Due to popular demand for more pictures from the Fortress of Solitude here's one for your files. What we have here was taken in 1994, ancient history by some standards. The subject is Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre standing on the balcony of a motel in La Mirada doing some counter-surveillance on the parking lot. In the background is the room where he and other carnales were holding one of the many meetings that were videotaped and recorded by the Task Force. Those meeting tapes served as the backbone of the US Attorney's case against Aguirre, Cowboy, Huero Shy, China Boy and the other defendants in the first of three RICO cases. According to people on both sides of the issue, Pee Wee was probably one of the smartest operators ever to come out of Avenues. There wasn't one drop on ink on him and he never dressed down. He was also a phenomenal earner and knew how to keep the troops happy. Had he directed his talents in a different direction, he could have made of himself anything he wanted.
Wally how long is that shirt?
Anonymous said...
Who is mas Mexicano the mad “pocho” cholo from San Fernando who was probably born in the U.S. and has never lived in Mexico. And who is so mad he is typing everything in CAPS and looks like he is about to have a racial identity melt down. Or the Mexicano Orgulloso who says he was born in Mexico and is obviously bilingual. He writes in Spanish with the appropriate symbols over his Spanish words. I vote for the guy born in Mexico who says he was never in a gang.
I wonder what little village in Mexico loves and welcomes the bald headed, tattooed, gang banging and drug dealing Cholos of Los Angeles. And will claim them as their own people.
I think I am learning why the Cholos say “Don’t be a hater” that is because even Mexicans are ashamed and embarrassed by them. You know every race has its own ghetto mentality people who are to estupido to understand that they are an embarrassment
This reminds me of a Chris rock comedy routine who said there are two sets of black folks:
black people and "nig****". I guess you can say the same about any race.
A brother: (We can put Mexican here)
Seeks to bring pride to his family's house, by honoring his parents labor in seeking to be a productive member of society.
Sees beyond the trappings of ill-gotten wealth and materialism, and goes for that which is decent and well earned.
Knows accountability and responsibility.
Takes advantage of all available opportunities in academia to educate himself.
Sees wrong in his community and takes a stand AGAINST it.
Learns to stop waiting for "hook-ups" and start doing things. Hey, no one's going to give you anything for free, you might as well take the initiative.
Respect his elders and his history. Enough to know there is nothing "cool" about the N-word.
Understands sacrifice.
A "brotha": (We can put a Cholo, gang banger here)
Is delusional. As he engages in illegal schemes and practices, he envisions himself as a sort of a "revolutionary" in a war against the man.
Only sees quick wealth and materialism, but fails to see the short time he'll have to enjoy it.
Blames his poor judgment on external factors (society, environment, Daddy left us, etc.), and removes himself from accountability and responsibility.
Doesn't think twice in victimizing his fellow blacks all for the sake of enjoying some quick and temporary gratification.
Wants all the rewards of life without any of the sacrifice
Que Viva - Mexicano Orgulloso
Chris Rock - Rocks
Damn! Woulda thought that vato would be a Big Homie? I mean he looks like a thousand other people - or maybe it was a million,I forget..
Why you no more at you desk? Take off too much of you time out now! Think you get new girlfrend or lady friend? You no anser mail anymore and posts take too long to post lately. Be fayfull to humble readers on blog, oh I come to house an wack you inside the head with wok pan because you now tinking like playboy with upcoming success of book an you fogget all about loyal readership now. Please don’t fogget about us.
ps. Wally maybe you book come out also in Manderin? so I can sen to famiwy in Taipei. Thanks so much an keep on truckin, I'm a soul man an I see you later alligator.....
White is Right said……………………..
“Well get it together boys. Is it White Bread that is the cop or is it White Is Right? You see there are 2 white guys on this blog and you guys can't seem to figure out the difference even though we sign off with different names. Shit White Bread if we get one more white guy in here it might just turn into a clan meeting. I don't know if Gava Joe counts, he speaks that Espanyole that I don't understand.”
I laughed at you line about the clan meeting. I have been called plenty of names here but again what do you expect from a bunch of former and current criminals and gang bangers. What is also funny is how I have been called a cop, fed, even that I am some black guy who used to post here. Remember when you called somebody Don Camote you were instantly somebody else.
Did you see when a former cop ex-Hollywood Liberal ( http://exlibhollywood.blogspot.com/ ) posted here recently, everybody came out to slam him, and it was hilarious. Or maybe that is a “real” conspiracy to keep cops and whites out of Wally’s world. The paranoia and fear of cops even in Wally’s cyber-space is hilarious. I am sending a personal invitation to the ex-hollywood liberal to keep posting here. (lol)
I get credit/blame for any post which has a negative comment about gangs. I guess these gang bangers do not think anybody but me could be against gangs and what they stand for. I even see a few anti-gang posts in spanish from some mexicans.
But I guess when you have spent time in jail everything has to be a conspiracy against you. I have never seen so many people who can come up with so many excuses and blame others for their criminal behavior. I have to teach the phrase “personal responsibility” to so many people.
White Bread – I am the other white guy
Wally said,
"Due to popular demand for more pictures from the Fortress of Solitude..."
Hey Wally, can't you please stuff White "Blight" into that Fortress of Solitude, my gosh, I'd be willing to wager there's enough popular demand. I just by-pass his posts as they are always routine, shopworn and oft-repeated. Wally things couldn't get any worse if he had a bull horn now and I really pray for you every nite as you have to read his posts word for word. Helen Keller's triumph over deafness, blindness, and muteness was a miracle, and thank baby Jesus that she never got to read this contributor to the world's gene pool's posts. Anyways Wally, I was at the new Cathedral this Ash Wednesday and I did pray for you, and Cardinal Mahoney presided over a lovely mass.
PS. I heard my name mentioned the other day here, I know it was Jim so I just want to say that the first one to be bopped on the head will be him, as I don't do public service appearances. Vas a ver!
In the early 1990s, the police blamed the Avenues for more than half of the 200-plus homicides in the northeast L.A. neighborhoods of Highland Park, Glassell Park, Cypress Park and Eagle Rock. Three-year-old Stephanie Kuhen’s murder by gang members, who fired on her family’s car as her lost stepfather tried to turn around on a dead-end street, intensified police efforts to rid the neighborhood of the 800-member gang.
The Avenues also drew the attention of federal authorities alarmed by the Mexican Mafia’s bid to extend the group’s influence outside of California’s prisons. The first major law-enforcement crackdown came when Avenues boss and Mexican Mafia member Alex “Pee Wee” Aguirre was sentenced to a life term in 1997. It was soon followed by a gang injunction by the City Attorney’s Office and a series of trials that took a handful of Avenues members off the streets
It has been nearly 10 years since Avenues boss and Mexican Mafia member Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre was sentenced to a life term. He turned over partial control of the gang to his brother, Richard “Little Pee Wee” Aguirre, who was only 14 when he assumed the role of shot-caller in 1995. His reign lasted until 2001, when he was charged in a string of murders. It wasn't until this May that Little Pee Wee was convicted, a delay caused by the "difficult" task of getting gang members to cooperate with police. During the trial, two ex-Avenues members told shocking tales of robberies, assaults and murders. They gave details of life as tax collectors for the Mexican Mafia’s drug business and the penalties doled out to those who defied its will.
Conviction of EME members including Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre upheld
On August 7, 1993, Aguirre shot and killed Mexican Mafia member Manuel “Rocky” Luna. The police found Luna’s body riddled with gunshot wounds in the driver’s seat of a car parked in Ramona Gardens.
At the videotaped September 25, 1994 meeting, Arias, Barela, Mendez, Therrien, and Shryock reaffirmed an earlier decision to kill Mexican Mafia member Donald “Little Man” Ortiz because Ortiz had “disrespected” the Mexican Mafia. This decision was also reaffirmed at the videotaped April 9, 1995 meeting, attended by Aguirre, R. Castro, Gallardo, Mendez, Shryock, and Therrien. By April 1995, however, the jail where Ortiz was incarcerated placed him in protective custody and no Mexican Mafia member had access to him. Accordingly, Gallardo proposed an exception to the rule that only a member could kill another, and to permit an associate to carry out the murder. The members present agreed and decided to have someone subpoena Ortiz to court as a pretext, so that an associate from the gang module where Ortiz was housed could kill him. The indictment charged the conspiracy to murder Ortiz as a racketeering act, and the jury found the crime proven as to 12856 UNITED STATES v. SHRYOCK Aguirre, Barela, R. Castro, Gallardo, J. Hernandez, Mendez, Shryock, and Therrien. The jury also convicted the same Appellants of conspiracy to murder Ortiz to maintain or increase their positions in a RICO enterprise. 14.
On June 20, 1997, the jury found by a preponderance of the evidence that Aguirre’s interest in a 1992 Honda Accord was forfeitable under 21 U.S.C. § 853 because he btained it as a result of the conspiracy to aid and abet the distribution of narcotics.
Tortilla de Maize
Pan Blanco
Pita Bread
ButterMilk Pancake
Anonymous said
"Sees wrong in his community and takes a stand AGAINST it."
"Just say no to drugs!" -You go girl!!
Orgulloso who is bilingual said
"He writes in Spanish with the appropriate symbols over his Spanish words. I vote for the guy born in Mexico who says he was never in a gang."
LMAO. Wally, were you find this guy - hijole, Benito Juarez coulda used this character in fighting the spanish. Maybe you'll let him post his Resume on here and let the fellas check out all the nice things he has to say of himself? Keep posting his stuff, it's too funny.
Wallace, did White bread or White iz Right say this:
I git credit/blame fo' any post which has uh negative comment about gangs. I guess deez gang bangers do not th'o't anybody but me could be against gangs an' what dey stand fo'. I even see uh few anti-gang posts in spanish from some mexicans.
But I guess when ya gots spent tyme in jail everything has ta be uh conspiracy against ya. I gots never seen so many peeps who can come up wiff so many excuses an' blame others fo' they criminal behavior. I gots ta teach da phrase “personal responsibility” ta so many peeps.
What'she saying first off an' secondly I just wanna say he has nahh responsibility ta me in if he iz trippin' about slave reparations. He bomb not start jivin' about us he uh KKK gadfly.
The ACLU as a service to the Mexican immigrants has posted in spanish there rights - Derechos de los immigrantes. It might help someone you know. Thanks. http://www.aclu.org/immigrants/espanol/index.html
I agree with MEXICANO ORGULLOSO. I always got picked on by cholos in high school and after scgool I would go work at McDonalds and they would come in and woul always leave the tables a mess right after I'd had cleaned them and then I would get smack from my manager, and he'd tell me to clean them again. We need more Boys Clubs and tutoring programs for the 5-10 age brackett especially because they are pliable and love to learn. It's good that they are going to build those 3 new high schools in East Los Angeles because that area is really populated with new immigrants.
Chris Rock said..............
A brother: (We can put Mexican here)
Seeks to bring pride to his family's house, by honoring his parents labor in seeking to be a productive member of society.
Sees beyond the trappings of ill-gotten wealth and materialism, and goes for that which is decent and well earned.
Knows accountability and responsibility.
Takes advantage of all available opportunities in academia to educate himself.
Sees wrong in his community and takes a stand AGAINST it.
Learns to stop waiting for "hook-ups" and start doing things. Hey, no one's going to give you anything for free, you might as well take the initiative.
Respect his elders and his history. Enough to know there is nothing "cool" about the N-word.
Understands sacrifice.
A "brotha": (We can put a Cholo, gang banger here)
Is delusional. As he engages in illegal schemes and practices, he envisions himself as a sort of a "revolutionary" in a war against the man.
Only sees quick wealth and materialism, but fails to see the short time he'll have to enjoy it.
Blames his poor judgment on external factors (society, environment, Daddy left us, etc.), and removes himself from accountability and responsibility.
Doesn't think twice in victimizing his fellow blacks all for the sake of enjoying some quick and temporary gratification.
Wants all the rewards of life without any of the sacrifice
I hope Don Culo (the frenchie) does not read the line " Blames his poor judgment on external factors (society, environment, Daddy left us, etc.), and removes himself from accountability and responsibility."
Because that old fool, will be having another heart attack. You know he is THE VICTIM of society and his abuelita slapping his head for being a burro as a mocoso.(LMAFO)
El Chavo de Sinaloa
Anonymous repeated and said............
"He writes in Spanish with the appropriate symbols over his Spanish words. I vote for the guy born in Mexico who says he was never in a gang."
"LMAO. Wally, were you find this "guy - hijole, Benito Juarez coulda used this character in fighting the spanish. Maybe you'll let him post his Resume on here and let the fellas check out all the nice things he has to say of himself? Keep posting his stuff, it's too funny."
Who cares about who writes better spanish. I am still waiting to see SV VBS answer the Orgullso Mexican about his homies from VBS blasting that 16 year old girl named Martha Puebla. Those VBS homie are nothing but cowards for killing little girls. That is what we should be talking about.
Donde Estas SV VBS
Wally you said no more personal attacks in your last thread and here we go again, on this thread twice the word _culo_ is mentioned outright or in reference as a thinly veiled oblique goad to Don Quixote. DQ I'm sure could give a rats ass about all of this but my point then is, are _we_ granted selfsame, and were will all this tit for tat lead to as it's bound to escalate exponentially. Con Respeto,
1. I laughed at you line about the clan meeting. I have been called plenty of names here but again what do you expect from a bunch of former and current criminals and gang bangers. What is also funny is how I have been called a cop, fed, even that I am some black guy who used to post here. Remember when you called somebody Don Camote you were instantly somebody else. White Bread – I am the other white guy 6:27 PM
2. I hope Don Culo (the frenchie) does not read the line " Blames his poor judgment on external factors (society, environment, Daddy left us, etc.), and removes himself from accountability and responsibility." Because that old fool, will be having another heart attack. You know he is THE VICTIM of society and his abuelita slapping his head for being a burro as a mocoso.(LMAFO) sic. El Chavo de Sinaloa
Big Betty said...
Hey Wally, can't you please stuff White "Blight" into that Fortress of Solitude, my gosh, I'd be willing to wager there's enough popular demand. I just by-pass his posts as they are always routine, shopworn and oft-repeated.
You obviously don't just by-pass my post or you wouldn't have written a whole paragraph about me.You might not agree with me , but you still read my comments.
If you would have read the transcripts (APPEAL) from them two batos from Vineland Boys, you would have read that Martha Puebla was a RAT, so what ever she got , she had coming. She was down to hang out with the homies and let them in her window after her parents went to sleep, but when it came down to holding her mud on a "hot one" she couldnt handle the situation so she squealed and she got what squealers get, shot dead. The only thing missing was the dead bird that should have been stuffed in her mouth. As for the mad Mexicano whos bullshit rants and raves about "cholos" Wally lets by, all I got to say about him is quit getting your carsones in a bunch. I answered him in an earlier post and Mr. Wally for whatever reason did not post it, I guess he didnt want to hurt the mad Mexicans' feelings.
El Montero
To Ezekiel Jenkins (aka Don Q.)
Que paso, you can dish it out but you can't take it. Maybe you need to hide under you abuelitas falda que no.
How many names are you going to use don't be afraid your jefita is not going to make you wash the dishes.
I fell so sorry for Eziquel he is being attacked on the internet. Pobresito ya no le le gusto jugar a aqui.
Vicente Fernandez
A mesage from Barbara Boxer
Dear Mr. Castro:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about public safety. I appreciate hearing your views on this important matter.
Like you, I am deeply troubled by the high level of criminal activity occurring in communities across the nation. It seems as if every day we hear of another horrific act of violence and another promising life cut short. We must work to address this situation, and I am committed to devoting every available resource to improving public safety.
For years I have been a forceful advocate of community policing, sensible gun laws, and other measures to make our neighborhoods safer. In the last Congress, I strongly supported legislation to extend the COPS program, an important initiative that puts more police officers on the street and provides them with greater access to new technologies and educational opportunities. I also fought vigorously for the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban and the Violence Against Women Act, and I worked hard to increase funding for after-school programs that reduce juvenile crime, drug use, and gang membership.
In this Congress I have reintroduced Mynisha's Law (S.144), which would provide comprehensive resources to local communities in their fight to eliminate gang violence. I am also an original co-sponsor of the COPS Improvement Act of 2007 (S.368), which would provide $1.15 billion to restore full funding for this highly successful program.
In addition, I have authored two other vital pieces of legislation: the School Safety Enhancements Act and the Violence Against Children Act (VACA). If enacted, the School Safety Enhancements Act would improve school security by strengthening the partnership between schools and law enforcement agencies and providing grants for safety enhancements such as tiplines and capital improvements. VACA would create new, tougher penalties for acts of violence committed against children and provide federal assistance to local authorities investigating these crimes.
Again, thank you for taking the time to write to me. Rest assured that I will continue to fully support law enforcement efforts that reduce crime and promote safer, healthier communities.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Please visit my website at
Orale Barbara you answered my e-mail
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The youngest convicted murderer in state history was sentenced to 36 years to life in prison Thursday for the gang-related January 2004 shooting deaths of two 17-year-old boys at a San Jose fast-food restaurant 12 days after his 14th birthday.
James Ortega, 16, did not speak during his sentencing by Santa Clara Superior Court Judge Ray Cunningham. His co-defendant, 20-year-old Malik Alayube, was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for his role in the Jan. 3, 2004, fatal brawl at the Tully Road Jack In The Box (map).
"It's a cautionary tale," prosecutor Stuart Scott said after the sentencing.
Ortega and Alayube pleaded guilty to first-degree murder charges on the eve of their trial in November 2006. Ortega admitted to killing Diego Gutierrez, 17, and Miguel Romero, 17, and to wounding a third victim, Conrad Salas, during a fight at the Jack in the Box that began after Salas flashed Sureno gang signs at the vehicle Alayube and Ortega were traveling in.
Ortega and Alayube were affiliated with a rival Norteno gang.
The two men entered the fast-food restaurant and began fighting with the victims. Ortega pulled out a .22-caliber handgun and shot Gutierrez, Romero and Salas when the fight started going against him. Salas later recovered from his wounds.
Ortega is the youngest person to be charged with murder in state history, according to Scott, who said the lengthy sentence should serve as a warning to young California residents who are considering embracing the violent gang lifestyle.
"No matter what their ages, they're going to be treated harshly," Scott said.
NBC11's Daniel Garza was in court for the sentencing. He was not allowed to videotape any of the family members who testified at the sentencing hearing.
Garza said the hearing was a chance for the victims' families to ask for justice.
Columba Gutierrez said, "I know this is not going to bring him back, but just with this it will clear a little bit of our emotions and stuff."
The victim's aunt, Maria Hernandez, said,"They didn't only kill a family member, they destroyed all the family. I want justice by the law."
Ex-Hollywood Liberal, White Blight, Anonymous (there's a real man for you!), Sinaloa cowboy, smarmy Orgulloso pant wetter and all their diseaed ilk. Hoping you all come close to a choking moment at breakfast while reading this, were here so get used to it or move out to Elohim city you "post modern" kkk's
Mayor Sam has this on his blog today
Friday, February 23, 2007
Mayor to Sign Living Wage Bamboozle
Following Wednesday's Council approval of what was supposed to be a compromise measure on the so called "living wage" with the business community, pundits were expecting Mayor Villaraigosa to sign the measure.
The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce joined with business leaders across the city to qualify a referendum on the bill to go before voters. However, rather than face an election, the Council rejected their original measure with assurances to the business community that the new law would be different. The Chamber came out against the measure Thursday.
Political consultant Harvey Englander - representing the hotels in the airport corridor affected by the measure - anticipates a legal challenge to the new law.
One of the arguments living wage proponents make is that the hotels benefit from the investment the city has made in the airport, therefore they "owe" the employees whatever the Clowncil thinks they should be paid. This fallacy of an argument could dangerously be extended to other areas (why not extend living wage to the employees of gas stations that benefit from being adjacent to city streets?), as well, ignores the fact that the hotels and other businesses in the area benefit the airport.
Kudos to Council Members Parks, Zine and Smith - the three individuals who come about as close to Republicans as one could hope
LAPD braces for exodus
Already stretched thin battling gang violence amid strained recruitment drives, the LAPD will see its chronic officer shortage grow even more acute later this year when a battalion-size group of senior officers leaves the force...
LAPD braces for exodus
255 veteran officers set to leave under deferred-retirement program
BY RICK COCA, Staff Writer
Already stretched thin battling gang violence amid strained recruitment drives, the LAPD will see its chronic officer shortage grow even more acute later this year when a battalion-size group of senior officers leaves the force.
Taking with them some 6,375 years of crime-fighting experience, 255 seasoned officers must go under a deferred-retirement program that was designed to keep veteran officers on the job longer.
Their departure will hit the specialized ranks, such as homicide and robbery detectives, especially hard, and will come on top of the hundreds of other officers who leave the LAPD through attrition every year.
"It's going to have a dramatic impact on the department doing their job," said Bob Baker, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the police officers union.
"We're already understaffed. You don't have enough police officers currently to do the job that is required. It's going to stretch our resources, and you're going to lose a lot of very talented individuals with a lot of knowledge and expertise."
Measures have been taken recently by the City Council to boost recruitment and hire new officers to create a 10,000-officer department, a goal set by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. As of January, the LAPD had about 9,475 officers.
"The mayor's plan is to have 10,000 officers in a five-year plan," said LAPD Cmdr. Kenny Garner, who took over recruiting duties in October 2005. "The 10,000 is doable and it will happen."
The LAPD's Deferred Retirement Option Plan, implemented in May 2002, allows eligible officers to put their retirement payments in interest-earning accounts for a maximum of five years while they continue to work at their regular salary.
At the end of the five years, or earlier, they collect the lump-sum retirement savings and begin receiving their pensions.
Modeled after similar plans in other police agencies, the Los Angeles Police Department's deferred retirement has allowed the 255 officers leaving by October of this year to stay on years after they might otherwise have retired.
The LAPD says the plan is cost-neutral and has kept years of institutional knowledge and expertise on the force. Also, it has bought LAPD brass more time to train replacements.
Once-off effect
This year's large number of retirees in the deferred plan is considered a once-off effect, attributed to heavy sign-ups in the initial months of the program. In subsequent years, the LAPD expects deferred-retiree departures to be spread out more than this year and not have such a strong impact on the force.
Still, with the police force struggling to reach the mayor's goal of 10,000 officers, some law enforcement officials are concerned about the experience deficit that will remain when the seasoned officers leave this year.
Baker, of the police union, said city officials did not respond fast enough to find a consistent funding source to pay for new officers.
"The city squandered the five years. They didn't put in a good plan," Baker said. "They didn't take this seriously, and we find ourselves in the position we are in today."
Until the City Council passed Villaraigosa's trash-fee hike proposal last year to help finance his and Police Chief William J. Bratton's plan to add 1,000 new officers, the LAPD lacked a consistent funding source for additional officers, critics say.
"What has been frustrating for those of us who have pushed to expand the department for several years was the lack of a dedicated funding source for new officers," said Councilman Jack Weiss, who heads the City Council's Public Safety Committee.
"Recruiting has to be at the forefront of everybody's agenda precisely because the drop-off (for the hundreds leaving DROP this year) is so precipitous," he said.
The goal of the deferred-retirement plan was to increase the number of years of service for retiring senior officers from around 27 years to 30 years.
At a June 2005 meeting of the Public Safety Committee, the LAPD said a tougher recruitment drive was needed due to hundreds of sworn officers leaving the deferred-retirement program by 2007 and concern over the impact it would have on detective ranks.
Montero Said.........."If you would have read the transcripts (APPEAL) from them two batos from Vineland Boys, you would have read that Martha Puebla was a RAT, so what ever she got , she had coming."
The boy killed (Vargas) in the car in front of Martha Puebla's house was with a friend of Martha Puebla and was also another innocent victim of Ledesma, You should also learn to read.
And in the Cholo world it is OK to kill young girls and innocent people (Vargas) sitting in a car.
And you wonder why Cholos are an embarrassment and shame to our raza. You estupidos should understand that most normal people are going to hate you for this type of thinking. But some cholos are just to ghetto and estupido to ever understand this very simple concept.
And some cholos are also to estupido to understand another very simple concept such as;
“Kill young girls and YOU will be hated and YOU should be executed.”
So to every normal person reading Wally’s blog and El Montero's post this is the screwed thinking of your typical Cholo.
But if El Montero gets arrested by the police he is first one screaming about how the police are corrupt and the court system violated his civil rights and is corrupt. He is screaming that the police beat him up when he fought back or that he innocent as a choir boy.
Remember El Montero (El Estupido) he is referring to a court of APPEALS document when he talks about the Vineland Boys court case. So the Vineland Boys gang members are appealing their sentence by the courts for the murder of several people.
But Martha Puebla and Vargas do not have the option of using the court of appeals because they were both quickly EXECUTED by the Vineland boys gang members.
Gracias to El Montero for showing everybody here in Wally’s World the very screwed up mentality of the Cholo. Please any other Cholo who wants to defend El Montero and criticize me, please feel free to write and tell me how the poor cholos should be loved and protected by me.
Aquí estoy esperando que otros pandilleros pendejos me escriben y me digan que bueno los pandilleros son.
Cesar Chavez
When did Cheech join the gang??
So, if a white citizen speaks out against the harm coming to our country by illegal aliens on this site, he or she is labeled a racist. The majority of these illegals have no respect for the laws which the rest of us follow. The only ones who benefit from their presence here is big business. I used to work in shipping and receiving and worked my way up to a supervisory position in the 80s as the illegals were invading that industry, and suddenly I had to be bilingual to work in the US. And I know I'm going to hear about the history of the world now about how the borders changed,blah blah blah. Yes there was a war, Mexico lost, quit sniveling. Our way of life has changed for the worse since this invasion. Whats the answer? Reward them for breaking the laws of OUR country, hell no. Like the old KKK song said, ship em back.
Five Men Charged With Slaying Possible Witness Of Teen's Murder
LOS ANGELES - Five men, including one already charged with the Dec. 15 shooting death of a 14-year-old girl in the Harbor Gateway area of Los Angeles, have been charged with murdering a man they believed was a witness to the girl's killing. Eighteen-year-old Jonathan Fajardo was already charged in the killing of Cheryl Greene, and is now charged in the new case with killing Christopher Ash in Carson 13 days later.
Also charged in Ash's killing are: 20-year-old Jose Covarrubias, 29-year-old Robert Gonzalez, 31-year-old Raul Silva and 19-year-old Daniel Aguilar.
Arraignment is expected Monday in Long Beach Superior Court.
Big Betty said...
"Ex-Hollywood Liberal, White Blight, Anonymous (there's a real man for you!), Sinaloa cowboy, smarmy Orgulloso pant wetter and all their diseaed ilk. Hoping you all come close to a choking moment at breakfast while reading this, were here so get used to it or move out to Elohim city you "post modern" kkk's"
Don Q. are you now cross dressing or what?
Anonymous said……………
“So, if a white citizen speaks out against the harm coming to our country by illegal aliens on this site, he or she is labeled a racist. The majority of these illegals have no respect for the laws which the rest of us follow”
Let me correct you statement “The majority of these illegals have no respect for the laws which the rest of us follow”. If you are reading Wally’s blog and are basing your opinion about Mexicans and other Latino immigrants based on what you read on this blog you are making a big mistake. The majority of people on Wally’s blog are gang members who do not represent the majority of our Mexican race. Most of these gang members are probably second generation Mexican/Americans. The gang culture is not part of our Mexican culture but is something unique to criminals in this country.
I hate these Mexican/American gang members who are a disgrace and embarrassment for our race as much or not more than you. You know every race has their small group who do want to get and education and put in the work to get ahead in this country. But they are NOT the majority of us who recently immigrated here and took advantage of the educational opportunities in this country.
If you want to get a more realistic and different view of our Mexican race I suggest you read other blogs such as
This is a blog written by a young Mexican/American woman who is working towards her PHD at UCLA. You should look at her blog and the other blog (Blogeras/Blogeros) links to see the blogs of many professional Latinos. You will find many Latinos have college educations and work in many professional occupations such as lawyers, doctors, business managers. So please do not include every Mexican immigrant into a group of stupid gang members.
Cesar Chavez
"Anonymous said...
So, if a white citizen speaks out against the harm coming to our country by illegal aliens on this site, he or she is labeled a racist. The majority of these illegals have no respect for the laws which the rest of us follow. The only ones who benefit from their presence here is big business. I used to work in shipping and receiving and worked my way up to a supervisory position in the 80s as the illegals were invading that industry, and suddenly I had to be bilingual to work in the US. And I know I'm going to hear about the history of the world now about how the borders changed,blah blah blah. Yes there was a war, Mexico lost, quit sniveling. Our way of life has changed for the worse since this invasion. Whats the answer? Reward them for breaking the laws of OUR country, hell no. Like the old KKK song said, ship em back."
You cry about being called a racist and then you quote a KKK song, come use a little commen sense. You and the rest of the "white" guys sound like the biggest fucking crybaby's of all, say what you want and if you're a racist at least fucking admit it. I have way more respect for some guy walking around with a swastika on his forehead then some closet racist. Several of you are always complaining we're being censored, we're being called racist and then turn around and call people on this blog whinners. This blog isn't about FUCING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in the first place so find some Minute Man blog for that!!
I bet you vote Republican right? If so then you answered your own question about the illegal problem. BIG BUSINESS who your party (and the DEMS to a lesser extent) are in bed with. There will never be anything fully done about illegal immigration as long as BIG BUSINESS stands to make a dollar off of it.
Lastly for you and anyone else on here, be honest and tell me how some illegal has effected you personally. You guys always cry about the illegals and when you mention things that happened you don't know if that person was illegal or not, you just know they were brown and for some of you it doesn't matter, get rid of all of them!
Kacuuie said; Question a while back about the MRU in Vegas. Mi Raza United is a fairly large Sureno gang. Numerous have expanded to Carson City and in the Little Big City of Reno. Profound statement here is of course they are dealing in alot of meth and heroin. Last check there are about less than a 130 incarcerated in Nevada at this time.
Hey Tijuana J. First I enjoy your comments very much; And I was looking through some of the 2005 archives and seen a brief subject on the Monterey Task Force developed of course by the Monterey Police Department. Then later on as you mentioned it was changed to the Prison Gang Task Force (PGTF). I wanted to just add after you mentioned Joe (the Admiral hehe) Tony, and Danny (the founder) on the force and not to forget Agent "Moco". Or as his entire aka of: Moco Verde. I realize you know who this is and therefore I'm not going to state his full name at this time. These were a bunch of temendous guys Big Al, Wolf Man, Trapper etc...won't keep going to refrain from being long winded.
W. Coyote I think you were also talking a little on this subject too. Good to hear about the old time Task Forces. And of course after a few years later it was again re-named the; Califorina Gang Task Force (CGTF) in which it is still in existence to this day. I heard about 340 active LE members.
Youngster w/game: I think you had touched a little on the Mex., Mafia in how it's just somewhat local. I have to disagree with ya on that. I've been out of state and into a few others on some biz and to tell you the truth, EastSide Philly has a few, of course they stay away and give the Netas and AMLKings there due respect. Portland Or, Tacoma Wash., Mississippi around and about. Then D.C. but of course having the Mara Salvatrucha right there outside the White House's South Lawn ooops, the Mafia don't give a whatever too much about them due to being busy in there own dealings. I'm just naming a few. And this doesn't include the Fed Pens inside like Marion USP which everyone knows as the 21 from the RICO 95 cases. Was 22 but well....comes around goes around.
Oh an by the way just for a little FYI and I know we talk more on the "Blue Bandanas", but after I seen Mr. Gratton on 60 minutes talking about his "Big NF Captain" status (NOT) and then 60 min., Lesley Stahl asked him how does one become a member? Gratton stated one has to "Kill" for the cause and then "he's" looked at first and long story short if he is worthy and dah dah, which I agree and is true he can be voted in. Well, Lesley asked Gratton have and/or did you "Kill" anyone to become a member. Gratton responds and nearly studders; "I've stabbed a few individuals". Okey Dokey then. I know he did and that was it, Period. Besides slinging some dope and whatnot in Modesto Ca. So regarding the NF bank in Idaho as Gratton told Lesley that "HE" sent thousands of dollars to Idaho so that it could later be placed either on the Big Homies account books while in prison and some for their familias. This money was suppose to have come by way of the CD; G.U.N... Lesley stated in her interview that it was Gratton's CD and he was taking care of the distribution of monies. NOPE. As I mentioned before Gratton is in some deeeeeeeeeeeeep trouble and not because he just helped out the FBI and several other LE Agencies regarding what the NF is about. IT wasn't Him alone. But he didn't place "THOUSANDS" of dollars in the Bank in Idaho. Which Miss K. Santiago was suppose to be handling while she was a resident there. Side bar note: if I'm not mistaken this was Danny or Daniel "Lizard" Hernandez's girlfriend. Pull up the Operation Black Widow.com and you'll see it's public info about what Lizard's part was in the divulgence of ample info re: the NF Organization and operation. Plus "The Bank" moves constantly. It never stays in one place very long. By the time LE got up to Idaho, the bank was gone and so was the teller K.S. Well enough of this for now I'm back home for a minute and will be on and off some. Stay alert stay alive.
More late breaking news about Harbor Gateway and 204th St gang.
The new KKK murdered another Black Man in Southern California.
They stabbed him more than 80 times and cut his throat.
The new KKK seems even more vicious then the old KKK.
5 charged in death of potential witness to Harbor Gateway teen's slaying
2:10 p.m. Christopher Ash, 25, was found in Carson stabbed 80 times and his throat slit open; 1 of the 5 men is already facing charges in the death of Cheryl Green, 14.
By Denise Nix
Five men were charged today with capital murder for killing a man they believed witnessed the allegedly racially motivated slaying of a 14-year-old girl in Harbor Gateway.
One of the five, Jonathan Fajardo, 18, is already facing charges with another man for the Dec. 15 murder of Cheryl Green.
The new charges stem from the Dec. 28 killing of Christopher Ash, 25, who was found lying in a Carson street with 80 stab wounds and his throat cut open.
Besides Fajardo, prosecutors charged Jose Covarrubias, 20, Robert Gonzalez, 29, Raul Silva, 31, and Daniel Aguilar, 19.
Covarrubias was arrested in Iowa and has agreed to be extradited. The others have been taken into custody over the last few days.
The defendants, all gang members, were charged with murder and special circumstances, including murdering a witness to a crime and lying in wait.
Prosecutors will decide later whether they will seek the death penalty. All five are scheduled to be arraigned Monday in Long Beach Superior Court.
I thought gang members were good people who do fundraisings and does community service activities. I don’t know if I am confused or the gang members are confused I need some clarification. Will a gang member give me some examples of all the good community service gang members are doing?
I am so confused
"If you would have read the transcripts (APPEAL) from them two batos from Vineland Boys, you would have read that Martha Puebla was a RAT, so what ever she got , she had coming. She was down to hang out with the homies and let them in her window after her parents went to sleep, but when it came down to holding her mud on a "hot one" she couldnt handle the situation so she squealed and she got what squealers get, shot dead. The only thing missing was the dead bird that should have been stuffed in her mouth. As for the mad Mexicano whos bullshit rants and raves about "cholos" Wally lets by, all I got to say about him is quit getting your carsones in a bunch. I answered him in an earlier post and Mr. Wally for whatever reason did not post it, I guess he didnt want to hurt the mad Mexicans' feelings."
El Montero
The problem with snuffing out rats is that often the so-called rats are innocent. All too often the shotcallers are too eager to greenligt someone based on faulty information that is never thouroughly ascertained (he's my homie so he must be telling the true). The transcript doesn't prove that Martha was a rat, according to your assertion the transcript merely reflects what the VBS claim to be true. It's assumptions such as yours that lead to rumors that lead to innocent "rats" being killed. Sorry to say but neither you nor I know what's fact or fiction on that transcript. Peace for all our gente.
I am still waiting for our most prolific poster who is so well educated in the ways of our evil government, to explain and justify the green-lighting of young girls by the big homies. I am wondering how the government is responsible for this sociopath behavior of impoverished drug dealing gang members. I am feeling so much sympathy for the killers of Martha Puebla those poor misunderstand, victimized and abused VBS gang members.
Donde esta El Don Bla…Blazo….
Does anybody remember the name Hector Marroquin Sr from Wally’s blog a while back in time.
Cudahy resembles a Mexican border town more than it does a Los Angeles suburb. Entrenched gangs and Mexican drug trafficking have trapped working-class legal and illegal immigrants in a cycle of violence and fear, in a city where less than a quarter of the 28,000 residents are eligible to vote. An uneducated city council, a deeply troubled police force imported from Maywood two towns over, and the raw power of the 18th Street Gang — a complex criminal organization with a knack for setting up business fronts and obscuring underground drug activity — make Cudahy residents seem like hostages in their own city.
By most accounts, Cudahy City Council members — two retired union managers, an insurance salesman, a waitress and a grocer — do not run the city as they were elected to do. Rather, they defer to City Manager Perez, a former janitor who is known to favor revenue traps such as DUI and driver’s license checkpoints over aggressive tactics that make gangs and drug dealers less comfortable.
At the same time, Perez has cordial relations with Hector Marroquin Sr., an 18th Street Gang member who, despite touting himself as a gang-intervention worker, also is a street enforcer for the Mexican mafia, according to confidential law-enforcement documents obtained by the Weekly. (See “Broken Bridges,” L.A. Weekly, December 15-21, 2006.)
Perez is hardly shy about his relationship with this alleged mafia associate whose street nickname is “Weasel.” Marroquin owns a bar called Marroking’s Deuces on Atlantic Avenue in Cudahy. This month, campaign signs for the longtime Cudahy City Council incumbents adorn the property, the scene of an alleged assault in 2005 during which Marroquin, according to an arrest report, warned a patron who owed him money: “You’re messing with the Mexican mafia. I run all of Cudahy.”
Provided by the Wally's investigative field reporters
Dude you are talking to people that aren't here anymore.
TJ Jailer, W.E Coyote,YWG ?
If your going to read the archives , answer in the archives.Don't answer archive questions in the present thread.It doesn't make sense to the rest of us.
Baby raper should have been handled before he got out,he's gonna have fun in OCJ now.
DNA Links Arrested Suspect To Fatal Shooting At Home Depot
TUSTIN, Calif. - Police on Friday announced the arrest of a suspect in the fatal shooting of a manager at the The Home Depot store in Tustin.
Jason Russell Richardson, 36, of Oceanside, was taken into custody Thursday night when he went to meet with his parole officer, police said. He was booked on suspicion of murder.
Police had been searching for almost two weeks for the gunman responsible for the killing of 40-year-old Tom Egan, who was the night operations manager of The Home Depot at 2782 El Camino Real.
Egan, who had been with the company for 13 years, was gunned down at 10 a.m. Feb. 9. Coworkers described the former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant and father of two as well-liked and hard-working.
Police digitally enhanced surveillance photos from the store in hope of identifying the shooter, and The Home Depot offered a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest of his killers.
At a news conference Friday morning announcing the arrest, Tustin police Chief Scott Jordan said the suspect "has prior convictions, and these are not arrests, these are convictions, for rape, sexual assault on a child, residential burglary, grand theft, possession of stolen property and being under the influence of narcotics."
Investigators used DNA found at the crime scene to link the suspect to the killing, authorities said. The DNA was in a database based on a 1992 rape conviction, Jordan said.
In response to the arrest, officials with The Home Depot issued a statement saying they were "encouraged by the progress being made in this case."
"We have seen a strong outpouring of support from associates across the company, with many choosing to contribute to a special memorial fund set up for Tom's family," the statement read.
I am wondering why I hear about the EME members being so smart and controlling and taxing all the sureno gang drug dealings. But when ever I read about them they are having meetings in cheap motels living in places like Ramona Gardens. Driving a cheap car like a Honda Accord.
If they are so smart and powerful and rich how come they are not have meeting at five star hotels like the Italian mafia members in the movies.
What is happening to all this drug money, how come they are not living in Malibu, Pacific Palisades etc.
I know the mexican and columbian drug king pins they live in big ass ranches and mansions.
What is up with the EME members are they using too much chiva investing in the stock market hiding the money in swiss back accounts where is all the money.
A whole bunch of upper-middle class whites in Orange county live a lot better then these powerful carnales.
The Accountant
Even older black men who are not in gangs are safe from the new KKK in Los Angeles.
News Release
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Police Interrupt Gang Shooting
Los Angeles: Two Los Angeles police officers interrupted a gang shooting last Friday night, February 16, 2007, near 89th Street and Central Avenue in South Los Angeles. One officer fired at an armed suspect after the suspect shot another man.
The incident occurred just after 8:00 P.M. Friday night when Police Officer Manual Rumion, 36, and his partner came upon a shooting in progress. A Hispanic man walked up to a 48-year-old Black man on the north sidewalk of 89th Street and shot him several times. The victim had just made a purchase at a nearby liquor store.
Officer Rumion and his partner witnessed the shooting from their police car and quickly engaged the shooter. Officer Rumion fired at the man, who ran to an awaiting car. The officers pursued the suspects, but lost them near Hooper Avenue and 83rd Street.
Several minutes later, another patrol unit found the suspects' car crashed and abandoned near Compton and Nadeau streets.
Police cordoned off the area for several hours, but could not locate either of the Hispanic men seen in the suspects' car, which turned out to be a black 2006 Chrysler 300M. Investigators found no evidence that the gunman had been wounded by the officer's gunfire.
Neither Officer Rumion, nor his partner, was injured in the incident. Officer Rumion is an 11-year veteran of the LAPD.
Detectives believe the initial shooting was gang motivated. The wounded victim was treated at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, and was expected to survive his injuries. He was not a member of any gang.
Run Leroy Run, Run Leroy Run
Geez I can't even leave town for a couple of days to make a living without our own "house mouse" anononymph,the various white named multiples formerly "S", continually whining for attention.
OK, Ok, only your starting to get back into your old joto verbiage and Wally will cut your umbilical cord if you keep it up.
Here's a scary scenario starting to take place from our own Big Homie (Baby Bush) and his shot callers.
If I read this right it's an end run around our legal system and a warning to all Federally appointed Judges to fall into line or get the ax.
AG Gonzales Terminates 8th U.S. Attorney
By Jeralyn, Section Law Related
Posted on Sat Feb 24, 2007 at 01:49:00 AM EST
Tags: (all tags)
Margaret Chiara of the Western District of Michigan is the latest U.S. Attorney to get the ax from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Chiara was praised by the Judges of the District.
"This is a very classy, distinguished, highly regarded public servant," said Bell, who was appointed to the bench during the Reagan administration. "She's one of the best United States attorneys we've had in this district, and all of my colleagues agree. . . . To have her suddenly disappear without warning catches us all flat-footed."
So, why are these U.S. Attorneys being fired?
Nearly all of the dismissed prosecutors had positive job reviews, but many had run into political trouble with Washington over immigration, capital punishment or other issues, according to prosecutors and others. At least four also were presiding over high-profile public corruption investigations when they were dismissed.
The prosecutors' views on the death penalty may be a factor:
From the magazine "Talk Left: The Politics of Crime.
Hmmm previously presided over public corruption cases?
Maybe we as the US public ought to insist on RICO charges against the Bush Mafia.
Now Field Marshall Cheney pounding his chest again, wanting war with Iran, oh yeah that'll make everyone forget the Iraq and Afghanistan fiasco's huh.
A long time ago the American writer and commentator on US politics "Ambrose Bierce" (who disapeared into Mexico with Panch Villa during the Revolution) said
"War is Gods way of teaching Americans Geography"
Don Quixote, Wallace and all you Night Owl's this Rx highly recommended.
Saturday nights
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This one-of-a-kind radio program is heard on more than a dozen stations in America and until fairly recently was a regular feature on Armed Forces Radio around the world. Chuck has interviewed over 300 musicians from the Swing Era, from Louis Armstrong to Doris Day, Duke Ellington to Freddie Martin. The four-hour program also contains regular features like The Hall Of Fame Interview, On Location, The Big Band Countdown, The Vintage Year, and The Gold Record.
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Sunday evenings from 8 to midnight (Pacific)
Columba Gutierrez said, "I know this is not going to bring him back, but just with this it will clear a little bit of our emotions and stuff."
The victim's aunt, Maria Hernandez, said,"They didn't only kill a family member, they destroyed all the family. I want justice by the law."
Also, Im guessing PeeWee A. drove a 92 Honda because Its a lowkey car. Some makes of automobile are less likely to get noticed by LE than others. It was probably a business decision TO drive that car. Personally I have several cars and as much as i enjoy clowning, I prefer to drive a low key jap car for aforementioned reasons. And the hotels they meet at were probably in THE hood because thats where they feel comfortable, If the vatos are going to discuss killing someone, do you really think they want to do it at the Embassy Suites where the hotel clerk will probably call the cops on a bunch of gangsters showing up? not... last but not least (can't believe I'm defending M mOTIVES?) Don't believe all that Italian Mafia shit you see on in the Movies, alot of those vatos are in the same situation as M carnales. If you wish to use movies as your guide, try reading Donnie Brasco, That vato Lefty from Bonnano Family had like 20 hits under him and still lived in an apartment and didn't have shit according to himself. He did go out like a man for bringing in a fed THOUGH. I'd like to see a chicano gang member kill himself for fucking up? wont happen, the values aren't as deeply entrechended as in LCN
Sorry, these 4 Federal Prosecutors were at "present" presiding over "public corruption cases" not "previously" as I erroneously posted.
Shit that's even worse when you think about it, some of the Bush Mafia's thieving homeboys in court for robbing the US public and the movida comes down from the Mero's,
"we don't like whats going down in court with our moneymakers so get rid of the Federal Prosecutor right now, we don't give a shit about how this could be perceived! Send a message to the rest of them, do what your told or it's your ass!"
The Accountant said...
(I am wondering why I hear about the EME members being so smart and controlling and taxing all the sureno gang drug dealings. But when ever I read about them they are having meetings in cheap motels living in places like Ramona Gardens. Driving a cheap car like a Honda Accord)
[If they are so smart and powerful and rich how come they are not have meeting at five star hotels like the Italian mafia members in the movies]
Couldn't resist the temptation to respond. For those of you who have studied and followed the EME for an extended period of time you must be aware of several points.
1)Unlike the Italian Mafia characters "in the movies" (or in real life for that matter), the EME consists of "haves and have not's". While behind bars (and, keep in mind that the vast majority of these dudes ARE behind bars), they enjoy the "best" that prison can afford them when they are in the general convict population. Their paroled counterparts are mostly heroin users whose financial successes range from supporting a drug habit to securing personal and business possessions that are difficult to track since they have no formal accountants.
2)The EME's "expertise" continues to consist of this evergrowing menace we have come to know as Disorganized Crime. The EME specializes in controlling drug distribution in areas they covet; the EME specializes in killing people for reasons ranging from pure entertainment to EME-related "business" killings; the EME, when not locked in SHU Units, specializes in controlling local, state and federal prison yard populations; the EME is "an equal opportunity exploiter". The EME is NOT glamorous and the EME is "NOT made-for-T.V." (that is unless Still No Script has changed his name to: I Now Have a Script). Although there is no formal leader .... nor a formal structure, they have a multitude of respected Big Homies who continue to lead the charge of "spreading the EME gospel" througout the nation. They do it by word and by deed. Not to be confused with political terrorists, their form of terrorism is like a cancer which slowly erodes the minds of our young ones and produces jailhouse monsters. This demented mindset is indoctrinated in California Youth Authority facilites, local county jails and,upon "graduating" to the Department of Corrections(where their skills are honed), they proceed and succeed in becoming a destructive member of our society with the emphasis on "destructive"!
The EME's multitude of admirers - it's followers, for the most part consists of this country's Latino gang members. They remain eager to ascend this criminal corporate ladder with the aspiration of someday becoming a "made EME member".
3)As for EME members being so "smart" (and I'm sure you meant "criminally smart") I would offer to you that becoming addicted to heroin (the vice of many in the criminal underworld -"getting high on your own supply") is their biggest obstacle to criminal progress. An old time EME dropout once told me that if he could impose one major EME rule, it would be that any carnal caught slamming heroin would be executed on the spot. The problem with that, he admitted, is that it then eliminates over 90% of it's membership!
While The Accountant is correct in observing that there is no visible glamour attached to EME membership,
it is an extremely violent world of betrayal and darkness that one would not wish on anyone's family.
There is also, my Accountant friend, no light at the end of the tunnel for this 50-year prison gang. Yes, the EME turns 50 this year! (born in DVI in Tracy, California in 1957 .... exact month unknown. A romanticist will probably pick September 16th!)
Peace .......
Tijuana Jailer
El Montero said ……………………………………
"If you would have read the transcripts (APPEAL) from them two batos from Vineland Boys, you would have read that Martha Puebla was a RAT, so what ever she got, she had coming. She was down to hang out with the homies and let them in her window after her parents went to sleep, but when it came down to holding her mud on a "hot one" she couldnt handle the situation so she squealed and she got what squealers get, shot dead. The only thing missing was the dead bird that should have been stuffed in her mouth.”
Reading El Montero’s very sick and disturbing reply in which in his sick and twisted mind it is justifiable for gang members to execute 16 year old girls. I remembered an interview Chief Bratton gave to Newsweek Magazine about the gangs of Los Angeles.
Newsweek asks about gangs….….What makes them different? Why did they focus on black victims?
Chief Bratton answers…………....Who the hell could understand gang members?
Newsweek says…………..I was hoping you could.
Chief Bratton answers….. They’re all crazy. Anybody that’s sane and has a sense of values can’t understand them. Most of them are sociopaths. Most of them are semi-literate. And almost none of them have graduated from high school. From an educational point of view, a socialization standpoint, and a moral standpoint, they are very different than the average person. Trying to get your arms around their motivations is very difficult.
I guess Chief Bratton knows about semi-literate sociopaths like El Montero. Now I am left wondering what we should be stuffed El Montero’s mouth.
Dr. Phil
On the firing of U.S. attorneys I am pretty sure the Washington post has more resources to investigate this issue and get the real story than a blog like http://www.talkleft.com/.
Like President Bill Clinton before him, Bush removed nearly all the U.S. attorneys when he came into office and replaced them with his own Senate-confirmed appointments. Under previous statutes, the attorney general had the power to appoint an interim prosecutor for 120 days in the case of a vacancy, but then it was up to the local district court to make an appointment until the Senate approved a final pick.
Gonzales and many legal experts say that arrangement was a troubling intrusion on the separation of powers between the independent branches of government.
A new provision, which was quietly tucked into USA Patriot Act reauthorization legislation last year, allows Gonzales to appoint interim prosecutors indefinitely. Not counting the recent dismissals, there have been 11 vacancies since the measure was enacted, and Justice Department officials said they will provide nominations to the Senate for each position.
Feinstein and other Democrats fear the provision would allow an attorney general to avoid Senate confirmation of U.S. attorneys altogether and are proposing a return to the previous system.
Mr. Gonzalez
(Bush’s Tex-Mex amigo)
Anonymous said.............
“Don't believe all that Italian Mafia shit you see on in the Movies, a lot of those vatos are in the same situation as M carnales.”
You also forgot to say;
Don’t believe that after WWII
That with a bankroll of something like $6 million in mob funds, Siegel built the Flamingo in Las Vegas and was later murdered
And after the murder of Siegel, Lansky was now overseeing the Flamingo and Thunderbird casinos and also owned interests in other casinos.
The Desert Inn was largely owned by Moe Dalitz and others of the Cleveland mob.
The Sands was controlled behind the scenes by Lansky, Joe Adonis, Frank Costello and Doc Stacher. Actor George Raft was brought into the deal, and singer Frank Sinatra was sold a 9 percent stake.
The Sahara and the Riviera were controlled mainly by the Fischetti brothers, Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana, the rulers of the Chicago Outfit.
The Dunes was a goldmine for Raymond Patriarca, the top mafioso in New England.
In the 1960s billionaire Howard Hughes started buying up hotels, collecting 17 Nevada casinos in all. The big mobsters got out, but most of their underlings remained in place; it was a matter of maintaining required "expertise." Things however went wrong for Hughes. He had expected to make more than 20 percent on investments from the lavish joints but never did better than 6 percent, and by 1970 his holdings were several million dollars in the red. After Hughes bailed out of Vegas, the mobsters returned to the scene.
In the late 70’s and 80 the FBI investigations into Las Vegas mobsters took a decimating toll on the mob, and organized crime lost control of many Vegas casinos
The “REAL” truth is that most of the mob bosses lived in crappy apartments and drove crappy cars.
Al Pacino did a hell of a job portraying Lefty Rugierro in Donnie Brasco. Lefty was a soldier and a decent earner but the message I got, and the one that Pacino coveyed is that his life was expendable and that the regulations do'nt get broke - by anyone...The anonymous commenter can praise the high ethics of LCN soldiers for their loyalty, honor, and duty but in truth wiseguys are just as unprincipiled as any pee-wee cholo.. The dynamics are fear, fear of violent death, fear that family will be killed,etc...
The true test of a man is that he represents what he believes, what his heart tells him. Good people are'nt led like a herd of goats to the slaughter like gangbangers are. Led by the revered "Judas Goat" (the Emeros) these poor, ignorant kids are thrown out in the mix with no more concern than Geo Bush has when he orders a troop "surge".. They both are employing human beings for "cannon fodder" while they languish in their positions of self-importance and reap the profits..
At the end of his post Wally alludes to Aguirre's ability to have gone and done anything with his talents. That may have been true, but he did'nt. He chose to rise to be a shotcaller for an evil enterprise and he now and for a long long time will be reaping his just rewards for bad decisions. I'm not too sure that Lefty Ruggiero's demise was'nt more humane..
Incidently all I've read as regards Lefty's end is that he was "called out" and went to that meet knowing full well that he's get clipped.. You could call that suicide, but I like to think it's more of a cultural custom--lol
I just got back from a trip and found a lot of posts directed at me and my barrio. I have gone through it very carefully and come to the conclusion that this proud Vicente Fox supporter needs some serious therapy. I'm not any kind of psychoanalyst but it looks like you have some unresolved childhood issues that you might want to have checked out.
The question that you ask me was answered by the posted transcript papers. I don't recall the transcript stating that anyone named was "innocent". I thought that the paper made it clear that everyone named was in the game. I don't see anything out of bounds on my homies side in this case.
To the vato that states that my homies will lock it up down the line. All that I can say is that you should not jump to conclusions and talk shit about my homies. The vatos that YOU name are solid and have represented from back in our greenlight days. They didn't lock it up then when the shit had hit the fan, why would they now? Like I said before, there was nothing out of bounds on my homies side in this case.
Para ese pendejo que me sigue retando. Espero que estes conforme con mi respuesta. Pero si te sientes huevudo y quieres comprovar que los tienes bien puestos. Venga para SOL VALLE y tumbese al que mas gordo le quiga. Que acabo todos somos cobardes y no le vamos a responder. No importa cual te tumbes que acobo todos somos igual. A lo mejor te rayas y me chingas a mi. Pero no se me vaya a rajar cabron. Usted aqui se ha querido pasarse como muy picudo. Asi que hamarese un huevo y dele gas cunado. Y aca lo espero.
OC HALF BREED said ………..
“Lastly for you and anyone else on here, be honest and tell me how some illegal has affected you personally. You guys always cry about the illegals and when you mention things that happened you don't know if that person was illegal or not, you just know they were brown and for some of you it doesn't matter, get rid of all of them!”
Luckily I have not been shot or killed by any illegal immigrant gang banger yet, But Cheryl Green of Harbor Gateway was not so lucky. One of the gang bangers (Ernesto Alcarez, 20) arrested for her murder and attempted murder of three others is an illegal alien. You can search the sheriff’s county jail inmate information web page http://www.lasd.org/inmate-information.html so you can see that I am telling you the facts. There is a hold from INS/ICE on this murder suspect.
Sheriff Lee Baca estimates that about 25% of inmates going though the L.A. county jails are illegal immigrants. Baca on many occasions has asked for additional INS/ICE officers to work in county jails to process these prisoners. So I know this is a sensitive issue to you but do not ignore the facts given to you by Sheriff Baca who knows the actual facts. See web-site below.
And don’t forget the additional costs in general services such as schools and health care.
There are huge additional costs to the schools in Los Angels where estimates are that between 30%-40% of students are children of undocumented immigrants.
So the non-existent immigration enforcement affects us all, not just the "racist whites". I will ask you the same question I asked others, if the majority of illegal immigrants were black and from Somalia, Nigeria, Ethiopia or Angola would you have the same attitude?
Do you really think any country can just have open borders and should allow anybody and everybody to come live in the country? If we were to let immigrants from China and India to do this, our population would reach over 1 billion in a few months.
White Bread
I got so mad reading this blog I finally had to say something here, even though this blog seems to be for old former and current Cholos to talk chismes about their gang banging past. Estoy muy enojado y avergonzado de estos cholos pendejos aquí. Ya se que estos cholos pendejos no van a cambiar pero tengo decir algo.
SV VBS, you do NOT fool anyone here other than yourself. You say things on this blog about how you hate gang bangers that kill young kids and even girls. But you so proudly announce you are a member of the Sun Valley Vineland Boys (SV VBS) gang which has no problems or remorse about killing 16 year old Martha Puebla, a young girl who testified against a murderer.
And you made the obviously sarcastic / facetious comment …………………….
“The Sun Valley Vineland Boys do not exist anymore. Operation Silent Night was a total success. You will no longer see any Vineland Boys in Sun Valley, N.Hollywood, Burbank, Arleta, Palmdale, Lancaster or Lake View Terrace. Any sighting of one in these areas or anywhere else will just be a figment of your imagination. There will be rumors of many new members and new cliquas but don't believe it. This thing does not exist and neither do I.”
Why don’t you say what you really mean, we (VBS) are here and still strong and will kill any other young girl who interferes with our drug business? If you really meant what you said about hating gangs who kill young kids you would NOT be so proud to announce your association with these cowards who kill young girls. Jose Ledesma, Raul Robledo and Javier Covarrubias who are now awaiting trail for the murder Martha Puebla are probably still homies who you still love and support. So if you really want to be taken seriously why don’t you tell us what low life cowards Jose Ledesma, Raul Robledo and Javier Covarrubias really are? Or are you going to tell us Martha Puebla was probably shot by the police to frame more VBS pendejos. Why are you more concerned about some cholo vato who might have been wrongly prosecuted for the Martha Puebla killing and not for Martha Puebla the young girl who WAS EXECUTED by your homies? This is why Cholos are hated by everybody because of this type of ignorance and insensitivity. So if you are serious about helping to stop gang violence, start with yourself and your other basura homies. What did YOU do when you heard about this young girl being EXECUTED by your homies, please tell me that. Since you say you care so much about the gang problems I want to know what YOU did!
I know you are throwing up your gang signs in the mirror and challenging me on the internet, but remember this site is not about stupid tennagers banging and making threats on the internet.
And please quit talking about Brown or Mexican pride you are an embarrassment to the rest of us Mexicans who have never been in gangs and were actually born in Mexico and studied and worked hard to make the rest of our race proud. I wish you stupid cholos would not claim to be Mexicans because you are really making the rest of us look bad and stupid. Please do us a favor and quit calling yourself Mexicans, You are NOT a Mexican to us.
Este verdadero mexicano no quiere que nadie piense que estos cholos pendejos aquí representan mi raza mexicana. Yo soy un mexicano que NUNCA voy a apoyar a una pandilla de pendejos. Yo se como representar nuestra raza mexicana con mucho orgullo y honestamente. Los cholos son pura basura y no son de mi raza mexicana. Los cholos pendejos son de los estados unidos y nada que ver con mi país de México.
Un mexicano orgulloso y honesto
White Bread,
I don't really care where the illegals are from. Ask yourself the same question if they were white and from Europe would you care as much as you do now? Florida has a lot of illegal Haitins etc. I don't think most people say there isn't some sort of problem with illegal immigration. But when a large part of the problem is BIG BUSINESS all the blame can not be put on the "illegal" themselves.
25% of the jailers in LA are illegal, well there's still 75% that are not illegal.
You and the other guy keep playing the victim when you say "white racist" there's plenty of brown and black people yelling out load about the imigrantion issue as well, so stop being the martyr. I believe most Mexican people's problem with people like you,is not what you think about the illegal immigration problem but it's the underlying attitude where so many times the attitude is against Mexican's in general and that a lot of people don't really pin point the difference between a legal and illegal person when making negative comments. An example would be a letter to the editor in the OC Register where some guy complains about the "illegal selling oranges on the corner". Now how in the hell would he know if the guy was illegal? He didn't, he just saw a brown guy and called him illegal.
Now I'm not saying you are that person, I don't know. I don't know if you're any more racist then anyone else is either. We're all bigot's to some extent about one group or the other and anyone claiming they're not is full of shit.
OC HALF BREED said ………..
“Lastly for you and anyone else on here, be honest and tell me how some illegal has affected you personally. You guys always cry about the illegals and when you mention things that happened you don't know if that person was illegal or not, you just know they were brown and for some of you it doesn't matter, get rid of all of them!”
My profession was wiped out by the influx of non-english speaking,illegal immigrants. They were getting paid half of our normal wages in the warehouse industry, therefore employers cut the standard wages of new employees and eventually management felt the squeeze if they didn't speak spanish to communicate with the illegals. It became a requirement to be bi-lingual to be in a management position, a little ass backwards if you ask me, how about the immigrant learn the language of the host country. I know that would be too much to ask, right half-breed.
White Bread said......
Do you really think any country can just have open borders and should allow anybody and everybody to come live in the country? If we were to let immigrants from China and India to do this, our population would reach over 1 billion in a few months.
No one here has ever advocated any type of open border. What most Latinos are opposed to is the hypocrisy that surrounds the immigration issue. You White bread are a perfect example of this hypocrisy. You always state how much you are against illegal immigrants but at the same time see nothing wrong with hiring them to do your landscaping? If the jobs were not available there would be no migrants coming here.
The US is caught in a very difficult predicament with no solution in sight. What we need is a comprehensive immigration bill that recognizes the fact that we are not able to deport the millions of illegals already here. Call it amnesty or give it another name but we should allow these people to legalize their status. Give out TPS (temporary protective status) similar to what is given to Central Americans to everyone here under 7 years and more than 2 years. With proof of residency, work and tax history of course. And give straight resident status to those who have been here for more than 7 years. The fees charged to legalize their status would cover the costs of implementation. After this takes affect companies that violate the law and hire illegal labor should not only be fined but they should have their business licenses taken away. No jobs, no money, no reason to risk ones life crossing that border.
I'm not an expert on this issue and I really don't think that this is the place for this debate. But that's my take on it.
Kacuuie said; Hey sorry about that Tijuana J., Coyote and Youngster. And the one stating, "doesn't make any SENSE to the REST of us". No disrespect but was talking to the aformentioned (3) about a couple of there questions/responses/FYI info. Wasn't sure you all would go back and/or have you memory jogged to the archives as I was just catching up since I came on the blog a short while back. I'll do that though and respond as such in the archive sec. However, not quite sure when you say, "you're not here anymore" and then respond to my last. Hey call me a little on the slow side regarding your last statement of not knowing. I realize hundreds of blogs are in the archives and also in the current. I guess I just thought since you all have responded to my last and then sent soooo many have been on this for quite sometime, was just asuming you knew what I was talking about. Won't do that again on the current. NO Prob guys.
Kacuuie: Got'a love this......
(Dude hahha)
SV VBS said.......
"I just got back from a trip and found a lot of posts directed at me and my barrio."
I'm not trying to piss you off and maybe some others have. But I would like to know your opionion on the homies from VBS killing the 16 year old girl Martha Puebla. And what the people arrested and others in VBS think about the whole situation.
This is a forum for us to learn about the thoughts and opionons of everybody. And since you probably know the people involved you would be able to provide the rest of us with a more thorough understanding of all the madness of gangs.
Remember we are all really anonymous here in cyber-space and you may get pissed by the comments and questions. But it probably can serve a purpose. I'm sure you have disagreed with many people here but fully participating does provide everybody with a broader picture of the whole variey of opinions and views.
You have been very open about your background in the past and have shared many stories about your past.
So after you have a cold refreshing beer and have calmed down think about answering that question.
Just Curious
To the "Mexicano Orgulloso:
As Dan Akroyd once said "Jane, you ignorant slut!" Well I guess I better defend myself or try to make myself clear. First of all I never said it was OK to shoot innocent people no matter who they are but what I've learned through personel experience is that if you grow up gang banging and involved in the "vida loca" then you should know whats expected of you and the consequences of that chosen life. If you decide to one day start telling on your "friends" then be prepared for them same "friends" to come gunning for your ass. Remember what james Brown sang about when he put out "The Big Payback" (cant take no damn squealing) My carnalito was killed in a drive-by, but we were in the game and and that was part of it, and no one told, business just got handled. Nowadays I go to the Barrio and tell the youngsters that are representing and holding up the flag, that the "Vida Loca" se acabo and try to get them to do something constructive and positive with there lives, but they aint hearing it because they are just like the way I used to be but only worse because they fuck with that crystal. So if you grew up in the Barrio and not in Arcadia or Sierra Madre getting breast fed till you were 17 years old you would be able to understand a little somewhat of whats going on in the Barrio. So quit coming out of left field with no mitt on and jumping in the cool-aid with out even knowing what flavor it is. Hey Sol Vallero dont get caught up in that bato's pedo hes just another cell warrior, and you know how that goes, put him on the shine, but if you get a chance to get at him then handle it, treat him like the peceta that he is.
By the way using the LCN as an exsample of an organization that had it together and practiced the code of omerta was not a very bright idea, cause they took themselves down by infighting or shall I say inkilling, and snitching, from "Kid Twist Reles" to "Joe Valachi" to "Gaspipe Casso". But like the chicano gangbangers of yesterday and today they also chose to live "La Vida Loca".
El Montero
Tijuana Jailer said about EME ……………….
“They do it by word and by deed. Not to be confused with political terrorists, their form of terrorism is like a cancer which slowly erodes the minds of our young ones and produces jailhouse monsters. This demented mindset is indoctrinated in California Youth Authority facilities, local county jails and, upon "graduating" to the Department of Corrections (where their skills are honed), they proceed and succeed in becoming a destructive member of our society with the emphasis on "destructive"
“As for EME members being so "smart" (and I'm sure you meant "criminally smart") I would offer to you that becoming addicted to heroin (the vice of many in the criminal underworld -"getting high on your own supply") is their biggest obstacle to criminal progress. An old time EME dropout once told me that if he could impose one major EME rule, it would be that any carnal caught slamming heroin would be executed on the spot. The problem with that, he admitted, is that it then eliminates over 90% of its membership!”
Chief Bratton said about gang members……………
They’re all crazy. Anybody that’s sane and has a sense of values can’t understand them. Most of them are sociopaths. Most of them are semi-literate. And almost none of them have graduated from high school. From an educational point of view, a socialization standpoint, and a moral standpoint, they are very different than the average person. Trying to get your arms around their motivations is very difficult.
Having read so many posts here from the past and present, and trying to analyze the gang problem which is so much in the news lately. I think Tijuana Jailer and especially Chief Bratton summarized it very well. “They gang members are sociopaths and anybody that is sane and has a sense of values can’t understand them”
I also remember when Sheriff Baca of Los Angeles and Sheriff Joe Arpayo of Arizona were having a conference. And Arpayo was bragging about how he had better control of his prisoners and lower recidivism rates in his jails. And Sheriif Baca quickly said to Arpayo you don’t have thousands of crazy Latino gang members in the Arizona jails.
I read many posts here by old cholos telling us how the EME carnales are some sort of honorable soldier (WTF). The only two EME carnales I knew of personally when I was a kid in the barrio were both drug addicts. They used speed to keep awake, heroin to sleep/relax and slept with the nastiest drug addicted hookers on the street. So I never wanted to be like those two old heroin addicts.
The other irony of T.J. comments is how most of EME members are in prison and how the drug addicted convicts (EME carnales) can have so much control and power over so many young Mexicans who are free. How can someone be so stupid as to let drug addicted convicts control their destiny in life. You see so many young mexican gang bangers so proudly claiming Sur-13. If only they had the wisdom and intelligence to see the stupidity of their choice claiming Sur-13. The sad part is that so many stupid latino kids think there is some type of glamour and mystique in gangs and are brainwashed with this mentality at a very young age. So when T.J. says “a demented mindset is indoctrinated” at many levels, T.J. is right on the money.
But even if you eliminated the Mexican Mafia the latino gangs would still exist but with just a different drug importation and taxation system.
Even the old “reformed” cholos here on Wally’s blog are ready to net bang with anybody who they think are questioning their barrio, machismo or gang. I guess they will have to beat their poor wife and kids instead. One can only wonder what kind of example the cholos can be to their own children.
I agree with T.J. gangs are “like a cancer which slowly erodes the minds of our young ones and produces jailhouse monsters”. But unfortunately the monsters are also on the streets not just in jail.
See previous posts about Christopher Ash being stabbed 80 times and having his throat slashed by the same 204th St. gang members, who also executed 14 year old Cheryl Green and almost killed three others. There was also the execution of 16 year old Martha Puebla by Vinelamd Boys gang members which went un-noticed by most people. I guess the news media did not care about a 16 year mexican girl being executed by low life VBS gang members. But you should read about it in a previous post which gives a court record of the cold blooded execution of Martha Puebla.
Maybe the solution to the gang problem is some type of drug induced mental de-programming. We should start this in the schools here in Los Angeles so these young pendejos quit thinking gangs are supposed to be part of their lives.
T.J. that was a funny shot at SNS the liberal conspiracy theorist.
OC Half Breed said…………….
“An example would be a letter to the editor in the OC Register where some guy complains about the "illegal selling oranges on the corner". Now how in the hell would he know if the guy was illegal? He didn't, he just saw a brown guy and called him illegal.”
Your comment about the guy on the corner selling oranges made me laugh. Maybe because you say you are half breed, but as 100% mexican born in mexico and living in southern California I am sure 99% of those guys are illegal recent immigrants. The latinos born here will not do certain jobs a recent immigrant will do, such as sell oranges on the corner, push an ice cream cart thru the neighborhood, sell buttered corn from a shopping cart, sell hotdogs from a home made cart, pick strawberries or lettuce.
You should use a better example, like a latino working at McDonalds or Burger King. Because any latino who has a “Mica” (work permit) sure as hell is not going to stand on a street corner selling oranges for a few dollars a day. You should ask those guys who much money they make. A mica is like gold medal to a latino here in this country. Many of us call it "el premio de Oro"
"I'm not trying to piss you off and maybe some others have. But I would like to know your opionion on the homies from VBS killing the 16 year old girl Martha Puebla. And what the people arrested and others in VBS think about the whole situation."
First of all I only speak for myself, I don't speak on behalf of my barrio or others.
In my honest opinion that girls death was a sad and tragic thing. I really feel bad for the girls family. I know that the pain of losing a child is the most terrible pain that a human being can ever go through. I have seen this agony many times at many of my homeboys funerals and I don't wish it on anyone.
I do know the homies charged with this crime. And my feelings for them have never changed. I always will have homeboy love and respect for them. I know that to many here that sounds demented but that's my honest answer.
Here is some info on where white people came from, lol!
In the mythology of the black supremacist movement the Nation of Islam, Jacob's name is spelled Yakub. Instead of being seen as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel he is presented as an evil scientist who created the white race by genetic experimentation on an isolated group of the original black peoples of the world, conducted on the island of Patmos. Breeding this white race took six hundred years. Yakub's progeny are destined by God to be the ruling race of the world for an allotted period of six thousand years, before the original black race regains dominance, a process that is supposed to have begun in 1914. Originating with Wallace Fard Muhammad, the prophet of the Nation of Islam, the sources of this idiosyncratic theory have yet to be fully traced, but probably derive from anti-Semitic ideas of the time according to which Jews are an "artificial race". This notion is then generalised to white people, of which Jews are perceived as a sub-group.
U.S. set to begin a vast expansion of DNA sampling (Or is it really how to put more Mexicans in Jail ?)
The Justice Department is completing rules to allow the collection of DNA from most people arrested or detained by federal authorities, a vast expansion of DNA gathering that will include hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, by far the largest group affected.
The new forensic DNA sampling was authorized by Congress in a little-noticed amendment to a January 2006 renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, which provides protections and assistance for victims of sexual crimes. The amendment permits DNA collecting from anyone under criminal arrest by federal authorities, and also from illegal immigrants detained by federal agents.
Immigration lawyers said they did not learn of the measure when it passed last year and were dismayed by its sweeping scope.
"This has taken us by storm," said Deborah Notkin, a lawyer who was president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association last year. "It's so broad, it's scary. It is a terrible thing to do because people are sometimes detained erroneously in the immigration system."
Immigration lawyers noted that most immigration violations, including those committed when people enter the country illegally, are civil, not criminal, offenses. They warned that the new law would make it difficult for immigrants to remove their DNA profiles from the federal database, even if they were never found to have committed any serious violation or crime.
Seth Ferrante posted up a pretty good account on the Brand in his "Gorilla Convict Blog"..
Check it out..
Report: Relatives link Al Sharpton, Strom Thurmond
White Bread maybe you too? LMAO
Otro blackeye for ANONOMOUS..
Critics bash Mexican truck decision
WASHINGTON - The news that Mexican trucks will be allowed to haul freight deeper into the United States drew an angry reaction Friday from labor leaders, safety advocates and members of Congress.
"This program will make trade with Mexico easier and keep our roads safe at the same time," Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said Friday. She announced details of the plan to let 100 Mexican trucking companies travel beyond the border area while she was in El Paso, Texas, at the Bridge of the Americas, which connects to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
Said Teamsters President Jim Hoffa: "They are playing a game of Russian roulette on America's highways."
El Montero said ………………………………….
"If you would have read the transcripts (APPEAL) from them two batos from Vineland Boys, you would have read that Martha Puebla was a RAT, so what ever she got , she had coming. She was down to hang out with the homies and let them in her window after her parents went to sleep, but when it came down to holding her mud on a "hot one" she couldnt handle the situation so she squealed and she got what squealers get, shot dead. The only thing missing was the dead bird that should have been stuffed in her mouth."
Hello everyone this is Dr. Phil again ............
I want to give all of Wally’s readers an education into the mind of a Sociopath. If you read El Montero’s response about the execution of 16 year old Martha Puebla and notice the callousness and lack of Empathy in his response this is but one classic trait of a Sociopath.
A Sociopath never recognizes the rights of others and sees their self-serving behaviors as permissible, such as executing anyone who may interfere with their criminal behavior.
Please read the classic traits of a Sociopath below you will find this in many of the responses by many of Wally’s readers. The will reveal their true beliefs in one response and use their lying and conning traits to hide their true feelings. A sociopath has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. A Sociopath can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about his own powers and abilities
The Tijuana Jailer with years of experience working around gang criminals gives you a good non-psychological synopsis as well. See T.J. post which is a few posts before mine.
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
"You should use a better example, like a latino working at McDonalds or Burger King. Because any latino who has a “Mica” (work permit) sure as hell is not going to stand on a street corner selling oranges for a few dollars a day. You should ask those guys who much money they make. A mica is like gold medal to a latino here in this country. Many of us call it "el premio de Oro"
I hear you, it may not have been the best example, but I think most people got what I was trying to say. I was just trying to point out that to some people it really doesn't matter, they want all people from South of The Border gone period, but they always hide behind the term "illegal". By the way as people who have been on this blog for sometime will remember, I've done my time in the fields with many illegals, it sucked but I did and today I'm proud to say I did that fucked up work.
(Yes, the EME turns 50 this year!)
So where is the birthday party going to be held?
Kacuuie Said: Has anyone out there heard of a guy called "Musky" or Marty also known as Cadillac Marty from Geraghty??
Well, I would respond to T.J.'s comments about me glamorizing EME (T.J.'s omitting an awful lot if he's going to drop the glamorizing of the gangster lifestyle on Hollywood's doorstep. Might I recommend a few blogs...), and to the moron with the pom poms who accuses me of creating conspiracy theories, when all I have ever done is point to actual events regarding some in the highest levels of 'legitimate' society that have a direct correlation to street level gang activity, but what's the point when Wally will just delete it, anyway?
Grand Dragon of the Hollies, you Mentioned
Manipulative and Conning?
Grandiose Sense of Self?
Pathological Lying?
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt?
Shallow Emotions?
Poor Behavior Controls/Impulsive?
Criminal Versatility?
Who you talkin 'bout Whitey?
1. LAPD officers at the center of the Rampart scandal
2. George Bush
3. Dick Cheney
4. All of the above
LMAO again.
I left for a while but, I been checking the blog out now and then. I got burned out of the site because there were too many people yapping about dumb stuff. Also it had seemed that wally just left it for dead and did not refresh his article for months. I been reading through inthehat again regularly over the past few months and it seems that wally has been able to restore order.
What's up Don Q, TJ and Gava Joe it is good to see you guys contributing to the blogspot again. Also it is good to see that some of my words, info and suggestions have been read respectfully and enjoyed enough by the new readers to be taken into consideration for their references.
Youngster With Game
Our own "Anonomous" aka "Gang expert", Mexican expert", "Dr. Mengele", gives us the low down on it all.
" Pathological Lying",
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests."
Gee sounds to me like "Mr Anonymous" might be preaching to his own choir, he's afraid to post up a name cause he's used them all up!
His take seems to be Get rid of the Mexicans and you get rid of the gangs and Organized crime, and all problems that "good white Americans" have to deal with.
Oh yeah! anon states
"(Chief Bratton supposedly to SHeriff Loco, opps Arpaio, "you don't have thousands of crazy latino gang members to deal with in Arizona)"
The old, get tough on crime, lock em up, get rid of the Mexicans, theory that has failed miserably over many years. We have more gangsters than ever so maybe it might be time to try something else ya think?
Mark Twain had it down over a hundred years ago.
A nations exploited class = the majority in the prisons
Now to the anonymous that thinks I think La Eme is only local
I only spoke from what I have seen and experienced in the area since I never been out of that area I do not know if La Eme has members trying to plant the flag in other states. Now when you say there is Carnales in Philly and Mississippi and all that do you mean Carnales busted or on the street? I will tell you onething they might be out there but, that doesn't always mean they are active in those states. As a matter of fact my neighborhood has a "GUY" who lives in Missouri and only comes down when stuff is not getting handled, he has to appoint a new homie to take the keys or to get things back on track. Now I think he lives out of town because it keeps him away from all the feds and cops sniffing around the neighborhood. Also it keeps the heat off of him when people are getting hit or people are getting busted. Man I am an O.G. of this site at 25 HAHAHA
Youngster with Game
....."and to the moron with the pom poms who accuses me of creating conspiracy theories"....
It appears that you've handled yourself pretty well on this blog, Still No Script, and you may advance any "theories" you feel disposed to advance. Readers will agree with you or they will disagree. But life goes on.
My neighbor is a far left of center liberal too (he cannot touch on any topic without infusing his liberal views) but we find things of common interest.
On this blog -- and I'm relatively new here -- we can express ourselves (intelligently, we hope) and pick up a thing or three when we're bored at home.
I enjoy Mr. T/Jailer's posts (I am a retired cop from So. Cal) and some of the "characters" that grace In The Hat. Don Quixote (the traveling retired cholo), Youngster With Game (the young one who gets respect), Still No Script (the dysfunctional uncle who gets no respect sometimes and feels the need to lash out and defend his honor constantly), Gava Joe (the Kansas white boy who did time in CDC in the 70's), Tijuana Jailer (the know-it-all uncle who is pampered with too much lemonade from Sancha) and you have an enviable cast of characters to work with just from In The Hat !!!
By the way, SNS, how is the script coming along? And, if you're in the Hollywood business, what's wrong with glamorizing? They do it all the time. They glamorize homosexuality ..... gangsters ....
alcohol, drugs, adultery, etc. It's the nature of the business, I think.
Southern Gent
I do'nt even know who made this statement originally:
....."and to the moron with the pom poms who accuses me of creating conspiracy theories"....
I take umbrage to that point. I thought I had the sole rights to creation of conspiracy theories.
I've been nurturing my paranoia longer than most here, and invested PLENTY in its perpetuity..
Youngster! Good to see you're back in town..We had the playground refurbished but the same kids are hangin out. Those cats from Denmark split, and some of the vatos had to change their names cuz Wally went all mad dog with the hatchet. SNS claims he's been clipped, but i doubt it. Tell him when you see him that the Dems WON!Tell him that Barack's got an early shot,and that recent takes show him to have all the cunning and political savvy of a Clinton without the cellulite..He aint no Tookie, but he's got charisma..
Southern Gent Hello. It's good to hear from a straight-talkin cop. Also i appreciate your input re. the "nature" of the entertainment biz. Alcohol, drugs, and adultery, all good things if taken in moderation..
Don sweet Potato - I got your back, brother..
Don Q. Sr. Victima, Mr. Blah Blah, Mr. Whine Whine, Amos, Sammy Wang, Fat Betty, Marty with the wet Patalones , Ezekiel Jenkins, Don Culo, OldSkoolFool, said…………………
Mark Twain had it down over a hundred years ago. A nations exploited class = the majority in the prisons.
You are so right Don. Q. I had to “silence” a 16 year old female witness and had to stuff a bird in her mouth and slash her throat. Tu Sabes, others have to learn not to sing against us poor, victimized, exploited misunderstood mexican gang members.
Right now the fascist exploitative white controlled government wants to give me a life sentence for just “repping our barrio” and “taking care of business”. I can not believe this shit. But an Old Wise Man like you understands my pain and the injustice. I love you my homie, you love us cholos soooo much. I just wish I could be close to you, I wanna show you that gangsta love.
Don. Q. can you send me money and cigarettes because you understand us innocent Cholos so well. I need some money on my books, maybe we can be a pen-pals and I can send you kites to pass on to my jefita. Because I still need to “take care of business” in the barrio, I am not going to let the facist government exploit me in La pinta.
When I get out of the pinta lets have a kick- back at you house and smoke some mota. Don Q. stay on your jefita’s box of Tide and keep telling everybody how we are the exploited class. Don’t let the Haters talk shit about us. Lots of Gangster love to you Don. Q. Sabes Que homie maybe you should be our first cholo president, what shoo think about that.
El Montero - Otro Victima
don quixote said...
“The old, get tough on crime, lock em up, get rid of the Mexicans, theory that has failed miserably over many years. We have more gangsters than ever so maybe it might be time to try something else ya think?”
I am going to re-post something that was probably written as a joke or with sarcasm. But it does show a big reason gangs flourish in modern society. I remember when we were were hippies, rockers, low-riders, punks, pot-heads etc. But now so many young people who grow up thinking gangs are a life-style.
Gangster is now a life-style to so many young people. So why is anybody surprised gangs are only growing especially among blacks and latinos. See post below.
1:03 AM
Anonymous said...
I am going to explain why gangs continue to grow in the Mexican community in California. It is actually a simple reason and not as complicated as many people want you to think. It is NOT because Mexicans are poor and the government is trying to victimize the poor Mexicans in California. It is NOT because of some big conspiracy by the white government like some stupid Cholos people want you to believe.
It is because Mexican kids grow up a thinking gangs are supposed to be part of their lives. They are taught and learn gangs are supposed to be part of their culture and lives. See the web-site http://www.myspace.com/92940724 of a young 18 year old girl who says, “GOOD GIRLS GOTTA GET DOWN WITH THE GANGSTERS". When this girl gets pregnant at a young age by one of her gangster boyfriends http://www.myspace.com/60193457 she will not be able to properly educate and care for her kids. So the cycle of stupid young mothers raising the next generation of Mexican gang bangers kids will continue. The problem is that too many Mexicans kids think gangs are supposed to be part of their lives and the cycle just continues to grow from generation to generation. Just look at all the other Mexican kids on her friend list whose main focus in life is all about gangs. What do you expect from her and the kids she will be bringing into the world?
Los cholos son tan estupidos
Totally Disgusted by Cholos
From an old 60's pot smoking hippie
SV VBS said:
"Para ese pendejo que me sigue retando. Espero que estes conforme con mi respuesta. Pero si te sientes huevudo y quieres comprovar que los tienes bien puestos. Venga para SOL VALLE y tumbese al que mas gordo le quiga. Que acabo todos somos cobardes y no le vamos a responder. No importa cual te tumbes que acobo todos somos igual. A lo mejor te rayas y me chingas a mi. Pero no se me vaya a rajar cabron. Usted aqui se ha querido pasarse como muy picudo. Asi que hamarese un huevo y dele gas cunado. Y aca lo espero."
Damn, I gotta say, you are one sensitive little cholo. You can't handle the slightest hint of criticism. Maybe Martha died because she hurt your feelings, not because she was a rat. Peace for our gente...
El Montero, say it ain't so, although a couple of your posts sounded over the top I didn't think you were part of the Freudian nightmare amalgamation of personalities. Formerly "S", (maybe a little Retired Joker thrown in),among many others.
Thats funny!
You as Montero make outlandish statements about the killing of Martha Puebla and then become "Anonymous Mexican Rabies victim" and castigate all Mexicans as cholos, killers, job stealers,ect, as some other entity.
I haven't seen anything this bizzare since the last time I looked at the classic 50's flick "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (in my opinion one of the greatest of the "Sci Fi" movies, what about it Jim?)
And to top it off I get accused by this Atascadero escapee of using other handles other than don quixote.
Not so, "mr. omnifarious", I accept all the "slings and arrows" thrown at me, "my hypocrisy knows no bounds"! I stand alone as "don quixote", knight errant!
Hey ese nutjob! I really enjoy your reaction to our (America's most well known author and commentator) Mark Twain. It seems his well known observation made long ago, and still valid,(exploited class's = majority of jente in the pinta), sends you into a rabid uncontrolable fit of posting on Wally's and under many guises,(but all very similar and boring!)
So let me give you another by the great "Ambrose Bierce" a contemporary of Mark Twain's, who when commenting on the phony history of the unjust and first war of Imerialism by the US, against Mexico stated:
"History is an account,mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant,
which are brought about by rulers,
mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools."
So in closing, my confused friend, I would like to quote another great Chicano philosopher "George Lopez" who said, not long ago, "Get used to us Mexicans motherfuckers! cause we been here from day one and we ain't going nowhere!"
PS: you can still call me Don Camote or Don Sweet Potato (as my interpreter GJ informs me),to tell the truth it kind of turns me on!
Southern Gent said...
I enjoy Mr. T/Jailer's posts (I am a retired cop from So. Cal) and some of the "characters" that grace In The Hat. Don Quixote (the traveling retired cholo), Youngster With Game (the young one who gets respect), Still No Script (the dysfunctional uncle who gets no respect sometimes and feels the need to lash out and defend his honor constantly), Gava Joe (the Kansas white boy who did time in CDC in the 70's), Tijuana Jailer (the know-it-all uncle who is pampered with too much lemonade from Sancha) and you have an enviable cast of characters to work with just from In The Hat !!!
To Southern Gent,
I have also noticed this eclectic cast of characters on Wally's blog. Although I might also classify these cast of characters as a cast of misfits. But I would like to use this cast of characters as the basis for my next movie. I can envision a movie better then “GoodFellas” or “The Departed” based on this cast of characters.
Southern Gent; welcome to Wally’s world, but since you mentioned that you are retired cop you may be the next victim of Cholo cyber assault. I would like to you contribute more often to this blog because I need you to add much needed diversity to the cast of characters. I can not produce and direct a gang movie without cops and criminals.
I need to find a good screen-writer to create and interesting and intriguing screenplay which will be my next Directorial Oscar winner. To any good screen-writes please visit and contact me at
Sincerely Yours,
Martin Scorsese
Kacuuie said: Hey Youngster w/game, very good question and of course more behind the wall then on the streets. But they have had little shops and reglas set up for a long little stint now and again of course preying on the right out of H.S. and into the early to mid 20's. Smart man from Missouri, kind of like when "Rube" got out of Marion a couple of years back. But he didn't last for too long, problems were happening down in Ontario BA's and a couple of the other Big Brothers asked if he would go down there and find out what was going on; some shootings and whatnot. Well ole "Rube" kind of messed up on a late night cruise, the cops pulled him over and he was under the influence big time. Wrong place at the wrong time, especially when it was hot and especially around Sunkist area. Small violation though sent back for a handful of months until the big ooops (CI) got him down for the count. Hopefully the Missouri Carnal will keep his head and stay educated. Take care YWG,
Kacuuie P.S. appoligize if this happens to get posted twice, possibly probs for the moment with the puter.
Texas talks tough on illegal immigrants
Lawmakers push some of the harshest immigration-related measures in the United States.
By Miguel Bustillo, Times Staff Writer
February 27, 2007
'This problem is costing Texas money. Texas has to act.'
— Leo Berman, Texas legislator who wrote the bill to deny benefits to the children of illegal immigrants
Bound for Texas
AUSTIN, TEXAS — The Lone Star State has long welcomed Latino immigrants, no matter how they got across the state's 1,200-mile border with Mexico.
Back when California voted to cut public services to illegal immigrants, then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush was preaching that immigrants were equal players in the state's economy.
But the atmosphere has changed markedly in Texas, home to about 10% of the nation's illegal immigrants.
Now, a growing chorus of Republicans and some Democrats is pushing some of the harshest immigration-related measures in the United States — laws that would not only deny public services to illegal immigrants but strip their American-born children of benefits as well.
The proposal to deny services to American citizens, which is thought to be the first in the country, is part of a push to challenge the citizenship given automatically to children born in this country to illegal immigrants.
The Pew Hispanic Center estimated last year that more than 3 million U.S. citizens were born to illegal immigrant parents.
"The Texas bill could be a vehicle to get this before the courts, and we strongly support that," said Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which has been pushing Congress to revisit the 14th Amendment. "There is no question that it is time for a review, given the number of people entering the country illegally and giving birth."
Texas' shift toward a more incendiary brand of immigration politics comes at a time when many state lawmakers are frustrated that Washington has failed to stop illegal immigration. Few think President Bush's moderate proposals, which include a guest worker program and enhanced border security, will help much, even if they are approved by Congress.
State Rep. Leo Berman, the Republican legislator who wrote the bill to deny benefits to the children of illegal immigrants, admits that his goal is to set off a fight in the federal courts.
"A pregnant illegal alien can wait at the border, check into a hospital in Texas, give birth without paying a penny, and be rewarded for her illegal behavior," Berman said. "That's outrageous."
Berman's bill is one of more than two dozen proposals targeting illegal immigration in Texas. Other measures would tax money that illegal immigrants wire abroad; require patients to prove they are in the country legally before receiving state medical services; eliminate in-state college tuition breaks for illegal immigrants; and require state agencies to do a thorough accounting of how much illegal immigration is costing the state. Texas is home to about 1 million to 2 million illegal immigrants.
"Why should illegal immigrants, who by virtue of being in the country have broken the law, be able to get the same state services as a citizen?" asked state Sen. Royce West, a Democrat from Dallas who is proposing one of several measures to tax remittances to Mexico. He said his legislation was one way to raise money for healthcare programs.
Texas politicians say that proposing such laws would have been unimaginable a decade ago. During his days as governor, Bush regularly praised the cultural and economic contributions Latino immigrants were making to the state. His political strategy paid off: He won 40% of the Latino vote in 1998, a number previously considered unreachable for a Republican.
The Texas Republican Party added hard-line immigration language to its platform last year in response to the demands of its conservative base. It included the line "No amnesty! No how. No way," and a call to "suspend automatic U.S. citizenship to children born to illegal immigrant parents," the idea now proposed by Berman.
Latino leaders say they are stunned by the Texas proposals to deny services to children. They promise retaliation at the ballot box.
Jim said...
Don Quixote, Wallace and all you Night Owl's this Rx highly recommended.
Hey Jim, sorry I haven't responded to your post on Bubba Jackson and Chuck Cecil and the great radio music they give us in So Cal.
About 25 years ago I did some construction for Chuck Cecil at his home in the west SFV,where he had his own studio. He was a good guy and showed me his record collection, which was enormous.
The only critique I have with Chuck Cecils show is that I personally like the big band music of people like Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Harry James, Billy Eckstine, more bluesy and swinging.
Cecil plays this great music but then when I'm trippin and grovin all of a sudden bang!! Lawrence Welk or Glen Miller, shit like that pops up and bums me out!
Bubba Jackson is great, and while trying not to be accused of "provincialism" from our compa's in other parts, I would say that we in LA have been blessed with many legendary voices in music and radio that have no equal anywhere else.
"Chuck Niles" the greatest of Jazz voices, "Dick Hugg Huggy Boy" R&B oldies, of course "Art Laboe" who coined the term "Oldies but Goodies" and produced the first records called Oldies.
The pioneering strange white Texan who became the voice of Black radio music (that we Chicano's listened to all the time!) "Hunter Hancock" and his "Huntin with Hunter" shows and dances he put on in ELA for the raza.
Johnnie Otis, the son of Greek immigrants (John Veliotis) who transformed himself into a black man and became a voice for Black music with his Band, radio and TV shows.
"Chico Sesma" and his "Latin Radio" shows that for years were the only spanish language radio.
And sports figures? Forget it, we in LA had the legendary figures of "Vin Sculley" voice of the LA Dodgers and later major league baseball.
The incomparable "Chick Hearn" voice of the LA Lakers, inventor of most of the basketball terms we now use like "slam dunk, Mr. Clutch, sky hook, ect;
The early days of TV we in LA had the one and only "Dick Lane" voice of wrestling and roller derby, and auto racing,who made famous personalities of characters like Gorgeous George, Haystack Calhoun, Mr. Moto, The Destroyer, Freddie Blasie (There ain't a man in the whole house, nothing but pencil neck geeks!)
The greatest and most often imitated Boxing announcer of all "Jimmy Lennon" who spoke perfect spanish and would always be dressed in his tuxedo at the old Olympic Auditorium. (that's him in the great movie "Raging Bull")
Anyway I could go on and on but I don't want to be accused of "regional chauvinism" (yea right!)
I think Don Culote is the most fitting, pinche hypocrite.
StillNoScript said...
“and to the moron with the pom poms who accuses me of creating conspiracy theories, when all I have ever done is point to actual events regarding some in the highest levels of 'legitimate' society that have a direct correlation to street level gang activity, but what's the point when Wally will just delete it, anyway”
Orale SNS why don’t you make a firme blog bcuz I want to read about how the “highest levels of legitimate' society” are making our Mexican kids in LA join da gangs. SNS keeping it on the reals.
By tha way check out my baby Briana (aka Lil Boxer) web-site.
Check out my husband (aka Creeper) teaching Briana (aka Lil Boxer)
I think the CIA brainwashed my mijo (aka LiL Creeper), bcuz he keeps saying “Florenica Rifas” and writing gang graffiti on everything. When I take my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) places he is writing F-13 on the bathrooms walls. I know my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) is a good kid, and it has to be a conspiracy to make him a cholo. Maybe the government put the sharpie markers in my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) hands. I also think all the gang shit is because of the government.
I am a really good mother and I am raising my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) in a good way.
My mijo (aka LiL Creeper) kicks it with his nice friends like, Lil Asesino, LiL Loco, Baby Travieso, Casper, Pee-Wee, and Killer.
I iron my mijo’s big khaki pants and big white tee-shirts everyday before he goes to school. Pero the government wants my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) to wear a uniform. I think the government wants him to dress like a cholo or something. I even shave my mijo's (aka LiL Creeper) head so he looks nice and clean.
And when (aka LiL Creeper) gets home from school we kick back and listen to Sureno rap and play the video game ”Grand Theft Auto San Andreas” on the Nintendo. And later at night we watch good T.V. shows like Jose Luis Sin Censuras, and we also like to watch DVD movies like “America Me” and “Scarface” with Al Pacino. Scareface is a hella tight flicka so homies checka that flicka.
My mijo (aka LiL Creeper) writes letters to his father in Pelican Bay prison, his father’s name is Frankie “Creeper” Garcia. The police planted a gun and drugs on him and said he was a gang member just because he kicks it with the homies in the barrio. We both have nice matching tattoos, a teardrop on the eye and big “Play Now - Cry Later Clowns” on our backs. We show our mijo (aka LiL Creeper) how we have mad love for each other. But my favorite tattoo is my Florencia Barrio tattoo on my big tits.
I even got my mijo (aka LiL Creeper) a computer so he can study on the internet. My mijo (aka LiL Creeper) is so smart he made a web-page check it out.
La Traveisa – Livin La Vida Loca
(F-13 Por Vida)
Don’t forget to check out put my baby Briana (LiL Boxer) web-page.
I am so proud of her webpage.
I hope my daughter does not get into gangs because of the government.
Check out my husband (aka Creeper) teaching Briana (aka Lil Boxer)
My compadre Danny is also keeping an eye on George Perez, the political boss in Cudahy. Is George Lopez to friendly with a big homie from EME Hector “Weasel” Marroquin, who once ran a Bridges anti-gang program? Maybe George Lopez needs a placka how about “Weasel”, “Sneaky Bastard” or maybe “Creeper”. Is this the same George Lopez our favorite cholo victim Don Q. was quoting?
Also The L.A. Times also reports that anti-gang program Bridges is facing more scrutiny over the question of whether it actually works. In "Broken Bridges," LA Weekly's Anderson and Christine Pelisek revealed in December how this guy, Hector Marroquin, ran a Bridges anti-gang program while serving as a tax collector for the Mexican Mafia
Wally was talking about the “Weasel” a while back now the L.A weekly and LA Times are talking about the “Weasel”. I am going to guess the “Weasel” will probably be getting some special federal attention with all this publicity.
I haven't had a chance to read it, but I don't question their story. I actually don't think that she was a rat either. From what I have read in the appeal transcripts it seems that she didn't want to talk to the cops. They were the ones that were putting the pressure on her. I'm sure that the cops didn't see her as an innocent 16 year old. I bet that to them she was just a girl gangbanger like her boyfriend, that could be tripped up into giving them info. They didn't give a shit about her or her families safety. If they had cared they would have notified her and her family that they were using her name and making "FALSE" statements that implied that she was ratting. And that those actions could put all of them in danger. I will bet anyone that if the cops had notified them of their actions, this girl would still be alive.
Like I have said before what happened to this girl is sad and tragic. And whether they have the right guy or not doesn't matter. It's clear that someone will pay for her murder. I however think that the people that put her life in danger in the first place should also pay.
Here's what part of that transcript says.
Detective Pinner spoke to the defendants at the Van Nuys jail on the night of December 1. Pinner falsely told Ledesma that “Martha” and another person had identified him as the man who shot Vargas. Pinner had prepared a fake photo array which made it look like Martha Puebla had identified Ledesma. Pinner put Catalan into a special cell equipped with a hidden tape recorder. Pinner told Catalan the Los Angeles police had gone to Mexico, found the nine-millimeter handgun in the Altima, and that Catalan would likely be charged with murder for the Acosta shooting. Pinner left and had Ledesma put into Catalan’s cell.
LE put many rats in protective custody during the RICO indictments on my homies. Why didn't they do the same for this girl? Just something to think about.
Good afternoon to my fellow Hatsters. I have pasted a story from the NPR website in regards to Police using excessive "taser Force" and the resuult of "Excited Delirium" where LE and it's attorneys are claiming that this new medical term, not a taser itself, is the result of a growing number of taser-related deaths. I'd like to see how the LE posters on here feel in their line of work (either retired or current) and from any homeboys that may have recieved a jolt to subdue them. Gracias y alrato. -JOSE619
Tasers Implicated in Excited Delirium Deaths
by Laura Sullivan
Enlarge A still from a video shot by police shows efforts to revive Frederick Williams at the Gwinnett County Detention Center in a suburb of Atlanta in May 2004. Williams stopped breathing shortly after being stunned with a Taser; he died a few hours later. His family is suing the county and Taser International; the company has made it clear that it plans to argue Williams died of excited delirium. Google Video
Hear Part 1 of This Report
Feb. 26, 2007
Death by Excited Delirium: Diagnosis or Coverup?
Recent Cases
Below are some recent instances in which excited delirium was cited to explain the deaths of people in police custody. In each case, the deceased had also been stunned with a Taser:
June 13, 2005 ? Shawn C. Pirolozzi, 30, of Canton, Ohio, dies after police tried to subdue him with a Taser. His death certificate listed excited delirium as the cause of death. The Taser was not listed as a contributing factor.
April 21, 2006 — Alvin Itula, 35, dies after a struggle with Salt Lake City police. Itula led officers on a foot chase, then fought with them when the officers caught up, according to police. Officers tased Itula and also used pepper spray and a baton. Itula stopped breathing soon after. The medical examiner found that Itula died of excited delirium brought on by methamphetamine and cocaine.
April 24, 2006 — Jose Romero, 23, dies in Dallas police custody. He was in his underwear, screaming and holding a knife on his neighbor's porch. Police tased him multiple times. He died shortly thereafter. The Dallas County medical examiner ruled Romero died of excited delirium.
Sept. 5, 2006 — Larry Noles, 52, dies in Louisville, Ky., after a struggle with police. Noles, an ex-Marine, was standing naked in the middle of a street when police were called. Police said he was agitated. They tased him two or three times. He died a few minutes later. The Jefferson County medical examiner ruled Noles died because of excited delirium and not the Taser.
Oct. 29, 2006 — Roger Holyfield, 17, dies after police in Jerseyville, Ill., shocked him twice with a Taser. Holyfield had been walking down a street, holding a phone in one hand and a Bible in the other, yelling that he wanted Jesus. After policed shot him with the stun gun, Holyfield went into a coma; he died the following day. A medical examiner ruled the death was probably a result of excited delirium.
Dec. 17, 2006 — Terill Enard, 29, dies following a disturbance at a Waffle house in Lafayette, La. He was naked and yelling, with a broken leg bone piercing his skin. Police stunned Enard with a Taser; he died several hours later. Police said the forensic report from the Lafayette Parish coroner's office found Enard died as a result of "cocaine-induced excited delirium."
— Laura Sullivan
All Things Considered, February 27, 2007 · The medical diagnosis called excited delirium — and whether it, in fact, exists — is the subject of intense debate among doctors, law-enforcement officers and civil libertarians. But to Senior Cpl. Herb Cotner of the Dallas Police Department, there's no question that it's real.
"This is when you have someone doing push-ups with two 150-pound officers on their back," Cotner says, describing how the condition can manifest itself.
Excited delirium is a term more medical examiners are using to explain why people — often high on drugs or alcohol — die suddenly while in police custody. Symptoms are said to include extreme agitation, aggressive, violent behavior and incoherence.
Cotner had to subdue several men. One man smashed through a plate-glass window, fell from a fence, broke his leg several times and still walked two blocks to fight with police.
"[I] had a guy that was handicapped, with a bad leg and a bad arm," Cotner said about another man. '[He] dragged us across a parking lot, and we had him half-controlled."
"These fights leave us exhausted," he adds. "There is no one thing that simply describes this. It's a totality of characteristics that you can't explain."
One minute, a person is fighting and screaming; the next minute, he's dead, Cotner says.
Cotner trains officers to give the person space and try to calm them — unless the person poses a danger to someone else. In those cases, a fight often results.
And in a growing number of cases, police officers end up reaching for their Tasers. That is where the debate over excited delirium becomes more complicated.
Medical Condition or Legal Cover?
Civil-liberties groups fear that the diagnosis is being used to cover up police abuse — and to protect companies like Taser International from lawsuits.
Taser International, the company that makes stun guns, says its product helps police deal with people suspected of having excited delirium. A company spokesman told NPR that Tasers could be the only way to subdue a person fast enough to get medical attention.
But according to civil-liberties groups and legal filings, Taser may have financial reasons to support — and even encourage — the use of the excited delirium diagnosis.
Take the case of Frederick Williams. On a grainy video, Williams is screaming, 'Don't kill me! I have a family to support. I've calmed down!" as several officers carry him into the Gwinnett County Detention Center in a suburb of Atlanta. One officer takes out his Taser and fires it directly onto Williams' chest.
The officer yells, "Relax! Stop resisting!" But the shock keeps jerking Williams' chest upward. As several officers hold Williams down, he is stunned six more times. A few minutes later, the officers realize Williams is not breathing. Williams died a few hours later.
Williams' family is now suing the county and Taser International. The company has made it clear in proceedings so far that it intends to argue Williams died of excited delirium — not because of the Taser or excessive force. The medical examiner could not determine the exact cause of death.
Williams, a deacon in his church and father of four, had no drugs or alcohol in his system.
Publicizing the Diagnosis
Excited delirium has helped Taser International in the past. In recent years, the company has successfully defended itself against at least eight lawsuits involving people who died in police custody, arguing that the cause of death was excited delirium, not the Taser.
Taser International spokesman Steve Tuttle acknowledges that each year, his company sends hundreds of pamphlets to medical examiners explaining how to detect excited delirium. Taser also holds seminars across the country, which hundreds of law-enforcement officials attend. But Tuttle says his company is only providing information that has been vetted by researchers.
"We're not telling departments [that] excited delirium is always the cause of death following a Taser application," Tuttle said. "We're simply pointing out the facts: that excited delirium is an issue out there, and they need to treat this as a medical emergency if they see these signs."
Taser is also reaching out to the medical community.
John Peters is president of the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, a prominent consulting company in Henderson, Nev. His firm specializes in training law-enforcement officers, coroners, emergency-room physicians and others in the medical community about sudden death from excited delirium.
A Conflict of Interest?
Peters is also one of Taser International's star witnesses against claims that the weapon kills people. He and his staff were paid by Taser for a year and a half to instruct at the company's training academy.
Peters says that training law enforcement to embrace excited delirium does not affect his impartiality on the stand.
"Some people would say, 'Well, obviously you're on their side,'" Peters said. "But the Taser is just one piece of this. I'm not a Taser instructor. I don't hold stock in Taser. So we try to maintain a distance or separation."
But Eric Balaban, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union, worries that the messages police receive about excited delirium may actually exacerbate confrontations with people in custody.
"If police officers are being trained about this condition known as excited delirium, and are being told the people suffering from it have superhuman strength, and [these people] are being treated as if they are somehow not human, it can lead officers to escalate situations," he said.
Balaban says the fear is not just that excited delirium may not exist, but that it is already being overused — in lawsuits and on the streets.
One more thing...check out the website listed below. This is a website made up by former members of the COMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT. I swear, these dudes act, talk, and personify the gang culture as a whole. They even have a section where they share crazy stories called "BACK N' THA DAY".
JOSE619 said……………………
“I have pasted a story from the NPR website in regards to Police using excessive "taser Force" and the resuult of "Excited Delirium" where LE and it's attorneys are claiming that this new medical term, not a taser itself, is the result of a growing number of taser-related deaths. I'd like to see how the LE posters on here feel in their line of work (either retired or current) and from any homeboys that may have recieved a jolt to subdue them. Gracias y alrato. -JOSE619”
I read this question and saw the term "Excited Delirium". I am not sure how any law enforcement people on here will react to the examples of deaths by taser you presented. But I am pretty sure an old Cholo D.Q. will be the next "Excited Delirium" telling is about how the cops are again covering up their criminal activities. And how the tasers are the new instruments of oppression and the taser company is part of the conspiracy.
I was reading all the comments about 16 year old Martha Puebla who was killed because she was a witness. I finally found the stories people were talking about. What a pain in the ass scrolling and searching through all the old comments to find the right links. Now my finger hurts.
http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/nonpub/B183126.DOC - Court of Appeals record
Someone here has ESP or something because after the post about VBS and Martha Puebla the LA weekly ran a recent story about Martha Puebla again.
Tired Finger
Anonymous said…………
“One more thing...check out the website listed below. This is a website made up by former members of the COMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT. I swear, these dudes act, talk, and personify the gang culture as a whole. They even have a section where they share crazy stories called "BACK N' THA DAY". “
Well I checked out the web-site, I did not see the cops personifying the gang culture they even know how to spell the word”the” and not “tha” as you mistakenly posted. (lol) I copied this verbatim from the cop web-site “Crazy Photos and Stories from Back In The Day”
What I did see was two cops Timothy Brennan and Robert Ladd using the internet to make money. Like Don King said “only in America”. These two cops are being entrepreneurs on the internet by selling consulting services. Damn I need to sell something on the internet. Just about everybody has figured out a way to make money on the Internet except me.
The thing that got my attention on the cop site was a picture of a baby dressed in a red rag by the daddy. Stupid crazy ass people, fucking up a kid’s life from the very beginning, they should not be allowed to have kids.
The other thing that got my attention was previous post making fun of a chola mother making a chola web- site for her baby. And even has a picture of the cholo father showing his baby girl gang signs. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Don’t forget to check out put my baby Briana (LiL Boxer) web-page.
I am so proud of her webpage.
I hope my daughter does not get into gangs because of the government.
Check out my husband (aka Creeper) teaching Briana (aka Lil Boxer)
Here's an excerpt from the LA Weekly magazine on Martha Puebla and your unreliable court transcript. Enjoy homie...
"But the purported evidence was phony. Puebla never circled Ledesma’s photo, or identified Ledesma as the shooter. While the police had indeed interviewed her, she was a “reluctant” witness who said little and didn’t want to come to court. The circled photo was what Pinner would later describe in court testimony as a “ruse.” But Ledesma didn’t know this when he called one of his homeboys from jail and told the gangster friend how he’d been identified. Nor was Puebla made aware by police of her fictional role in Ledesma’s case."
Thank god ElMontero is not a shotcaller, or a journalist for that matter. Peace for all our gente...
You got some huevos sinverguensa! calling people hypocrits when you can't man up and call yourself anything other than "anonomous", que puto! what happened? you use up all your phony ass handles?
Yea my man "George Lopez" Chicano philosopher extraordinar says it loud and clear "get used to us motherfuckers, we been here since day one and we ain't going nowhere"
I love that!
And what bullshit in Texas, where some political opportunist is going to try and legislate against American born Mexican babys to deny them there rights as citizens because there parents are undocumented! Oh no! prejudice and rascism don't exist here in the good ol US of A, oh yea!
OH shit I see some white in baby Brianna and her mommy. Don't tell White Bread cause he'll really be pissed cause those damn Mexicans are mixing with the whites! Ha ha! Cute kid though!
Graffiti mars school media event
Bus carrying officials is tagged during tour to show off new stop closer to campus so students can avoid gang area.
But just as officials were applauding their accomplishment, they got a fresh perspective on campus security problems when their bus got tagged.
While the crowded Metro bus carrying Brewer, Villaraigosa and a crowd of journalists was stopped at Washington Boulevard and Maple Avenue, an unidentified youth believed to be a Santee student dashed up and scrawled graffiti on a side window.
Kids sure are stupid, this stupid kid poses for a picture and a gets a video taken of himself in the act.
Can a Mexican here please explain why Mexican kids are so crazy about graffiti?
I see graffiti all around L.A., on apartment buildings, signs, even trash cans are tagged.
Maybe we should have a ban on spray paint and permanent markers to Mexicans in Los Angeles?
Paint Free Gabacho
Don’t forget to check out put my baby Briana (LiL Boxer) web-page.
I am so proud of her webpage.
I hope my daughter does not get into gangs because of the government.
Check out my husband (aka Creeper) teaching Briana (aka Lil Boxer)
I did not know Mexicans give their babies gang nick names so soon.
Now I have to ask a mexican, what happens if your mama gives you a gangster nick name and you don't like, how do you change it?
How do the parents pick the baby's gangster nick name, is it on the birth certificate as well?
If Travesia names her baby Traveisa is her official name LiL Travesia, or Travesia II or Travesia Jr. ?
I have so much to learn about your mexican culture and the naming of your gangster babies.
El Gabacho (aka Casper)
Instead of putting words into my mouth, why not address my points? I said that certain people in government have made decisions that have contributed to gangs becoming what they were by the late '80s. The example I've given repeatedly is Oliver North and his role in the Iran Contra scandal, which, if you don't remember, involved him looking the other way while Central American drug lords sold drugs to street gangs in Los Angeles, to have them move their product in L.A.'s ghettos. The numbers involving violent, gang related incidents sky rocketed at this time.
Instead of swinging at your strawmen and obsessing over teenagers' myspace pages, how's about stepping up and debating me on the topic of Oliver North's role in what gangs in L.A. became in the late '80s? I'm ready when you are. And, please, don't cut and paste Larry Elder's letter to Maxine Waters, again. For fuck's sake, he actually rests on the major papers' 'debunking' of North's accountability in Crack distribution's effect on gang violence (The major newspapers did nothing of the sort, just heightened Gary Webb's' original story and put words into his mouth, the same way you are with me), and surrounds that point with a short novel bashing Waters' husband. Come with a heavier argument, for the sake of your own dignity. I'll be waiting.
Dairy Queen said...
Oh no! prejudice and rascism don't exist here in the good ol US of A, oh yea!
Of course they do.Just look at any of Don Q's comments.
Can somebody here explain to me just what is wrong with,
- Nicknames
- Dress
- Style of clothes
- Tattoos
- Being a part of a group, with a namesake.
Why is it that the behavior that is actually a threat to any person or society as a whole is seldom discussed?
There is only one element of these myspace pages that's worth discussing, and that is the fact that the guy in the picture, is part of a group that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that at least some type of violent behavior is required to be a member, up to even murder. At what point did that become LESS important than a girl who marries him, and a kid who, more than less for a joke, makes a web site emulating her father's image? How many crimes do we have here? Zero.
This is exactly what's wrong with what the law enforcement community in America has become anymore. And, I really believe it's a step in the direction of a future police state. Think about it, when the actual subject of pure crime is eclipsed by the subject of those who merely admire and romanticize the macho traits of gang members. God knows it doesn't stop here. And one only wonders, based on this observation alone, just how much law enforcement policy toward gang suppression is really designed to socially engineer poor minority communities, as opposed to actually protecting the public, which, in this case, are poor minorities, including gang members themselves, which is the ONLY LAWFUL FUNCTION of law enforcement according to the constitution of the United States.
This is not my conspiracy theory. It's Thomas Jefferson's.
Wow! what a comeback! mr. anonomous aka "el mandilon sin huevos"
gee whiz must have taken you all night to think up that argument "I know you are but what am I!"
Dairy Queen? what does that mean ?
Again my point is, any bloodsucking opportunist public figure that would suggest denying services such as medical care, public education, or any of the rights a citizen of the USA is guaranteed under the COnstitution and Bill of Rights solely due to the fact that a mother was undocumented is a rascist, fascist, prejuciced, narrow minded bigot, who bases opinion solely on the fact that the child is of Mexican heritage.
All right"Mr Mandilon aka anonomous miedoso" you got any kind of argument or are you going to continue to post up "you tube" and My space" caca ad nauseum.
lo que truje, "Chencha"
StillNoScript stupidly said...
Can somebody here explain to me just what is wrong with;
- Nicknames
- Dress
- Style of clothes
- Tattoos
- Being a part of a group, with a namesake.
Are you stupid or what? The parents of baby briana (LiL boxer) are proudly telling you they are part of Florencia-13 gang. They are not the boy-scouts or a soccer team but a violent street gang. I know you are some kind of liberal fruitcake who has never lived in Huntington Park where Florencia-13 does there damage. Parents like this are a major part of the gang problem. If you are Cholo parents and raise your kids being so proud of Florencia-13 what do you think the kids will be when they are older? Will they be doctors, businessmen, or most likely gang members like there parents are teaching them to be?
Just how stupid a question can you ask? But if you were that kid who gets beat up by them on the way to school or the parents of the many kids killed by Florencia-13 gang member you would not ask such a stupid question.
StillNoScript stupidly said...
“Just how much law enforcement policy toward gang suppression is really designed to socially engineer poor minority communities, as opposed to actually protecting the public, which, in this case, are poor minorities, including gang members themselves?”
Nobody is trying to social engineer anything in Los Angeles, I think you need to live in south central Los Angeles for a while and get an ass whopping or shot at by Florencia-13 gang members so you will quit making them out to be some kind of social club. Maybe street gangs are glamorous in the movies but in real life street gangs are something else. Do you think Mayor Villariagosa making the elimination of street gangs a top priority is a social engineering project or for the protection of the majority of citizens of the community? Mayor V. is not trying to rid the city of Mariachi Music, Ranchero Music or Taco Vending catering trucks on Pacific Blvd. The Mariachi hotel in East Los Angeles survived the "social engineering" conspiracy in East L.A.. La musica de Vicente Fernandez lives.
Too bad we can’t send you to a few high schools in Los Angels and have you walk home through different gang territories so you would not make such stupid comments.
Este apendejó de SNS no sabe de que habla por que no vive en Los Ángeles.
To Don Q, Dairy Queen, Don Culo, Don Camote,
Look in the mirror and say "are you talking to me". I am going to guess your caca and ad nauseum, has many people taking shots at you. The whites and latinos on here have been taking shots at you. I know an intellect like you can not phantom the thought, that just maybe you are the one getting boring and many people are getting tired of you.
Those Tejas politicians are just a fucking bunch of hypocrite opportunistic xenophobes. And that goes for both dems. and repubs. To deny a US born child his citizenship because of his ethnicity is the most racist thing that they can do. They can spin it anyway that they want so that they and the people that back them won't feel like racists. But RACISTS are exactly what they are. I wonder if these idiots also consider Chicanos serving in our armed forces as less American because they might have a parent who is illegal? The military recruiters in my sons school don't seem to mind.
What I can't believe is that the Raza would actually vote for the Republican party knowing that these fuckers are the ones that always come up with this type of shit. I know a few of these neo-con Raza so I guess that I shouldn't be too surprised. I bet that our own resident orgulloso bilingual is one of these pendejos. I think that it's time that we bring back the RAZA UNIDA PARTY. Using the same methods and ideas, I think that it can be a lot more successful now than when it first came out in Texas.
SNS, they won't debate you cause they don't know shit. You can show them proof and they will just ignore it.
Poverty is a poor excuse for violence
Before the victories of the civil rights movement, the murders of black people during the most intense redneck reigns throughout the South were committed by those once called "poor white trash." These were the people who became homicidally enraged at the idea of a black man acting as if he was a free person.
What is now so appalling is that while the street gangs that presently terrorize black communities across the nation do so with astonishing levels of murder and mayhem, they are so often defined by supposedly empathetic liberals as victims of race and class.
No such glib hogwash was spewed when the murderers were white and the resultant corpses were black. No one ever explained that the lower-class rednecks who were presenting themselves under peaked sheets while burning crosses, setting homes afire, bombing homes, offices and churches or murdering and mutilating their black victims, did so because they were feeling inferior to the white upper class of the South.
When the killers were white, the issues were justice and injustice, not social status or income. If there were actual justice, as we often heard during those violent Southern years of the civil rights movement, the killers would be punished for their crimes and black people would be able to walk the streets with the safety that should be the right of every citizen of this country.
But when the street gangs emerged with unprecedented fury 30 years ago in Los Angeles, we began to see something quite unusual. The opinions of those who had been so ice cold when it came to Southern racists either became quiet or looked for ways of explaining away the corpse after corpse after corpse left perforated by shotgun blasts and automatic weapons. Some were gang bangers, some were innocent bystanders, some were children caught in the crossfire.
In my travels to many cities during the past 30 years, I have noticed a distinct difference between the perception of these knuckleheads by those within striking distance of their anarchist wrath and those who live far from the mean streets on which so much violence takes place. Those oppressed by crime do not have the kind of inordinate sympathy for these killers that the bleeding hearts do. They want them controlled, incarcerated or removed from the world.
Is that because lower-class black people do not understand the nuances of racism and cannot comprehend the overwhelming power of the self-hatred that drives these young men who only want comradeship and the feeling of importance? Even if they must get that feeling of importance by terrorizing their communities?
But that is not the problem. Lower-class black people may not know statistics, but they do know that the overwhelming majority of black people who are not economically fortunate do not murder, rape and brutalize other people.
The monsters among us are always a decided minority, even within a minority, somewhere just above 1%. That is the hardest and most enduring fact, but the one that those who put all blame at the feet of "the system" never want to hear. They prefer to think of black people and Hispanics as wind-up toys who can make no decisions of their own.
StillNoScript said:
"Instead of putting words into my mouth, why not address my points? I said that certain people in government have made decisions that have contributed to gangs becoming what they were by the late '80s."
Hey genius, I was in my teens back in the 80s, can you please tell me why Oliver North's secret cocaine scheme DIDN'T turn me into a pendejo cholo? You're not blaming Reagan and North for all that coke you used, which ultimately turned your brain to mush, are you?
I don't know too much Spanish, so I'll assume your last sentence is directed toward someone else.
Your post was so long winded and boring, I had to sift through it to see if you've refuted my points on North's affect on gang violence, or pointed to any actual laws being committed by people posing for pictures on myspace. Nil, on both counts.
What I did notice is that you asked me to live in South Central, and wished violence on me in order for me to understand your point of view. Thank you for presenting us with yet another aspect of the police state agenda. To scare people into supporting fascist principles. I've stated before, on this very blog, that I've been jumped, by Blacks, and had a gun pulled out on me at a party, by a Black. All were more or less gang affiliated. This hasn't changed me. I haven't allowed my anger, and fear, to find a comfort zone in a police state where the police can simply arrest you for wearing a certain color shirt, having a tatoo, and, more often than night, being Black, Latino, or a poor White.
I don't know why you're so obsessed with these myspace pages. It's voyeuristic, without a doubt. Sexual? Hard to say. A lot of the myspace links you post are those of rather attractive, young girls. I even made a comment on how good one of them looked (making sure her age at least said 18, of course). I had a look at the site and, yes, to say, 'good girls love the gangsters' is a bit controversial, but hasn't it always been that way? Wasn't there a song in the '50s, 'leader of the pack'? I doubt The Ronettes are talking about a cop, more like a perpetual crook. El Stupido! Entertainment, that's all. Relax. And, I think the 'good girls love the gangsters' is having a little fun with her grumpy elders, as well. No doubt she knows some guys who've committed violent acts and are yet to be brought to justice, but it seems to me you're more hellbent on arresting HER than any of these men. Why?
I don't have much else to say in response to your drivel. Insult after insult, topped with a nice fear inciting red herring, wishing a violent act on me so I will be willing to toss out the constitution, just like you. No sale. Now, get back to your rather disturbing myspace fetish.
Some of you are so dumb I now have to sincerely hope that you're not cops. If you are cops, it would explain a lot, considering how just when L.A. gets past one scandal, another cop is caught being a scumbag himself, violating the due process of a suspect and holding vigilante justice in the streets.
Why do you guys refuse to debate me on this topic, and instead continue to put words into my mouth? I've stated what Oliver North did. I've stated the murder numbers rising drastically in the late '80s, when crack hit the streets. Yet, somehow, I all of a sudden said that Oliver North put the pipes into peoples mouths. No, he did not. But since when has that excuse exonerated a drug dealer? Could you imagine if every dope dealer took the stand and said, "Well, your honor, it's not my fault they actually smoked the crack, I just sold it to them".
Again, if you guys are cops; Be afraid, America. Not only are they working toward a fascist state in Los Angeles ghettos, but the people posting the comments above are the idiots who'll be patrolling the streets. God help us.
My problem with Mr. Crouch's op ed, when I finally made it past all his insults directed toward Blacks, saying what White people want to say to Blacks faces but are too emasculated to do so, at least without a badge, a gun, and a c.b. to call for backup, is that he speaks for Black people who have an entirely different view of gangs than he does. It's beyond well documented that Blacks in the ghetto do not view gangs as criminals to be arrested and locked away. This is Mr. Crouch's opinion. There are too many polls to point out just one but I'd have to guess that compiling them all in recent years, at least 80% of Blacks in the ghetto would much rather see gang members reformed and trained to survive in society than to be imprisoned forever. The 1992 peace treaties between gangs like Bounty Hunters and Grape Street put a complete sock into the type of theories that the Larry Elders and the Stanley Crouches bring forth. Blacks of all walks of life, from gangsters, to bystanders, to kids, to adults, to grandparents, to vietnam vets, to poetry readers were out there celebrating as the red and blue rags were tied together. These were people that have lost relatives to some of the very people that are in the circle celebrating. Yet, they were willing to let grudges go and move forward. So, Mr. Crouch, why weren't the civilians shouting down the ceremonious treaty and demanding prosecution of the rival gang members that killed one of their own, even an innocent? Why were the vast majority of Blacks in Watts ready to put aside all grudges, both on the street, and in the criminal courtroom, if Crouch's theory is correct?
Stanley Crouch is yet another aging member of an ethic minority that harbored a grudge with his own race. While some of his points are valid, make no mistake, he's made it to where he's at because he's a mouthpiece for the modern day, racist white introvert.
Now readings this blog I have read mostly bullshit from a supposed Veterano from a no name hood, a white boy/Mexican that spend a little jail time, a supposed gangster from some weak ass neighborhood in punk ass sun valley, and an annoying little white boy from Northern California or nor cal as you white boys call it. I’m a Mexican that lives in Compton, and I mean MEXICAN because that word chicano is word I think is used to separate us, so fuck that word, it should of died with the 70s. My mom is from Tierra Calient Michoacan, my dad is from Tierra Caliente, Guerrero. If you don’t know what that means then you probably won’t get this.
Now in all honestly the great majority Mexicans despise cholos, I mean truly hate them. Why you may ask? Because most REAL Mexicans REAL Raza, not watered down chicanos, think of those cholos as low life, good for nothing, and useless humans that do nothing but embarrass and bring a bad name to the Raza. Right or wrong that is what most Mexicans think of cholos, which is why they are called cholos. AND YOU SOCALLED CHOLOS IN THIS BLOG KNOW THAT IS TRUE. So don’t try and fool this Los Angeles native ass Mexican that it is not. The idea of it being the fault of the government does not cross the mind of any of these REAL Mexicans, and if it did they would see it for what it is, BULLSHIT. As you should know real Mexicans that know what having a truly fucked government is, and can’t seem to understand why a child born in this country can turn out to be such a fuck up, and I just know you heard Mexicans say that before, that is of course if guys really are Mexi.. ops I mean chicanos.
When the Rampart scandal hit and CRASH went to shit, what did the law abiding in Rampart think? They wanted CRASH back, they were very upset that the city got rid of the group in the first plade. Why is that? Because the cops were not bothering anyone that was not a gang members. You know cops that like the ones at CRASH, or the ones that work the real hardcore neighborhoods like my Compton and South Central, those cops won’t even waste their fucking time arresting people if they find a little bit of drugs on you. Shit I have ridden around with no license, no insurance, no registration, and about a dime of weed got pulled over, got my car searched. Since they didn’t find any weapons they let me go on my marry way, with the homies weed. Now that they know I’m not from a gang they don’t bother me at all. Hell I don’t know anyone in Compton that got even a ticket for having a personal supply of weed, unless they gang members or on parole.
So no SNS the police tactics used in the real ghettos of Compton, Watts, South Central, and surrounding areas are far from fascist. In fact having all those gangs around here cops pretty much ignore all petty shit like drug possession. Unless of course you are gang member, which of course the cops will use those drugs to “keep you of the streets for a day”. With the cops almost exclusively concentrated on cops they pretty much leave everybody else alone. Which makes your square ass law abiding citizen happy and pot heads happy.
BUT LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR TO CRY BABY CHOLOS. Most people like that fact the police are giving cholos a hard time period, ESPECIALLY THE MEXICANS. Somebody dare to tell me different? You cry baby ass cholos know this. I know you can try and bullshit your why out of known simple fact to out of towners, but not his native of Los Angeles.
Oh an just a little surprise to you all. I don’t dislike gang members. I was giving you guys some truth to make up all the bullshit. Me growing up in Compton I have friends who are gangs members and they fucking know most people don’t like them. They know your average citizen want cops to police them more. Even though in reality they only kill and victimize each other for the most part. The era that gang members were in to robbing and abusing civilians where the late 70s early 90s, in Compton anyways. But at least they understand that is part of being a gangster. Which is why I really questions the credibility of some of these clowns in this blogs. The only time I have heard gangster cry about is this blog, that is what causes me to think that this blog is full of wanna bes.
ANYBODY THAT LIVES IN LOS ANGELES KNOWS WHAT I AM SAYING IS TRUE. I mean the real Los Angeles, that little areas in the hills those white people hide in.
I mean the real Los Angeles, that little areas in the hills those white people hide in.
what happened to pee wee
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