Tuesday, November 17, 2009

After eleven years living and operating in Mexico, Rolando "Rolo" Ontiveros slipped back across the border in February and immediately started turning the heads of people who know him. It was only a matter of time before street intel would bring him to LE attention.

For those familiar with the Shady Detevis, Chuy Martinez, Stranger Turscak Federal indictment, Rolo was the only person named in the indictment that was not taken into custody. He fled to Mexico where, according to sources, he had family connections to high level traffickers. While there, he apparently owned a couple of nightclubs but continued to operate by proxy on this side of the border. Before he fled the indictment, Rolo was running a couple of used car dealerships in LA and running business on the streets. In the indictment, Rolo was named as being connected to the homicide of Richard Serrano, a rival to Chuy.

Like a number of his contemporaries, Rolo didn't sport visible tattoos or carry any other outward signs of being connected.

There's a strong suspicion that Rolo was finally driven back into the U.S. after he survived a hand grenade attack in Mexico. Unknown is the reason for the grenading but it's probably the outcome of intra-mural warfare between cartels. More proof that if the cops don't get you, your business rivals will.
The politicians in charge of our lives in Los Angeles handed every smuggler and dope dealer carte blanche to continue doing business. It's clear that the camel got his nose under the tent and slid his whole body into your sleeping bag.

What we heard yesterday was nothing that will impose any kind of control mechanism to determine where the cannabis originates, how it's supposed to be transported and how much unregulated money is exchanged across the counter.

With close to a thousand retail outlets slinging unmonitored dope it's the worst of all possible outcomes for law enforcement and the legal tax collectors and a huge boost for any criminal org that's already involved in drug smuggling.