Saturday, August 24, 2013


If you've been keeping your ear to the ground, you've no doubt heard that the murder rate in Pomona is heading upward. The LA Times and other local papers have covered this but none have so far gotten close to what's happening.

Be advised that this comes from two separate sources and not something I pulled out of my bag of speculation. When I speculate, I let you know that.

From someone who just came out of the system, the story seems to be that Crips and Bloods have come  to some sort of understand when they're out playing in Pomona. They've put aside their ancient animosity and presenting a united front to the one entity they both agree is the real enemy -- the Surenos. Red and Blue has apparently been replaced by Orange - the new indicator of some kind of unity. Like we said, this comes from a reliable source and while it may sound far fetched, there may be more than a little truth to it.

Another sources seems to have validated this contention and further elaborated that the Black IE is also putting out a welcome mat for Crips and Blood factions that operate in the IE. The point of the alliance is not wasting time fighting each other when they're both battling Surenos.

What to make of this?

If true and if the alliance holds, we're going to see some major violence erupting in Pomona and elsewhere. If it's not true, then we're back to the old paradigm and the status quo remains.

More on this if it develops.


Anonymous said...

Sound like an ill advised plan.

Here's some info and tips for whoever thought up "Operation Orange Bandana".

over 70% Hispanic and growing
under 10% Black and shrinking

Blacks are on their way out of Pomona anyway, even without a race war. There's nothing that the black gangs can do about it. If they rile the eses up, then it's going to be all bad even quicker.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Black gangs have to try something ... anything to offset the Hispanic plague. We all know that (starting in O.C. with Sana) the EME uses these type of tactics (encouraging street gangs, county jail and state prison inmates) to attack Blacks in order to maintain a firm control on them. All in the name of ethnic pride. How ironic.

Anonymous said...

"over 70% Hispanic and growing
under 10% Black and shrinking

Blacks are on their way out of Pomona anyway, even without a race war. There's nothing that the black gangs can do about it. If they rile the eses up, then it's going to be all bad even quicker."

numbers alone don't decide the victor. It seems to me, all these guy in prison reading Sun Tzu, do it to enrich their vocabulary. In the preface of one version, it sums up Sun Tzu's definitions of a superior and inferior mind. The superior mind isn't the one quick to rush a river or beard a tiger. It takes calculated risks. The inferior mind however, is quick to beard a tiger and rush a river. which leads me to conclude, the book is only being read in prison to enrich one's vocabulary because everything i know about prison, from watching lock up, is that rushing a river and bearding a tiger, is mandatory if one comes across either. failure to do so, gets one branded a coward and no good. then it comes down to numbers.

RobThomas said...

Same old In The Hat! Tony squirts some lighter fluid into the coals and on come the hyperbolic responses from the cyber homies cheering on the violence. Oh, it's been too long. So glad your'e back, Wally.

Anonymous said...

I live in Ptown there is a race war but its latinos against asians the other murders have been black on black and latino on latino why are you trying to stir the pot?