Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I know you've been wondering what hole swallowed me up. Contrary to speculation that I've been on a drunk or in WIT SEC, the truth is more prosaic. I've been hammering down the final details on the long-awaited book. Here's what the cover will look like. Look for it in bookstores around mid-July. If you absolutely can't wait, you can pre-order online at the usual places. But you'll still have to wait until July to have it in hand.
The worst of the pre-pub drama is over so I'm hoping I'll have more time to post.
As with most books, there was more manuscript than there was room between the covers. So a lot of stuff had to be pruned away. But I've been assured that if the book sells well, future editions will provide more room for expansion and elaboration. Here's hoping.
If it doesn't do well, it's back to sweeping floors and selling oranges at the off-ramps.


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Anonymous said...

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

As we predicted, Timothy McGhee was arraigned on Monday, so apparently the LAPD's support of the deal persuaded the DA. See the previous postings for details. Lo and behold, the prosecutor in this case turns out to be DDA Anthony Manzella. You court watchers no doubt remember that Manzella successfully prosecuted Samuel Shabazz in the Lori Gonzalez murder case (she was Bernard Parks' granddaughter). In that case he ran 41 witnesses through in just 2 days of testimony and got a conviction. Manzella was also the prosecutor in the Santa Monica German tourist homicide. He got a conviction in that case as well. In fact, we can't remember a case in recent history that Manzella lost. We'll have to look deeper into this.

McGhee was charged with just one count murder, that of Margie Mendoza. No doubt as the case develops, new charges will be filed. From his previous outings, we know that Manzella is nothing if not a bulldog. The Mendoza count will just be the tip of the iceberg. Look for further filings.

Anonymous said...

Jim said ........
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
As we predicted, Timothy McGhee was arraigned on Monday, so apparently the LAPD's support of the deal persuaded the DA.


Jim (aka Don Q) why are you posting old stories from three 2003? Should we also post up old stories of cholos killing innocent mayates, little kids, young girls and wommen.

The old fool said ......
Could it be that the Chicano pulling the trigger saw the baby McFarland was shielding and didn't want to shoot the baby accidently?

We all know what bad shots the cholos are, if your drunk and high when doing a drive-by from a car do you really think you know exactly where the bullets are flying? Que pendejo que eres !!!!

Anonymous said...

From the Los Angeles Times for those Mexicans who use words like mayate and chango when refering to blacks.


Roots of Latino/black anger
Longtime prejudices, not economic rivalry, fuel tensions.
By Tanya K. Hernandez, Tanya K. Hernandez is a professor of law at Rutgers University Law School.
January 7, 2007

THE ACRIMONIOUS relationship between Latinos and African Americans in Los Angeles is growing hard to ignore. Although last weekend's black-versus-Latino race riot at Chino state prison is unfortunately not an aberration, the Dec. 15 murder in the Harbor Gateway neighborhood of Cheryl Green, a 14-year-old African American, allegedly by members of a Latino gang, was shocking.

Yet there was nothing really new about it. Rather, the murder was a manifestation of an increasingly common trend: Latino ethnic cleansing of African Americans from multiracial neighborhoods. Just last August, federal prosecutors convicted four Latino gang members of engaging in a six-year conspiracy to assault and murder African Americans in Highland Park. During the trial, prosecutors demonstrated that African American residents (with no gang ties at all) were being terrorized in an effort to force them out of a neighborhood now perceived as Latino.

For example, one African American resident was murdered by Latino gang members as he looked for a parking space near his Highland Park home. In another case, a woman was knocked off her bicycle and her husband was threatened with a box cutter by one of the defendants, who said, "You niggers have been here long enough."

At first blush, it may be mystifying why such animosity exists between two ethnic groups that share so many of the same socioeconomic deprivations. Over the years, the hostility has been explained as a natural reaction to competition for blue-collar jobs in a tight labor market, or as the result of turf battles and cultural disputes in changing neighborhoods. Others have suggested that perhaps Latinos have simply been adept at learning the U.S. lesson of anti-black racism, or that perhaps black Americans are resentful at having the benefits of the civil rights movement extended to Latinos.

Although there may be a degree of truth to some or all of these explanations, they are insufficient to explain the extremity of the ethnic violence.

Over the years, there's also been a tendency on the part of observers to blame the conflict more on African Americans (who are often portrayed as the aggressors) than on Latinos. But although it's certainly true that there's plenty of blame to go around, it's important not to ignore the effect of Latino culture and history in fueling the rift.

The fact is that racism — and anti-black racism in particular — is a pervasive and historically entrenched reality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean. More than 90% of the approximately 10 million enslaved Africans brought to the Americas were taken to Latin America and the Caribbean (by the French, Spanish and British, primarily), whereas only 4.6% were brought to the United States. By 1793, colonial Mexico had a population of 370,000 Africans (and descendants of Africans) — the largest concentration in all of Spanish America.

The legacy of the slave period in Latin America and the Caribbean is similar to that in the United States: Having lighter skin and European features increases the chances of socioeconomic opportunity, while having darker skin and African features severely limits social mobility.

White supremacy is deeply ingrained in Latin America and continues into the present. In Mexico, for instance, citizens of African descent (who are estimated to make up 1% of the population) report that they regularly experience racial harassment at the hands of local and state police, according to recent studies by Antonieta Gimeno, then of Mount Holyoke College, and Sagrario Cruz-Carretero of the University of Veracruz.

Mexican public discourse reflects the hostility toward blackness; consider such common phrases as "getting black" to denote getting angry, and "a supper of blacks" to describe a riotous gathering of people. Similarly, the word "black" is often used to mean "ugly." It is not surprising that Mexicans who have been surveyed indicate a disinclination to marry darker-skinned partners, as reported in a 2001 study by Bobby Vaughn, an anthropology professor at Notre Dame de Namur University.

Anti-black sentiment also manifests itself in Mexican politics. During the 2001 elections, for instance, Lazaro Cardenas, a candidate for governor of the state of Michoacan, is believed to have lost substantial support among voters for having an Afro Cuban wife. Even though Cardenas had great name recognition (as the grandson of Mexico's most popular president), he only won by 5 percentage points — largely because of the anti-black platform of his opponent, Alfredo Anaya, who said that "there is a great feeling that we want to be governed by our own race, by our own people."

Given this, it should not be surprising that migrants from Mexico and other areas of Latin America and the Caribbean arrive in the U.S. carrying the baggage of racism. Nor that this facet of Latino culture is in turn transmitted, to some degree, to younger generations along with all other manifestations of the culture.

The sociological concept of "social distance" measures the unease one ethnic or racial group has for interacting with another. Social science studies of Latino racial attitudes often indicate a preference for maintaining social distance from African Americans. And although the social distance level is largest for recent immigrants, more established communities of Latinos in the United States also show a marked social distance from African Americans.

For instance, in University of Houston sociologist Tatcho Mindiola's 2002 survey of 600 Latinos in Houston (two-thirds of whom were Mexican, the remainder Salvadoran and Colombian) and 600 African Americans, the African Americans had substantially more positive views of Latinos than Latinos had of African Americans. Although a slim majority of the U.S.-born Latinos used positive identifiers when describing African Americans, only a minority of the foreign-born Latinos did so. One typical foreign-born Latino respondent stated: "I just don't trust them…. The men, especially, all use drugs, and they all carry guns."

This same study found that 46% of Latino immigrants who lived in residential neighborhoods with African Americans reported almost no interaction with them.

The social distance of Latinos from African Americans is consistently reflected in Latino responses to survey questions. In a 2000 study of residential segregation, Camille Zubrinsky Charles, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, found that Latinos were more likely to reject African Americans as neighbors than they were to reject members of other racial groups. In addition, in the 1999-2000 Lilly Survey of American Attitudes and Friendships, Latinos identified African Americans as their least desirable marriage partners, whereas African Americans proved to be more accepting of intermarriage with Latinos.

Ironically, African Americans, who are often depicted as being averse to coalition-building with Latinos, have repeatedly demonstrated in their survey responses that they feel less hostility toward Latinos than Latinos feel toward them.

Although some commentators have attributed the Latino hostility to African Americans to the stress of competition in the job market, a 1996 sociological study of racial group competition suggests otherwise. In a study of 477 Latinos from the 1992 Los Angeles County Social Survey, professors Lawrence Bobo, then of Harvard, and Vincent Hutchings of the University of Michigan found that underlying prejudices and existing animosities contribute to the perception that African Americans pose an economic threat — not the other way around.

It is certainly true that the acrimony between African Americans and Latinos cannot be resolved until both sides address their own unconscious biases about one another. But it would be a mistake to ignore the Latino side of the equation as some observers have done — particularly now, when the recent violence in Los Angeles has involved Latinos targeting peaceful African American citizens.

This conflict cannot be sloughed off as simply another generation of ethnic group competition in the United States (like the familiar rivalries between Irish, Italians and Jews in the early part of the last century). Rather, as the violence grows, the "diasporic" origins of the anti-black sentiment — the entrenched anti-black prejudice among Latinos that exists not just in the United States but across the Americas — will need to be directly confronted.

TijuanaJailer said...

[I doubt we will ever get the stupid young cholos to quit idolizing these murderers]

The idea that La EME would have a serious interest in street gang cease fires without a self-serving criminal motivation for La EME is unrealistic.

Similar to the wind-driven flames of an out-of-control forest fire, the EME's influence goes where the unpredictable winds carry them. A gang cease-fire edict worked for them in the 90's because it served a purpose for them THEN (to flex their muscles and demonstrate their ability to enforce it's demands on the outside + it solidified it's street gang base).

No seasoned cop nor veterano gang member seriously believed at any time that the EME was instituting a "no drive by" edict as a community service gesture or because they were concerned about Chicanos killing Chicanos.

From the beginning, since 1957, La EME's initial motivation has been the ruthless Control of it's subjects (then it was the California prison population and the Hispanic street gangs) and the exertion of it's Power through violence (murder primarily) and intimidation (the element of fear). Heroin, cocaine, meth and illicit drugs has been the blood that flows through their criminal veins. In 2007, with a few "tweaks", it remains essentially the same.

For 50 years, the "fodder" they control (namely, prison and street gang members) has dramatically risen in numbers into the 21st Century.

The calculated manipulation of these loyal gang members offers their subjects hope - the hope of someday becoming a "made man".

This is probably the biggest "lie" that is promulgated by La EME. The chances of a common gang member someday joining this supergang would be similar to a high school aspiring baseball player making it to the Major Leagues. Probably not gonna happen. The EME has what almost amounts to a "books are closed" policy. Unless the soldier in question has performed to an extraordinary degree, they will not risk entrusting too many new carnales with inside information that can be used against them in future RICO's. They have been burned too many times already!

In the meantime, the EME's interests happen to coincide with the street gangsters' interests and you have a tailor-made army begging and craving to make a street name by putting in work for their idols, this under the false promise of someday becoming a made member of this elite group.

Here's the downside: EME members feel "at home" when they're locked up. These "family reunions" afford them ample time to compare notes and make evaluations pertaining to La EME's activities as well as their underlings on the outside.

With regard to EME associates, we must remember:

Rule Number 1: Any NON-EME person who is involved in their criminal activity is EXPENDABLE, no matter how "close" he or she is to the Carnales.

Rule Number 2: Although most carnales respect and apply a "hands off" to an associate "under the wing" of another EME member, a "thumbs down" sentence (death decree) by a carnal on a non-carnal is binding. A non-member is EXPENDABLE!!

If you possess too much EME knowledge, especially about criminal events that have occurred, there are two perspectives to consider:
the associate feels honored to be deemed worthy to be trusted by La EME to perform for them;
The EME, on the other hand, are aware of how much potentially damaging information is lodged in an associate's brain.

The logical decision, at some point, is to "eliminate those files". The manner in which those "files are eliminated" is to execute this person. If he is not worthy of EME membership this associate, with each passing moment of EME association, becomes an increasing candidate for "elimination".

Warning: Those who find the lifestyle inviting; those women who see adventure in the bad boy;
those who choose to take it to the highest gangster level; and those who get too close to the carnales and possess certain knowledge ..... should make preliminary funeral arrangements for your life will likely be shortened.

Bottom Line: There is no one worth idolizing that will ensure a one-way ticket to the pits of hell.

Peace ......

Tijuana Jailer

Gava Joe said...

After postponement, after postponement,after postponement the weasel will finally go home, be with his carnales, get lotsa rest, maybe hit the iron pile if he makes General Population. If not maybe he'll get access to some good old Louis Lamour novels and an hr's circuit around the cage once a day. He can flash that "18" gang sign to all the homies he wants. Granted they'll know deep in their hearts that he's every bit the fucking loser they are...

What a nice ending to a tawdry tale.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

////Tijuana Jailer wrote: The idea that La EME would have a serious interest in street gang cease fires without a self-serving criminal motivation for La EME is unrealistic.

Similar to the wind-driven flames of an out-of-control forest fire, the EME's influence goes where the unpredictable winds carry them. A gang cease-fire edict worked for them in the 90's because it served a purpose for them THEN (to flex their muscles and demonstrate their ability to enforce it's demands on the outside + it solidified it's street gang base).

No seasoned cop nor veterano gang member seriously believed at any time that the EME was instituting a "no drive by" edict as a community service gesture or because they were concerned about Chicanos killing Chicanos.

From the beginning, since 1957, La EME's initial motivation has been the ruthless Control of it's subjects (then it was the California prison population and the Hispanic street gangs) and the exertion of it's Power through violence (murder primarily) and intimidation (the element of fear). Heroin, cocaine, meth and illicit drugs has been the blood that flows through their criminal veins. In 2007, with a few "tweaks", it remains essentially the same.

For 50 years, the "fodder" they control (namely, prison and street gang members) has dramatically risen in numbers into the 21st Century.

The calculated manipulation of these loyal gang members offers their subjects hope - the hope of someday becoming a "made man".

This is probably the biggest "lie" that is promulgated by La EME. The chances of a common gang member someday joining this supergang would be similar to a high school aspiring baseball player making it to the Major Leagues. Probably not gonna happen. The EME has what almost amounts to a "books are closed" policy. Unless the soldier in question has performed to an extraordinary degree, they will not risk entrusting too many new carnales with inside information that can be used against them in future RICO's. They have been burned too many times already!

In the meantime, the EME's interests happen to coincide with the street gangsters' interests and you have a tailor-made army begging and craving to make a street name by putting in work for their idols, this under the false promise of someday becoming a made member of this elite group.

Here's the downside: EME members feel "at home" when they're locked up. These "family reunions" afford them ample time to compare notes and make evaluations pertaining to La EME's activities as well as their underlings on the outside.

With regard to EME associates, we must remember:

Rule Number 1: Any NON-EME person who is involved in their criminal activity is EXPENDABLE, no matter how "close" he or she is to the Carnales.

Rule Number 2: Although most carnales respect and apply a "hands off" to an associate "under the wing" of another EME member, a "thumbs down" sentence (death decree) by a carnal on a non-carnal is binding. A non-member is EXPENDABLE!!

If you possess too much EME knowledge, especially about criminal events that have occurred, there are two perspectives to consider:
the associate feels honored to be deemed worthy to be trusted by La EME to perform for them;
The EME, on the other hand, are aware of how much potentially damaging information is lodged in an associate's brain.

The logical decision, at some point, is to "eliminate those files". The manner in which those "files are eliminated" is to execute this person. If he is not worthy of EME membership this associate, with each passing moment of EME association, becomes an increasing candidate for "elimination".

Warning: Those who find the lifestyle inviting; those women who see adventure in the bad boy;
those who choose to take it to the highest gangster level; and those who get too close to the carnales and possess certain knowledge ..... should make preliminary funeral arrangements for your life will likely be shortened.

Bottom Line: There is no one worth idolizing that will ensure a one-way ticket to the pits of hell.

Peace ......

Tijuana Jailer

12:29 PM///
Thanks for the insight. Not only is this loyalty found in the Chicano community but the paisas are also caught up in this madness.

You can't use the "common sense" argument with street hoods because they don't have any common sense to start with! They are addicted to the lifestyle.

East L.A. Vato

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