Saturday, March 24, 2007

In case anyone still has lingering illusions about the power projection out of the jails and into the streets, here's the first greenlight list ever uploaded to the web. It's quite old and most of the information is no longer valid, but you can get a sense of how these things sound. It's puzzling how after all the information made public and boatloads of evidence presented in thousands of court cases, some people still refuse to acknowledge the influence of prison gangs on street gangsters. Here you see nothing less than assassination orders on the unfortunate individuals and gangs that got on the wrong side of the brothers. These lists are generated on a daily basis and sometimes you'll get two or three revisions a day. Sort of like a morning, afternoon and evening edition of a newspaper. The changes reflect the latest available intelligence fed into the prison and jail system by operators on the outside by means of third party calls, mail, legal documents and personal visits.
On another topic, some of the commenters are get out of control. If I reject your comment, go to your corner, think about what you said and see if you can say it in a less disrepectful way. I'm getting tired of being a referee and Miss Manners. I'm instituting a MANO DURA policy and if you can't play nice, don't play.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but how many of these actuall get killed? I bet very few or none Wally.

Gava Joe said...

My Alta Vista Babelfish translator makes "mano dura" as being "hard hand".. It's about time you got heavy-handed there, Wally Fay..The Miss Manners look never suited you. Stay real @#*k the haters where they breathe.. Now i'm gonna get my magnifier out and peruse the pixels on this "hit list" you posted..

Anonymous said...

Hey Wally what does the right side of the list mean? Personal, Hard and Candy? 2 of the names I know personally, one of the guy's are busted and doing life for a murder back in the day and one is an older man mid to late 40's who is out(he's my friends dad). Also does it matter how high they are on the list, because from what I know they are alive.

"Youngster with Game"

Anonymous said...

Also what year is this from?

"Youngster with Game"

Gava Joe said...

It looks like the Polynesians (filipinos, guamanians,and hawaiians) got a pass from on high.. But the orientals did'nt fare so well. No telling how old this wila is, but maybe the greenlight on the asians showed some concern for the proliferation of the asian gangs back then? Market competition?

Also anybody that can speculate on the twice-used "hard candy" reference jump right in please.
This is way cool. Bust into those "archives" often. The only way you'd see this in the LA Times is if it were transcribed from court evidence.. Dig it..

Anonymous said...

SV VBS said:
Those 98%ers should think about that, and maybe step in more often to prevent that type of bullshit from happening. Because it's that type of shit that causes fools to not give a fuck and blast on cops.

Anonymous said …..
Very astute observation.
By the same logic one could argue that the 98% of latinos who are not in gangs, doing drive-bys (sometimes killing innocent bystanders) robbing, slinging dope, and generally fucking up the neighborhood should step in more often and prevent that type of bullshit from happening. Because it's that type of shit that causes cops to not give a fuck and blast on fools. Think about it. If it makes sense one way, it makes sense the other way. Not just when it applies to one group. Think before you speak youngster. You're too fucking smart to say something like that.

Remember the title of Wally’s lat blog “It Cuts Both Ways”, but here in Wally’s world the streets appear to be one way streets. If you disagree with any old cholo sympathizer, you are automatically a cop or “Right wing white Republican”.

How many “right wing white republicans” do people think really read this blog? I would guess we are mostly Latinos, some of us who were in gangs and some who were never in a gang. If you are a Mexican like me who was never in a gang and criticize a cholo for his behavior, I am now automatically a “right wing white republicans” or a cop.

You are right most of us Mexicans are not a fuck up in life. And we will not all agree that the cholos should not take some responsibility for their own action. Yes any Mexican or black knows we have been discriminated against and have to work harder to get some of the same jobs as a gabacho but that does not force you to be a fuck up.

I remember OG Sereno comment about what we have we done to help out a younger kid. We are going to be waiting a long fucking time for the whites to come and fix the problems in our families and barrios. Why do you expect the whites/anglos to come help fix our problems, I don’t go and help them either.

Tex Mex

Anonymous said...

There's an insightful interview with Wally posted up.. It gives a glimpse of his motives for the blog. When you read how he operates you can appreciate his purpose here:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now that was a pretty sloppy looking wila..It Did not have the appearance of being written by someone with real authority...Nice Penmanship is reflective of a persons thinking ability..Come on, Homies, give those hit lists a little class..With Love, Los Angeles Resident..

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in knowing what 'hard candy' means, too. That was a confusing list to read. I could only imagine what EME's March Madness bracket looks like.

Oh well. Didn't see 'Script' on there, so I guess I'm still safe.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It's up to us to clean up our varrios. If we don't then shame on us. All these vatos who talk about the problem being discrimination and racism have their head up their culo. The gabachos aren't coming to our varrios slinging, robbing, riding on other cliques, and all the other various pedo that fucks up our varrio and keeps our gente from the American dream.
It's the people like Don Q and StillNoScript who buy into that same old "it's the systems fault" pedo and vote for politicians who espouse that type of thinking that keeps us down. Always waiting for somebody who isn't involved in the problem. doesn't suffer from the problem, and doesn't give a fuck about the problem to fix it. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
You think the gente in E Los really give a fuck about the gabachos problems in Santa Clarita?
Not a chance. They're too busy with their own problems. Maybe if we took responsibility for our own varrios they wouldn't be varrios anymore, but nice neighborhoods. As long as we except gangbanging as an outlet for our poor, discriminated against youth our neighborhoods will be fucked up. That's the way it always has been, always will be. If an ethnic group has a problem, they must fix it themselves if they truly want the problem solved. Sitting back and crying racism and poverty has never worked and never will. It only compounds the problem because it causes disdain and prejudice among those who are not involved in the problem. Get it?

We don't give a fuck about the gabachos problems, but we want them to give a fuck about ours????
Not in this lifetime. It's up to
us. Too bad so many of our gente buy into the "it's not your fault" bullshit that politicians who want our vote tell us. Human beings have a tendency to want to believe that pedo because it's an easy way to go through life. I'm a victim, it's not my fault. If we take that road, we're fucked from now on. A new approach is needed, are we not smart enough to see it?
Nobody wants to except the fact that in areas where our raza is predominant, we have Latinos as State Reps., Congressmen/Women, County Supervisors, etc. Fuck, we even have a Latino Sheriff now.
And then we want to bitch and whine about the "racist gabachoss"
We need to shut the fuck up and look in the mirror if we truly want our problems solved.

Anonymous said...

Wally's Enforcer, Luca Brazzi say's:

Tex Mex?, we just barely survived the shitstorm of nonessentials in Wally's last post up. We all know that OG Sereno,along with his other nom de plumes, is a cop or pissed off citizen fishing for info.
Now here you are trying to start up some more mierda right off the bat!
Give it a break for a while and stick to the topic Wally has posted up or I'll be forced to confront you with my tool kit.
(blow torch, bolt cutters, weasel traps, and dental instruments.

Stay real, relax and have some fun while learning something.

Don Corleone's friend.
Luca Brazzi

Anonymous said...

Personal Hard Candy = KILL

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to except (sic) the fact that in areas where our raza is predominant, we have Latinos as State Reps., Congressmen/Women, County Supervisors, etc. Fuck, we even have a Latino Sheriff now.
And then we want to bitch and whine about the "racist gabachoss"
?why?why?why?you talkin to me?you talkin to me?

For the love of humanity, and Sean Hannity - shut up already concerned zit-izen. Your starting to make Wally howl at nights (ain't that right T.) and encroaching on the quality of his posts. Start a life partner. Take up bee keeping or learn Chinese.
Like Lucca Brazzi says, Stay real, relax and have some fun while learning something. Pass the Advil Louie.

Anonymous said...

Come on "Youngster with Game". I thought that you really did have some game, que paso? You should ask your friends dad your question, his reaction will give you your answer.

I'm not very good at remembering dates but judging from a couple of things in the wila, I will say that it's probably from 94' or 95'. Let me know if I'm right Wally. This wila brings back some pretty crazy, and painful memories. Thanks for posting it up.

Hollenbeck your theory is wrong. My barrio never asked to be separated when this shit was dropped on us. It's true that some fools couldn't take the discipline and rolled it up, but the majority stuck it out. Prove of that is that most of the ones that went through the system at that time are in good standing in the pinta and in the calles today. That experience did help weed out some of the weak pendejos.

And why do you think that Radford St. and SV Diablos were added to the list? I know why it happened, but you know that I can't say it here. I will say that they followed all the rules and never fucked up. So why did they have it dropped on them? Te lo dejo de tarea.

I see that many civilians are having a little trouble with the wila. Come on students put your thinking caps on. This wila is not even coded. It's probably the most straight forward one that you will ever get to see. Anyways maybe Wally can give you guys a hand.

Anonymous said...

Now that was a pretty sloppy looking wila..Come on, Homies, give those hit lists a little class..With Love, Los Angeles Resident..

Not to sure how much neatness and "class" can be maintained, L.A.R. (Lars?) when you're stuck up somebody's culo for awhile..
With respect and in the spirit of harmony.. GJ

Anonymous said...

Hey all you Wallista’s I will try to decipher the “wila” as best I can being an old a a a a, well you can call me a puzzle fan. I’m sure I will miss something so you other LA Chicano’s help out for the Wallista’s from other parts or cultures that wouldn’t get it .
Here goes, “left side column from top to bottom. If I’m guessing it’s in parenthesis.

“Roll Up’s
Varrios Verdes

WS Monte
TPBS (The Playboys)
Lowell St.
Rose Hills
Quiet Village
? CF Boys
Vineland Boys
Radford St.
Garden View
Whittier Varrio Loco’s
All Chino’s (The city of Chino, Ca.) except So. Side Chino’s
Frog St. SGV (San Gabriel Valley)

Hard Candy ( the kiss of death)
Chuco – Jardin
Lil Menito (?)
Pico Viejo (the varrio)
Sleepy (?) Ave’s
Indio – So Los
Beto – Harpy’s
VNWS Ave 63
? / Shaddy
Rivera (the varrio)

Right Column, Personal Hard Candy
Big Munchi’s {Ray Medina} White Fence
Cookie – Highlands
Sparky , Spike, - Azusa
Killer Joe- PA + DH, Babo, Clowny {Alex Moreno}, Joker Padilla, EMF (El Monte Flores)
Joey Hernandez + Lil Man – Pico Viejo (the varrio)
Ray Ray {Ronnie Bear}, Benny Garcia {Sleepy}- Cypress Ave’s
Indio Sanchez,- So Los
Spanky + Listo,- Rose Hills
Casper + Largo, - Horseshoe
Popeye + Casper, -Lomas
Cruzito + Boxer, - Varrio Norwalk
Weazel {last name Pena} – Varrio Norwalk Dukes
“{NS ? } Varrio Norwalk Termites
{?}/ Payaso- NS Redondo
Snake – Geraghty Loma
Indio – WS Wilmas
Santos + Dad, - ES Bolen (Baldwin Park)
Popeye, Boxer, Killer, It? – Varrio Puente 13 Dia L
Blanco – 18 St. So Central
Chuco – Jardin
Lucky – Florencia
Indio – Alpine
Boxer – Elm St. 13, aka Smiley with Boxer , Casper on check.
Rascal + Cabezon – Highlands

Hard Candy Neighborhoods /// Shady from Rivera is a sent down roll up, Nothing Else!!!
Maravilla + ES Bolen

Note: Phillipinos, Guamanians, Hawaiians, are not considered as Chinos, so don’t fuck them up! Only Japs, Chinos, Cambodians, S. Vietnamese, Koreans.

Nice list and very democratic and scientific as well (Hawaiians are not Chinos so don’t fuck them up!!

Dq, lmfao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Now that was a pretty sloppy looking wila..It Did not have the appearance of being written by someone with real authority...Nice Penmanship is reflective of a persons thinking ability...


Anonymous said...

Wally's Enforcer, Luca Brazzi say's:

Tex Mex?, we just barely survived the shitstorm of nonessentials in Wally's last post up. We all know that OG Sereno,along with his other nom de plumes, is a cop or pissed off citizen fishing for info.
Now here you are trying to start up some more mierda right off the bat!


That is right here we go again saying anybody who says something against a cholo (OG Sereno) IS A COP. So you think part of Chief Bratton’s latest gang strategy is to have cops working Wally's blog for information?

Why can't the "ex-cholos" get it through their crack heads that most regular citizens especially Mexicans hate cholos and what they are doing to our barrios? But oh yea, I am a cop or the one and only Mexican who feels this way. I have to go now the FBI is waiting to use my computer to gather information here in Wally's world.

I am not sure which makes me laugh more, my favorite Cantinflas movies or the paranoid old “ex-cholos” here in Wally’s world.


Anonymous said...

whats up peeps,, yeah alot of the stuff on the wila has been discussed to death on this site and can be found on almost any site about the eme, youngster with game and i think an anonymous said that probably alot of these orders never get fulfilled and thats true but you dont want to be the one vato caught in the right place at the wrong time when your homies on the street are cagando el palo and your in the pinta, the reason alot of these wilas seem to never get carried out is because the fools on them have to pay a fine, usually a big one to have it lifted,, and alot of times if you notice the green light hoods are the disorganized hoods that are every man for themselves when they hit the joint anyways, i mean not the greenlighted ones on this wila but the ones that go around claiming greenlight,, i think this wila is from like 92-93 though, and probably in county jail, cuz on the serio it wouldnt make sense to just spell everything out the way they did, even says "beat down" nothing else, or blasted, all that would be equivalent to a confession statement, it may even be older though,,

i would guess 90s too but may even be older, i know in the 90s is when the asians were riding, i think the fools from asian boyz had rolled on valerio street and allegedly even took over that spot, smoked like 7 fools from valerio, after that is when valerio cliqued up with blythe which was their enemy before that,

its true what svvbs said though, i see alot of hoods on here that are down eme hoods as far as i knew, im surprised my old hood toonerville wasnt on there cuz im pretty sure we had a greenlight in the early 90s, actually the whole 90s, but then again our hood was pretty big, and the list actually seperates down to cliques and sides, like 18st sc, nstvr was eme all the way and sstvr was greenlight, but its all vague though, what filters down to the streets isnt always the real deal either, i think it could be a shock to the younger homies when they find out your ogs and the ogs from your worst enemy hood are in cahoots, for one the eme hood that held jurisdiction over tvr was avenues or hazard, and those are both big enemies of tvr, i remember when 43rd turned on cypress for a little while that was in 95, thats probably when cyprus agnus had the verde, i think the worst example of that was state street and hazards, they where having a huge war over the juice racket, but it turned out state streets conecta was hazards,

hoods like radford i wont be surprised if they got caught in some eme politics with ns18, i know about blythe street cuz i went to high school in their hood back when tvr was starting a clique on columbus street, but either way those fools were the biggest levas in the valle, im sure svvbs can back that up, but those fools were on the top of the emes list, cuz they would brown nose so much, then some of the downest hoods like frogtown got the greenlight that nearly ended their hood because they kept doing what every gang used to do before the eme started with the peace treaties, and its weird because at the time i thought it was a good idea to have no more drive bys and i never knew until after i left the hood that alot of varrios in LA thought that was a sign of weakness from the eme, i guess frogtown had been one of them,, but in hind sight it does seem kind of lame because if fools are rolling on you on a daily basis you know its only a matter of time before they stop getting out of the car to blast and just stay inside, whats the difference, theres still stray bullets and innocent people being hit, the fools from rascals never stopped doing drivebys on chevy chase park,
then another thing the eme was doing during this time was trying to get small hoods and tagging crews to join the bigger gangs around them, and of course you know thats usually their biggest enemies,so that might also be the reason svdbs and radford got the greenlight, lik the diablos joined vineland right,but i know radford hated 18 and mara and almost any hood with in a 10 mile radius so they chose not to join,, the hoods that had to join tvr were elmwood and wsls, and believe it or not it almost happened too, and then believe it or not that fool timothy "huero" mcghee from atwater toonerville was one of the fools orchestrating that too, but then he got locked up the first time and it fell apart, huero was the one that stopped nstvr and sstvr from blasting on each other too, so technically there was no more sides, but i see fools now hitting up sides again, when huero was around if he saw a placaso that said ss or ns the fool that did it would catch a beat down,

there was some gangs that for some reason split in two or even more to join bigger hoods, like tampa street in the west valley went half canoga park and half reseda, ofa crew, which was probably one of the deepest organizations at the time in LA,became major cliques from various enemy hoods and at least two independant gangs, ws oxford ave, and cvofa, not to mention cliques from es clover, aves, ws 18st, and i think primera flats, in the valle alot of the ofa fools joined san fer and pacas, probably blythe too,
yeah but again to the eme organization i think part of the problems came from some of their very strong points, for one if you issue 3 different greenlight lists a day, and some have some hoods in the morning and theyre taken off at night, but the morning list still hits the streets, not to mention the 25 other lists that hit the streets that week, no one knows which to go by and eventually just stops paying attention to them, and then it conflicted alot with what the eme was saying, for one if they are saying there has to be more unity and gangs joining together, but then theyre saying you have to greenlight this hood you get along with for some bs that has nothing to do with your hood, and at the same time theyre telling you to squash your beefs with the hoods that you really have a reason to hate, then it just stops making sense, yeah i hate to say it but the eme had become a joke on the streets, i think now its even worst, anybody claims greenlight, the eme tries to micro manage and that didnt even work for hitler who was in charge of a highly efficient german war machine, how is it going to work for the surenos, these are gangs that have wars inside their own hood, even inside their own clique of a hood, if the eme says greenlight rascals, well dam pretty much any gang that has heard of rascals was already enemies with them, or greenlight the blacks or asians, its like one vato from a hood in the sgv is now a shot caller in a pen upstate, so he says greenlight blacks, the vatos in the southcentral hoods that have coexisted with them for years wouldnt think thats a good idea, let the blacks fight the other blacks and eses fight eses, thats one thing that this blog or maybe wally ignores a little, there was alot of alliances between blacks and mexican gangs too, same like some mexican gangs shoot other surenos but are cool with some surenos, some blacks shoot at eses and vice versa but i think theres more alliances than rivalries, the ones that are following the eme are basically just avenues, cuz the other black on brown rivalries are gang rivalries at heart, just like when the fools from hoover criminals roll on bounty hunters, they go to the general area where they kick it at and spray any black person they see and claim they smoked a bounty hunter, now they go and spray any latino or the latinos just spray any blacks, so it isnt racial at heart, like the fools from florencia that sprayed the liquor store that ecc kicks it at, if your an innocent black civilian then what are you doing drinking a 40 with your boys at the same spot where east coast crip kicks it at, this time florencia rolled by but everyone knows it could have been one of the blood sets or even some crip sets, ill say florenica was pretty lame for doing that though cuz in the latino barrio they usually hit you up before they spray you, but then again you cant apply east los or sgv or sfv rules to south central, same like you cant apply beverly hills rules to south central, or ww11 rules to iraq, different place different war, different rules, iraq is different relegions south central is different razas, i guess im going off into other topics from other posts but this is where it all ties together, also the norte sur thing comes into play, surenos hate on nortenos for kicking it with the blacks, yet its cool for the eme to be tight with the whites, or for surenos to blast surenos, that will be the ultimate downfall of the eme, right now its already happening, you have well respected vatos chosing to go pc because of politics with different factions of the eme, and lame tecato vatos moving up to shot caller postions because theyre needle buddies with another shot caller, then the latest i hear is that surenos from the north get treated as if they where nortenos,, only the southern cal gansters would pull something like that so it doesnt really surprise me, if surenos would organize they would be able to take down the whole country, same way the barbarians took down rome, but luckily they never will, if they had even 25% of the organization the nortenos have, then again how can the norte compare to the surenos when they all get along, having enemies is one of the fundamentals of being a gang, and also being organized means being smart, and if you get smart one of the first things you do is leave the hood, so i guess its just evolution at play, whats interesting to me is that it seems the nuestra familia was formed by all surenos, vatos from oxnard clanton and maravilla, and at the begining they had alot of pull in san bernardino county, so what happend to that, and why didnt colonia chica go norteno, alright thats enough for this post, later

former gangster

Anonymous said...

For the love of the raza, and Al Franken, shut up already Don Quixote. You're starting to make us all howl at night (aint that right SNS) laughing at your whining and bitching. You're starting to sound like a broken record. Get a life, take up golf, go fishing, play with your grandkids.
Like George Lopez says, America is the greatest country on earth. Try seeing the good side of things and quit whining.
Pass the Excedrin Manny.

Anonymous said...

Orale DQ, nice try. You got most of it right but you have a couple of things mixed up. A couple of other things are right there in front of you. I think that you have to adjust your reading glasses big homie.

I'll correct three things for you.

1. It's not (? CF Boys) it's Pierce Boys.

2. It's not - All Chino’s (The city of Chino, Ca.) except So. Side Chino’s. It's all orientals (chinos) except Chinos that are in SURENO barrios

3. It's not- Frog St. SGV (San Gabriel Valley) Diablo’s.
It's Earl St Diablos SGV.

There are a few more mistakes but I'll leave those for someone else to spot.

Anonymous said...

The reason I didn't understand "Hard candy" is that the dudes I know from the list are still breathing. Now one of the dudes is doing life so I am not sure if he had to PC up but, I remember hearing about him a few years back being on the yard. Also the I just played baseball with the dudes brother last week and I never heard anything from him or my partners that his brother messed up. Then my partners dad just got out about a year ago and he rolls around the neighborhood hard. None of our "Big Homies" have put the smash on him and over the past six months they been cleaning house of homies that were getting passes from the old guard because they were old friends of them. So that is why I didn't know if "Hardy Candy" meant lay them down or just check'em. I haven't done time in the joint and I don't ask questions about "THEIR" buisness SV VBS. Plus it should be the older generation's duty to pass down the knowledge to the youngsters homie. So just look at it as your doing your job as a Senor, Thank you.

"Youngster with Game"

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like "Indio" from So Los, WS Wilmas, and Alpine must be a Jura.
There's a lot of Indio's from different varrio's but what's the chance of three different Indio's from three different LA neighborhoods would make the most wanted list.

Anonymous said...

Wally I just flagged your blog fifty two times, what happens when I do it?

Anonymous said...

To former gangster

Can you show us where this wila has been discussed on web-sites about EME.

Also after reading Wally's blog lately I think SNS and Don Q. have been green-lighted. Those two are on constant blast on here. I see that the white and mexicans have formed an alliance against SNS and Don Q.

I guess the EME and AB alliance now makes sense to me when you have a common enemy.

We need to take body count from the hot-list. So anybody who know if the are walking tall or RIP speak up.

Alrato Vatos Locos

Anonymous said...

52 flags without the Jokers? Somebody's NOT playing with a full deck..

Anonymous said...

An Inside Look at 18th Street's Menace
By Rich Connell and Robert J. Lopez
Los Angeles Times


The 18th Street Gang Aiming for Dominance
It is the biggest and deadliest street gang to rise from the nation's gang capital, reshaping Los Angeles' criminal underworld.

With as many as 20,000 members in Southern California alone, the gang called 18th Street is 20 times the size of the region's typical gang, dwarfing even the notorious Bloods and Crips.

"We recognize them as one of the most violent street gangs and one of the most prolific in the United States," says George Rodriguez, who until his retirement this month oversaw investigations for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

A band of unruly outcasts when it formed in the 1960s, 18th Street has become an ominous prototype. Although primarily Latino, 18th Street has broken with gang tradition, opening its ranks to comers of all races from many working-class neighborhoods in a calculated move to boost its numbers. Its primary recruitment targets: immigrant youngsters.

Anonymous said...

Wally I flagged your blog fifty two times earlier, and now my computer isn't working like it used too, what did you do? I am sorry for flagging your blog, please undo what ever voodoo you did on my CPU. Please, I
I am sorry Wally. Will never do it again.

Anonymous said...

i didnt mean this wila specifically had been mentioned, but the terms, like hard candy, green light, i saw those on fox undercover like in 94, i think this may be the wila they used too,lol, i peeped don qs discrepencies but wasnt going to trip on them, what tripped me out is that alpine street was even mentioned, i was active in 94 and as far as i know they werent around even back then, i never heard of them, then again i never heard of nela 13 and atwater boys and those were right in my backyard, it would be hard for an undercover to play all those parts or any of those parts actually, its more likely its three separate people, anyways i saw a nuestra familia timeline and i saw one on here a long time ago and they both match up in the fact that all southern barrios started the nf, mostly oxnard clanton and maravilla, and maravilla is also largely responsible for the eme, then the tejanos are prominent on both sides, to me it would have made more sense if LA Frisco Oakland and other cities became one group like eme and the farmlands in the norte and sur like inland empire and brole and them joined with watsonville and tracy and all the other norteno hoods, the ultimate irony is that most surenos in the norte are the real farmers,lol, later peeps
former gangster

Anonymous said...

Former gangster, that was an impressive rundown. I find it interesting that Nortenos get along now, too. They sure as hell didn't when I was growing up. There was Norte on Norte varrio warfare right here in Sacramento, which really isn't that violent of a city. So, I can imagine what it was like in the bay area. I've read that the NF organized Nortenos through putting out that one rap album, but I'm not buying that. That sounds like a cop tale, playing right into the theory that rap is responsible for all violence, etc. If the rap had that much power, why would the NF stop there? Why would any gangster rappers, for that matter? I think the north on north violence died down due the fact that gang banging practically died out up here in the '90s. I know somebody is going to come on here and say that's bullshit, and that it was alive and well and give like one token example, but the statistics don't lie. There just weren't a lot of gang related murders in Northern California in the late '90s, and the numbers in L.A. drastically decreased, as well. But, in L.A., you have neighborhoods that are so densely populated with gangs that the drama will go on forever.

And, yes, Tijuana Jailer talked about the NF being started by Southerners. It's probably true. South San Francisco had barrios before L.A. was even a city, but it was more casual up here. My theory? Not as much racism by the cops. I think the police brutality against both Mexicans and Blacks in the mid 20th century in Los Angeles contributed alot to the animosity and the violent culture. You can't get even with the cops, so what's the next best thing?

I think that cholo culture definately started in L.A. and sort of migrated up here. A lot of Nortenos don't like to admit that but it's the truth. But, I also think those campisano familias were tougher than the Angelinos thought. What else would explain Watsonville?

Anonymous said...

NO JOE, THIS MENTAL GIANT IS NOT LARS..What is LARS anyway?..It seems my joking around about sloppy looking wilas, touched a sore spot on someone?..DISGRACEFUL, LOWBROW,DUNCECAPS??..Wow,You really hurt my feelings, I'll try to keep my zipper up,(You stop looking down there)..With Love, Los Angeles Resident.

Anonymous said...


















Anonymous said...

former gangster, you must be from up north?
Alpine St. is an old old varrio in LA that has now been swallowed up by Chinatown and Gentrified by YUP
(Young Urban Pioneers), There are still a lot of old timers from Alpine St. in the joint and the streets.
NELA "North East Los Angeles" is
20 or 30 years old and as far as I know is still active but swallowed up quite a bit by HP and or the Aves.
Atwater has been around for 40 years but largely taken over by Toonerville and Frogtown.
Tejanos (Texas Syndicate) were never prominent in the EME but were used and abused, and kept their mouths shut and layed low. This was also the case on the streets around the neighborhoods they operated in (Temple St., Clanton, Alpine, Diamond St.) they were allowed to deal drugs, one of thier biggest money maker locations was at the "Grand Central Market" downtown. Same place were the recent 5th and Hill St skid row carga slangers got busted. Tejanos always had to kick up to the LA Chicano varrios or they would have been crushed immediately.

Read some of Tijuana Jailers old posts on the Tejanos.
I can tell you from personal experience that back in the day the drugs flowed from the Southside to the cities up north and although the homeboys from SF and SJ were OK and like CHicano's here (still had a lot of farmer characteristics though) the Oakland, Richmond, East Bay Chicanos were considered very untrustworthy and low down like the Mayates they were surrounded by. Just some history from me, not making judgements or being contemporary, that's for someone else to determine.

Anonymous said...

The general consensus seems to be that the list is at least 10 years old. With the constant changing of things, this wila is not valid for trying to decipher who's a GL right now. Shit, you could add 50 more names, and take off 50.
Interesting to look at though.

Anonymous said...

Who said we are here to stay and L.A. and it is great city?
Even Mayor Villaraigosa is telling you L.A. is infested with gangs and the schools suck big time.
L.A. is going to be the next Detroit or maybe worse.

BY RICK ORLOV, Staff Writer

Despite improvements in recent years, quality of life in Los Angeles County remains far from good and the region faces a bleak future unless it can launch broad reforms in everything from education to housing, according to a report released Wednesday.

Middle class flight (Can also be called White Flight)

Villaraigosa attributed some of the findings to the large immigrant population in the area. But he said it also reflects changes in a local economy in which the middle class is being driven out of the city.

"It is not just taxes and housing that keep people from staying in Los Angeles and threaten the middle class," Villaraigosa said. "It is all these factors of schools, public safety and health care that are affecting us."


Wally warned us about EME (blood in blood out) members infiltrating gang intervention programs.

Failed gang programs

Instead of going after the property owners by increasing trash fees and collecting false alarm fees, take the $14 million away from failing gang- intervention programs like L.A. Bridges, that has been suspected of indirectly funneling money to the Mexican Mafia, and spend it on hiring more police officers. Or take the $20 million the city plans to spend on a bike path in the North Valley and spend it on street lights in residential communities.

For $52 million, LAPD can hire 1,000 new police officers. And yet we spend $100 million on gang-prevention programs that can't prove they prevent kids from joining gangs.

Ask a single mother of two in Pacoima what she would rather see: an ex-gang banger teaching her son basketball at the local high school or a cop on every corner.

Donna Connolly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the EME would give a pass to a lot of the Pacific Islander gangsters, being that they most often connect more to black gangster culture than hispanic gangster culture.

The attacks on east/southeast Asian groups is understandable, given gang/racial conflicts like the mostly Cambodian, Vietnamese, and other southeast Asian Tiny Rascal Gangsters (T.R.G.) vs. Mexican Longo gangs in Long Beach that's been raging since the late 80s and early 90s.

It would seem that since so many Samoans bang black gangs (examples being Samoan Bloods in Carson, made famous by Samoan rappers Boo-Yah tribe, and Samoan Crips in Compton) and the EME's race-based tension with African-Americans overall (including innocent black bystanders, not just in Harbor, Canoga Park, Northeast L.A. and the Florence area but in years pass in other places like Pomona and Hawaiian Gardens) Samoans and other Pacific Islanders would be guilty by association in the eyes of a lot of Mexican gangsters.

I know Wally said this list is old, so maybe things have changed since then, given the Tongan vs. Mexican school riot at Hawthorne High a few weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

See link below for more details on ten point gang reduction program.

POINT ONE: It’s about the schools, stupid.

POINT TWO: When it comes to gang violence, mental health is the elephant in the middle of the room. Now by that I don’t mean mental illness. I mean lack of health—i.e. the after affects of childhood abuse, physical and/or sexual.

POINT THREE: Above all, mentoring.

POINT FOUR: Nothing stops a bullet like a job.

POINT FIVE: More cops. More cops. More cops. (Did I mention more cops?)

POINT SIX: While Effective long-term gang enforcement approach has to involve community policing.

POINT SEVEN: Safety without numbers. One of the primary reasons kids say they join gangs in the very beginning, is for protection.

POINT EIGHT: Juvenile (and adult) reentry programs.

POINT NINE: Don’t forget the girls. And not just the girl gang members.

POINT TEN: In the end, it’s about community. Perhaps the most essential

Anonymous said...

The $64,000 question of the day is:

In 5 more years when the LAPD and Sheriffs are 75% Latino, will
Don Q and SNS still be whining about all the problems the racist cops cause?
In 10 years when their 90% latino?

Anonymous said...

Time to start slimming down this swimsuit season caballero's!
Don't matter if your a cop, sheriff, LAPD, norteno, sureno, OG, retired, or veterano we all wanna look good! Wheather it is cut offs, speedo's, trunks, or a beer barrel we will look better with a couple of pounds taken off sensibly. Wally, could you put up some tips for losing weight.

Anonymous said...

Talk about incompetence. Talk about denial. Talk about failure to learn from yours and others mistakes.
It's hard for any reasonable person to fathom that ANY money is given to these "gang intervention programs". Of course, politicians aren't reasonable. On top of that, they basically have little if any oversight. Did we not learn anything from Project Get Going?
To think that the carnals don't have their hand in these cookies jars is crazy.
These programs are nothing but a cash cow for some undesirables and the carnals.
if these programs had half the oversight the police department has, we would save huge amounts of money. Oh well, we get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

Who's next? Mcdonald's and Starbucks? Dems and Reps? Hermandad Latina and minutemen? Antonio and LAUSD? Coke and Pepsi? Will the Carnales offer a sweetheart amnesty to all the, fill in the blank.
Northern Ireland's bitter rivals reach a deal
Pact, but no handshake; in historic first, leaders sit side by side

March 26,2007
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - The leaders of Northern Ireland’s major Protestant and Catholic parties, sitting side by side for the first time in history, announced a breakthrough deal Monday to forge a power-sharing administration May 8.

The two foes — who for years negotiated only via third parties at Paisley’s insistence — sat beside each other at a table in the main dining room in Stormont Parliamentary Building in Belfast, largely avoiding eye contact. Officials on both sides said they did not shake hands.

The agreement followed 4½ years of deadlock and unprecedented face-to-face negotiations between the British Protestants of Ian Paisley’s Democratic Unionist Party and the Irish Catholics of Gerry Adams’ Sinn Fein.

Anonymous said...

a beat down alone would be soft candy...
good info from the TVR vato. Theres a blog on huero from TVR, apparently he's only fighting one murder beef and not the 12 LA times said he was connected to. Shit the vato may even walk. Is he part mexican or just straight gava? also , did he drive a lowrider with switches?

Anonymous said...

[The $64,000 question of the day is:

In 5 more years when the LAPD and Sheriffs are 75% Latino, will
Don Q and SNS still be whining about all the problems the racist cops cause?
In 10 years when their 90% latino?]

The operative description for Latino and black cops (in their communities) is sellout. More specifically Uncle Tom and Tio Taco!

On the one hand, some folks complain that minorities aren't given equal opportunities and then, when they attain certain levels of success, they're branded as sellouts.

Go figure

Anonymous said...

DQ,& Youngster, Despensa. I meant no disrespect with my last posts.

The reason that I say that this wila is from around 94' or 95' is because my barrio didn't have a verde until about the time that the Valle truce was ending, which was about 94'. Radford and Diablos didn't get added to it till about 8 months later. They were following the rules, but I guess someone got upset that they were not able to put more pressure on my barrio out in the calles. So they had it dropped on them tambien. Niether of the two barrios is part of my barrio, they run there own program. But Radford has always been closer to us than the Diablos.

Back in the day the area that they claim now was being fought over by ns18st and Hart St. They pretty much fucked eachother up until no one was really left. That's when Simpson Boys busted out. They were all friends of ours so they decided to klick up with us and that gave us that area. At that time the famous Palomino was still open. The homie Bobby "Sharkey" Steel who was taken out by the juras after he took out one of theirs (89'),was from that klicka. Later some of the younger kids in the area started Radford St.

Anyways, it's clear that this wila comes from the LA County jail. I doubt that it was found on a made senor. My bet is that it was found on a regular vato with aspirations on moving up.

SNS the reason that I think that nortenos get along now is that they now have a common enemy in there own backyard. They have a real war in there hands with all of the SURENO barrios that have sprang up in their towns.

I agree with the vato that said that the verde on the Asians comes mostly because of that war in Longo. But it came about because the chinos started to target civilian Raza.

Anyways, I guess that it's firme to reminisce about those crazy times. But now it's time for us retired survivors of this madness to step up and help our communities recover from the harm that we helped create. I know of many vatos from different barrios who are trying to give back and help out. We don't have to be out there trying to convince every youngster. We just have to keep our kids from making those same mistakes and helping them become productive members of society. We owe it to our people.

Anonymous said...

dON cAMOtE ...

I cant believe your interpretation on the wila was that it was a greeny on the City of Chino.....que pendejadas! This proves my point made more than a two years ago....Your cuarto uno-uno is not legit and sometimes twisted on facts. Come on ese...get with the program.

Point Two, "Youngster with Game", your not a "Youngster", your a rookie wanting to find out all about gangs. Your really in the wrong blog. Go to There is other choices too, either take a gang 101 class at your local community college or police community outreach program.
If you want to know what a hard candy is-go molest a little girl.

Anonymous said...

don quixote said...

although the homeboys from SF and SJ were OK and like CHicano's here (still had a lot of farmer characteristics though)

Interesting the Chicanos from SF had 'farmer characteristics', DQ, when they were never farmers.

the Oakland, Richmond, East Bay Chicanos were considered very untrustworthy and low down like the Mayates

...and like the Southern California Chicanos who sold dope and murdered, and like the Asian gangs, and like the White gangs, and like the corrupted police officers that were racist and/or cut corners, and like the high ranking government officials who use poor people to sell dope, and like those in power who work under the prison industrial complex, and, like, the list goes on and on, DQ.

Just some history from me,

Albeit, not very reliable this time, DQ, where your points were unfortunately skewed due to your prejudice of Northern California Chicanos and delusions of grandeur regarding Southern California Chicanos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You youngsters need to read Califorina history on the social development in and around the Catholic Missions in the era of the mid to late 1700s ...that statement on San Francisco having older varrios than LA is some type of DisneyLand Fantasy created by you N14 Levas. North Califas only had the California Native Indians that lived along the costal areas. They all got killed off by the Spainard's Sexual Transmitted Dieases......
San Francisco had a Chino gang before it ever had a pinche Norteno.
While you read Cali's history, que te paso la pinche mano ese y check out a book on Mexico. bolas de pendejos y babosos.

Anonymous said...

Watching the noon news this afternoon, Law Enforcement say the shooting of the 18 month baby girl was a black against black attack..The stabbing of the High School Latino Student, is still an unresovled pending issue..Just have a couple of meat wagons warmed up and waiting.."If you dont,we wont"...Los Angeles Resident..

Anonymous said...

The fight in Long Bitch had nada to do with the greeny on the chinos. Longo did not even claim 13 on the walls until a few years back when more and more vatos started hitting la pinta. Longo was one of those gangs that really didn't need the eme on the outs, the eme needed Longo to increase numbers inside.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (obviously Mexican) said...


You are wrong about the recent stabbing of a Latino kid by a Black kid at Washington Preparatory High School in Athens. It was covered on every major TV network in Los Angeles. It was also reported on by LA times and even in local news blogs as well.

The news talked about it being both gang and racial. See the blog below to get an idea of what most regular citizens are saying about it.

Enjoying my moonshine

Anonymous said...

The guy above beat me to it, I was gonna say S.F probably had Chinese gangs or whatever but there are Mexican families in L.A that can trace their ancesters to L.A before California was even a state, they weren't even born in Mexico proper but the L.A area of California when it belonged to Mexico.

As for the Norteno's not fighting each other anymore, I heard that GUN CD has some to do with it, but wouldn't you say that the influx of gangs claiming Sur up north had a bigger influence on the Norteno's not fighting each other as much as before?

I think I pointed to you before that during the 90's that cities like Santa Ana and Compton had some of their highest gang murders ever. I could be wrong but I believe Salinas also had a high rate during the late 90's early 2000's.


Anonymous said...

The guy above beat me to it, I was gonna say S.F probably had Chinese gangs or whatever but there are Mexican families in L.A that can trace their ancesters to L.A before California was even a state, they weren't even born in Mexico proper but the L.A area of California when it belonged to Mexico.

As for the Norteno's not fighting each other anymore, I heard that GUN CD has some to do with it, but wouldn't you say that the influx of gangs claiming Sur up north had a bigger influence on the Norteno's not fighting each other as much as before?

I think I pointed to you before that during the 90's that cities like Santa Ana and Compton had some of their highest gang murders ever. I could be wrong but I believe Salinas also had a high rate during the late 90's early 2000's.


Anonymous said...

San Francisco was an established city before Los Angeles was, and had Mexican neighborhoods at that time, as well. This sort of flies in the face of the theory that all Northern Chicanos were farmers and had farmer ways.

I agree that San Fran had Chinese gangs before Nortenos. I've agreed that the cholo culture started in Los Angeles and that there was likely very little of it in Northern California. I agreed that Nortenos (geographical) for the most part picked up that culture in prison from the Los Angeles cholos, who they were aligned with at one time. I also even agreed that Southerners, for the most part, started the Nuestra Familia.

My point about San Francisco was brought up for two reasons:

1- To refute the claims of those who say that all Northern Chicanos, in the early to mid 20th century, were agrarian and naive.

2- To point out the contrast between the cultural differences between barrio life in San Francisco as opposed to Los Angeles, in where I've stated my belief that a lot of these differences have to do with the police brutality by the LAPD, operated by racist southern whites, up until just 15 years ago.

Call me whatever names you will, but I don't claim Norte14. I am from Northern California, however, and have both family and friends who are Chicanos (even if only part) in Northern California, and take offense to some of the uneducated ignorance expressed in some of the blanketed assessments of the Chicano culture in Northern California by people who, in most cases, have never even been there.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

To Wally,

I have an idea and question for another blog topic which some people have touched on before. How big a problem is gang recruitment? Do most gangs have an active recruitment program to allure and attract new young members? My experience with kids who live in the 18th street barrio is yes.

What is you opinion on the magnitude of the problem of gang recruitment.

Or do kids join gangs because of police abuse and terrorism as SNS states. (lol)

Part time Echo Park resident
A Santa Ana recruiter for the gang says he scouts middle schools for kids 11 to 13 who appear to be on the fringes of gang life. He confronts them, instilling fear, then backs off. The next time, he softens the approach, making his unsteady targets believe that he is now their friend, their protector.
With their resistance eroded, he promises action and excitement as part of the region's largest street gang. "I tell them you can get guns and drugs. You get [women]. ... You get backup."
The key, he says, is to "make it look glamorous," avoiding mention of jail and violence. "You'll scare them off," he says. "You've got to kind of bait them into it."

Father Boyle quote
“In fact, ‘recruitment’ is not how [gangs] work,” said Boyle. “They don’t set up a recruitment table at a local high school. You have a kid who is despondent and who is gravitating perilously close to a gang. The gang will ask him, ‘Do you want in?’ And most days the kid will say no, until that day is the darkest, and then he will say yes without fully knowing what his ‘yes’ really means.”

Anonymous said...

whats up peeps, i guess some people misunderstood what i said about alpine street and nela and atw boys, i know they existed along time ago but where ancient history by 94, meaning they died out before that, not that those fools must be newer than that, im not from the north though i grew up in northeastla and the valley myself, i used to go to elementary in sun valley back in the late 80s,, i remember when simpson boys first came out, i went to school with some fools that had older brothers from vineland, and some of those fools became pacoimas and sunland park locos,, i knew alot of fools that would become my enemies later on,lol, i guess we all did, anyways that fool huero was supposedly half mexican,i never met him because he got locked up in 94 the year i got in and he got out like n 98 which is the time i had already kicked back, from a gangster point of view he did alot of good things for the varrio, hes one of those dudes that if he hadnt joined the hood he would have been a doctor or a lawyer or something, he single handedly put all of tvr in order, from chevy chase park to glendale to tujunga even to azusa and panorama city, and not just single handedly but also fighting an uphill battle against the status quo veteranos around before he got out, which ironically were mostly from chevy chase park, i think huero was from the older atw locos clik, thats when they did the same thing as blythe that they forced like 5 different cliks in atwater to become chevy chase locos,
i never knew radford was cool with vineland, i gave them props for taking on ns18 and mara and probably nhbz, i know aves and elmwood were really tight, elmwood should have just joined aves and be done with it,
about the tejanos though i mean the older texas tip, or was that the same as the syndicate, anyways i live in texas now and its like reversing with all the cali people coming this way, like a round about, peeps from el paso start the pachuco style and bring it to LA, 50 years later we bring its bastard step child the sureno barrio back to el paso, anyways i know for a fact that villa boys pasa claimed norte 14, and i heard rumors other sureno hoods in inland empire where down with the nuestra familia, whats weird to me is if the people that started nuestra familia were mostly from LA and had their own homeboys in the eme, why would they go norteno, but i know that fool they took down in operation black widow was originally from long beach, but i dont know if he was from longos but its like a 90% chance he was from some sureno barrio, and later one he went to be one of the main heads from the nf, it seemed weird to me but i heard from other people that sometimes vatos when they get to jail they chose to hop into another hood or even to be nortenos, at least like that fool from longbeach that did it when he was in ya, and i cant see how fools in frisco got any farmer characteristics, no more than fools in the sfv did in that time, the whole valle and probably most the san gabriel and northeast LA were ranches too, inland empire barely got past that but i would say at least half the ie is still farmers,
anyways about the nortenos acting like blacks i see the ones in east bay do but surenos act like blacks too, nortenos from san jo and central valley act like la cholos acted 20 years ago, then if you ever look from the nortenos point of view, the surenos dissed them and hated on them for being farmers and chose to turn on their own raza first, then on top of that they were in cahoots with the aryan brotherhoods, so any vato from the hood hits the pen and sees his own raza trying to kill him and joining with the hueros then why not ally with the bgfs, surenos never see that side,
former gangster

Anonymous said...

part 2
anyways i agree with svvbs about trying to help out the youngsters and the community, but the only way i see that can be done is by voting for stricter laws and supporting law enforcement, as far as these building bridges and cis i think its messed up there was no oversight or whatever but i think its the best way to approach the youth, the thing is they should have better role models, they can be xfelons but not xfelons that never accomplished anything, i know the guy that used to be superintendant in glendale unified school district was an og from florencia, im pretty sure theres alot of people like that, or war veterans, thats the kind of people to talk to the youngsters, because a clean cut social worker trying to earn some stripes isnt going to cut it, you get some 23 year old white boy from the midwest trying to talk to these cholitos, i remember the gang counselor at sepulveda junior high, that dude was so far out of touch, i told him i was born in guatemala and the next thing he asked me was if my dad was from the gang, then he was asking me if i had a house with a pool like the rich people i see on tv, i was thinking well every apartment building in the sfv has a pool, where i lived there was like 4 pools i could chose from,lol, i guess it shows he was out of touch but it also shows how messed up it really is, these kids have everything they could ever imagine and still they join gangs, not like in guatemala where our house had a dirt floor and only one person on the block had a tv, go to these "thugs" house, they all have computers playstations, boom boxes, even cars, what more can you want in life, and all you have to do is go to school, now that im 26 i wish i could go back to those days but instead of chosing the hood i would have chosen the books,,lol,
former gangster

Anonymous said...

for the first time since i began posting, i am at a loss for words, due to list surfaced list and its translations

Anonymous said...

former gangster said ….
anyways i agree with svvbs about trying to help out the youngsters and the community, but the only way i see that can be done is by voting for stricter laws and supporting law enforcement, as far as these building bridges and cis i think its messed up there was no oversight or whatever but i think its the best way to approach the youth, the thing is they should have better role models, they can be xfelons but not xfelons that never accomplished anything,

these kids have everything they could ever imagine and still they join gangs, not like in guatemala where our house had a dirt floor and only one person on the block had a tv, go to these "thugs" house, they all have computers playstations, boom boxes, even cars, what more can you want in life, and all you have to do is go to school, now that im 26 i wish i could go back to those days but instead of chosing the hood i would have chosen the books,,lol,


Former Gangster,

Be prepared to be called a cop or sellout with those words you write. (lol). You know we Latinos are supposed to be in gangs because of all the police abuse and government abuse we suffer in places such as North East Los Angeles. We get really pissed off when we don’t gat the latest I-pod and blackberry phone. (lol)

Alrato Vatos Locos

Anonymous said...

"We just have to keep our kids from making the same mistakes and helping them become productive member of society"..Your right on the money- SV VBS..Best advice I've heard from anyone in this blog..Its what really counts in life..With Love,Los Angeles Resident..

Anonymous said...

OC, I'm not questioning L.A.'s storied Mexican/Chicano history over Northern California's, what I'm pointing out is that San Francisco was a big city before Los Angeles was. That is an indisputable fact. And, San Francisco had Mexican neighborhoods even in the earliest days of it's city-hood. I don't know why you guys keep taking that as me saying that Nortenos have been around longer than Surenos, or whatever. I've made it clear that not only did the geographical Nortenos very likely pick up just about everything they know of the cholo style from Los Angeles, but agreed with Tijuana Jailer's theory from some time back that most of the original NF members were EME dropouts from L.A. and San Diego.

The point I'm trying to make is that the farming culture of Mexicans in the south city area of San Fran would have to go back about as far as the 19th century. They certainly weren't picking fruit on 24th and Van Ness in the 1950's. It was a city life.

The reason I think there's such a difference between San Fran barrios and L.A. is because of the police brutality in Los Angeles. Forgive me for sounding like a broken record, but, with all due respect, some of the strawmen being raised accusing me of making the claim that San Fran has a richer barrio history than L.A. are sounding like a broken record, too. Maybe another topic for another day, but why are Angelinos so trigger happy when someone sheds any kind of light on the city barrio culture of Northern California? Again, I really believe this plays into the police brutality. It's my belief that many SoCal Chicanos feel that the Northerners never earned their stripes because they never had to take the lickings that the Southern Californians had to take from a police force as brutal as the 20th Century Los Angeles Police Department, an organization with a racist agenda without question up until 1992, and arguably to this day in some corners.

Enough of my rambling.

Oh, and, I agree on Compton and Santa Ana. Especially Compton. Compton was a hell hole in the '90s. But, overall, gang violence was down in the '90s as compared to the '80s.

Anonymous said...

Former Gangster

I don't care what these guy's say about you.You put it down and kicked the real facts.Maybe you had some descrepencies on your timeline or whatever but it sounds to me like your just putting it out there and not trying to sugar coat things or mnake you former varrio look hard core.

Anonymous said...

As soon as we get rid of Bush and Cheney and the oil cartels we won't have anything to talk about on this blog, because the gang problem will go away due to:
The economy will be better/the schools will be better/there will be more social programs by the Democrat controlled Congress and Senate.
Don't you agree SNS and DQ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To Wally,

I have an idea and question for another blog topic which some people have touched on before. How big a problem is gang recruitment? Do most gangs have an active recruitment program to allure and attract new young members? My experience with kids who live in the 18th street barrio is yes.

What is you opinion on the magnitude of the problem of gang recruitment.

Or do kids join gangs because of police abuse and terrorism as SNS states. (lol)

Part time Echo Park resident

Echo Park,
The gangs don't need to set up recruitng tables. The young kids see the gangsters riding around in nice cars, with a nice hyna on their arm, nice clothes, jewelry,
and a wad of feria in their pocket.
They're young and don't understand the long term trade-off that goes with that lifestyle.
You live large for awhile, till you get killed or go the pinta.
Very simple trade-off.
Doesn't matter if you are Sureno, Norteno, Brand, Crip, Blood, Chino, or La Cosa Nostra.
There are the upsides, and there are the downsides. A young kid wanting money and women RIGHT NOW isn't going to consider the long term consequences of his choice.
That's why there is gangs.
Make no mistake about it. All the social programs in the world won't keep gangs from existing. these vatos who claim it will are kidding themselves and looking for an easy excuse that fits their agenda.
Every school in the country could have 100 after school programs so every kid could belong. You would have some kids who say: "Fuck that shit. While they're playing sports or learning how to be a mechanic or artist I'm going to go out here in the street and make money. Fuck that working hard and paying taxes bullshit, that's for suckers and pussies".
Then SOME kids who are in the after school programs see these guys living large and say: "I'm gonna do it his way. it's easier and he's got money".
Don't fucking kid yourself. There always has been, and always will be gangs for that reason.
All this other pedo about root causes is just smoke and mirrors
because people don't want to admit the truth, which is:
We can't stop it. We will have to deal with it when it comes to our town/city/neighborhood.
Anybody who tells you different is feeding you bullshit.

A former gangster from a middle class family

Anonymous said...

With their resistance eroded, he promises action and excitement as part of the region's largest street gang. "I tell them you can get guns and drugs. You get [women]. ... You get backup."
The key, he says, is to "make it look glamorous," avoiding mention of jail and violence. "You'll scare them off," he says. "You've got to kind of bait them into it."

Simon. Booyah. There it is there.

Anonymous said...

ST. LOUIS (AP) - A former trucker whose documentary chronicled an agonizing descent as methamphetamine ravaged his body has died, optimistic to the end that his story would keep others from the highly addictive stimulant.

"He was extremely satisfied, wanting to do more in getting the word out and showing kids what meth harm does. We didn't get to that point," his father, Jack Bridges, said shortly after the 35-year-old died Monday at a hospital in Cape Girardeau.

"He didn't want anyone to go through what he did," his father said.

Shawn Bridges drew global attention last year for "No More Sunsets," a 29-minute film shot by a former southern Illinois television videographer at Bridges' request.

By his family's account, Bridges already had died at least twice, his heart so damaged by years of using meth - a concoction that can include toxic chemicals such as battery acid, drain cleaner and fertilizer - that it stopped and had to be shocked back into beating.

The documentary shows Bridges mostly bedridden, his constant companions a catheter and feeding tube.

"I'd say he's got a 34-year-old body on the outside with a 70- to 80-year-old man on the inside," his father told The Associated Press last May.

Roughly 28,000 people sought treatment for meth addiction across the country in 1993, accounting for nearly 2 percent of admissions for drug-abuse care, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Just a decade later, the meth-related admissions numbered nearly 136,000 - more than 7 percent of the national total for drug-abuse treatment.

Family members have said Bridges had been haunted by the dreary day in 1976 when his younger brother Jason, barely a year old, died in a car wreck. Shawn was 4 and nowhere near the accident but still blamed himself, wanting to trade places with his dead sibling, his father said.

A lenient upbringing set Bridges on the road to becoming "a little monster," his father said. "By 16, the kid was a high school dropout and partier."

At 26, Bridges had a heart attack that his father blamed on meth's ability to damage a chronic user's heart and other internal organs. Bridges learned he had congestive heart failure. Twice, he tried to kill himself, according to family members.

During his final months in a hospital bed, Shawn's words slurred to guttural sounds when he tried to talk. At times, he spit up blood, and his weight fell dangerously when he couldn't keep food down.

"I don't think people will forget what got him to this point," said Chip Rossetti, who filmed the documentary. "But what he did with his condition is really the amazing thing."

Rossetti said 500 to 600 copies of the documentary have been sold, some going as far as Australia. Bridges was also profiled on German television. Rossetti said Monday he plans a sequel, chronicling Bridge's final year and testimonials by people touched by his awareness effort.

"We wanted to keep him with us a lot longer, but we appreciate God's good grace," Jack Bridges said after his son's death. "We'll still be trying to drive home the point that these drugs are poison, and that people using them are heading the same place Shawn has gone."

Anonymous said...

Flavored meth use on the rise.

By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY
Reports of candy-flavored methamphetamine are emerging around the nation, stirring concern among police and abuse prevention experts that drug dealers are marketing the drug to younger people.
The flavored crystals are available in California, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, Texas, New Mexico, Missouri and Minnesota, according to intelligence gathered by Drug Enforcement Administration agents from informants, users, local police and drug counselors, DEA spokesman Steve Robertson says.

'Strawberry quick' popular with snorters
"Drug traffickers are trying to lure in new customers, no matter what their age, by making the meth seem less dangerous," Robertson says.
Methamphetamine, a highly addictive stimulant, is usually a white or brownish, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that dissolves in water. It is usually smoked or snorted.
Among the new flavors are strawberry, known as "Strawberry Quick," chocolate, cola and other sodas, Robertson said. One agent reported a red methamphetamine that had been marketed as a powdered form of an energy drink, he said.
A patrol officer who stopped a car on Feb. 13 in a rural area of Greene County, Mo., seized a bag of "strawberry meth" from a female passenger, says Capt. Randy Gibson of the Greene County Sheriff's Department. The seized drug had a slight strawberry smell to it, he said.
Greene County deputies have seized colored meth before, Gibson says. Several years ago, blue methamphetamine, known as "Smurf dope" circulated in the area, Gibson said.
"It was nothing more than one of the local meth cooks taking a great deal of pride in his purity," Gibson says. "He ground up blue chalk to color it so he could market it as his."

Carson City, Nev., Undersheriff Steve Albertson says dealers often try to make their meth distinctive with color or a catchy name as a way to brand it. "Then they'll spread the word that this meth, whatever color it is, is the best kind of meth there is," he said.

The appearance of "Strawberry Quick" in Greene County came less than two weeks after the Nevada Department of Public Safety issued a bulletin about flavored methamphetamine seized during a Jan 27 apartment search in Carson City.
"It seems to have progressed very quickly from west to east," Gibson says.
"Strawberry Quick," the bulletin said, "is popular among new users who snort it because the flavoring can cut down on the taste. Teenagers who have been taught meth is bad may see this flavored version as less harmful. 'Strawberry Quick' is designed for the younger crowd."

As methamphetamine's popularity has waned, drug dealers have to create new ways to market it, says Scott Burns, deputy drug czar for state, local and tribal affairs for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The number of people 12 and older who used methamphetamine for the first time in the previous year decreased from 318,000 people in 2004 to 192,000 people in 2005, according the National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"The traffickers know the word is out about what a horrible drug this is," Burns says.
"They are having a tough time selling this product, especially to young people. What do people in marketing do when they have a tough time selling a product? They have to come up with some sort of gimmick."
This message brought to you in part by the California beef industry, and the Montana Cattlemens Association.

Anonymous said...

Strawberry quick: The new & improved form of meth?
To combat the bitter taste of methamphetamines, police say some cooks are adding flavoring that gives the drug a strawberry flavor and turns its trademark crystals bright pink.

"To entice children around Valentine’s Day, manufacturers and dealers compressed the flavored form of the drug into heart shapes, colored it bright pink and wrapped it in shiny paper," the Idaho Press-Tribune reported earlier this month. "Just like regular meth, the 'quick' versions can be broken up into a powder and snorted with a drinking straw, can be smoked or can be reliquified and injected intravenously."

Here's what a recent law-enforcement bulletin said: "Strawberry Quick is popular among new users who snort it because the flavoring can cut down on the taste. Teenagers who have been taught meth is bad may see this flavored version as less harmful. 'Strawberry Quick' is designed for the younger crowd."

(We're going to go out on a limb and state with certainty that this illegal drug has nothing to do with the tasty drinks that Nesquik markets under a similar trademark.)

Here's a recent video report on flavored meth. And here's a contradictory report that says it's all a myth. The warning's being sounded as far away as Australia.

"(We are) concerned that this new type of meth will be more attractive to a younger crowd and may surface in schools," the commander of the Carson City Sheriff's Department's Special Enforcement Team told the Nevada Appeal. "Parents and teachers, please be aware of this new kind of drug that is making its way into our culture."TMZ, the gossip site, warns that colored cocaine is all the rage with young and restless Hollywood types.

Earlier postings about meth:
• What $50M in meth looks like
• Report: Meth still No. 1 drug problem in U.S.
• Sorry officer, could you come back later? I'm making meth
Tina Delgado is alive, alive and so am I.

Anonymous said...

Part time Echo Park resident.....

You should take Father Boyle's word on gang recruitment. The report from that site that you posted is most likely made up by the reporter that wrote it. Just like that one story that was posted about the kid growing up in Wisconsin. The one that said that he was being recruited by Latin Kings and considered them his friends, but somehow ends up being a SURENO. Pure fiction that only regular civilians will believe.

I really don't believe that any barrio operates like that. In my barrio at least, a youngster has to hang out with the barrio for awhile during which time he will prove himself. Only then would he be courted in. That's the way that I believe that it works for other barrios to. There's no gang recruiters trying to recruit any and every kid they see. The kids that join gangs for the most part grow up in the barrio that they join. And for the most part these kids see the gangmembers in their barrio as friends and not people to be afraid of. The gangster's rebellious attitude to authority is something that young people are attracted to.

The bottom line is that youngsters are NOT forced to be part of a gang, THEY are the ones that ask.


Anonymous said...

SV VBS is right

You don't want somebody in your varrio who doesn't want to be down with the neighborhood. Alot of dudes can't cut it although they might hang out and associate with the homies they never are accepted into the gang.I know in my neighborhood alot of dudes with older generations in the gang were more welcomed because you were kind of able to gauge what the guy is all about depending on his family. Another thing is if you just let anyone in the gang guys start getting caught in wrecks, ranking it in jail or prison or not taking care of buisness. Plus do you want to be out patrolling the neighborhood with a dude you can't depend on? Maybe you get hit up or have to get down and the guy runs away and leaves you to fight a bunch of dudes. Things like this can make a neighborhoods reputation go down the tubes, so you just want guys who are down for the cause.

On the dope article, I never heard of flavored dope but, some years back I would see all kinds of different dope. Pink, purple, blue, yellow and stuff like that because the guy who cooked it "CUT IT" with that color of stuff.

"Youngster with Game"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Former Gangster,

toonerville is who you are talking about right, well they never planted a flag in AZUSA. A couple of dudes lived there and they went around trying to shoot guys(they couldn't aim for shit, from the street to the side walk they couldn't hit 1 out of 5 guys standing there). A white looking guy with red hair and a guy I think they called dreamer were the two driving around most. Also one of them tvr cats lived in some apartments on grand and covina blvd the homies from AZUSA had him hemmed up in his house. Thye got ran out of AZUSA, this was around '96. I heard the red head white guy got killed in the joint, I don't know about the rest of them but, there is only one gang in AZUSA. Although like other neighborhoods there might be some rif raf on the out skirts and a mayate here and there but, they are kept in check. I am not trying to go hard at you but, just keeping the facts straight. I have heard this from other people and I even seen tvr back in the day list AZUSA as one of there territories in teen angel magazine(back when they were trying to come around).

Anonymous said...

Big Betty said,
blah blah blah blah. I see you have added some more names to your list i.e. Euell Gibbons.

I'm surprised you did not call Former gangster a cop or say he was the same angry poster, after his commnet about needing more cops like me.

The Cop

Anonymous said...

big betty said...

Why are you talking smack? Why don't you just keep quiet. Maybe they have a life and do other things beside spend all day on the computer like you.

Euell Gibbons

Anonymous said...

I'm not disputing your point on S.F varrios, I was just pointing out that there are famlies in the L.A area that can trace their family tree back to before California was a state and have been in the area since the 1800's and were born in California when it was part of Mexico. Wheather or not that was before or after the timeline you have for people being in S.F I'm not sure.


Anonymous said...

Morado was the wife of the top leader of the Nuestra Familia gang....

James Morado is now 1,200 miles away, housed in the "Super Max" federal prison in Florence, Colo. A new leadership has taken hold in Pelican Bay, and on the street, loyalties are unclear....

Trend of gangs using women, girls to conduct business grows. Months after the death of Crystal Morado, redwood branches rustled above a shrine on Hecker Pass Road, the highway that winds over Mount Madonna from Gilroy to Watsonville.
Covered with photos, news clippings and poetry, the shrine marked the spot where the 20-year-old was likely betrayed by someone she trusted. Morado was the wife of the top leader of the Nuestra Familia gang.

It was a year ago Tuesday that a commercial trucker stopped to check her vehicle, which he noticed hadn't moved in the hour since he first passed it while traveling in the opposite direction.

The lights were on and the engine was running. Inside he found Morado's bloodied body, slumped over the steering wheel. She had been shot to death.

What he couldn't have known was that she had been swept up in a growing trend -- gangs' use of young women to keep their organization running while those in charge sit behind bars.

What the gangs don't tell the women they are recruiting is that they are considered disposable.

The shrine is gone now, and Morado's death remains unsolved. But the case still engenders a fear that keeps people frozen in silence. Those who knew anyone involved don't want their names mentioned, if they will talk at all.

A year later, no arrests have been made, and law enforcement officials say they won't release details of the crime while the investigation continues.

But gang investigators familiar with the case say Morado most likely was lured into Nuestra Familia without realizing that "no" is considered treason, punishable by death.

A Salinas native, born Crystal Ann Nenque, Morado was known to have a "contagious smile and a big heart," as one friend put it.

She attended Roosevelt Elementary School and graduated from North Salinas High in 2002. As a teen, she volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club, where she later worked. She went to the rodeo most summers. She once was a 49ers fan, but her father Robert "set her straight and she joined the Raider Nation," according to her pastor, the Rev. Tim King.

She was a member of the Church of the Nazarene, where she was baptized by King in 1996. She grew up to be a beautiful girl, then a woman and, later, the mother of a baby boy.

She was known as a kind person, one who took on others' problems as her own. But she also lived in a community where gang culture is prevalent, where men returning home from prison can be as revered as soldiers coming back from the front lines.

Rock star status|
In that environment, she began corresponding sometime in 2004 with James "Tibbs" Morado, now 57, whose celebrity was akin to a rock star.

He was one of three "generals" and the top decision-maker for the Nuestra Familia prison gang for the past decade, running street operations and ordering crimes from the gang's headquarters in Pelican Bay State Prison.

For several years, while James Morado and the other gang leaders awaited trial on racketeering charges, they were held at a high-security federal facility at the Alameda County Jail in Dublin. It was there that Crystal's letters arrived, followed by visits, where the two were separated by a glass partition.

"Jimmy" Morado's charm was obvious. In his appearances at a specially built high-security federal courtroom in San Francisco, though shackled and chained to the floor, he appeared amused, the crinkles around his eyes making him seem the most lighthearted of the numerous defendants. He joked with attorneys and co-defendants, often breaking into an easy smile.

Whether Crystal's connection with him became a whirlwind romance or more of a business relationship, investigators won't say. But sometime in late 2004, Crystal and Jimmy married.

In a matter of months, investigators say, things began to sour as Crystal resisted doing "favors" and errands for the generals -- errands the leaders considered essential to their business.

"My understanding, it was a 'I don't think I can do that' kind of thing," said former California Department of Corrections gang investigator J.R. Auten, now a consultant for law enforcement throughout the country.

Both gang members and police say Nuestra Familia, which has never allowed women to become bona fide members, has begun to use them increasingly as messengers, bankers and drug runners. Women may be less likely to be noticed or checked by police, and they are thought of as being more loyal. Some young women have been lured by easy money and free access to methamphetamine.

"Women are considered property by the gang," said Pelican Bay gang specialist Devan Hawkes. "Girlfriends, family members, and friends are considered less important than the gang itself." He quoted part of the gang's written constitution that says no member "shall put any material items, be it money, women, drugs, etc. before our familia."

"They're trying to use the women more. They're going to find them, and they're going to be swept off their feet -- they promise them a big wow," said Auten. "She could very well pay the consequences if she doesn't comply with their requests."

Auten says the gang is "going back in time" to an earlier era when women and girls were utilized more to set up post office boxes, send letters and messages to third parties and receive or deliver cash. Often, a woman's rent and bills were covered by the gang, he said.

Another Monterey County woman whose death officers say was gang-related was 25-year-old Brandi Lee Martinez, who was found shot to death in a strawberry field off Hartnell Road on the morning of July 19, 2004.

Sgt. Doug Dahman of the Monterey County Sheriff's Office said last year the brazen style of the killing -- leaving her body in an agriculture field for all to see -- is a trademark of local gangs.

On Salinas streets, young Norteños claimed the hit came from their side.

The last day she was seen in Salinas, Crystal Morado left her infant son with her mother, according to a relative.

They had all gone to a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant. Crystal received a cell phone call and then told her mother she had to meet someone. She'd be back soon, the relative said.

The next morning, her body was found. She had been shot in a way that one California gang investigator said most likely meant the killer or an accomplice was someone she trusted. Undercover law enforcement officers attended her funeral, keeping tabs on all who attended.

Intercepted message|
Weeks later, the investigator said, prison officials intercepted a message from the generals in the Alameda County Jail, apparently explaining why she was killed.

A prison message was intercepted in which Nuestra Familia leaders explained that Morado was killed because she was no longer "functioning."

"She wasn't performing her duties the way the generals wanted," the investigator said. "She really didn't want to get caught up in that stuff, and when she resisted, she was killed." Word spread among the gang that the generals might be behind the slaying, and that months later, James Morado tried to recruit a replacement for Crystal.

A former high-level Nuestra Familia member said, "I don't know who did it, but I know who called it. It was 'Tibbs' (James Morado)."

Sgt. Dean Baker of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office heads up the team leading the investigation. He is more careful about the possible motive, and won't say whether Crystal's death was connected to James Morado or if it was a boyfriend or friend. His detectives still come to Salinas regularly to interview witnesses.

"We have a couple of things in the hopper," Baker said. "It's not an inactive case."

Control like the Mob|
James Morado is now 1,200 miles away, housed in the "Super Max" federal prison in Florence, Colo. A new leadership has taken hold in Pelican Bay, and on the street, loyalties are unclear.

Yet the gang still has control in the Salinas Valley as strong as the Mafia ever held in Chicago. No one dares speak of the killings that cross a line few believed the gang would ever do -- the killing of young women. But as the gang rebuilds, it will be planning to use women even more, Auten said.

There is anger among those who knew Crystal Nenque, anger also among those who never knew her but were moved by her story.

The outrage is always clipped by fear. Always, it's the fear of retaliation.

In the shadow of that fear, the memory of the young women whose lives were cut down is spoken of only in whispers....
That is why mates, I have decided to spill the beans on Wally's blog!
(and this ain't sponsored by no beef or cattlemens association pal)

Anonymous said...

Santa Clarita Schools score well but some students lag
Article Last Updated: 03/27/2007 10:36:36 AM PDT

SANTA CLARITA - Schools in the valley, noted for above average student performance, maintained that standard and will not have to work too hard during April's week-long testing to stay in line with the state standards, according to state test results released this week.

However, a new focus this year on lower-performing groups of students, including minorities, English learners, students with disabilities and students from low-income families, revealed that Santa Clarita is not immune to the nationwide issue of achievement gaps.

Most local schools, grades K through 12, generally landed in the "above average" and "well above average" ranking in the 2006 base Academic Performance Index, but traditionally lower performing students lagged up to 200 points behind their peers - in line with state trends.

The API scores, embargoed until this morning, were released just weeks before April's week-long state testing, that includes STAR testing and the high school exit exam.

Scoring schools from 200 to 1,000, the California Department of Education scores schools to give them an idea of how much they need to improve their student's scores during spring testing.

Currently the state standard is a score of 800. Those scores are then measured in August to assess the progress schools and district's have made in their academic performance well as in closing gaps among groups of students.

Vicki Engbrecht, assistant superintendent of curriculum at the Hart Union High School District said while the district's average API of 783 is hovering close to the state standard - there is always room for improvement.

"Every school in the district has set its own goals for API improvment and in every case it is higher than the challenge posed by the state," Engbrecht said.

For the Hart district, whose black and Latino students scored 710 and 703, respectively, the disparity is something the district is aware of and working with, Engbrecht said.
"This is not a surprise to this district. We are trying to make sure that no student falls through the cracks and for both African-American students and Hispanic students the gap has decreased in the district," Engbrecht said.

She added that district programs, like the summer intensive reading program, are specifically adressing the issue.

The district also struggled with the score of its "disadvantaged" students, defined as students whose parents' education level is significantly low or those who qualify for the free or reduced-cost lunch program, these students had an average API score of 637.

English learners scored 696 on average and students with disabilities scored 546.

The API system, established in 1999, measures student performance in standardized tests, compares schools of similar socio-economic status and sets targets for improvement.

This year, state schools Superintendent Jack O'Connell changed the state's formula for lower performing students. Before these students were expected to improve by 80 percent of their school's overall target.

Now these students will be expected to improve by 5 percent every year until they reach the state standard of 800.

O'Connell explained that this was a way to hold schools accountable for the performance of the students who are struggling the most.

"While our schools are showing a steady overall progress, I am deeply concerned that significant gaps exist between the API results for different subgroups of students," O'Connell said in a press release.

"I have begun an intensive effort to find ways to close the gap that exists between successful students who are often white or Asian and financially well off, and struggling students who are often poor, Hispanic, African-American, English learners or with a disability."

In the Newhall Elementary School District - Santa Clarita's most ethnically diverse - the achievment gap is visible.

While the district had an above average API of 866 at Stevenson Ranch Elementary, a predominantly white and Asian school, scores peaked at 936, placing the school in the top 10 percent of elementary schools in the state.

At McGrath Elementary, where the academic calendar is adjusted to include up to six extra weeks for at-risk students, the API score landed at 759 - a big improvment from last year's score of 745 but still below the Newhall district average.

Anonymous said...

Flavored dope has been around for a long time now. Doesn't leave a chalky after taste, is what I've been told. Strawberry and Pina Colada Lavadita (flavored Coke)is really popular with the gavas in the Valle, especially the ones from Burbank. That's also something that I have heard.

As for that one vato from the NF that some people have made reference to. Isn't or wasn't that the vato from Redondo Beach?

The fact that the Sur disrespects the north by calling them farmeros, I think has more to do with them taking up the farmworkers logo as their sign. Kind of dumb when we are supposed to be all about Brown Pride que~no? One thing that I learned in the pinta is to never underestimate them. They might always be outnumbered but the vatos are also Mexican and they have cora.

Last I heard, they were slowly modifying their ways. In the feds they are blasting on the Crips, Bloods, and especially on the DC mayates, right along side SURENOS.
In the state they will sometimes give the SUR a heads up on the Tintos' plans. And they sometimes jump when it really gets racial. The vatos are worthy enemies that should be shown a little respect, at least in my book.

Anonymous said...

A former gangster from a middle class family said …..
The gangs don't need to set up recruiting tables. The young kids see the gangsters riding around in nice cars, with a nice hyna on their arm, nice clothes, jewelry, and a wad of feria in their pocket.


To A former gangster from a middle class family,

That sounds like the Hollywood movies to me because the young gang bangers around the Central LA and Echo Park area are not riding around in nice cars. And they are mostly living in crappy apartment buildings where they have fucked up the area and written graffiti on the side of their crappy apartment buildings and any other damn thing which was not moving. I see graffiti on trash cans, on the street itself, street signs etc.

If you know the downtown LA area, and drive Third Street from the 110fwy toward Alvarado Street you sure as hell do not see young gang members living the “movie style gang life” nobody is living that large. The gang members I see on the streets are mostly young 16-21 and most are walking or riding the big MTA limo.(lol)

The gang members around central LA such as 18th, Diamond Street, Echo Park sure as hell are NOT living large. And the hynas are mostly overweight. (lol).

The Diamond street gang sells drugs on Bixel Ave by Temple St and Bixel is the worst block in the immediate area no fancy cars around there. The Diamond gang street drug dealers are on foot around their barrio.

The 18th street gang from Shatto Park click sells drugs around Third Street and Vermont Ave, and these little pendejos are on foot. I am not sure what the young pendejos who sell drugs on the street get for a days work, but they are NOT driving around in nice cars that I know for a fact.

And the 18th street gang members from the 7th&Brodway click are also riding the bus. I know they sell drugs in the Latino hostess clubs around downtown. I have seen these pendejos getting off the bus and tagging it after they get off the bus. That is what I see in the downtown Los Angeles area not the “Hollywood Gang-Bangers” in a mustang GT. Some of these cholos have to borrow a couple of bucks to buy $1.00 tacos from the luncheria trucks in downtown. Maybe the young cholos need better money management advice.

I talk to kids who are in school and they are intimidated and recruited into gangs. I was just asking for other opinions. And in the downtown area a kid can live in Diamond street territory and be an 18th street gang member. This happens because the local school can have gangs from many hoods in them. If you look at Belmont high school, there are many different gangs in that school.

Some of you guys just need to go back and read a few past comments about gangs having tagging crews join their gang. And others wrote about how recent immigrants were highly recruited that was posted by you SV VBS and OC Half-Breed recently. Maybe old age or Alzheimer is starting to affect some of us.(lol)

And to SNS (El Estupido) I am that guy you were so sure does not live in Los Angeles because I think we need more cops. Even though they well probably beat me up on a daily basis. (lol)

Part Time Echo Park Resident

Anonymous said...

the only barrios i know for a fact force people to get in that dont want to are 18 and mara, ive heard rumors about which ones are the hardest ones to join but its hard to confirm any of those, but im pretty sure avenues 43rd, sangra, frogtown, hawaiian gardens, and san fer where some of the hardest ones to join, and canoga parque, thats why alot of those gangs declined in membership and even died out, but yeah the average sureno doesnt force people in, same like the average drug dealer doesnt force people to take drugs, thats like mcdonalds forcing people to eat big macs, people have to carry their ass to mickey ds and pay just like everyone else, and when their freinds coughed up good feria for some drugs they arent going to waste it on some one thats going to od on it or burn the spot, i think that image came from drug campaigns orchestrated by parents of kids that died from drugs, because thats the idea the typical parent has, someone forced my kid to do it, its not his fault,, its the thugs fault, some of my homeboys moms used to blame us for their kids being thugs, when they had like 15 members of their family in the hood and we didnt have any, i know in chicago they force people in gangs too, they got a sight called, which is kinda what chicagohoodz is like, they got documentation up the ying yang on chicago gangs, it tells stories of hoods forcing other hoods in at gunpoint, in new york thats how they rolled, now its mostly sureno or wannabe westcoast gangs up there too,
anyways about homie talking about how la gangs are automatically harder because of the lapd being on a racist agenda i dont agree with that, if you said lapd was tougher than sfpd because they dealt with surenos then i would agree, surenos are harder core than nortenos because here they go to war constantly with eachother, lapd didnt start even putting a dent in surenos until after the 90s, and we all know its because aves killed that little girl on isabel, before that lapd used to get shot at 10times as much as they ever shot back at the gangsters, probably back then alot of that stuff never got documented so it seems like the trend has been that now they get shot at more, glendale and burbank were a different story, they had a racist agenda and still do, when we first moved to glendale in 84 there wasnt one black person in glendale, if they saw one walking around they would put him in the patrol and drive him to the city line, there was always raza around and they sweated us constantly too, in 84 is when the flood of armenians started too, i knew alot of the ap heads in elementary too, the only problem is that half of them were named armen and hovik, in fact tvr was the one that took them under their wing in the glendale side, white fence took the hollywod one under their wing, it didnt surprise me that they turned on tvr but it surprised me they turned on white fence, also vanowen street locos turned on van nuys,, whats going on on the calles now, i remember metro 13 had alot armenians too, burbank 13, jefrox had alot too, white fence had alot too, in fact back when armenian power started was the exact same time the mara started, and ws white fence had them both under their wing,
either way i got sidetracked, i would say that lapd was one of the least contributing factors to surenos being how they are, for one they would only come around the hood like once a week, i know the aves used to sniper them from the hills, i heard frogtown actually went at it with the cops in the 60s, the fools from frogtown killed one cop and then lapd ambushed them at a meeting they were having in the LA river and from what i heard they smoked alot of fools from frogtown that time, either way its hard for me now to see how the cholos could be victims from the cops, i know they harassed us and in some cases smoked a few "inocent" cholos but that was just payback for the drama the cholos put them through, especially the rampart, i know that these cops were mostly breaking the law but what can you expect from them, they patrol a neighborhood where dudes walk around high as a kite on speed or crack or angel dust or pcp, carrying aks in broad daylight up and down the street, 99% of the civilians there dont cooperate with the cops for whatever the reason, and even work against them. what do you want them to do go around getting cats out of trees, in that area in the early 90s even the lil old ladies might be carrying, that place was like baghdad, not that its an excuse for the cops to break the law, in a perfect world they would uphold the law, but they also wouldnt be getting snipered with aks from every direction, the would be getting paid big bucks, or if they were really lucky they would be assigned to a nice white neighborhood where their worst worry would be getting sued, alot of the fools that diss on those cops wouldnt even think about going into these neighborhoods much less trying to be the good guys working there that chase the bad guys, anyways i know the cops werent right and i definintly know the cholos werent right, but there is two sides to every coin, and like wally says, what the media tells you isnt remotely near to what really happened, same like that lil girl the aves killed, the latimes still quotes that as a guy making a wrong turn and getting shot for no reason, im pretty sure alot of the cholos in nela know that fool was buying rock there and had lived in glassell park for 25 years, which the news did mention the part about him living there for 25 years yet in the next teleprompter they said he was lost and accidentally went up a dead end street on isabel, you think he wouldnt know after 25 years the aves kicked it there, he was buying rock with his family in the car, some of who no doubt where crackheads too, and try to steal an eightball and peel out, i dont think aves should have unloaded like that but what do you expect from a klik that calls itself the assesinos, after that is when lapd finally started becoming like glendale pd or burbank, and still hasnt gotten all the way there yet, alright peeps my dam posts get to long, ill see you guys later
former gangster

Anonymous said...

For the history buffs who wan't to know the origin of the toonerville gang name.

Most of what I know about the town of Toonerville is from the cartoons. Specifically, three cartoons released by the Van Beuren Studios in 1936, which also happens to be the year of the studio's demise due to studio politics (RKO's, their distributor, and not Van Beuren's; RKO chose to go with the in-the-market Disney shorts, much larger profit winners, than with Van B.'s less popular, though highly acclaimed, output). I mainly know of the Skipper, who races his trolley at breakneck speed each day trying to meet the incoming trains at the station, usually to disastrous results. In the first film of the trilogy, Toonerville Trolley, directed by Tom Palmer and Disney's Three Little Pigs helmer, Burt Gillett, the Skipper is keeping to his daily routine.

Anonymous said...

Your W.Bros.-Loony Toony-ville cliques in Tujunga and Panorama City are almost all abolished. You guys "put in" into your hood a lot of weenies and crybaby bitches - mama nipple sucking kids. Plus, you guys have stupid ass names for your homies like ..."Scooby Doo" and "Scrappy". What the f-----k is that all about? You guys dont know how to get off that Hanna Barbera Acid? Don't take it to the nipple, but your Northeast Hood gets a little more respect. I dont know if your Atwater klika is down-I haven't bumped heads with them and didn't even know they existed untill like 6-7 years back. Isn't that area full of Homosexual Artists and leather whiping lesbians? who are your enemigas, White Blue collar dominatrix maricones? :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


"for the first time since i began posting, i am at a loss for words"




Anonymous said...

Why does ;) always make gay comments?

Mario Carona....CIS

Anonymous said...

The tv show the Wire was mentioned here before. In one episode a cop is reffering to Marlo who happens to run the drugtrade in Baltimore on the show. A cop is looking at a bunch of poor kids in school who are headed towards becoming dealers. He says that," 2000 kids will graduate to becoming dealers in that school, another 2000 from another school will do the same, but only one will become the next Marlo."

I agree most gang members are broke, tore up, losers, but they all want to be Marlo, or in this case Puppet from 18st who ran the colombia lil cycos. That vato's wife got popped with about half a million in cash. Their click was doing it big and Im sure many led the movie gangster lifestyle, with fancy cars, fine rucas, and lots of partying. So you see Echo Park Resident, most these vatos are poor and dirty and unable to just eat anywhere without having to borrow money, but they all want to be Puppet. Most are too stupid, some are undisciplined (thats a biggie), and some just don't have their heart in it, they know better, but yet they believe the hollywood gangsters life is happening, just not for them.

Anonymous said...

"Last I heard, they were slowly modifying their ways. In the feds they are blasting on the Crips, Bloods, and especially on the DC mayates, right along side SURENOS.
In the state they will sometimes give the SUR a heads up on the Tintos' plans. And they sometimes jump when it really gets racial. The vatos are worthy enemies that should be shown a little respect, at least in my book.

Point well taken, I grew up with a lot of Norteno's and some who claimed SUR 20 plus years ago in the Salinas Valley (yes there were guys claiming SUR who had relatives from L.A etc). Most of those vatos that I knew where true chicano's and most didn't like the mayates back then, not sure about now, when I do go up there I hear them talk a lot of shit on blacks, this is the Salinas Valley though things in the East Bay are different. With the youngsters 25 and under black culture is really a big influence from what I've seen up North more so then down here. There's a lot of white boy Norteno's up there also, there's a lot of wiggers up there as well.
The one thing that confuses me and I will be sure to ask when I'm up there is why they picked the UFW flag as their cymbol yet they talk so much shit about the Piasas. The fathers and mothers that pick the fields up north and in the Valley are the one's who's sons are up there claiming South Side. It's strange.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The tv show the Wire was mentioned here before. In one episode a cop is reffering to Marlo who happens to run the drugtrade in Baltimore on the show. A cop is looking at a bunch of poor kids in school who are headed towards becoming dealers. He says that," 2000 kids will graduate to becoming dealers in that school, another 2000 from another school will do the same, but only one will become the next Marlo."


The first time I saw “The Wire” on HBO I just skipped over it. But then I started to watch that show after it was mentioned and recommend here. The show’s story about drug dealing was typical stuff I would expect but to me the best part was the part about the city politics. I really enjoyed the story about what the white mayor had to do to get elected in a black city. The writers of that show were pretty damn good. I watched the episodes several times (get a TIVO) to get all the players straight.

Damn that was a good quote from the show about Marlo even though I don’t remember it. You comment about Puppet from 18st is good one. But I wonder if most of the new young wanna-be cholos know Puppet is in a federal super-max facility on lock down 24/7. And the government took his big stash of cash. And that is the ending of the Puppet story.

And to Former Gangster welcome to the mix you are a welcome addition to the usual Payasos on here who have some wild ass and stupid opinions. A little hint for Don Quack and Still-No-Sense please stop the insanity. Alrato Vatos, I have to go the LAPD is breaking in my house though the bars on my windows.

Anonymous said...

First of all, there is no shame in disengaging. Yes, run away, regroup, reload, get backup and try again. Live to fight another day. Once you are in these things though, all you want to do is win. The fight is the first thought, not bailing out. That being said, as I get older and the bad guys get younger, I always keep in mind the opportunity to disengage if I need to.

As for helping, if you see that going on, feel free to jump in. Keep in mind that it could go bad for you, but jump in all the same. I would have prefered that Jane went across the street with her camera and walloped the bad guy upside the head with it instead of making a nice video to show her friends and family. It was also nice of her to make a call to the police for backup after it was all over. I guess she didn't want to disrupt her production quality.

Lets assume that the officer could not ask for help. Say he took a punch in the throat that shattered his larnyx. It was quite evident that he was in trouble. I am very dismayed to see in the end of the video that all the bystanders were all there watching like it was a UFC battle they paid money to view.

Sir Robert Peel, the founder of modern policing, coined the phrase, "The police are the people and the people are the police."

Man up and get dirty folks. There are a lot more of you than us.

A Cop with a black eye and limp.

Anonymous said...

the reason that you guys get such a bad rap is due to a few bad apples. You know the ones I'm talking about. The powertrippers who would run amok, weither they were cops or not. Power corrupts. I think the hardest thing in the world would have to be working against the drug trade. Your work your off, you are surrounded by $$ and you can't afford to get your kids teeth fixed. That's the kind of situation where cops go bad. This will never change unless we start paying the police, firemen, and teachers the money they deserve.

Anonymous said...

"Nobody ever gave a cop
something for nothing."
O. W. Wilson

If it's impossible to remain courteous, and sometimes it is, unfortunately--always remain civil.
Mind your telephone manners. Always return phone calls, even when you know the caller will be unreasonable or hostile. Not returning business calls is highly unprofessional and is a frequent source of citizen complaints against police officers.

In confrontational encounters, as much as possible, keep your mouth shut. When dealing with a citizen with an obvious antagonistic agenda, ignore verbal attempts to irritate you and don't be goaded into street-corner arguments. Cops saying the wrong thing at the wrong time account for the great majority of citizen complaints, whether justified or not.

Your dazzling commentary on contemporary social issues and your enlightened cultural theories are totally irrelevant and immaterial while you are on-duty. Keep your personal opinions and biases strictly to yourself.

Understand what "face" means on the street, particularly in minority, disadvantaged neighborhoods. Never humiliate anyone in a totally devastating manner in front of their friends or family, no matter how obnoxious their behavior or attitude. Always leave room for some self-respect in any encounter, regardless of the circumstances.

By the same token, understand that "face" also applies to you. Never walk or shy away from an obvious arrest or enforcement situation-It will bother you forever-and it might get the next cop who has to deal with that same individual--hurt or killed.

Remaining calm and collected in the face of verbal abuse is one of the hallmarks of a professional policeman. If you can't stand being called bad names, you're in the wrong business.

Don't be provoked into a unnecessary use of force incident. Meet force with force and don't get hurt, but don't go over the line and engage in an obviously brutal response. When the resistance stops, the force should stop. Beating a drunk into the sidewalk because he insulted your mother is police brutality, plain and simple.

The Golden Rule applies, always! Treat the citizen in the same manner as you would like to be treated, given the circumstances. Likewise, don't give short shrift to the dirt-ball, street people; sometimes even the weirdoes and the crazies have interesting stuff to tell the police.

Cultivate your "street face." This is the look of bored detachment and supremely confident nonchalance that veteran street cops affect when the rocks and bottles start flying. Even the juvenile "gangstas" emulate the look and swagger of these seasoned street cops and patrol commanders.

A few words about police corruption (Yes, there is such a thing in this day and age), mainly bribery. These may have been playful little larcenies to the old-timers, but times have changed radically. And how would you like to spend a couple of years in a very small room for taking what amounts to "chump change" to overlook a violation of the law you were sworn to uphold?

If someone insists on "doing something" for you, ask them to write a commendatory letter to your Commanding Officer. A personnel file bulging with laudatory and complimentary letters can be very helpful at certain critical points in your career.

Bribery can include money, gifts, or favors. "Kickbacks" for illegal services are probably the most prevalent form of contemporary police corruption. Citizens are legion who will offer money to police officers to make traffic violations "disappear," including those business people who think nothing of offering money or gifts to cops for extra service or favorable considerations.

A gratuity to all intents and purposes is a bribe. Taking $50 from a gambler to overlook a late night card game equates to accepting a six-pack from a liquor store proprietor to close him up on Friday night. The only difference is in degree.

Question: "Well, how about a free cup of coffee or half-price for a meal, what's the harm in that?"
Answer: "Nothing really, just ask yourself why the guy is offering you the freebies. Could it be that he wants you to give his place more attention than you give the other businesses on your post? Think about it-is he entitled to extra-special attention for the price of a burger and coffee?"

One of the occupational attributes of the veteran street cop is not accepting things at face value. Always ask yourself what people have in mind when they offer you something for nothing. There is almost always an ulterior motive or hidden agenda.

It's us against the world.

Anonymous said...

Point well taken, I grew up with a lot of Norteno's and some who claimed SUR 20 plus years ago in the Salinas Valley (yes there were guys claiming SUR who had relatives from L.A etc).
The one thing that confuses me and I will be sure to ask when I'm up there is why they picked the UFW flag as their cymbol yet they talk so much shit about the Piasas. The fathers and mothers that pick the fields up north and in the Valley are the one's who's sons are up there claiming South Side. It's strange.

OC Half Breed maybe you’re to young know the words “Migrant Farm Workers”. Remember that farm workers migrated between southern and northern California to work the fields. Not all the crops are picked in the same season hence farm workers migrated to the jobs. (big duh)

Southern California had lots of agriculture back in the 40’s thru 60’s. Lots of Orange County was strawberry and cauliflower fields back then. Migrant Farm Workers in southern California worked the orange groves out in Redlands and the lettuce fields out in the Coachella Valley and then went up north to places like Salinas and Watsonville and etc. I had lots of family who traveled back and forth between the north and south California and then the younger kids would get an education and settle in different areas.

So all this talk about surenos and nortenos is ridiculos, the same Mexicans families are all over California and of course you have relatives in gangs from north and south. The Sureno & Norteno talking shit about each other was started by the lowest form of life in prison to gain control in prison.

Anybody with any education is not going to buy into we are from the south and are better than the north and vice versa. We all came from the same blood lets not be stupid. Cesar Chavez and the UFW worked hard in the south and north. So Farmeros are from both from the south and north so stop saying stupid shit you dumb ass cholos. You would think the older members would have spoken up by now. My extended family came up from Mexico through Texas then some came to California and some settled up north. My immediate family just happened to settle here in Southern California. But now have familia all over Texas and California.

Anonymous said...

Hey SV VBS, Good posts and don't be concerned about me feeling any disrespect. I requested help with the Wila cause I am an old timer and haven't been an active gangster for 25 or 30 years. What I know about the contemporary varrios is only what I'm told by youngsters who have or do work for me plus neighborhood chisme I hear.
ANd your absolutely correct about my reading glass's, I got to break down here soon and quit being "codo", stop buying those $10.00 Rite Way lente's and get some prescription one's!
Maybe next time I'm in Mexico where they give you a deal!

Hey SNS don't get your feathers ruffled cause my description of the Chicano's in the Norte is based strictly on old personal history back when I was a drug dealer and dealt with the vatos from there. I was being half assed facetious about the jente in SF and SJ although they did hold us LA Chicanos in a kind of awe and respect (and did we ever take advantage of it!)
But it's a fact that the East Bay Chicano's were looked down on by us due to their proclivity to talk, act, and live a Mayate like existence, and the Blacks everywhere were always considered as weak, big mouths, with a tendency to turn rat when pressured, especially by the Jura.
Since the East Bay Chicano's acted this way they were suspect also.
In fact I recall one Chicano from Oakland that we did business with a lot but never in Oakland, due to the risk of a set up.
We had this vato always come to LA to score by himself, and he was making lots of jando with the "chicken crank" (the meth they stick up a laying chickens ass to make them lay more) we sold him, which was large orange colored crystal meth. He would buy everything we could get our hands on (from a connection in the egg laying industry, lmao) and would always say, oh fuck I'm going to make lots of money on this shit cause the niggers in Oakland can't get enough of it!
ANd your right about the old San Fernando Valley Chicano's, back in the day the vato's from San Fer and Pacas were kind of considered country cousins cause it wasn't until the 70's before you wouldn't see outhouses, dirt streets, and farm animals out there.
Times change!

Anonymous said...

big betty said...

Maybe we're just trying to show Wally's blog some respect.Maybe you should try to do the same instead of trying to stir up shit.

Anonymous said...

Why does ;) always make gay comments?
Mario Carona....CIS

Mario you should learn to spell you last name it is Corona like the cerveza,
And tell you ex-boss Sneaky Rodriguez to quit hiring low life criminals like you, we already have enough cholos in our school. We need positive role models for our kids not convicted felons.

Checka the flikas below to see some Cholos In Schools.

Here is a cholo in training learning sign language in school.

Here is a cholo learning to write a wila, see the older CIS worker teaching him. (Don Quack and StillNoSense watch you backs and stay safe)

Here is a cholo monitoring the hallways for buyers of hard rock candy.

Here is some of the CIS workers reppin the barrio with the youngsters in training.

Here is a poor cholo in training at his poor house he only has 300 DVD movies, pobresito.

So Mario Corona from Cholos in School (CIS) stay the hell out of our schools.

Scobby Doo

Anonymous said...

The original UFW members were not paisas, they were Chicanos, and Cesar Chavez even hired people to attack illegals at the border that were crossing to take farming jobs. A lot of people don't know that about Chavez. I'm certain the organization has since changed it's position on immigration.

Nortenos use that flag because in the NF's earlier years they had a strong allegiance with the UFW. I grew up with a lot of Nortenos in Sacra, and I've never heard them make fun of the paisas. I don't know where you heard Nortenos doing otherwise, but, like you always say, things are just different depending on where you're at.

For those of you who objected to my theory about the LAPD and their brutality; Are you guys ever going to refute my points with anything other than dry sarcasm? If you guys knew I was right yet still had to respond to save face, tell me, how else would do so?

Anonymous said...

former gangster
anyways i agree with svvbs about trying to help out the youngsters and the community, but the only way i see that can be done is by voting for stricter laws and supporting law enforcement,

these kids have everything they could ever imagine and still they join gangs, not like in guatemala where our house had a dirt floor and only one person on the block had a tv, go to these "thugs" house, they all have computers playstations, boom boxes, even cars, what more can you want in life, and all you have to do is go to school,

To Former gangster

You remind me of the Mexican spokesman Mr. Orgulloso falso who said I was very poor Mexican from Texas and I was not in gang why can’t the rest of the LA Cholos be the same. And now you say you were very poor had dirt floors, no TV no food blah blah blah puro cuento. You are starting to sound like Mr. Orgulloso cop if you want more law enforcement in our barrios.

The gang problem is caused by other factors
1) Police brutality against or raza Chief Parker and Chief Gates were racist cop period.
2) The lack of high paying jobs for Mexicans
3) The selective justice system which has put mostly raza in jail.
4) The three strikes law which has put innocent raza in jail for long sentences
5) The lack of an education for our young kids.
6) The institutional and government exploitation of our raza
7) The racist Anglo controlled companies who will not give us a decent job.
8) The drugs the government brought into Los Angeles do you remember Iran/Contra gate.

The White/Anglo racist government has to realize all the errors it has made in the past and that is why most Mexicans are in gangs or locked up. They have no other opportunities given to them that is why are raza is in gangs. Do you remember the Manifest Destiny?

I was in Lincloln Hts 1955, 10 years old, oldest of 7, Father and Mother 26 years old, 2 bedroom shack, no screens broken windows, open hole in the ground in the back used as a cesspool, old clothes, old shoes, no breakfast, no lunch, no money, no oversight, constant daily humiliations due to poverty and a Darwinian upbringing of survival.

Education mainly consists of elementary school and street education, stealing, scamming, shinning shoes, selling newspapers on the street, begging, salvaging food, rolling drunks,.
10 yrs old and a typical saturday. Get up early check out the neighborhood cloths lines for clothes that fit, steal em, then go to the bushes on the hill and chose which one of the 5 or 10 stolen bikes stashed to use that day, ride to 5 points, go into the Thrifty Drug Store lunch counter, sit where someone left most of the plate of food, eat it, ask for water, when the waitress turns, steal the tips.

Don Q.

Anonymous said...

so now the media changed the info theyre putting out and are saying that its possibly black suspects that killed that 18 month old a few days ago.i wonder who was the dumbshits that automaticly assumed it was hispanicswho had done it and why NAJEE ALI was quick to start talking that ''latino leaders better do somthing about'' latino leaders have any clout with gangmembers.

Anonymous said...

Very funny and bizarre posts.

First was the policeman's gospel we were treated to, "nobody ever gave a cop something for nothing" by a certain "O.W. Wilson" which was semi sensical but the cop who posted it then signs off as,
"us against the world"

very telling indeed!

And White Is Right in response to "Big Betty" claims his various phantoms are trying to show Wally some respect!
Good WIR, keep up the good work!

And I see on the news our "Top Cop"
AG Alberto Gonzales, Bush's Texas homeboy, literally running out of a press conference after only three minutes instead of the 15 alloted when asked if he is telling the truth. His parting comment was "I was born with nothing but my integrity" Huh?

Bush's comments were "Your doing a great job Brownie!"
Oh shit my mistake, I think that was the Katrina/Fema flunky. Yea sorry about it, it almost sounds racist,
That's just wrong!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, "screwball"who seems completely fascinated by me (I think he talks to himself repeating dq dq dq dq dq, I can't get you out of my mind!)
He just posted up saying he isn't starting caca then immediately posts up an old post of mine that is out of context,and has the wording changed around completely by this nut, and then posts up my handle although incorrectly as DON Q.
Yeah you psycho get a grip! If you are so inthralled with me and can't live without me I suggest you buy yourself a Blowup Doll to sleep with and keep you company, you can even write dq on it!

Anonymous said...

SNS and the guy from So. Cal via Texas.
Yes I'm very aware of the migrant worker, not sure what that had to do with my post. My question was why the Noreteno's used the UFW flag when they now seem anti the people the UFW represents now. But SNS answered that question and things have changed.

SNS,yea Chavez did have a thing against the illegals you are right a lot of people don't know about that. That was early on. When I worked the fileds in the early to mid 80's there were illegals in the fields but not a lot, not like today, we'd have INS raids once in awhile it was a trip when they'd happen but very few people were illegal at that time and they never got caught.

SNS I can't believe you haven't heard Noretno's talke shit about Piasas, are you serious? If so I guess the one's up in Sacto are pretty cool then. I know the guys in the Monterey County area were quite the opposite, again this was 20 years ago, but I hear some of the same talk now when I go visit the parents from guys I know.

I remember to this day a Norteno I was in class with from Greenfield standing up and telling a couple of Piasas to shut the fuck up and speak English or go back to Mexico, in class. It tripped me out and I've always remembered that. It wasn't the only time I had heard something like that though.


Anonymous said...

StillNoSense said...
The original UFW members were not paisas, they were Chicanos, and Cesar Chavez even hired people to attack illegals at the border that were crossing to take farming jobs. A lot of people don't know that about Chavez. I'm certain the organization has since changed it's position on immigration.

Damn it and I thought my familia was from Mexico when they were part of UFW. I am going to tell my famila we are Chicanos and not Mexicans. Thanks so much SNS for clearing that up for me. I am so impressed how you can tell us old Mexicans oopps Chicanos our history.

SNS can you tell me why us Chicanos were playing Ranchera music in the fieilds and in the UFW marches. Maybe we did not have guitars and accordians to play mexican rancheras but were playing some other Chicano music I need your help.

Now I just need to remember when the cops were beating on my ass.

An Old Mexican oopps again Old Chicano

Anonymous said...

LAPD and SNS, DQ and others claims.

You guys out there who act as if the LAPD can do no wrong are nuts. These guys aren't saying all cops are fuck heads but LAPD has a HUGE rep for fucking people up for no reason.

I've seen first hand some of their tactics in places that most people don't know about cause it had nothing to dow with race.

I've grown up going to punk rock/hardcore shows. In the 80's the punk rockers and LAPD were at war. There were a lot of riots and a lot of beatings. Bands like Black Flag could hardly play because the cops would be there everytime and shit would start. Of course some of you will say well it was all the punk rocker kids fault. I saw LAPD pulling people out of cars and beating their ass for no reason, breaking windows in leaving cars with their battons. Once while leaving the Palladium on Sunset after a Ramones show, LAPD riot squad was outside in full force. Why? Nothing went on inside to cause this show of force. There were hundreds of cops and with in five minutes people were getting their asses beat. There were times when LAPD would come storming in shoot tear gas into the club and when people ran out they'd beat them on their way out. This is just a few examples, a lot of this was never talked about because it was kids and no one cared, but LAPD had a attitude that they could do whatever the fuck they wanted especially from the 60's to the 80's.


Anonymous said...

Just to make sure you aren't getting the wrong idea, I've heard plenty of South Siders make comments about Piasas as well, I wasn't trying to say only Norteno's do it or anything like that.
(Soon to be S.J Half Breed or something like that.)

Anonymous said...

"nobody ever gave a cop something for nothing"
"us against the world"

Police think Life is shit organised by bastards. Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

yeah i knew it wast you dq, that fool straight copied and pasted your old posts,, well it was funny what they posted after my last one about toonerville, the weird thing is that the original toonerville folks comics were really racists, the hood in nela got named after the trolleys that actually ran up and down the hood though not the cartoons, but the trolleys themselves did get the name from the cartoon so i guess in the long run its the same thing,, either way if i had it my way i would wipe all of toonrville off the map, and every other hood along with them, i was stupid when i was younger, i had it made too, i was coming up in the late 80s early 90s so i didnt have playstations but i had an atari, when we came to this country we had it made, i think back if i hadnt joined the hood, i could have gone to harvard, i might have just been a bum anyways too but if anyone comes here, mexican salvadoran armenian, doesnt matter who, they can make it here, anyways i like to be objective and unbiased, i think the raza mostly has to look in the mirror and see whats wrong there before they go pointing the finger at anyone else, like my dad used to tell me when i was young, if you cross the street when the light turns green and a car runs you over and kills you it will be that guys fault for running you over, but that aint gonna change the fact that your dead so look both ways pendejo,,lol,, anyways theres alot of obstacles and maybe some people try to hold you back, the system isnt always fair, i dont deny that, but thats no excuse for getting ran over by it, especially the raza, you think in mexico people were going to have the rights or oportunities we have here, people that can make there are the ones i really admire, then we come to this country and before we even know where we are were crying for rights, we want the system to speak spanish, dam near want the government to make this mexico just for us, well if you come here and work hard and try to learn the american way and play by the american rules you can be a millionaire,
anyways the gangsters really trip me out though, i dont feel sorry for them one bit, i know exactly what they are, they are the enemy of the raza, what trips me out is how people still defend them, and the truth is i think its usually chicanos cuz either they lived the life or had homies growing up that where from the hood, the paisas hate the cholos, i lived the life too but what saw and what i see now really makes me sick, the worst thing to me is when you cant go to the store in your neighborhood cuz you might get hit by a stray bullet, or your kids cant play outside cuz either they will get hit or get lured in by the gangsters, or daughters end up getting pregneant, i know alot of that responsibility lies in the parents but you shouldnt have to lock your kids up for their own safety, my parents actually moved from nela to panorama city thinking it would be better up there, and i think thats what every other parent across LA did because you could find almost any hood in from LA in the valley, and especially in panorama city, anyways i moved my monkey ass down to texas way down by the border in brownsville, and its a whole different world down there, its 99% raza and theres no gangs and no crime, i feel ashamed of myself because people there assume in LA its better for our gente, i cant lie to them so i tell them straight up if the raza in los was half as smart as the raza here we would be like the frikin jews or something, like the armenians, see they came here the same time as most of us did and they made it big time, either way i do think the raza in los getting better, the main reason for that though is because mexico is like 10 times better now, now the immigrants coming in are running more game than the people like us that have been here 25 years, the paisas now arent campesinos anymore, i guess in another 25 years well see what happens though, i think by that time well stop being imigrants and actually think of ourselves as american, i know alot of the chicanos already do but in my generation i didnt feel it too much, then we can move in to being trailer trash,,lol, baby steps,, alright later

Anonymous said...

OC Half Ass....

Quit crying about getting your ass kicked. First of all, you probally had it coming. Secondly, it was a long time ago and the police were just doing their job. Seems like everybody wants to play the victim these days.

When it comes to riot control, police have to be aggressive. Police dont have the time to worry about some jackass like you with a mohawk that will cry about in inthehat years later.

Would you like a police department that will just stand aside smiling while the city burns to the ground by. Case in point, Lakers play-off's 2002. Police stand by as a group of thugs destroy property and police cars after the game. Police use the tactic u like- stand by and smile.

Now the public is screaming, "they just watched".

People like you need to look at both sides of coin before you judge, or in your case, bitch about an ass-kicking when you were acting like fucking asshole.

You see alot of bloggers that moan about crap that happened 20 years ago. Look in the mirror, ask yourself, do i want my kids doing the shit that i did.

I want a police department that make criminals and jackasses to think twice before they do something stupid. Let the criminal think about the ass-kicking if he was to get cought.

Anonymous said...

wally, why are u not publishing my posts...i'm not attacking anyone.

Anonymous said...

ex gangster said...
yeah i knew it wast you dq, that fool straight copied and pasted your old posts,, well it was funny what they posted


I agree that was a funny post, I am not sure if sneaky/clever guy straight up copied other Don Q. posts or not.

But the other funny thing was Don Q. being mad a about what was posted, because that is what he pretty much said about some other people here. It has been going on more a year. I guess he does not have a mirror in his house so he can see what he looks like. (lol)

I also agree with your comments about paisas hating cholos, just look up what the word cholo means. But I would add most regular non-criminal latinos hate the cholos as well. The young cholos seem to use the words "don't be a hater" a lot. Some young cholos think they are hated because of their race. They do not really seem to understand they may be hated because they are cholos. (duh)

Alrato Vatos Locos

Anonymous said...,1,94393.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Inmate dies after fight
From Times Staff and Wire Reports
March 28, 2007

A 47-year-old inmate at Lancaster state prison died Tuesday after suffering head injuries in a fight with his cellmate.

Authorities said the victim, whose name was not released, was declared dead at 12:05 p.m. at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills. He was airlifted to the hospital after being severely beaten in his cell about noon Monday.

Los Angeles County sheriff's detectives are investigating the case as a possible murder.

Officials said they did not know what triggered the fight.

Terry Thornton, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said the inmate underwent surgery, and doctors determined he had suffered neurological damage. He died after being taken off life support.

Thornton said this was the third violent death of an inmate in the state prison system in the last two weeks.

She called the killings troubling, but said she did not know whether they could be linked to what is widely regarded as severe overcrowding in California's prisons

Anonymous said...

OC, I believe you about Monterrey. And, it may have gone on here in Sacra too, it's just that I didn't see it. Then again, I didn't hang out with Nortenos all the time. Just knew some and had a couple of friends that were. But, to tack on to what you said about L.A., and I wasn't going to say anything, but about a few years ago I was at a Denny's in the San Gabriel Valley, when I was still taking film classes, and this guy who just had to be a Sureno lost like 100 dollars somehow. He was bald headed, tatted up with the typical cholo stuff, the whole 9. Anyhow, he starts telling the manager to 'check those wet backs'. He said this like 30 times, at the top of his lungs. Dude was pissed. They finally called the get rid of the Sureno who just wouldn't let it go. This guy was a little older, probably about late '30s. So, maybe older Surenos are just like Nortenos when it comes to resentment of paisas, as so many younger Surenos are in fact paisas.

Old Mad Mexican in Los Angeles who's fed up with lowriders and hippity hop, whatever, I just don't know what else to say to you. The Cesar Chavez thing with the immigrants is common knowledge to anyone who's even remotely studied the UFW and Chavez. Maybe your relatives were paisas, maybe Chavez already had some paisas and didn't want anymore, but it is well documented that in the UFW's early days, Chavez was anti-immigrant. Chavez was a hard core union guy, a Mexican Jimmy Hoffa. As he got older, and as more and more immigrants started to actually join the UFW, Chavez' view of immigrants changed. It's funny that you'd question that, because it's something that even most Mexicans already know. Perhaps that's precisely why you didn't?

Anonymous said...

Hey dumb ass cop or whoever you are, the riots and people's ass getting beat most of the time weren't doing shit. Is a person driving away from the place and getting their window smashed in by LAPD doing something wrong? People like you are either so fucking blind and follow whatever their told with out question or your just full of shit and trying to get a rise out of people. Who cares if it happened 20 years ago or 20 months ago the point is LAPD has always had a reputation for busting heads. Sure some of those heads deserve it but does that mean they all did. I trip out on some of you guys who just can't question or phantom the police ever doing something wrong. Are you that naive? I had a LA Sherriff at my work one day straight out tell me that a lot of the guys who come out of the military and become sherriff or cops are the one's who like to bust heads and he on more then one occasion has had to tell a partner to chill. I didn't ask him to volunteer the info and didn't really even bring it up since he was a clinet and it wasn't my place to really talk to him about being a cop, he told me about it on his own.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
wally, why are u not publishing my posts...i'm not attacking anyone.


Anonymous said...

Ese Reformed Gangster your take on Brownsville is wrong. There are many gangs out there and a shit load of dope. I go out there a few times a year and even though that town might be 99% Raza they don't have it better than we do over here. Never, no way.

Your comparing Califas to a fucking town that depends on the other side of the border to survive. If it wasn't for the well off Mexicanos that spend their money in McAllen, Harlingen and Brownsville those towns would disappear.

That whole fuckin valle is at least 25 years behind Califas. Aside from South Padre Island that whole area is fuckin ugly. Shit there's hardly any difference between Matamoros and Brownsville.

Listen carnal I'm happy that you found a home out there. And that you feel that it helped you get away from the madness. But there is no way in hell that I can let a Tejano put Califas down. Tejas ain't got shit on Califas. I have been to just about every town and city out there so I know what I'm talking about.

Dallas and Houston are the most complejudos. They always want to know how they compare to LA. And I'm always happy to tell them the truth. But they just don't like to hear it. They always catch a complejo, even though they know that what I tell them is true.

Like Mayor V stated the other day, If Sur Califas flew it's own flag it would be the 7th largest economy in the world. Now if we add the north side we would be probably the 4th largest. How can backwards Tejas ever compete? Anyways enough about that.

Hey Chapin you have to learn a little bit more about the immigration issue. Just look around out there where you live. The Mexicanos that are prepared have no reason to risk there lives trying to get into this country. They enjoy their lives in Mexico just fine. Same thing goes for the people in your country. The people that migrate to the US from south of the border are not the ones that are prepared. They are the poor and uneducated. And when they get here they improve their lives. Some of their kids get sidetracked and fuck up but that has always been the immigrant story of America.

Don't be fooled by the Armenian story, it's not much different. The thing that helps them out is that many were able to come here legally and that alone makes things very different. Plus they were educated by their old communist government. So they are prepared to exploit any opportunity that they get. Another thing that helps them is that they are concentrated in only a few areas. A tight knit community always helps. But they have a shit load of fuck ups too. And the ones that don't have papers struggle just like everyone else. The vast majority don't have feria, just go to the welfare office in Glendale and you will see for yourself. Talk about corruption, these fuckers know how to use the system. Good partners to have if your fucking around.

I almost forgot to give props to those Tejas strip joints. Especially the ones in Dallas. B.Y.O.B! How can we compete with that? You kick our asses on that one. And you also beat us in having more churches. Shit, You vatos have churches like South Central has liquor stores. There's one on every corner.

PS. Harvard has produced bigger thieves and criminals than California prison system. Just about every Latin American leader has learned the movidas there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
wally, why are u not publishing my posts...i'm not attacking anyone.

Remember Wally said he would be implementing a "Mado Dura" policy. He has also censored many of my comments recently. But I found the site below which can be used for Wally's rejects of you can think of it as Wallys readers uncensored.

Come join the madness

Anonymous said...

SV VBS said ....
The people that migrate to the US from south of the border are not the ones that are prepared. They are the poor and uneducated.


That is very true and that is why they cost the state of California so much money. We have to pay for their kids education and health care costs. And do not forget the criminals who come hide over here.

Enough of the bull-shit that the Mexican immigrants are helping our state. That might have been true 20 years ago but not lately. No way the immigrant poor are paying enough taxes to cover their cost to the state. puro pedo

Anonymous said...

To Wally,

How many commnets have you been rejecting lately since "mano dura"

Alrato Vatos Locos

Anonymous said...

L.A. gang prosecutions called overzealous
Lawyers cite enhanced charges for such minor crimes as vandalism. The D.A.'s office calls the practice 'appropriate.'
By Patrick McGreevy, Times Staff Writer
March 29, 2007

As the city's war on street gangs continues to unfold, Los Angeles defense attorneys are protesting what they see as overzealous prosecutions that seek enhanced jail time for suspects swept up by police for nonviolent crime.

Cases that might have been charged as misdemeanors are being filed as felonies with enhancements that increase penalties and put bail out of reach, defense lawyers say.

In some cases, judges have agreed, rebuking prosecutors by throwing out excessive charges against alleged gang members.

Robert Kalunian, chief deputy public defender for Los Angeles County, said defense attorneys are seeing a lot of aggressive prosecutions for relatively minor crimes such as vandalism and petty theft because the suspect is an alleged gang member.

"There are a lot of problems with enhanced prosecution of gang members," Kalunian said. "We are spending a considerable amount of resources on cases that are not the crime of the century."

Kalunian said that, anecdotally, it seems there are more cases with gang enhancements landing on the desks of public defenders, but that might be a function of hundreds of additional gang members being arrested in the crackdown.

Prosecutors say they are not handling gang cases any differently, but are simply enforcing existing laws that recognize the sinister grip that gang crime can have on a community.

"The Legislature has given district attorneys around California appropriate tools to fight the scourge of gangs," said Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. "That includes filing gang enhancements for crimes that are both violent and nonviolent."

Lawyers with the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California say they are watching with interest.

"Overcharging is counterproductive," ACLU attorney Peter Bibring said. "When one community's kids are going to jail for extended periods of time, while another community's kids are getting probation or time served for the same crimes, its hard for the community to see law enforcement as an ally."

Police Chief William J. Bratton announced a crackdown on gangs in January in response to a 15.7% increase in gang crime last year in Los Angeles. Fifty-six percent of the 478 homicides in 2006 were gang-related.

Since then, gang enforcement officers have made more than 800 arrests, including 392 members of 11 gangs identified by the chief as the worst in the city.

However, many of those arrests have been for nonviolent crimes, including probation violation, drug possession, curfew violation and vandalism.

By using laws that allow longer jail and prison sentences if nonviolent crimes are committed to benefit a gang, police and prosecutors are keeping alleged gang members off the streets longer.

Kalunian questioned the pressure on nonviolent offenders.

"That's always a danger when there is a politically hot crime, particularly on something as amorphous as gang prosecution," Kalunian said. "The focus ought to be on serious violent offenses."

He said it appears that police put youths' names into a gang database just because they dress in baggy pants and were seen talking to an alleged gang member, though the police say additional corroboration is required.

Those young people, if sent to prison, could be forced to become hard-core gang members to survive behind bars, Kalunian said.

James Pinchak is a defense attorney representing Reyes Hochman, an 18-year-old alleged member of the Brown Pride Sureños gang in the north San Fernando Valley.

Hochman was dressed in baggy pants and waiting at a bus stop in Van Nuys last month with another man when police allegedly confronted them and asked if they were on probation.

When both answered that they were on probation, police searched the other man and allegedly found 4 grams of methamphetamine, Pinchak said.

When police searched Hochman's house, officers allegedly found less than 1 gram of methamphetamine, Pinchak said.

Nevertheless, Hochman was charged with possession for sale, plus an enhancement based on the alleged gang involvement.

That upgraded charge could have resulted in additional years in prison, his attorney said.

But, during a preliminary hearing March 13, the judge threw out the possession for sale charge and gang enhancement, leaving Hochman facing a probation violation for simple possession.

Robison defended that prosecution.

"We charged both for selling to further a gang, and the judge found enough evidence on one and insufficient evidence on the other," Robison said. "We are charging what's appropriate when we feel the crime is to further a gang."

But Pinchak said his client was overcharged.

"Nobody expects the police or prosecutors to go easy on crime or gangs, but there is a point where there is an abuse of power and discretion, where it's not fair," Pinchak said.

The gang crackdown also resulted in the arrest two weeks ago of Edgar Ramirez, 20, and Pedro Rodriguez, 21, who allegedly sprayed graffiti on four apartment buildings glorifying the Canoga Park Alabama gang.

The two could have faced misdemeanor charges with low or no bail, a defense lawyer said.

But, Deputy Dist. Atty. Bill Ryder filed four felony vandalism charges with gang enhancements against each man, bumping their bail to $200,000 and above.

State law allows an enhancement to the charge if the vandalism was done to benefit a street gang, and Ryder decided to file enhanced charges against the two that could get them nine years in prison.

The prosecutor defended the filing, noting that the graffiti included the number 13, which is seen as representing the Mexican Mafia.

"The neighborhood is terrorized by these people," he said.

"Everybody is concerned about gangs," said James Bendat, the public defender assigned to Rodriguez, who reportedly was acting only as a lookout.

"But sometimes you have a situation where the district attorney files charges to make the public happy, but that are not necessarily going to do the right thing for these young people."

Wally said...

Quite a few. Some of them were scary racists and completely irrational on both sides of the issue. Apparently, hate is an equal opportunity mindset and neither side of the argument has a monopoly.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

whats up peeps, ill say im former gangster before i start or else ill forget but luckily people recognized my brand of smack talking,lol,, yeah svvbs alot of the stuff you said is no doubt right,but its false analogy, los angeles county has 36 billionaires living there, the entire state of texas has like 10, cali is a huge economy, all thats straight up facts, but that doesnt say the raza there has it better, i mean i love cali and i love my people but that doesnt make me blind to their flaws, the mexican food here in bville is wack, i can say that, my favorite spot used to be rigos taco on glenoaks next to hansen dam, then my girl here in bville tried to tell me taco bell was cali food, i was like hell no thats straight texmex, but aside from the small stuff i think brownsville is beautiful, i think its prettier than burbank on the serio, i think its paradise,, about the gangs here theres no way, theres no crime here, i only been here like 2 months but i can say that, and matamoros has it going on too, but the raza here is involved in local government and economy and it works just as good as cali, if not better, the school district here is way better than lausd, i know thats cuz its all raza so obviously they have to run everything but they dont half ass it though, but another thing vbs is if you came here like even 2 years ago i would agree with the stuff you said about here, the first time i passed by was in 2002 and no lie it reminded me of sun valley how it was in the mid 80s, but they have doubled their population here from that time to now, i mean this place is growing like theres no tomorrow,, too many outsiders like me coming down,lol, just when i drove here from cali i saw like 15 cars with uhaul trailers from cali, i was like dam mofos you missed your exit man this was supposed to be my paradise now your gonna bring your madness out here,,lol, its easy to see where your coming from on texas cuz i felt like that and worst the first couple times i came out here, i would think to myself dam i would never live in this dump,, never say never que no,
anyways what you said about the immigrants that come from mex at least i know their not the best off in mex but what i noticed is that mexs level went up across the board, and just as rapidly as bvilles did, i went on a road trip from bville all the way to the border with belize, and then up around the entire yucatan peninsula, i was shocked, i mean mexico is really doing alot better, now that sounds like mexico is doing better than the usa but thats obviously not true, but you will see things in mex that you wouldnt have ever expected, and some of those things you wont even see here, its really catching up with the 21st century, just to say some huero looking fool like me went around that whole place without getting jacked by the bandidos or the cops, i was up in little villages in yucatan that had bicycle taxis, i got to the border with guate but i was like nah they still need some time or i need to grow more balls to cross into that country, what i came out asking myself from that trip was why would anybody want to leave here and go work some crap job in the sates, this is even more paradise than bville,lol,, well i know the news show the narcos going at it and the body counts and the villages with no schools and wifes being beat but i looked pretty hard and didnt find a place like that, even if you peep game on the news clips on the riots they had in oaxaca youll notice how people there are dressed just like people in the states, and the police didnt come in and just open fire on the crowd like they would have done 20 years ago, so to me that alone is a major sign of progress, so i guess it comes down to me saying that when paisas come here now they adapt alot faster to american standards because they were already brought up in some similar standards, while the peeps like us remember our homelands like being soviet socialist republics basically just like armenia,, no rights no freedom of speech no food and alot of violence,
yeah i know alot of other peeps hate on cholos too, its getting messed up now because even xgangsters are hating on them,lol, i used to back up the cholo causa when people would talk smack saying we were baby killers and brought down the raza until i realized it was true, theres alot of backstabbing in the hood too, when someone trys to get their stuff together and do something positive your own homeboys will smoke you, or put you on the leva, i guess it goes without saying they probably put me on the leva right away, then i finally understood why some older homies that were down were on the leva, and some ogs told me it would happen too,
i dont see how being in good standing can ever come in handy, if you hit bottom in your post gang life the hood cant do anything for you other than put you in an even deeper hole, unless going to the pen is a step up for you, i would rather shine shoes or sell oranges before i went back to the parque to see if the homies can kick me down with something,, i guess you cant tell until your there though,, alright peeps later
former gangster

Anonymous said...

Oh Yea, this is a proven formula for disaster. Plays right into the hands of the Justice/Prison System Complex, and new recruits for the Big Homies.
ANother question is, where are we going to put these alleged gang members (all young Mexicans wearing baggy pants and a certain hairstyle?)because last thing I heard the Calif DOC is going to be taken over by the Feds in June due to overcrowding and other abuses.
Gangs are a serious issue no doubt about it but locking up every kid who might look like a gang member on bogus lightweight charges just might be counterproductive and the same age old profiling of young Mexican/Americans by overzealous law enforcement

from LA TImes article;

"That's always a danger when there is a politically hot crime, particularly on something as amorphous as gang prosecution," Kalunian said. "The focus ought to be on serious violent offenses."

He said it appears that police put youths' names into a gang database just because they dress in baggy pants and were seen talking to an alleged gang member, though the police say additional corroboration is required.

Those young people, if sent to prison, could be forced to become hard-core gang members to survive behind bars, Kalunian said.


Anonymous said...

Don't visit this blog,

Mothers Against Crazy People.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"That is very true and that is why they cost the state of California so much money. We have to pay for their kids education and health care costs. And do not forget the criminals who come hide over here."

Immigrants also make the state of California a lot of money. Remember California's agriculture industry is a multi-billion dollar business. And that's not including the wine business. And then there is the textile industry and the construction industry and on and on. Simple Economics 101, we need cheap labor to maximize profits. Our economy depends on this cheap labor and that's a fact. Our government knows this and that's why they drag there feet when it comes to resolving this issue.

The thing that caused the undocumented migrant number to blow up in the last couple of decades was the immigration enforcement at the border. Before people would come here and work for a season or two and then leave with a little money in their pocket. Most never brought their families with them. But now if they leave to visit family, it's too hard to come back in. So many have decided to bring their families here instead.

The immigrant population is younger than the native population. So the health care costs are far lower than what you think. And many of the kids that you are referring to are in fact US citizens and they should have every right that you have, don't you think?

I realize that many people are against another amnesty. Many are against it because they believe that the last one didn't work. And to a certain point they are right. But think about it, the last amnesty enabled people to come out of hiding and improve their lives. And believe me many benefited including our country. Many of those people worked their asses off and many now have their own business. I personally know many business owners that would not have been able to own their own business had it not been for the last amnesty.

Anyway, my take on the last amnesty is that it was a success. The only failure about it was that our government refused to enforce the labor laws that the amnesty agreement set in place. If these laws had been enforced there would no immigration problem. No one would come here illegally because there would be no work, and if there's no work there's no money and no need to risk one's life. Simple economics, wouldn't you agree?

Your take on immigrants not paying their share of taxes is way wrong. They get taxed more than all of us. They get taxed on their income when they work under false papers, and never see a return. When they get payed under the table, the money that they make is spent on living expenses which are taxed. The money sent back to family members is second only to the tourism dollar in Mexico's economy, and that's also taxed. So you see they do pay their share of taxes. And if or government comes up with a comprehensive immigration reform we will all benefit.

Most immigrants are here to better their lives. And yes, there are some that fuck up. But those are a small minority and should not smut the rest of the hard working people.


Whitedevil I've been to Austin too and it is a pretty clean little town. Stick to the clubs, they are way better than their strip joints. Lots of crazy UT collage girls that love to party. But due to spring break most of the really good looking ones are probably in Cancun. Shit they might even be out there in South Padre Island. Pinche Chapin, you are one lucky man!

Anonymous said...

Today we must all be aware that protocol takes precedence over procedure since the gateway shootings. Since Wally said that some of the deleted posts were scary, racist and completely irrational on both sides of the issue, and apparently, hate is an equal opportunity mindset and neither side of the argument has a monopoly...
However you say what does this mean… in relation to the tabulation whereby we must once again realize that the great eMe fiction story is now being rehearsed before our very eyes, indicating that only an American writer or Joe Morgan can receive…the award for fiction, unlike Solzinitski whose fiction does not hold water. This in itself is an edifice of the great glory that has gone beyond, and the intuitive feeling of the American people, based on the assumption that the intelligence not only as Mencken once said, “He who underestimates the American pubic – public, will not go broke.” This is merely a small indication of this vast throng gathered here to once again behold and to perceive that which has gone behind and to that which might go forward into the future…we’ve got to hurdle these obstacles. This is the MAIN deterrent upon which we have gathered our strength and all the others who say, “What the hell did that get?” – WE DON’T KNOW. And you sit there bewildered, and Homeland Security who went further said “It is not the lack of communication but fear of communication.” THAT’S WHAT THE GODDAMN THING IS that we fear – communication. Oh but we have no paranoia, and Former Vice President Al Gore has attained, and has created for himself serenity, and it is only the insanity that has kept him alive in his paranoia. Yes I will still buy Wally's book but only for the sake of mankind that we put this behind us but in front of the horse so we may see were we are being taken. Gent's, we can agree to diagree civilly and yet retain this from history: The very name Yucatan is derived from "uic aithan" - the phrase spoken to the Spanish conquistadors by the Maya when asked what their land was called: it means "what do you say, we do not understand you". Thank you Wally.

Anonymous said...

LAPD force may grow to record numbers next year
By Patrick McGreevy, Times Staff Writer
1:11 PM PDT, March 29, 2007

The Los Angeles police force would expand to a record-high level by the end of next year under a budget proposal unveiled today by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

Designed to address criticism that Los Angeles is the most under policed big city in the nation, the proposal for the fiscal year beginning July 1 finances the second-year of a five-year plan to add 1,000 officers to the Los Angeles Police Department. To help pay for the hiring, city officials last year sharply increased residential trash collection fees.

The budget would bring the LAPD to 9,780 officers by June 2008, with the expectation that by year's end, staffing would exceed the historic peak of 9,852 achieved in June 1998.

The mayor, joined at a news conference by Police Chief William J. Bratton, said he expects the force to exceed hiring goals this year by 80 officers, putting it on track to reach its largest size yet a year from now.

"We know that putting more officers on the streets is a top priority of Los Angeles residents and it's absolutely crucial to our efforts to reduce gang and gun violence, so this year we are pushing the envelope even further," Villaraigosa said. If the city is able to maintain this pace, he said, the LAPD would reach 10,000 officers by July 2009.

Bratton's five-year tenure has been marked by annual declines in the city's crime rate, but the chief has repeatedly warned that further reductions would be difficult without more officers.

Los Angeles--the nation's second-largest city--has one of the smallest officer-to-resident ratios of any major city in America, with one officer for every 436 residents. New York City has one for every 228 residents.

But Los Angeles has not always been able to pay for more officers or keep them after they are hired. After reaching the 1998 peak, for example, the LAPD saw its ranks depleted by an exodus of officers fed up with low morale caused in part by the Rampart Division police corruption scandal and a subsequent federal consent decree that severely restricted police operations. At the same time, budget problems prevented the department from hiring enough officers to counter that attrition.

The force was under 9,000 officers in 2002 when Bratton became chief and at one point dipped to the lowest level since 1995, topping out at 8,247 sworn officers.

Since then, expansion has been slow, again hampered by budget problems. The creation of a compressed work schedule allowing officers to work three days a week, 12 hours a day, helped rebuild morale, as did lucrative contracts with the police union.

The LAPD has rebounded to 9,503 officers, with another class of 37 cadets set to graduate today from the city's police academy.

One continuing obstacle to the mayor meeting his hiring goal is a deferred retirement program begun more than five years ago to encourage veteran officers to stay on the force. While it worked for awhile, hundreds of senior officers are now facing deadlines forcing them to retire in the next few years.

In a normal year, about 300 officers retire, but this year 238 others are facing mandatory departure.

Despite that challenge, and the compounding problem of having many potential police recruits serving in the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, Villaraigosa said he expects to exceed recruitment goals by 80 officers this fiscal year.

The mayor said his budget, which the City Council must approve, calls for hiring another 780 officers -- a net gain after attrition of more than 260 cops.

Anonymous said...

Wally said...
Quite a few. Some of them were scary racists and completely irrational on both sides of the issue. Apparently, hate is an equal opportunity mindset and neither side of the argument has a monopoly.


I know exactly what you mean Wally remember that crazy racist who said “ black (mayate) civil services workers are rude and condescending”? It is that type of narrow-minded racist viewpoint which fuels the racism we have in Los Angeles.


Anonymous said...

Effects of gang initiative mixed
The LAPD crackdown has stifled street crimes in South L.A. but the Valley is another story.
By Patrick McGreevy and Richard Winton, Times Staff Writers
March 24, 2007

Two months into Los Angeles' much-touted gang crackdown, authorities appears to be making solid strides in South L.A. while struggling in the San Fernando Valley, according to an analysis of crime reports and arrest numbers.

The crackdown by the Los Angeles Police Department has resulted in more than 820 arrests, including the jailing of dozens of so-called shot callers or gang leaders, and a reversal of last year's increase in gang violence in much of the city.

Citywide, gang crime is down 6.2% so far this year, compared with a 15.7% increase last year.

The decline includes a dramatic drop in homicides. There have been 22 gang-related slayings through February, nearly half as many as the 43 killings during the same period last year.

Still, there is growing concern about a geographical imbalance, particularly as crime continues to rise in the Valley.

While gang crimes are down so far this year in the Central, South and West bureaus, they increased 16% in the Valley Bureau. That follows last year's 43% increase in gang crime in the Valley.

The increase this year includes a 21% jump in gang crime in the West Valley Division, home to the Canoga Park Alabama gang, which has been identified by the LAPD as one of the worst 11 gangs in the city.

The crime spike occurred despite the efforts of a special Valley gang task force of 50 additional officers.

That task force has made 461 arrests in the last six weeks, including the arrests of 61 gang members, officials said Friday.

Cmdr. Valentino Paniccia said gang crime is up because the task force concentrated on only two of the five divisions in the Valley and is just now shifting to others.

Officials also noted Valley crime is rising slower than last year.

"Our increase is decreasing," Paniccia said.

So far this year, officers have arrested 35 members of the Canoga Park Alabama gang, which is considered one of the worst because of several shootings of African Americans by Latino gang members.

"We've made over 20 arrests of shot callers and the most active gang members," Paniccia said.

The Canoga Park arrests included the March 18 apprehension of Edgar Ramirez, 20, and Pedro Rodriguez, 21, for allegedly spraying graffiti, including the gang initials CPA, on four apartment buildings near Mason Avenue and Cohasset Street.

Despite the crackdown, Van Nuys Division gang crime for the first two months is up 83% — 55 crimes compared with 30 at this time last year. But those numbers remain small compared to more violent parts of the city.

The police say the Valley is relatively safer than other parts of the city despite the continuing spike in crime.

In the LAPD's Southwest Division there were 124 gang-related crimes in January and February — much higher than any division in the Valley, whose leading gang-crime division, Foothill, recorded 71 gang crimes.

The crackdown is hitting especially hard against the LAPD's 11 worst gangs.

So far this year, the police have arrested 392 members of those gangs, according to figures released Friday.

Hardest hit has been the 18th Street Westside, with 71 members arrested since Jan. 1. "It's going very, very well," Police Chief William J. Bratton said.

But some observers said it is far too early to claim victory.

"It hopefully is a trend, but I doubt it," said Wes McBride, executive director of the California Gang Investigators Assn. "I would attribute it to heavy suppression and all the media attention. The gangs do what I call a turtle act: pull in their heads and feet into their shell and wait until the storm passes."

More than 20 members of the 204th Street gang in the Harbor Gateway area have been arrested in recent months, including six since Jan. 1. The LAPD has targeted the gang because its largely Latino members have been attacking African Americans in the last year.

The focus on the gang drew national attention on Jan. 18 when FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III joined Bratton for a news conference on 204th Street's turf to announce a joint effort to dismantle the gang.

Deputy Chief Charlie Beck, head of the South Bureau, said that mission has largely been accomplished.

"The 204th gang hasn't committed a crime in a month," Beck said. "They almost disappeared. Their shot callers are in jail. These shot callers won't get out again. The top end of the organization is gone. The gang is finished."

It's not just the police who have noticed the difference.

The crackdown has made a big difference on the street, said Howard Uller, president emeritus of Toberman Settlement House, which provides gang intervention services.

"There is no violence. A lot of their key leaders are in jail," Uller said. "There are so many police officers on the street that they can't do anything."

Gang crime in South Bureau increased 25% last year, but it is down slightly for the first two months of this year.

In Southwest Los Angeles where four of top 11 gangs are based, "crime is down and arrests are up," said Capt. James Craig. The division includes the Baldwin Village-based Black P-Stones, the Rollin' 30s, Rollin' 40s and 18th Street gangs.

"It is going very well this year. Right now we are seeing no activity from some of the gangs," Craig said.

N14 said...

Come on "son of moe." Lighten up. The oldfoolf13 blog was and is my way of encouraging "oldschool f13" to continue with his scholarly pursuits of improving his written communication skills. I consider it a charity effort.

Anonymous said...

wally, what was so scary/racist/irrational about my last post? what the hell?

Gava Joe said...

Boy, we're havin fun now! I too wax nostalgic whence I recall the real giants on this comment board: My man "S" and Old school 13. Even Trukos is no longer Lil Trukos and what's become of the "poke".. that was blind levity, man.. JIM, Big Betty,Marty w/ Short Pants, LARS,Jose 619, San Jonero,all those tasty Spam recipes...

I suppose as the book release date rolls near Wally needs to sanitize his "associate list"..Ma que fie, Tony? Como se dice? You come out of the mean streets of NY. You know how them dagos shuck and jive.. Loose the dogs. Let them bite each other's legs off to bloody stumps where they end up barking unable to move but "venting" nonetheless...It's all digital blather anyway. You gotta love Prof. Irwin Corey. The man takes absurdity to a new level.. your's truly, gava ho

Anonymous said...

mcgruff the crime dog said...

Can you please be a little more corny with your names?

Anonymous said...

anyone who has worked in or with the LACO DA dept will agree that their are some really lazy ass attorneys that should not be getting a paycheck. Then again, there are some really hard working ones that are extremely bright and intelligent, this goes on both sides of courtroom - PD and DA....
the lazy ones are the ones that are all pissed off because its going to take them away from reading the NY Stock Exchange between hearing cases or their new flavored gourmet coffee is getting cold back at their desk.
It only takes some extra minutes to argue whether the court will accept the charges or not, evidence introduced or thrown out, or dropping the case on some technical arguement.
Just like any LACO dept., Ive seen asshole DA, Lazy DA, Stupid DA, DA who have sweet spots because their husband or daddy is someone in the high ups, and of course your all time great, Asslickers.
Then again, ive seen some really good ones that will even return your phone call on the same working day.
If a cop can make an arrest and adds enhancements, that's his job. The DA's job is to either accept it or not and get a conviction - give the victim some satisfaction on justice served and protect the community. There are a lot of cry baby bitches in the DA and PD office, liars on both sides, and egoistic mofos with a "me me me" syndrome - educated reject lawyers that cant do better in life so they step on police officers and office clerks. just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

hey holmre its me oldschool,!!!!!!is it firme or what holmres,i guess i wait and see if waller let me in !!!

Anonymous said...

On other note, hey Big Wally Walrus I heard Mario Corona owns a happening nightclub in Rosarito, BAJA - MEX. I guess all the illegal proceeds ended up being launder in Mexico too. He probably has a great rate from the local cartel's Methamphematine. Next time you go down to Baja-Mex, take a tour around the club, get back to us on the 411 and the prices for a underage prostitute. Dont get kidnapped and killed by the Cartels. Mario Corona gives a whole new meaning with working with our youths and providing underage kids with up and coming jobs. I wonder how many of the Clowns in Showbusiness went down to the club and parrrrrty. They would probably make some decent money with a new video titled, "CHOLOS GONE WILD" (with that typical music in the background). Blinky would be the host dancing cholo style to o.g. Zapp "doo wah ditty" music.

Anonymous said...

N14 said...

Come on "son of moe." Lighten up. The oldfoolf13 blog was and is my way of encouraging "oldschool f13" to continue with his scholarly pursuits of improving his written communication skills. I consider it a charity effort.

You are _so_ humane in your considerateness and dealings with your problem child. Could you show a mild condescending gentleness and tolerance to oldschool f13? Be more sympathetic with the sur's point of view and more compassionate with this lonely and misunderstood child. If you are a charitable person you will be disposed to to show a kindly and merciful attitude toward this person in distress and to help him when and where possible. Your impersonal high-mindedness should gloss over oldschools weakness's and failings.


Anonymous said...

Who was it that said the kids join gangs for the money and fancy cars. I guess Reyes Hochman fancy car must have been in the shop. So he was taking the bus instead. (lol)

From Los Angeles times,1,1413015.story?coll=la-headlines-california

James Pinchak is a defense attorney representing Reyes Hochman, an 18-year-old alleged member of the Brown Pride Sureños gang in the north San Fernando Valley.

Hochman was dressed in baggy pants and waiting at a bus stop in Van Nuys last month with another man when police allegedly confronted them and asked if they were on probation.

When both answered that they were on probation, police searched the other man and allegedly found 4 grams of methamphetamine, Pinchak said.

N14 said...

If one enlarges the image of the wila, one can see areas that have been covered up with white out. Any ideas on what might be under the white out?

Anonymous said...

With all these arrests targeting mainly the Latino Gang areas,(threw in a couple of token black gang arrests).Will the attacks on the Latinos by Black Gangs escalate?..If so will we still see all the Black activist marching down the streets crying stop the violence then?..With Love, Los Angeles Resident.

Anonymous said...

In the LA TImes today. The fallout from the "get tough" policy's of the Ca. Justice system., the continuing, "lock em all up, show the voter's I'm tough on crime philosophy" by short sighted politicians and groups like the Prison Guards Union.
Now we are in the middle of a massive gang sweep in LA where anyone suspected or resembling a gang member will racked up for any minor offense.
Very few Gov't supported intervention progrtams or alternatives to youngsters getting involved with gangs, in the last 20 years one State College built while over 20 State Prisons were constructed.
LA TImes;
"The prison nightmare scenario,
If Sacramento fails to find a quick solution to overcrowding, the streets may run with released felons.
March 30, 2007

CONSIDER HOW CRIME in Los Angeles might be affected if the streets were suddenly flooded with thousands of felons released from state prison all at once. Now consider that this could well happen within the next two months if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature can't hammer out a comprehensive plan to relieve prison overcrowding.

Capitol insiders had high hopes that a prison compromise could be finalized this week, before today's start of the Legislature's weeklong spring recess. That didn't happen, which is a little scary for anyone with a calendar. Three federal judges are mulling requests for caps on the prison population, which stands at 172,000 in a system built for 100,000. One of the judges has demanded that the governor present a reform plan by May 16.

If a cap on the prison population is set somewhere between the two numbers — say, at 130,000 — that would almost certainly mean early release for the excess inmates, a high percentage of whom hail from Southern California. They would be heading home with a bus ticket and little else, except for maybe some new gang connections made behind bars.

The judge's deadline has helped belatedly focus the minds of lawmakers and prison interest groups. Even the notorious prison guards union has made noises about playing nice. In the past, the California Correctional Peace Officers Assn. has spent its considerable campaign war chest fighting attempts to shorten sentences for nonviolent criminals while backing tough-on-crime laws and blocking the most minor solutions to overcrowding, such as the governor's attempt to send some inmates to prisons in other states. Yet the organization is now collaborating with longtime opponents to create a sentencing reform commission for nonviolent felons.

An impartial commission is a good idea. The trouble is that there have been dozens of good ideas recommended by various studies and state panels over the last decade, only to be ignored by politicians cowed by crime-wary voters and the influence-exerting guards union. The guards, like other late-breaking "reformers," might just be trying to create a paper trail of deniability before judges step in and announce unpopular, draconian measures.

Schwarzenegger has been a more convincing reform advocate; his latest proposal calls for relaxing sentencing and parole rules and providing community-based facilities for the least dangerous criminals and more prison drug-rehab and job-training programs. Schwarzenegger also wants to spend $11 billion to build 78,000 jail and prison beds.

But time is running out. Republicans and some moderate Democrats aren't wild about appearing soft on crime. But they will be even less wild about the reaction they get from voters in the event that one of the early release inmates ends up killing someone. That's a scenario Sacramento should ponder over spring break."

What'll happen when the chickens come home to roost?


Anonymous said...

Judge Roy Bean (the only law west of the Pecos!) says'

Where are these law dog suplicants now.
We have found that some of these so called gang and youth intervention groups are being run by former Gangsters who may be ripping off the public coffers for hundreds of thousands, or maybe more than a million dollars. This is an outrage!
Let's gut all those kind of programs and get tough on crime!

"Schwarzenegger also wants to spend "$11 billion" to build 78,000 jail and prison beds."

Hang em high!
"the only law west of the Pecos!"

Anonymous said...

If one enlarges the image of the wila, one can see areas that have been covered up with white out. Any ideas on what might be under the white out?

We here at In the Hat have contacted the FBI and attained permission to run the supposed EME wila through their nuclear spectograph analyzer and find that indeed there are "white out" areas and below that surface is what seems to be a recipe for Spam. Can anyone explain or elaborate?

Anonymous said...

reyes HOCHMAN? Where's he from? WS Sholom Gang?

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously going to jump on here with this b.s and expect anyone to take you serious? At no time was Elmwood ever part of toonerville nor was Elmwood ever going to be a part of tvr, the subject was ever brought up in any talks, I've been from from day one. People like you taking out of your ass start shit for nothing... keep your nose out of other people's business, cause you have no idea what the fuck your talking about ....