plunging into his flesh. He knew had been hit. Instinct, or adrenalin, put him in motion. He was running. "I had no choice," he said. "My legs got up and went."
Florence shooting: A survivor's account
(The following is one victim's description of yesterday's homicide in Florence, which killed a 34-year-old man and wounded three others. See first entry)
The first shot sounded very close. Sidney McFarland happened to have his eyes on his friend Carl Dixon. They had just begun a conversation.
He saw Dixon's chest jump, as though he'd been shocked. Then came another loud shot. Dixon's body jolted a second time, jerking upward, then falling forward toward McFarland.
Sidney_2 McFarland saw people running toward the house. They had been sitting outside, a group of them, friends and cousins, drinking and talking. Next to McFarland was a 3-month-old baby in a baby seat--his cousin's infant son.
The first two shots were followed by a barrage. "Rap rap rap!" Over and over. McFarland got the baby in the baby seat on the ground. He covered the child with his body, and scooted him along the ground under his torso, according to his account, and those of other people nearby.
The baby was crying. The shots kept coming. McFarland scooted and scooted, inching along. They reached a wall. He curled over the baby, pushing him against the wall and squeezing him tight. Then he shut his eyes, and waited. The rap-rap-rap continued. McFarland's heart raced. The baby cried and cried. McFarland felt a light peppering on his body. He thought it was debris falling.
At last, the guns went quiet. People began screaming. McFarland lifted himself. He looked at the baby. The baby had stopped crying, and gazed back at him silently. McFarland jumped up. He saw Dixon lying face-down on the ground. He ran past him to the house. He leaped up the steps, ran into the kitchen, and picked up the phone. He called 911. Then he looked down at his legs.
There were bullet wounds in his ankles, calves, and up his thighs. Distractedly, McFarland hung up the phone. He started to count the wounds--"one, two, three, four...damn!" He counted six wounds in one leg. One bullet had lodged to the side of his kneecap, a hard round lump beneath the skin.
He turned to his other leg, and started counting. A wound, another and another. He lost count. Suddenly, he felt pain. He sat down abruptly, and realized he couldn't get up.
Two other victims were struck by bullets and survived--the baby's mother, and a friend, who was hospitalized in critical condition. Dixon was transported to a hospital, where he died.
McFarland, 31, was still not walking the next morning. He had bandages up and down both legs, a bloodstream full of morphine, and a face full of pain. He was trying to figure out walking with crutches, dragging both legs, unable to put his weight on either. It was the fourth time in his life that he has been shot.
Here are the LA Times Homicide Report Blog links for the other two stories:
How do you explain the actions of these cholos DQ, and how are they different than black gangsters! Explain DQ, please explain!
Here's another story that shows the ruthlessness of Mexican gangsters in relation to how they treat blacks. This one is courtesy of the Avenues gangs, one of NELA's most powerful gangs. The first article talks about all 3 killings of black men. The second article only talks about two of these race based killings, NONE of whom were gang members! To all you readers note how the second article states at the end how they attacked black women and black children in addition to the race based killings. How do you explain the behavior of these cholos, since in your mind only black gangsters commit these hideous acts!
Note there is no black gang presence in Highland Park and Highland Park has a very small black population-the Avenues were targeting a small, vunerable non-gangbanging black population that didn't have any Crips or Bloods to retaliate-basically making the Avenues a bunch of racist cowards!
1.Blacks Were Targeted, Witness Insists
Los Angeles Times By John Spano
July 05, 2006
A former Avenues street gang member acknowledged Wednesday that he had lied repeatedly about the murder of a black man who authorities allege was the target of an organized campaign to harass, threaten and kill African Americans in Highland Park. The defense in the federal conspiracy case pushed hard to suggest that the violent incidents Jesse Diaz recounted were directed at black gang members, and not all African Americans. But Diaz pushed back, testifying that he repeatedly lied to police, federal agents and grand jurors but in the end told the truth, that the 1999 murder of Kenneth Wilson, 38, was part of a racial cleansing campaign.
Federal authorities need to show that the murder was part of a concerted effort between 1995 and 2000 to push blacks out of the largely blue-collar neighborhood in order to prove their unusual civil rights conspiracy case. Prosecutors, including a top official in the civil rights division of the Justice Department in Washington, are using a Reconstruction-era law to prosecute four gang members for what they call a racially motivated conspiracy to deny blacks the right to select where they want to live. It was the second full day of testimony for Diaz, one of three members of the feared northeast Los Angeles-area street gang set to testify in the case.
Diaz is serving 20 years for the attempted murder of a black man in Highland Park on May 2, 1999. He testified in tan prison garb, his left arm shackled to the witness box. Wilson was gunned down on the street, sustaining wounds from three different weapons. Prosecutors allege the conspiracy also included two other murders, that of Anthony Prudhomme on Nov. 3, 2000, and of Christopher Bauser on Nov. 11, 2000. Defendants Gilbert Saldana, Alejandro Martinez, Fernando Cazares and Porfirio Avila were seated during the testimony with their counsel, behind a three-tiered set of risers built into the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Percy Anderson. In contrast to Diaz, who appeared in prison garb, each defendant was neatly dressed in a pressed shirt. Avila wore thick eyeglasses, and Saldana peered over the rim of reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose. Saldana and Avila are both serving state prison terms of life without parole for murder. Avila was convicted in state court of killing Wilson; authorities said police lacked evidence at the time to charge him with a hate crime. The defense disputes that the murder was part of a campaign, suggesting instead that it was a typical gang killing committed 'out of boredom.' The defense also has cited a general antipathy between violent street gangs, including black and Latino gangs.
Diaz's familiarity with criminal procedure was apparent as he sparred with Deputy Federal Public Defender Reuven L. Cohen, who represents Saldana. The cross-examination covered, in part, seven years of association with federal and Los Angeles law enforcement officials, interviews and testimony. 'I don't remember,' Diaz responded at one point. 'Would you like me to refresh my memory?' - parroting a phrase lawyers often use to prompt witnesses. 'I would love to refresh your memory,' Cohen replied. The day included fewer of the racial epithets that punctuated Diaz's earlier testimony. One white female juror had physically recoiled in apparent disgust as Diaz described the Avenues' alleged hatred of African Americans.
2. Killers targeting blacks gets life terms
By Peter Y. Hong
Times Staff Writer
November 21, 2006
Three Highland Park gang members convicted of deadly hate-crime attacks against African Americans were sentenced to life in prison without parole Monday.
The members of the Latino gang the Avenues had been prosecuted for breaking federal hate-crime laws — statutes typically used against white supremacist groups.
They were convicted of carrying out a conspiracy that violated their victims' rights to live and walk in Highland Park. The conspiracy included several killings.
Defense attorneys had argued during the trial that hate-crime charges were a ploy by frustrated prosecutors who lacked evidence to try their cases in state court.
Gilbert "Lucky" Saldana, 27, Alejandro "Bird" Martinez, 28, and Fernando "Sneaky" Cazares, 25, were each sentenced to life imprisonment by U.S. District Judge Percy Anderson for their parts in the murders of two African American men.
A fourth gang member, Porfirio "Dreamer" Avila, 31, is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 18. Avila is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of two African American men.
"Hate crimes are some of the most disturbing offenses prosecuted by this office," said acting U.S. Atty. George S. Cardona. "These defendants will now spend the rest of their lives in federal prison for the despicable act of trying to rid their neighborhood of African Americans."
As members of the Avenues gang, the men targeted African Americans without gang ties, including women and children. From 1995 to 2001, according to trial testimony, the gang members shot a 15-year-old boy riding a bicycle, hit a jogger in the head with a pistol, knocked a woman off her bike and threatened her husband with a box cutter.
The gang shot one victim as he drove his car, and another was shot to death as he waited for a bus on Figueroa Street.
Links are:
Rafael, a freelance journalist living in Los Angeles, is the author of The Mexican Mafia (Encounter Books, July 2007), the first book ever published about the powerful and secretive criminal enterprise that governs every Hispanic neighborhood in southern California. Based on access to police records and extensive street research, including interviews with gang members themselves, the book documents how "the Black Hand" is well on its way to becoming a _transnational_ criminal enterprise. Next month, ladies and gentlemen.
The Mexican Mafia
Tony Rafael. Encounter (NBN, dist.), $25.95 (250p) ISBN 978-1-59403-195-3
Rafael's debut book—a study of the Southern California–based Mexican mafia told mainly from the perspective of veteran Los Angeles deputy district attorney Anthony Manzella—is a revealing but flawed work. Despite occasional national headlines about drive-by shootings that claim innocent lives (including the granddaughter of an LAPD chief), most Americans are probably unfamiliar with the powerful, loosely organized street gangs that make up the Mexican mafia. Rafael does a workmanlike job of tracing the rise of these gangs, despite the occasional factual error (e.g., the RICO statute was used to indict criminal groups besides La Cosa Nostra before the Mexican mafia), but fails to dramatize his overly detailed account of Manzella's trials. Manzella is an interesting enough figure—a dedicated workaholic throwback who doesn't use a computer, or even an electric typewriter. But Rafael gives short shrift to the sociology of the rise of the Mexican mafia. Instead, he offers a final quote from Manzella (“We know exactly the kind of families that produce criminals. I'd like to go in there and take them out. But we can't do that') will leave many with a sour taste that undercuts Rafael's attempts to make the deputy DA a hero. (July)
Does Manzella post up here?
StillNoScript said...
I have a gang related question. Does anyone know why EME has been unable to unite Surenos, or, rather or not they've really given an effort? They can collect money with little resistance, yet they can't just demand a cease fire across the board, threatening street gangs with the same consequences as they have for tax resisters?
Maybe that's a divide and conquer thing.
if all the southside gangs were tight on the outside Maybe
they could grow some huevos and start doing the same thing
that maravilla did.
I guess the big boys don't want a dissident movement in the streets.
Gava Joe said...
In lieu of any real authority to speak on EME's motives my take is simple, Script: The Carnales have absolutely NO interest in peace, bud. Money is the only thing that runs their operation.
Their morbid, encarcerated, pitiful lives are all about violence. They are so completely removed from decent society and all its interplay and diversions that in truth (my take) is that they're more "alien" than any paisa that just set foot in this country.. So they "play" their manacled hands from the depths of the joint.
That these psycho manipulators would have to do real hard time without the operation that keeps them entertained is a sweet notion..
You are so correct about these EME psychos we need to just execute these repeat murderers. There is no reason to allow these psychos to continue to operate from within prison.
I doubt we will ever get the stupid young cholos to quit idolizing these murderers, all one needs to do is look at a couple of examples here in Wally’s blog, we have Don Quakers and SV-VBS who constantly tell us how “intelligent” and admirable the EME shot callers are. If two old fools like these still idolize the EME low-lifes in prison what hope do we have for young cholos who are educated or are the kids of old fools like Don Quakers and SV-VBS.
I hope every politician reads Wally’s book and educates themselves about the control prison gangs have on the outside.
I have said this before, how stupid are you to allow a heroin addict in prison to give you orders? Tijuana Jailer told many stories about the majority of EME members in prison being heroin addicts, the only shot-caller I knew as a kid was heroin addict living in a motel having sex with the nastiest prostitutes working the street.
The Mexicans themselves have to change the idea that gangs are part of latino culture. One only has to look around Los Angeles and see the cholo culture being passed on to the young kids by parents and older adults.
Ray said ..........
Don Quixote, it never surprises me how you try to skew the racially motivated violence going on in LA as only black on brown, when most of the readers of this blog and the blog writer himself know that it's far more brown-on-black killings. If you want to play that game, we can.
To Ray,
I’m sure you already know what a racist, hypocrite, and fool Don Quakers is. As you pointed out there are plenty of examples of cholos doing the same cowardly and stupid acts as the blacks. Everyone needs to go back and read the homicide report there are plenty of examples of cholos killing innocent young girls and women black and latino.
I guess the cholo spokesman Don Quakers already forget about the cholo from 204st gang, shooting into a group of young girls and killing 14 year old Cheryl Greene and wounding three others. I guess the old fool thinks the 204st gang had the right to control the neighborhood and decide who should shop at the corner store.
And another thing our cholo spokesman will say, that you and I are the same person (Jim, Big Betty, Wallsita lol), I still remember the confusion he had with “white bread” and “white is right”, it was hilarious. But I will say this, if Don Q. was not here posting his pendejadas who would we debate and laugh at?
Another EME member Wally has nentioned many times is still making the news, I wonder if he will discuss gang prevention with
Mario Corona of CIS (Cholos/Criminals In Schools)
Arrested L.A. activist had aroused suspicions
NO GUNS founder faces firearms charges. Some disbelieved his claim of leaving gang life behind.
By Sam Quinones, Times Staff Writer
June 2, 2007
Former 18th Street gang member Hector "Weasel" Marroquin for years was celebrated and rewarded for having turned his life around.
He founded the anti-gang organization NO GUNS and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the city for his efforts to help steer Latino youths away from a life of crime. His champions included former state Sen. Tom Hayden.
But his arrest this week on charges of selling firearms to federal undercover officers underscored concerns long held by people familiar with Marroquin's background that he had not left his criminal life behind.
"I never for a moment believed that he ever left the life," said Connie Rice, a civil rights attorney and former member of the Los Angeles Police Commission who noted that she saw Marroquin at meetings of anti-gang agencies. "I always thought he was using the system."
Marroquin, 51, was arrested Thursday at his Downey home on charges of selling several guns, including a machine gun, two silencers and two rifles, to undercover officers. He bailed out of Los Angeles County jail Thursday night and could not be reached for comment.
His lawyer, Patrick Smith, did not return phone calls Friday.
Marroquin's arrest marks the latest chapter in a life filled with controversy.
In the mid-1990s, claiming to have left the gang life, Marroquin formed NO GUNS — Networks Organized for Gang Unity and Neighborhood Safety — headquartered in Lennox. Over the next decade, NO GUNS emerged as one of the area's few anti-gang groups run by Latinos.
In 2000, the Sheriff's Department called in NO GUNS to help quell riots between Latinos and blacks at its Pitchess Detention Center.
But some law enforcement officials believed that Marroquin was a front man for the Mexican Mafia prison gang and that NO GUNS was a facade for illegal activity and a channel for public funds.
One was Richard Valdemar, a retired sheriff's sergeant and expert on gangs who led an investigation that resulted in the first federal racketeering trial of Mexican Mafia members; it resulted in the conviction of 13. Valdemar said the Mexican Mafia has a long history of using anti-gang and drug rehabilitation groups as fronts to acquire public funds.
"This is a major part of their operation," said Valdemar, whom Marroquin unsuccessfully sued for defamation of character in 2002.
Valdemar said he and others voiced these concerns to the Sheriff's Department and the city of Los Angeles.
As part of its gang intervention efforts, the city through its L.A. Bridges program contracted with Toberman Settlement House, a Harbor-area social services agency, which in turn hired NO GUNS in 2003.
Bill Martinez, director of gang intervention programs for Toberman, said NO GUNS was hired because it was the only group in South Los Angeles working with Latino gangs. Over the next three years, NO GUNS collected more than $1.5 million in city funds as a subcontractor.
Marroquin's organization was contracted to help find job training for gang members and to mediate cease-fires, said Angela Estell of the city's Community Development Department.
The contract continued even though in December 2005, Hawthorne police arrested Marroquin's son, Hector Jr., known as "Little Weasel" and a principal in NO GUNS. He and another man were charged with a home-invasion robbery. Police said he had several weapons in his house. That case is scheduled for trial next week.
As part of that investigation, police arrested Marroquin Sr. on weapons-possession charges, said Hawthorne Police Det. Chris Port. The case is pending.
Last summer, NO GUNS lost its city contract after it was discovered that Marroquin had used funds to hire many of his family members, said Gloria Lockhart, director of Toberman Settlement House.
Marroquin's case illustrates the potential problems that public agencies face when they hire people with criminal pasts for gang prevention work.
Hayden, author of "Street Wars: Gangs and the Future of Violence," recalled asking Marroquin to help halt violence among Westside gangs in the late 1990s. Marroquin mediated and found construction jobs for several dozen gang members hanging drywall at the Playa Vista development, Hayden said.
"Police will tell you, when things are really violent … these intervention workers are key to calming it down," Hayden said. "These guys perform a service. If they backslide, well, who doesn't?"
Marroquin and his family have a long history of run-ins with police.
In 1998, Marroquin was tried and acquitted on illegal weapons charges. At the time, he was on probation for brandishing a gun at sheriff's deputies who had gone to his house three years earlier in response to a domestic disturbance call.
In 2001, the charred body of Hector Romero, the boyfriend of Marroquin's daughter, Charleeda, was found near Wrightwood, Valdemar said.
According to several Marroquin family members, Romero was playing Russian roulette and shot himself to death.
They allegedly drove the body to the Wrightwood area of San Bernardino County, where gasoline was poured on Romero's crotch and ignited, said Valdemar, who participated in the investigation.
San Bernardino sheriff's homicide detectives eventually filed the case as a suicide and charged Charleeda Marroquin with mutilating a body, Valdemar said.
During the investigation, police searched Marroquin Sr.'s house and found knives and police batons — a violation of his probation — as well as 18th Street gang writings. Marroquin was charged with a probation violation.
Valdemar said his last contact with Marroquin was in 2003, when Marroquin moved to Cudahy. He said Marroquin began taxing Cudahy gang members and drug dealers, claiming authority from the Mexican Mafia.
Sergio "Checo" Villa, a local gang leader with his own mafia ties, objected, Valdemar said. Villa put together a crew to kill Marroquin, which included a gang member who was a Sheriff's Department informant, he said. Fearing that the informant might kill Marroquin, Valdemar said he told Marroquin of Villa's plans.
"He thinks I'm going to kill him," Valdemar said. "I said, 'I'm not here to hurt you. But you're in trouble. They're going to kill you.' He's says, 'It's just a misunderstanding.' "
Several days later, Villa was shot dead on a street in Cudahy, according to a county coroner's report. The homicide remains unsolved.
HEy Ray, you go back to the old Avenues, Highland Park card huh.
That case is what started all the one sided, black oriented, media coverage.
(Chicano's killing blacks in attempt at a new ethnic cleansing!!!)
But when these Mayates single out and blast a 3 year baby girl in the chest then all of a sudden it's only a "turf battle".
When a bunch of innocent young kids (including a 10 year old boy) are randomly executed in the street after being made to lie face down, by almost 40 year old Mayates who were out looking for Mexicans to kill, again it wasn't racial according to the powers that be, it was a "gang thing".
Pasadena had an ongoing program of attacks on poor Mexicans getting off work late at night (probably washing dishes or janitorial work) by low down Mayates who laughed about the "POM" trip, (Punch on Mexicans)
This info was kept from the community for over a year while the attacks on Mexican workers continued. But of course it wasn't racially motivated, oh God forbid!
Then when some Chicano Youngster sees an attack and tries to intervene, he gets chased down, shot to death by the Jura, and called a justified shooting.
That's when the shit hit the fan about the "POM" and the Jura had to admit it's existence.
Of course nobody wants to see anyone murdered, and I don't care what race they are, but if you read your story again about the Chicano's shooting of probable Mayate gangsters,including McFarland, who was holding the baby, you might ask yourself why he was shot 8 or 10 times in the legs and not the back or the head or upper body.
Could it be that the Chicano pulling the trigger saw the baby McFarland was shielding and didn't want to shoot the baby accidently?
That Ray, is the difference between baby killer Mayates and even cold blooded killers of Mexican Heritage.
Choke on that Ray.
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